I said I would turn back time

Chapter 276 Tit for tat

In the hotel room.

Feeling the fierce fighting spirit erupting between Lin Xing and Xingxiao, Jing Shiyu felt as if the air had become extremely dull, pressing down on her like stones, making her unable to move.

Looking at Xingxiao in front of him, Jing Shiyu thought in his mind: "I didn't expect that they had been suppressing Lin Xing according to the rules of this world before, but this time they actually took action directly."

Jing Shiyu could imagine that the other party had slowly put pressure on Lin Xing and used the rules of this world to restrain Lin Xing little by little. Maybe it was because they considered the power of this world, maybe they didn't want to overly stimulate Lin Xing, maybe it was because of the internal affairs of the other party. There are also contradictions in the distribution of interests...

In general, she could feel that Xingxiao wanted to use a more stable and peaceful method to control the situation, control the armed conflicts within the level of military exercises, and avoid overheating the situation.

But at this moment, when the public opinion turned slightly and Lin Xing showed that he had mastered Xingxiao's memory, the other party actually made plans to intervene with force that night, showing his incomparable decisiveness and resoluteness.

Jing Shiyu thought in her mind: "When things have reached this point, force will speak for itself after all..."

But Lin Xing's ability to step into the third inheritance was obviously beyond the opponent's expectation, which led to this temporary confrontation.

Looking at the two sides facing each other, Jing Shiyu thought in his heart: "Time is on Lin Xing's side, the later the two sides confront each other head-on, the better for Lin Xing..."

"But since Xingxiao rushed over directly, I'm afraid he won't give up easily."

"Is there any way to delay the battle between the two sides and give Lin Xing an advantage..."

In the dull atmosphere, Xing Xiao lowered his eyes and said slowly: "Then let's talk first."

"Lin Xing, to be honest, if it's not a last resort, I don't want to fight you so early."

I saw the thunder lights behind Xingxiao seemed to have turned into thunder dragons, looking at Lin Xing covetously.

And Xing Xiao said word by word: "But using my memory, you have crossed the line."

"Now, return the memory to me, and I can treat what you did before... nothing happened."

Between Lin Xing's brows, a trace of immortal energy appeared and disappeared, ready to come out.

At the same time, the runes of the Six-Secret Immortal Refining were still spreading out from the center of the entire room toward the surrounding corridors, rooms, and ceilings, constantly increasing Lin Xing's combat materials and control range.

And after hearing what Xingxiao said, Lin Xing stared into his eyes without giving in, and said calmly: "We are tied up by the fighting in the city center, shall we change places?"

Xingxiao laughed, looked at Lin Xing's eyebrows and said, "It's just a trace of immortality. Do you really think that with such a trace of immortality, you can beat me?"

"Lin Xing, I have never used force against you, but taught you a lesson according to the rules of this world. It's just because your ability is too troublesome. I don't want to make the situation too confusing before the inspiration comes to me."

"But that's not why you can do whatever you want."

I saw Xingxiao's hands making magic spells, and the talismans carrying the power of heaven and earth were unfolded in front of him. Layers of golden virtual images emerged on his body, as if they had turned into a robe.

The terrifying pressure spread out from Xingxiao's body. At this moment, he seemed to have transformed into a supreme and holy dojo. Countless unfathomable and indescribable powers were descending and settling into his body.

Jing Shiyu's heart sank: "Xingxiao's dual practice of martial arts and martial arts, one of the third pass is the celestial master, this is probably the power passed down by the celestial master."

"However, the time Lin Xing speaks can expand the control range of the Liumi Immortal Alchemy, and even gradually refine the entire hotel into a magic weapon, which is beneficial to him."

"It's impossible for Xing Xiao not to see this, but he also continued the conversation with Lin Xing. What is he also preparing?"

At the same time, Lin Xing on the other side looked at the changing Xing Xiao and responded calmly: "Do you not want to make the situation too chaotic...or do you want to wait until the day when the world changes and inspiration comes to us to seize me?" Ability?"

Xing Xiao frowned: "Oh? You even know this?"

Although he knew that Lin Xing must have mastered part of his memory, Xingxiao still didn't understand how the other party obtained his memory and how many memories he obtained.

And what Lin Xing said at this moment made Xing Xiao understand that the other party knew far more than he had expected before.

Lin Xing continued: "My ability to transcend time and space was obtained at the moment when the world changed, right? And your ability to rebirth is derived from my ability to transcend time and space."

"So you never wanted to really kill me, and you didn't want me to lose control before that day. You also wanted to use me to stir up the situation, or even help you start the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts."

"And only if I live well until that day and master a certain amount of power can I guarantee that you will also gain the ability to be reborn on that day."

"This is also the cornerstone of your existence for reincarnations in the past... Even now, you still want to steal my ability."

Bai Yiyi and Jing Shiyu on the side were all surprised to hear Lin Xing's words. This was also the first time they heard such important information.

Xingxiao snorted coldly, looked at Lin Xing and said: "Steal...steal? Lin Xing, since you already know this, do you know that you were just selected as a weapon of Taiqing to bear this ability?" , but you failed to live up to this ability, you are not worthy of mastering this power at all..."

In Lin Xing's eyes, Xingxiao Xuying was standing aside, shook his head at him and said: "I don't know what he said. After all, it was not easy for me to transfer to you without anyone knowing it, and I couldn't." Take away all the memories.”

"There are some things we all know, some things only I know, and some things only he knows."

On the other side, Xing Xiao continued to say: "Because you simply don't have enough strength to control this great ability, the world is only getting worse and worse under your influence, and your own mental state is getting out of control again and again. .”

"If we continue like this, we will never be able to survive the day when the world changes. Every time the world will return to the past the moment you gain the ability."

Lin Xing frowned and asked: "What do you mean..."

Xing Xiao sneered and said, "You should have guessed it a long time ago, right? This is not the first time that you activated time travel from the moment when the world changed drastically, and everything went back to a year ago."

"At the moment when the world changes and you gain power, because you can't bear this great power, your consciousness and physical body will completely collapse, causing the world to go back to a year ago."

"It is because of your weakness that our world has never been able to move towards the future."

"The instrument of Taiqing must change its owner."

"Looking at the world today, only I have the courage to master the Taiqing Weapon. Only by mastering your ability can I bring the world to a better future."

As the two sides talked, their respective pressures continued to increase.

Every time Xing Xiao uttered a word, the golden light that appeared on his body became more intense, and golden phantoms had spread out of the room, passing through the hotel building like invisible phantoms.

The runes of the Six-Secret Immortal Refining controlled by Lin Xing have spread to most of the hotel, turning into dense black runes wandering in every corner.

Even with Lin Xing's body as the center, black runes began to spread in the atmosphere, seeming to turn the air inside the entire building into a magic weapon.

The vision caused by the two caused panic among countless hotel staff and residents. Some were calling the front desk, some were calling the police, some were shooting videos, and some were running out of the hotel...

But as the golden phantom that appeared on Xing Xiao's body swept past, the people who were running just now stood there dumbfounded, with weird smiles on their faces.

In the hotel room at the center of the confrontation, Bai Yiyi was turning on her mobile phone and slowly pointed it at Xing Xiao and Lin Xing, who were standing face to face.

Seeing the two people suddenly looking over at the same time, Bai Yiyi smiled awkwardly: "The battle of the century! Do you mind if I broadcast it live?"

Xingxiao suddenly smiled slightly, and the golden robes and countless talismans on his body instantly retracted. Looking at Lin Xing in front of him, he said, "You did a good job this time, and you have lived up to my trust in you."

"Perform well in the next martial arts performance. I look forward to accepting your challenge in the end."

Just as Xingxiao left the hotel, a Taoist priest followed him from nowhere.

He stood next to Xingxiao and said, "Why don't you take action? While you are talking, I have already finished gathering my momentum. I can definitely hit Lin Xing hard."

After Xingxiao pondered for a moment, he said: "He has already entered the third generation, which is still the loose immortal inheritance, and has already made a very deep application of that trace of immortal energy."

He glanced at Yun Hezi beside him and said, "The White Eagle Kingdom's military has not retreated yet, and there is a live broadcast in that room."

"Once he uses his immortal energy to temporarily block us for a short while, the situation will become very chaotic."

"And if he runs away and hides, things will become more troublesome."

Originally, Xingxiao and Yunhezi were trying to make a difference, but the two powerful three-passers took action together and captured Lin Xinglai like a lion fighting a rabbit.

I thought it was foolproof, but I didn't expect things to develop beyond the original plan.

Yun Hezi frowned and said: "Then what are you going to do? How long has it been and he is already the third inheritance? If you continue to let it go, the consequences will be disastrous."

Yun Hezi seemed to think of the past scenes of Xiao Linxing doing all kinds of evil and killing wantonly, and there seemed to be a deep sense of wariness hidden in the depths of his eyes.

Xing Xiao nodded and said: "It's really beyond my expectation. I didn't expect that I had tried my best to widen the gap between me and him, but I was still caught up by a lot. The problem... I'm afraid it's in his hands. About me in that memory.”

"But don't worry, the timing is wrong today and you are not well prepared."

"Then we'll do it the day after tomorrow."

Yun Hezi raised his eyebrows: "The day after tomorrow?"

"Not bad." Xingxiao said lightly, "I'll go visit some old friends tomorrow."

"Now that things have come to an end, since we have to do something, we must act like a thunderbolt, without giving the opponent any chance, and completely cover up the matter, so as not to let the countries of the world intervene."

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