I said I would turn back time

Chapter 404 Embrace the light

Looking at the two powerful four-passers disappearing underground, Jing Shiyu was about to sense their location when suddenly he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the world in front of him seemed to have undergone an inexplicable change.

Jing Shiyu looked at the battlefield in front of her in surprise. She clearly remembered that just now the sky was full of smoke and dust, covering the moonlit sky.

But in the blink of an eye, the smoke and dust that had just rushed into the sky had dissipated a lot, and a large amount of sediment fell back to the earth.

The two powerful men who were still within her induction suddenly disappeared at this moment, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

This weird phenomenon made Jing Shiyu extremely puzzled: "What on earth happened..."

"It's the limit."

Lin Xing on the side said calmly: "Just now, with my body as the center, the space within two meters around me has turned into a stop."

"In this realm of cessation, the movement of things and human thinking stopped for about four seconds."

Hearing Lin Xing's explanation, Jing Shiyu became even more shocked: "The other party actually has such power?"

She immediately sensed the status of Lin Xing and herself, but found that neither of them seemed to be harmed in these four seconds.

Jing Shiyu asked in confusion: "For four full seconds, the other party didn't use it to attack us?"

Lin Xing shook his head, already feeling the strange position of his heart and brain.

I saw that the dagger that pierced the heart was now dead, and there was no longer the active and active thinking that it had before.

Lin Xing could feel that a miniature limit had wrapped around the dagger, causing the thinking on it to completely fall into a state of stagnation.

The same is true for the broken sword hidden in his mind. After being sealed by the Zhijie, it was like a dead thing and completely lifeless.

"The larger the scope of the stop, the stronger the individual strength within the range, and the stronger the target's control of time and space, the shorter the duration of the stop will be."

"Facing me at this moment, his limit can only last for four seconds at most."

"And in just four seconds, he only had time to seal the sword at my heart and brain with a micro limit."

"The purpose is to prevent my death from turning back time."

Listening to Lin Xing's calm words, although there were many things Jing Shiyu didn't understand, it was enough for her to sort out a general idea.

She quickly asked: "Since the so-called stopping time is related to the target, will the seals at these two locations last long?"

"These two places are not under my control." Lin Xing sensed the position of his brain and said, "This miniature limit in my head can last for about one minute."

"The heart side is more troublesome. If we don't end this battle, I'm afraid it will happen within a week."

Watching Lin Xing turn his head and look at himself as he spoke.

Jing Shiyu subconsciously turned her head away, as if she didn't want Lin Xing to see her white hair.

"Shiyu, I haven't seen you for six years, you have become more charming."

"You look so beautiful now, both in strength and light."

Jing Shiyu's breath hitched slightly, but before she could say anything, Lin Xing had already turned his head and looked in another direction.

"In the next minute, the opponent will unleash the most violent attack, especially the dog fairy. After a short rest, he will be able to use Stop Boundary again."

"Stay here carefully and don't move easily."

Fairy Gushe on the other side bit her lip and looked at Lin Xing who didn't say a word to her. The expression on her face turned gloomy: "Lin...Lin Xing..."

At the same time, violent roars came from the ground one after another.

As the ground cracked, large amounts of sand rose into the sky, covering Lin Xing's location like a sandstorm.

Thousands of ghosts shuttled through the smoke and dust, slowly surrounding Lin Xing.

The cold thoughts of the great elder Zhou Tianhui also came out: "Lin Xing, do you still remember six years ago, when you were defeated by the immortals and ran around on the moon with your head in your arms?"

"I can't believe that now, six years later, you dare to stand here and directly confront the power of the immortal..."

Under the cover of smoke and dust, ghosts roared and roared towards Lin Xing from the darkness.

However, he saw Lin Xing blowing a gentle breath, and the smoke and dust in front of him suddenly dispersed, and countless ghosts suddenly appeared in front of him.

The next moment, shrill screams sounded one after another.

The ghosts were melted under the blazing light, turning into a ball of smoke and dissipating in the atmosphere.

"You still have 55 seconds to struggle to your heart's content." Lin Xing said lightly: "And the new future is destined to be born in 55 seconds from your pain and sacrifice."

"Arrogant!" the great elder shouted violently, and saw countless ghosts gathering in the earth, and then a native man dozens of meters tall, already under the infusion of ghosts, rose up from the ground, waving his fist like a mountain. He hit Lin Xing hard.

As the natives approached, blazing white gas surged from the natives' bodies. Pieces of sand and rocks seemed to have turned into volcanic magma in the high temperature, emitting astonishing temperatures, but they continued to explode without stopping. Xiang Linxing.

But in the next moment, the sand and rocks that turned into lava giants seemed to be scratched by countless invisible sharp blades, and were torn into pieces in an instant.

But as more ghosts escaped into the earth, one giant after another roared up and rushed towards Lin Xing.

The huge movement caused a stir in the ground for several kilometers, and several buildings outside the park collapsed with a loud bang.

Just as the great elder was trying to fight with Lin Xing, a blackened palm slowly stretched out from the surface on the other side.

Wan Daoxian's whole body was burned, accompanied by intense pain inside and outside his body, and the killing intent and hatred in his heart burned more and more intensely like a ball of flame.

"The next minute will be his weakest moment. He must not be allowed to survive this minute safely to achieve the real breakthrough that the old ghost said."

"We must completely subdue him within this minute."

Wan Daoxian, who was determined, had decided to use a trump card that he had hidden for a long time.

Dazzling lightning bloomed from Wan Daoxian's fingertips, turning into a thunderbolt that shot straight into the sky.

With a crackling explosion, thunder scattered in all directions and spread along the clouds to various locations in Donghai City.

The next moment, as if responding to the call of Wan Dao Immortal, hundreds of thunder exploded in every corner of Donghai City.

No, to be precise, it should explode on every spiritual acupoint in Donghai City.

As the thunder exploded in the sky, streams of dark air continued to rush into the sky, covering the entire city like billowing dark clouds, and like black flames igniting the sky and starting to burn.

In that dark sky, it seems that countless weird and twisted faces can be seen struggling and shouting.

Lin Xing suddenly raised his head and looked into the air, and he immediately reacted in his heart: "Is this the formation that the woman from the Kunlun Sect used in Xinke City?"

"No, it's more rigorous and complete than that formation, especially based on the hundreds of spiritual acupoints in Donghai City..."

At this moment, Lin Xing understood why the President wanted to occupy the spiritual cave in Donghai City. It was probably not only to control the strategic location, but also to secretly set up this formation.

He turned his head, his eyes seemed to pierce through the layers of smoke and dust, and looked at the location of Wan Daoxian: "What is your relationship with Kunlun?"

Sensing Lin Xing's thoughts, Wan Daoxian sneered, and as the billowing black air in the sky poured into his body like a funnel, a domineering thought with no inhibitions came out of his body and swept across the entire battlefield.

"You should ask what the relationship between Kunlun and me is!"

"The Kunlun you met is nothing more than a group of rebels, a group of people who cheat the world."

"My family and I are the true descendants of Kunlun!"

Suffering betrayal, fleeing overseas, struggling to survive, incomplete inheritance... The history of the struggle of generations of ancestors in the family reappeared in Wan Daoxian's mind, making him roar unwillingly.

I saw streaks of thunder gathering together again in the hands of Wan Daoxian, and finally turned into a thunder gun several meters long.

It's just that this time, with the blessing of the formation of Baikou Spirit Point in Donghai City, the thunder gun was dyed with a layer of black energy, like black lightning being held in the palm of Wan Daoxian.

His face was also filled with black energy, making him look more and more crazy.

"I am the true descendant of Kunlun and the destined master of the world!"

"You defeat me!"

The next moment, the black thunder gun seemed to penetrate the space. After a slight flash, it appeared directly in front of Lin Xing and was about to hit him with a bang.

But at the moment when the thunder gun was about to hit Lin Xing, his figure disappeared like an afterimage.

The thunder gun penetrated the afterimage and exploded hundreds of meters away.

And Lin Xing had already stepped into the smoke and dust in front of him.

I saw a slight scar appearing on the palm of his hand at some point, and a piece of blood-red Chisha Xuanshui spread out from it, floating in all directions like a red mist.

Chisha Xuanshui: It can be as heavy as Mount Tai or as light as a feather. Wherever the Xuanshui is, it can change its shape and change its body position freely.

At the same time, more black thunder guns flickered towards Lin Xing, crossing the space at various incredible angles and appearing in various locations around Lin Xing's body.

The roaring earth giant, controlled by the ghost, roared and rushed towards Lin Xing, hitting the ground with its fists like meteors.

But before each attack hits Lin Xing, his figure will disappear in an instant and appear in another location.

"If people want to change their destiny, they need to endure pain."

"But not everyone who suffers can change their destiny."

"What they may have changed is the fate of others."

"But human beings are still rushing forward, throwing themselves into the unknown future. This is the greatness of human beings..."

Lin Xing's twinkling figure kept walking on the battlefield accompanied by the blood mist that had spread so much that it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Wherever he passed, countless silt suddenly melted, vegetation turned into ashes, and the ground beneath his feet gradually turned into flowing magma.

As the battlefield continued to heat up, Wan Daoxian and the Great Elder felt that their bodies seemed to be in severe pain again. Every time they breathed in, their internal organs seemed to be tingling.

As Lin Xing walked on the battlefield, he continued: "You two... haven't noticed yet?"

“Wherever I go is where I come from.”

"Just walking around you is enough to blow the life out of you."

"With your broken bodies now, what should you do..."

At this moment, a faint smell of blood suddenly poured into the tip of the great elder's nose.

Looking at Lin Xing who appeared in front of him at some unknown time, less than ten centimeters away from him, his heart suddenly sank.

The next moment, Lin Xing took a step forward and was already eye-to-eye with the great elder.

"Embrace the light."


Infinite light bloomed in front of the great elder, completely engulfing his flesh, body, and spirit.

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