Sensing Lin Xing floating behind him like a portrait.

Feeling the large amount of information received in my mind.

From the information given by the immortal, he learned about Lin Xing's powerful ability after his breakthrough.

Wan Daoxian was slightly startled, and his brain had already reacted.

"Having this ability to control time and space, not only can you be immune to almost all attacks, but it can even be difficult to observe?"

"As the old ghost said, I have no chance of winning against him at this moment."

"But the chance of a successful evacuation is not zero."

"While he is blocked by the limit, I must completely leave the battlefield and get rid of his tracking..."

With just a flash of his body, he brought forth a thunderous light and shot towards the outside of the battlefield.

At the same time, he sensed the great elder rushing towards Jing Shiyu's position, and a hint of joy immediately filled his heart.

"Very good. With his support, my success rate of escaping will increase to at least 50%..."

I saw the lightning on his body exploded, split into seven rays of lightning, and shot towards different locations.

At this moment, the old voice came into his sea of ​​consciousness again.

"Go in the direction I tell you."

Wan Daoxian hesitated slightly, but the next moment he followed the other party's guidance and rushed directly into a building.

Then he knocked through the floors and finally fell into the underground transportation network of Donghai City.

After escaping along the complex underground transportation network in front of him, he finally came to a platform where many citizens were standing.

Everyone at the scene was surprised as a figure with flashing lightning flew out of the tunnel, and finally turned into a man and landed on the platform.

However, the man's body was charred, his face was covered in blood, and he looked like he was seriously injured and running away.

Looking at the surprised looks of the mortals, and even a few people picking up their mobile phones to take pictures, Wan Daoxian snorted, and electric lights flashed in the air.

Evil energy hovered in his eyes, exuding bursts of cold murderous intent.

In the blink of an eye, two thunder guns were generated behind him, aiming at the crowd in front of him.

He did not allow these ants who saw his ugly appearance while fleeing to continue living.

But at the next moment, his movements suddenly froze in place.

Just because he found Lin Xing standing on the other side of the platform at some point, looking at him quietly, as if he had been waiting here for a long time.

Wan Daoxian was shocked: "How is it possible? How could he get here earlier than me?"

At the same time, Lin Xing said lightly: "Oh? Is the 58th time the limit?"

Wan Daoxian said nervously: "Old ghost, what does he mean?"

The old voice responded: "What he means is that you have run 58 times."

Wan Daoxian's face darkened: "Is it going back in time?"

He looked at Lin Xing in front of him and asked coldly: "Lin Xing, are you treating me like a monkey?"

Lin Xingze continued: "Your escape route this time is exactly the same as last time. Has this reached your limit?"

The old voice said calmly: "Maybe."

"You are testing my insight into your ability to travel back in time, so why am I not testing your current mastery of this ability?"

Listening to the conversation between the two, a flash of enlightenment flashed in Wan Daoxian's heart: "Just like the previous stop boundary had limited effect on Lin Xing."

"Lin Xing's ability to turn back time cannot be hidden from the immortals. Immortals can retain their memories during this process."

"And Lin Xing wants to use the incident of my escape to test the immortal's resistance to his ability."

"The Immortal wants to take this opportunity to find out more information about Lin Xing's abilities..."

Thinking that he had become a tool of temptation and a chess piece in the struggle between the two sides, a strong sense of unwillingness flashed through Wan Daoxian's heart.

But he immediately suppressed this emotion, because he knew that the current situation was extremely dangerous, and he needed to be extremely careful and cautious if he wanted to survive.

Lin Xing continued: "Dog Fairy, your true body has probably not left the fairy world, right?"

The old voice said lightly: "You should feel lucky. If not, you would have died in my hands six years ago."

Lin Xing suddenly said: "In today's battle, I can feel that the power you put here is not strong enough."

"If I had to guess, it's because your real energy is pursuing other things?"

The old voice smiled and did not answer Lin Xing's question, but suddenly said: "Lin Xing, you should go to the Great Zhou Capital to take a look."

"It can help you understand a little more about the fairy world."

"Maybe then you will realize that dying in my hands six years ago was a better ending."

Lin Xing frowned slightly. Although he knew that the other party might be diverting his attention, he also knew that he could not let go of this clue.

Just as the two were communicating with each other, testing and making mysteries back and forth, Wan Daoxian said: "Lin Xing, maybe I can provide you with what you want to know."

But after saying these words, Wan Daoxian found to his annoyance that the other party didn't even look at him.

He could only feel the thoughts of both sides colliding in the air, but he no longer knew the content of the conversation.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Xing never had any dialogue with him, as if he was no different from the ants around him at this moment.

This kind of disregard made Wan Daoxian feel a strong sense of humiliation.

He spoke again: "Lin Xing, I am the true descendant of Kunlun. I know a lot of information about the immortal world..."

Just then someone finally responded to him.

But it wasn't Lin Xing, but that old voice.

The other party's sigh slowly sounded in his mind: "Okay, junior, don't be embarrassed anymore."

"Every time I see you begging for mercy, struggling, and fearful... I can't stand it anymore."

Wan Daoxian was slightly startled, and just when he was about to speak, the old voice sounded again.

"Who do you think you're talking to?"

"Without your senses of time and space, even communication is time-consuming and laborious in front of us."

"As for all your secrets, all your calculations, those little thoughts, and little emotions, they are meaningless in front of us."

"How long you can live depends only on the outcome of my communication with Lin Xing, and Lin Xing's patience with you."

"So... don't embarrass me anymore, okay?"

Wan Daoxian clenched his fists violently, his eyes showing bloodshot threads amid the swirling evil energy.

He recalled that he had talked, laughed, and bargained with the immortals before, making customized plans to plot against Lin Xing like partners.

But obviously from the other side's point of view, the two sides have never been on the same level.

When he lost his value as a chess piece, the opponent completely took off the disguise of being able to communicate.

The next moment, the old voice came to Lin Xing again: "I'm making you laugh again, but you should also understand that your world is too dirty, whether it is flesh, blood, spirit or soul, it is too polluted. .”

"So much so that I can't even be a dog well, and I always go crazy easily..."

Lin Xing said lightly: "You should also be from this world, right? You only ascended to the fairy world a hundred years ago."

The other party smiled and said casually: "It is true that I have lived in this world for some time, but compared with the long years I have experienced in the fairy world, all the experiences in this world seem small and ugly."

"You simply can't understand the difference between the fairy world and this lower world."

"Infinite lifespan, boundless power, and the things that really matter about how the world works."

"Everything in this lower realm is nothing compared to it."

"Lin Xing, think about it one hundred years from now, two hundred years from now, three hundred years from now, what will be left of the people and things you value?"

"You will be tired of the mortals who continue to repeat their stupidity from generation to generation, and you will be completely disappointed in this increasingly filthy world."

"You...sooner or later will choose to ascend."

"If you are willing to cooperate with me, I can help you seek to join the Immortal Court."

"Otherwise, if you ascend and become a wild immortal who cannot enter the fairy garden, those dogs will be your role models."

"Think about it carefully."

Feeling the other party's departure and listening to the last few words left by the other party, Lin Xing thought of the three immortals in the Battle of the Moon six years ago.

Obviously, the role models mentioned by the other party refer to these three people.

At this moment, Broken Sword in Lin Xing's mind said: "Although I know you won't trust this dog fairy easily, I still want to remind you that the immortals in the Immortal Courtyard must not be trusted."

Recalling that after he ascended, he also turned into a monster controlled by the other party, Duanjian said coldly: "I think nine out of ten powerful people who ascended to the immortal world were harmed by that immortal court."

Lin Xing nodded: "But as the last ascendant a hundred years ago, why was he not killed?"

Many speculations emerged in Lin Xing's mind, but after all, he lacked some key data.

On the other side, Wan Daoxian felt Lin Xing's transferred thoughts and was about to speak, but saw that the other party had turned and left.

And his body seemed to be slightly light, and all the power lost contact at the same moment.

As the body slowly fell to the ground.

He could only watch Lin Xing's disappearing figure.

There was no last desperate struggle, not even a decent communication, and he had already died in the hands of the other party.

He felt like he was an ant being casually pressed to death by the opponent at this moment.

Just like the thousands of ants he once trampled to death.

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