I said I would turn back time

Chapter 339 Fighting on the Earth

Hearing Jing Shiyu's question, Fairy Gushe, who smelled of alcohol, smiled.

She said slowly, "Lin Xing, how can you believe that I won't harm Jing Shiyu?"

"Yes, I hate that she keeps pestering you endlessly."

"But you have already told me, then I will never attack her again..."

Lin Xing's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Well... how do I know if you are lying to me?"

Fairy Gushe seemed to get excited when she heard this. She held a wine bottle in one hand and a mobile phone in the other and shouted, "Aren't you still willing to believe what I say?"

"Lin Xing, our teachers came from the same school. We studied art together since we were young, practiced together, and ate and slept together every day."

"We practice Taoism together. When we first studied the structure of the human body, we did it by touching each other's flesh and blood."

"Also, the first time we made doubles, we made each other's doubles."

Lin Xing's voice came faintly: "Impossible, our ages are not the same, I was not even born when you practiced."

"Damn it, I don't know what's going on."

Fairy Gushe suddenly threw the wine bottle out of her hand, held her head in one hand and said, "But that's what happened. You who were supposed to be with me just appeared in this world, and you are so much younger."

Lin Xing on the other end of the phone said lightly: "That's why you made a mistake."

Fairy Gushe smiled, and said in a waned way: "Lin Xing, you still don't understand, you just don't understand if you have lost your memory."

"From the first day we were together, no one knows me better than you, and no one knows you better than I do."

"Do you still remember the year we first went down the mountain? We entered each other's body for the first time. From that day on, we stayed awake and stirred together all night long..."

Fairy Gushe's breathing seemed to be a lot heavier all of a sudden, and she seemed to be becoming more and more excited with the smell of alcohol all over her body.

"Taverns, brothels, fields, alleys...our blood and flesh are left everywhere."

"We agreed to integrate half of our bodies into each other's images, to become each other's substitutes, to become each other's other half, and to break through to the fourth inheritance together in the future."

"So Lin Xing... that night when I used my spiritual sense to sense you for the first time, I was sure that it was you. It was you who took away half of me, making my empty body unable to be perfect for so many years, because I lacked half body."

The other end of the phone fell silent, as if even 'Lin Xing' didn't know how to answer Fairy Gushe at this moment.

"Lin Xing, I know you still don't want to believe me."

"But half of me is in you, and half of you is in me. As long as you are willing to integrate with me again, as long as you come into contact with my pictures again, you will definitely be able to restore your memory, and you will be able to Let you understand my thoughts..."

Lin Xing's cold voice came from the other end of the phone: "Enough, do you think I will believe your stupid words?"

Fairy Gushe laughed: "Lin Xing, what are you afraid of?"

"Do you not believe it, or are you afraid to face your past memories?"

"Lin Xing! If you are still a fucking man, stop being such a mother-in-law. Either you kill me, or I will never let you go!"

Listening to Fairy Gushe's words, the other party's tone sounded more and more cold: "Whether what you said is true or false, I don't want to listen to it anymore, because I have no interest in you."

"Gu She, I don't like you, I even hate you, a crazy and short thing, how could I want to touch you?"

Fairy Gushe froze in place when she heard these words: "Lin... Lin Xing, you..."

Her breathing seemed to become faster, and there seemed to be a suffocating feeling in her chest.

The other party went on to say: "Gushe, it is even more impossible for me to believe your ignorant intentions, because you are now my dog ​​that I have subdued. I can trample you or insult you as much as I want, but it's not your turn." Make up your mind."

At this moment, Fairy Gushe's petite body sat down on the ground, a hint of unwillingness gradually appeared in her eyes, and she murmured: "Lin... Xing."

"We clearly agreed that we would become one and be together forever."

"You...why do you say that to me..."

Lin Xing's voice came from the phone again: "You want to prove your mind, right? You can, but you have to do it according to my method."

Fairy Gushe listened nervously to the voice from the phone as if she had caught a drowning person and grabbed the last straw, and asked, "How do you want me to prove it?"

The other party said calmly: "Someone witnessed a master who looks very similar to you. I want you to take her down."

Fairy Gushe was slightly startled: "But my cultivation has been sealed by you, how can I take action?"

The other party said unhurriedly: "Although I still need to fight outside, I have arranged for other people to help you recover part of your cultivation..."

After Jing Shiyu hung up the phone, she seemed to be lost in some kind of thinking, with a cold light flashing in her eyes.

After a long time, she came to the door and looked at a man waiting outside.

I saw that the man's whole body was wrapped in layers of bandages, and blood stains spread everywhere in the bandages. It seemed that there was not a piece of good flesh in this man's body.

This mysterious man covered in bandages is Yun Hezi.

After being temporarily released by Jing Shiyu, he underwent emergency surgery in order to restore his physical appearance as much as possible.

The medical technology currently available in the world is naturally not enough to completely restore Yun Hezi's physical body.

However, various adjustments, cuts, and stitches of flesh and blood allowed Yun Hezi to barely regain his human form, and his cultivation level returned to more than 50%.

Yun Hezi looked at Jing Shiyu and asked, "What do you need me to do?"

At this moment, he looked quiet, even willing to obey Jing Shiyu's orders.

It was just because the head of the Supreme Harmony Sect was still in the hands of Jing Shiyu, and Yun Hezi's neck, brain, heart and other key vital parts of his body were all loaded with explosives.

Jing Shiyu looked at Yunhezi with a slight smile and said, "This is your chance to take revenge on the head of the sect."

"In a few days, Fairy Gushe will go to deal with a woman who looks very similar to her."

"This woman should belong to the same faction as the man who hurt your head."

Yun Hezi's eyes moved, and he said, "You want me to join hands with Fairy Gushe to take her down?"

Jing Shiyu shook her head: "Fairy Gushe is capricious and cannot be trusted."

"I want you to spy on her movements."

"If Fairy Gushe loses to her opponent, you will wait for the opportunity to sneak attack on that woman."

"If the strength of the two sides is equal, and both sides will lose in the end..."

"Just kill them both."

Mirror world.

Mount Emei.

The Great Bright Buddha stood on the cliff, looking at the Emei sect camp in front of him like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, he was shocked.

He came to Mount Emei to look for Jian Ji and Bai Mei, whom he hadn't contacted for a long time.

Since the two of them went to Mount Emei according to his guidance, they completely lost contact with him and did not return to the present world for a long time.

And when the Great Bright Buddha came to Mount Emei today, he went all the way from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, but he didn't see a living person on Mount Emei.

There are sword marks from fighting, dark red blood, and all kinds of broken arms and limbs, one corpse after another.

"Someone is coming to attack Emei?"

"The entire Emei area was wiped out?"

"Did anyone survive?"

"Where is Sword Lady? Where is Bai Mei? Where have they gone?"

With questions one after another, the Great Bright Buddha finally found Baimei on a path in the back mountain of Emei.

It's a pity that Bai Mei has already lost his breath for a long time and cannot die anymore.

Although his ally was dead, there was no trace of sadness on the face of the Great Light Buddha. On the contrary... there seemed to be a trace of joy in his eyes.

"Another madman has died. There is one less threat in the future world, which is a good thing."

"Today you will join my sect and become an Arhat in my Buddhist world. Please do your part to correct chaos and purify the world in the future."

The Great Bright Buddha chanted bursts of Buddhist sounds, and his hands changed the seals, raising a lot of Buddha light to protect Baimei's body.

An indescribable change happened to Baimei's corpse, causing the corpse to stand up soon and follow the Great Light Buddha solemnly with a precious look on his face.

And as he continued to move forward, there were more and more traces of fierce battles ahead, and various shredded mountain walls and caves kept appearing in front of the Great Bright Buddha.

Then he came to a square, and before he got close to the square, he could hear bursts of screams and wailings.

In a huge pit, countless people were huddled together, screaming in pain.

But after careful observation by the Great Bright Buddha, he found that these people were not "squeezed" into a ball, but connected with other people from top to bottom as if they were sewn together.

The head is connected to another person's buttocks, the arms are connected to another person's legs, and the stomach is another person's head, and the legs are connected to another person's back...

Hundreds of people were "squeezed" together like this, forming an extremely huge piece of fat.

And as the human body struggled, the flesh kept twisting like some kind of living foreign object, and kept making painful wails.

And at the top of the "meat", a figure covered in dark red bloodstains was sitting quietly, as if listening to the continuous screams under his feet.

"Sword... Sword Fairy?"

The other party's body did not know how many layers of plasma were covered, so that the Great Light Buddha could not see the other party's appearance clearly, and could barely recognize the other party's identity from the figure.

Sword Lady was still sitting quietly on the mountain of corpses without speaking.

The Great Light Buddha asked again: "Did you do all this? Where's Bai Mei? Did you kill him too?"

"Jian Ji, why did you do this?"

While speaking, he was already extremely alert: "Did Sword Princess become even crazier in her pursuit of power?"

At this moment, from underneath the piece of meat, a figure that was also connected to the piece of meat struggled to squeeze out, trying to move in the direction of the Great Light Buddha.

Looking at the other party's appearance, the Great Light Buddha was slightly startled again.

"You...are you Baimei?"

But the other party roared: "Kill! Kill me! Kill me damn quickly!"

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