I said I would turn back time

Chapter 333 Death Fight

Yun Hezi opened his mouth and let out a roar, and his five arms simultaneously erupted into five different styles of Dao Zhenxing Fist.

With one move, it was five times the punching power and five kinds of fighting styles.

The Dao Zhenxing Fist is originally an unparalleled boxing technique in which one punch is stronger than the other, and one punch is stronger than the other. However, its biggest weakness is the need to build up momentum with each punch.

But now Yun Hezi's every move was a five-punch attack, going from the first to the fifth punch in one move.

In other words, in just three moves, he can push the Dao Zhenxing Fist to the level of the fifteenth punch.


Looking at Yunhezi at this moment, Lin Xing seemed to finally face him squarely.

"Joker, you're just starting to look good now."

As soon as he pointed out, the mountains had turned into layers of barriers to block Yunhezi.

"But I have a big enemy to fight right now, and I don't have much time for you."

Inspired by Xiao Lin Xing, who was retreating at a high speed, Lin Xing continued: "I'll do the math...then I can only give you time for one move at most."


After breaking through the layers of barriers formed by the mountains, endless pain appeared on Yun Hezi's face, as if the pain of thousands of Yun Hezi burst out at the same time on his face.

"Lin Xing! It's because of you, because of your existence, that we have been killing each other for so many years!"

"What nonsense are you talking to him about? Cripple him!"

"Hahahaha, kill kill kill kill kill kill!"

While roaring, Yun Hezi, who had broken through the barrier, had punched five more times.

Lin Xing looked at Yunhezi who had pushed the Daozhen Forming Fist to the tenth blow, and a cold thought rose up.

"If I want to force you to retreat with one move, I can only use a cruel method."

The immortal energy runes between the eyebrows disappeared in a flash, and the next moment, the entire world was covered by dense black runes.

The runes refined by Liu Mixian not only covered the whole world, but also spread into Yun Hezi's body along the atmosphere.

Over the past period of time, Lin Xing has reorganized and repaired the bodies of the victims every day.

It took him many years to skillfully reorganize his physical body.

And to reorganize the physical bodies of the victims, especially the various sizes, heights, dimensions, and shapes, it will naturally take a lot of time to practice.

So every time the reorganization fails, he needs to let Bai Yiyi kill him, and reorganize again after going back in time.

It was just this repeated practice, ranging from a few days to a few weeks, that he could proficiently complete the reorganization of one person in an instant.

During this period of time, thousands of victims were reorganized and transformed by him.

In this crazy practice, Lin Xing has reached an incredible level in terms of speed and accuracy in reorganizing his body.

At this moment, the black runes all over the sky flashed slightly, and Yun Hezi, who was still pushing forward with his fist just now, froze in place.

He was shocked to find that all five of his arms had disappeared.

Lin Xing transformed his body in an instant at a speed that far exceeded his reaction.

This process was not even noticed by Yun Hezi, who was still punching just now.

Falling to the ground with a thud, Yun Hezi was about to stand up, but found that his legs were gone.

And Lin Xing disappeared without knowing when.

Lin Xing's soul shot out with electricity and followed closely behind Xiao Lin Xing.

The two sides fought and fled at the same time, and the surging power continued to overturn the earth and stir up the mountains and rivers.

Black runes flashed between heaven and earth from time to time, causing various powers to be transmitted to Xiao Linxing's body.

But as long as any external force is transmitted, it will be instantly shattered by Xiao Lin Xing's powerful energy. Whether it is his reaction or the control of every detail of his body, he is completely inferior to Lin Xing.

"Did you see it?" Xiao Linxing said happily: "This is the power that Lin Xing and Xingxiao have honed in the death battles in the past."

"As I continue to penetrate this power, I am becoming stronger and stronger!"

"When are you going to run?" Lin Xing said coldly: "It's impossible to run faster than my spirit just by relying on your physical body."

Xiao Linxing chuckled and took out a small folding door from his clothes: "Run?"

"Please be clear, I just want to change places to fight you."

"For example... in this world."

Looking at Xiao Lin Xing entering the fairy gate, Lin Xing's soul flashed slightly and he followed closely.

Spiritual awareness swept in all directions, and Lin Xing instantly knew where he was in the present world.

"White Eagle Country, Xinke City?"

Xiao Linxing looked at the city that had just experienced a catastrophe not long ago, and laughed and said: "The most prosperous city in the world is suitable to be our battlefield."

He slammed forward, and with earth-shaking explosions, skyscrapers began to collapse.

Black runes are all over the building, and the building must be instantly refined into a magic weapon to escape the fate of collapse.

But the next moment, with the blazing Qi, even if it turned into a magic weapon, the whole building still shattered.

And the thousands of people inside the building were directly shaken into clouds of blood mist, and they died until they could no longer die.

Xiao Linxing took a deep breath, listened to the screams that kept coming from the atmosphere, and said with satisfaction: "That's right. The most powerful battle in the world, how can we not let these mortals witness it and let them feel this god's battle? The same power."

Lin Xing stared at the little Lin Xing in front of him: "Fight somewhere else, I have no interest in affecting innocent people."

Facing Xiao Lin Xing in front of him, even with Lin Xing's strength, he couldn't fight without dying.

Xiao Linxing laughed and said, "Who cares about you..."

Before Xiao Linxing finished speaking, he saw that Lin Xing had already brought a bloody light and swept towards the entire city.

Wherever the bloody light passed, human flesh disintegrated one after another and was integrated into the bloody light. In the blink of an eye, thousands of people disappeared without a trace, leaving only empty clothes.

"You're not leaving, are you?" Lin Xing said coldly, "Then I'll kill everyone first so that you can't kill them all, and then I'll resurrect them after I defeat you."

"Do you know what I hate most about you?" Xiao Linxing shouted angrily: "It's this kind of bullshit hypocrisy!"

"You want more than killing people, right? Then it depends on whether you kill more or I kill more."

"Let's see who among us kills all the people in this city first!"


I saw him crashing into the buildings like a whirlwind.

While he was taking action, Lin Xing Yuanshen had already taken the lead and frantically shattered the people in front of Xiao Lin Xing one by one.

The two figures, one after the other, attacked in all directions in Xinke City. Houses collapsed wherever they passed, and no one was spared. It looked like two people were competing to kill.

The entire city seemed to have faced an unprecedented natural disaster.

Countless citizens didn't know what was happening, they just screamed and ran to wherever they thought they were safe.

The government, the military, the media...all the circles are frantically investigating what happened and who is attacking Xinke City.

The only result they knew was that one of them was Lin Xing.

But even if you know, there is almost nothing you can do.

Countless people stared blankly at the two sides fighting, as if waiting for the unstoppable divine punishment from the gods.

The next moment, Lin Xing and Xiao Lin Xing suddenly stopped in mid-air at the same time.

The red light that filled the entire sky lay beneath their feet. It was a sea of ​​blood formed by countless human lives.

The two of them looked at the black spots in the distant sky at the same time, which were the approaching fighter jets.

In addition, there are several powerful auras that appear and disappear, seeming to be wandering inside and outside the city.

"Damn it, here comes the troublemaker."

Xiao Linxing exhaled, and the hot air exhaled from his body after the fierce battle swept towards the street below with strong heat.

He looked at Lin Xing and said coldly: "Although I am annoying you, this time of great changes in the world, it is the strongest Lin Xing who should survive it."

Lin Xing said calmly: "There should be no interference in our battle. Otherwise, if the weaker side wins and then faces a situation where the world changes drastically, then this battle will be meaningless."

Little Lin

Lin Xing looked up at the sky and said coldly: "Go to the sky and fight, can you?"

Xiao Linxing snorted coldly: "Only one person can survive this battle."

He looked up at the sky, thinking a little in his mind, and found the sublimated power that could assist him in flying.

He roared, and nine divine dragons flew out from the scroll behind him, and then merged into his body.

The next moment, among the shocked eyes of countless people, they saw a figure and a bloody light rising into the sky, like two meteors, heading towards the outer space.

This world.

Fairy Gushe was walking on the street in a daze, as if she was still brooding over something.

In an alley not far away from her, a mysterious woman was staring at him like she was sizing up prey.

At this moment, exclamations sounded from every corner of the city.

Fairy Gushe raised her head in surprise and saw what seemed to be two meteors flying across the distant sky.

"That's..." She narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at the incredible trajectories of the two meteors, and said with some uncertainty: "Two people?"

The mysterious woman staring at her also looked at the sky, with a trace of shock in her eyes.

Suddenly, a fire light lit up in the sky, and an extra meteor fell toward the earth. It was a satellite that was affected by the battle between the two powerful men.

Xia Kingdom, Donghai City.

Countless car drivers on the street suddenly noticed something strange.

"Why is the navigation broken?"

"The GPS is gone? What's the situation?"

"The internet seems to be slow too..."

At this moment, screams rang out, and in everyone's shocked eyes, a plane pierced the sky and fell to the ground with a bang.

Above an electronic screen not far away, the figure of the Great Light Buddha slowly emerged. He looked up at the sky and thought to himself: "These two monsters are getting further and further away from the earth."

"After they decide the winner, the person who comes back will cause an even more terrifying disaster."

outer space.

In the darkness more than 20,000 kilometers away from the earth.

The forces of Lin Xing and Xiao Lin Xing are in fierce collision.

And as the two sides fight wantonly, as both sides ruthlessly release their destructive power in front of the world, even if it causes crises one after another.

Lin Xing felt that the immortal energy in his body had skyrocketed since the beginning of the war.

Xiao Linxing on the other side also felt that in this death battle, he was increasingly integrating the cultivation base in his body and becoming stronger and stronger.

Seven days have passed since the fierce battle between Lin Xing and Xiao Lin Xing.

There are still five weeks until the world changes.

During these seven days, people all over the world seemed to have seen the light and shadow shining like two shooting stars in the sky.

And because of the confrontation between the two sides in outer space, global satellites, navigation, radio, television, etc. have been greatly affected.

There are also large amounts of space junk falling to the earth from time to time, like the fire of hell descended by the gods, attracting a large number of ignorant people to kneel down and pray towards the two stars in the night sky.

"Ha ha ha ha."

On a skyscraper, the leader of the Immortal Palace looked at the two rays of light in the sky and said with a smile: "Ten more days? Twenty days? Or will it take a month to decide the winner?"

"The Lin Xing born after this war will be terrifyingly strong, earth-shatteringly strong, unbelievably strong, and its strength will reach an unprecedented level."

"So... hurry up and hunt. If they can't accumulate enough resources before they decide the winner, then everyone's doom will come."

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