I said I would turn back time

Chapter 349 Future Power

"It actually stopped the state of dissolving the corpse and returning to the state of immortality, and returned to the flesh and blood."

"It really shocked me."

"But Lin Xing, I'm shocked not by how effective your approach is, but by your stupidity."

"I never thought that you, in a state of madness, would make such an unwise decision."

"Without the pure Yang Yuanshen, how can you compete with me?"

"You abandoned your last resort of defense."

In the next moment, the two sides had exchanged nearly a hundred moves.

Within a hundred moves, Lin Xing's power failed to hit the opponent even once. He could only watch his body being shattered by the opponent, and tried his best to reorganize it again and again. In the blink of an eye, only the upper half of his body was left. .

No matter how he tried or counterattacked, Lin Xing found that the only outcome of his fight with his opponent was getting hit.

And the other party's body is like a phantom that can always be seen but cannot be touched. No matter how hard he tries, he can't touch it.

The entire fight was like a movie scene that was constantly being skipped. You could only see Lin Xing getting hit again and again, but you couldn't see the Star God taking action at all.

It was as if everything was doomed and Lin Xing could not change it no matter how hard he struggled.

On the other side, the Star God was seen shaking, and the aura around him had shaken away the blood mist that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

"When you are fighting against me, do you want to place your own flesh and blood nearby and mix it into my body to attack?"

"It's useless Lin Xing."

"I have said it before, my eyes have seen through the past and the future, and my destiny is already in my hands!"

"You have no chance of winning."


Just as Star God was speaking, his figure flashed again and again. The result of each flash was that a large piece of Lin Xing's body was severely damaged.

And just as Lin Xing's body was being destroyed, and as he was heading towards defeat step by step, Tianlian looked at this scene in disbelief on a black mountain peak not far away.

"In the previous battle, Lin Xing protected me for some unknown purpose and gave me a chance to survive temporarily.

"But now it seems that Lin Xing... is about to lose."

Shilin Temple's "The Knowledge of Cause and Effect" can sense other people's emotions, thoughts, and even the memories that flash through their minds.

But facing the two powerful men in the Battle of Tianwai, Tianlian's cultivation level could only vaguely sense the emotions of the two, and it was impossible to pry into the thoughts and memories of both parties.

In her perception, the previous battle between the two sides was like two monsters with extremely destructive desires, fighting crazily driven by strong evil thoughts.

But in just a few minutes, the situation has changed dramatically.

The fighting party suddenly began to become calmer and no longer crazy, but exploded with more powerful strength.

This completely goes against all the cultivation theories Tianlian knows.

"Why? Why is he no longer crazy, but after he becomes calm... he becomes stronger?"

In Tianlian's understanding, only masters who release their desires more and more wantonly and become more extreme can display the power of their own power and become more powerful.

But Xiao Lin Xing in front of him, with his inner peace, broke out with more terrifying fighting power, even overwhelming Lin Xing, and took an unprecedented victory.

This phenomenon completely violated Tianlian's common sense. After careful observation, she gradually came to an answer in her mind, a more absurd and abnormal guess.

"I can't sense the other person's emotions all the time..."

If Xiao Linxing was in a crazy state just now, Tianlian's sensing of the opponent's emotions was like a curve that kept going up and down.

So at this moment, Xiao Linxing's emotions were like jumping points in Tianlian's induction.

For this impossible phenomenon, Tianlian only had one explanation in mind: "Disappeared, his existence... completely disappeared again and again, and suddenly appeared again and again."

"In this case... it can only be that he has crossed time and space."

"But it's not like going back in time."

"He...he reversed the flow of time and sent himself to the future again and again?"

"Is this him further developing his abilities?"

This incredible idea arose in his heart, which made Tianlian's sea of ​​consciousness unable to calm down for a long time.

"Is it really possible to achieve this? If so, he can both turn back time and jump through time... Who can defeat him? Who can stop him?"

"Invincible...is he really invincible?"

"But... okay, if this calm, even rational guy wins the final victory, maybe it will be a good thing for the world?"

Just when Tianlian was thinking rapidly in her mind, her mind was agitating back and forth, and she felt all kinds of tension and anxiety about the future fate of the world.

With waves of flesh and blood flying everywhere, Lin Xing was finally left with only one head, which was held in the hands of the Star God.

"The victory has been decided." Tianlian sighed in her heart: "It's over."

She looked at the man standing at the center of the dark world, as if she had seen the future master of the entire world, the strongest being in this world, a truly invincible strong man.

"Where will the strongest man in this world take this world?"

At the same time, the Star God on the other side looked at Lin Xing in his hand and sighed lightly: "Lin Xing, it would be better if it were earlier."

"Our world is too crazy."

"If I could feel this peace earlier..."

But at the next moment, the Lin Xing in front of him suddenly slowly dissipated and disappeared.

Star God felt a pain in his chest, and a palm actually penetrated his chest and exploded his heart.


Looking at the palm that passed through his chest, Star God was slightly startled.

He looked at the head that had completely dissipated in his hand again, and said in disbelief: "You...you have mastered it too?"

Lin Xing tilted his head and said calmly: "Have you forgotten?"

"I... also have a memory of Xingxiao here."

On the other side of the battlefield, Tianlian looked at this scene and thought to himself: "Lin Xing won? Why? Why did Lin Xing suddenly defeat the opponent?"

"And the two of them... why did they suddenly calm down?"

In Tian Lian's mind, the memory of crushing Lin Xing when the Star Gods had just gained the upper hand in the battle had completely disappeared.

In her memory at this moment, there was only the image of Lin Xing suddenly rising up and piercing the Star God's chest with one hand.

And the emotions of both parties suddenly changed from being crazy on both sides to being calm on both sides.

"What's going on? It's so weird, this is so weird."

At this moment, Tianlian was like a person watching a video, only to find that once the video was played, he could only see the beginning and end.

And no matter how she recalled or thought about the middle process, she didn't have any memory at all.

At the same time, dense black runes erupted from Star God's body, changing his physical body continuously.

Lin Xing looked at the opponent in front of him, and said slowly: "You really understood the mysteries of the past and the future one step earlier than me."

"But even so, even if you have an absolute advantage, you still can't defeat me."

"On the contrary, I made a breakthrough under the oppression you brought."

"Then just to explain one thing..."

"I'm stronger than you."

Star God smiled slightly: "But now I still have the strength to fight back, right?"

Lin Xing said coldly: "One move, before I completely refine you, you can burst out with one move at most."

"But you should understand that it is impossible to defeat me with just one move..."

The Star Gods confronted each other: "Yes, I have already lost this battle."

"But what if at the end of this battle, I blast this move to the ground and hit Jing Shiyu?"

"Will you let me go to save her? Or will you sacrifice her to completely defeat me?"

Lin Xing looked at him coldly and said, "You can try and see if I can stop you and save someone at the same time."

Seeing Lin Xing frowning slightly in front of him, Star God laughed and said: "Lin Xing, in the face of such a big event as changing the world, you still linger on the personal relationship between your children. This is your biggest weakness!"

While speaking, he saw the Star God disappear in an instant.

At the same time, Lin Xing also disappeared.

Tianlian, who watched this scene, suddenly widened her eyes: "Disappeared? Both of them disappeared?"

"Not only can't see it, even their emotions and the existence of their ideas have all disappeared."

"Where? Where are the two of them going?"

At this moment, in the space hundreds of kilometers away from Tianlian, two violent and dazzling rays of light suddenly exploded.

The figures of Xingshen and Lin Xing appeared in it, and the fists of both sides collided fiercely, like two meteors colliding, and violent fluctuations erupted.

The intercepted Star God had more and more runes all over his body, and his body was about to be completely transformed by Lin Xing.

But there was a smile on his face.

"Lin Xing, you miscalculated."

"The last thing I could explode...was two moves."

A hundred meters away, a shadow of the future suddenly appeared, and it punched hard towards the earth.

The invisible fist force pushed a piece of cosmic garbage, shooting towards the earth like a meteorite.

Star God smiled and said: "Choose, Lin Xing, whether to prevent Jing Shiyu from being killed, or stay here..."

Lin Xing looked at him coldly, squeezed the Star God's neck with his right hand, and continued to accelerate his transformation.

Just when the Star God thought that the other party had given up on Jing Shiyu, a faint shadow of the future actually appeared behind the other party.

Lin Xing: "Come out, future."

Star God looked at this scene in disbelief: "You!"

Lin Xing's thoughts accelerated and swept through the opponent's body, and he was about to complete the final transformation: "Since I have completed the breakthrough, how can I not be able to use the power that you can use?"

"The one who miscalculated is you."

Star God's eyes were full of shock: "Impossible, you can't learn it in such a short period of time..."

Suddenly, he reacted: "Have you learned it a long time ago? Have you been hiding this skill?"

He realized a lot in an instant.

Starting 17 days ago, Lin Xing must have begun to understand the power of the future while fighting against his future shadow.

After these 17 days of enlightenment, especially the countless time travels and the assistance of a large number of human brains, his thinking has made rapid progress.

"...so you can complete the breakthrough at the last moment."

"Not only because of the oppression I brought to you, but also because you have already accumulated it since the beginning of the war..."

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