I said I would turn back time

Chapter 412 Immortal Edict

Outside the capital city of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Countless refugees are waiting for food outside the city.

In the rows of haphazardly built shacks, rotting corpses, human excrement and various inexplicable smells were mixed together, making them look extremely dirty and filthy.

In this case, diseases quickly spread back and forth from person to person, and coupled with famine and crime, the daily death toll here continued to rise.

But there are still more refugees gathering in the capital, just for the slightest possibility of survival, for example, if a big shot is willing to donate porridge and soup to them.

In view of the growing chaos outside the city, officials reported the situation to the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty.

The emperor, who was in his early twenties, looked at the memorial and threw it aside impatiently.

"Ten thousand Dao Immortals have fallen, Lin Xing is born again, the Imperial Master is still offering sacrifices to heaven, the Western Emperor has issued a summons, and there is a vision of the Immortal Court in the Mingshan Sect..."

"At this time, do you still want me to care about these little things?"

The emperor sighed: "No one in the civil and military dynasties can understand me."

As a high-ranking official in Dazhou, he deeply understands that in today's world, the strong hold all the power.

The thoughts of the strongest person deeply affect the direction of the entire world.

The weak at the bottom can't decide anything. In his opinion, the life and death of thousands of people are not as good as the slightest change in the mood of the strong.

But after thinking for a moment, he frowned and said, "Is this person from Shangshu sent by the Wan family?"

"That's all, there is some truth in what you said. If you leave it alone, it will be bad if it affects the national master's sacrifice to heaven."

"Order the troops of the five cities to go out of the city to clean up the refugees."

"All the rioters who are unwilling to leave will be killed on the spot."

"Let them clean up all the bodies."

After giving the casual instructions, the emperor became concerned about the situation of the imperial master again.

Today's Great Zhou Imperial Master is the head of the Taihe Sect who came from the Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

The other party came to the capital five years ago, killed the current emperor with one finger, and then chose a person to be the new emperor with his eyes closed, who is now the emperor of Zhou Dynasty and the original eunuch.

The eunuch became the emperor, but no one could express his objection in front of the head of the Taihe Sect.

Because all opponents have become dead before they express their opposition.

In fact, the earlier first wave of opponents were already dead before the head of the Taihe Sect selected this eunuch.

Because the first one he picked was a dog.

But because he yelled and screamed, he beheaded the dog, and then it was the eunuch's turn.

From then on, the leader of the Taihe Sect became the true Supreme Emperor of the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

Maybe there are countless people in the world who oppose it, countless people who work against it, and countless people who think about how to fight against it...but he doesn't care.

Country, power, sect... everything is good. It is just a tool in his hand. If it works well, use it. If it doesn't work, just change it. For the sake of this tool, he will go against his own will, which will affect his cultivation. It will not be good for him. That's impossible.

And today's Emperor Zhou also clearly understands that his wealth and life are tied to the other party.

But since the national master presided over the ceremony of worshiping heaven half a month ago, he has never appeared again.

Although the emperor sent people to investigate from time to time, no news came out, which made him uneasy and uneasy.

Especially in these days when all the top masters in the world were in trouble, it made him even more confused.

"Send someone to see if the Imperial Master has come out of seclusion."

North of the Royal Palace.

The Master of the Taihe Sect was wearing a gorgeous purple robe, and his white hair was meticulously tied up. He was kneeling respectfully in front of the altar, looking solemnly at the talisman in front of him.

This is already the sixteenth day that he has been kneeling here.

But Xianting's response never came down.

He didn't dare to leave at will, even though this groveling look made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Just because if the Immortal Fu Zhao did not respond in time, the Immortal would severely punish them, the Kunlun disciples.

Besides, the Immortal Court manages the people of all realms and shepherds billions of creatures, so it is bound to be busy and it is impossible to respond to him all the time, so he thinks it is reasonable for him to wait.

In fact, Kunlun internally set up an altar to worship the Heavenly Queen like this and waited for the Immortal Court's response. It was also recorded in the records of the sect that they waited for months or even years.

Even if something happened in the past hundred years, Xianting did not respond to them.

If the Immortal Court had not taken the initiative to issue an edict this time, the leader of the Taihe Sect would not have built an altar and tried to contact the Immortal Court.

Thinking of the order issued by the Immortal Court, a trace of worry flashed in the eyes of the Master of Taihe Sect.

"The heaven and earth are undergoing great changes, inspirations are surging, and evil spirits are already everywhere in these two realms."

"Immortal Court is still trying to circulate Kunlun and continue to convey evil energy... If this continues, I'm afraid it will be difficult for this lower realm to survive."

Although the leader of the Taihe Sect is also a strong man with evil spirits, he understands that if the evil spirit continues to become stronger, even a strong man like him will be greatly affected. By then, all life in the two worlds will be devastated, and only the complete will be left. of madmen and monsters.

So after knowing that Xianting was going to continue to bring down evil spirits, he immediately went to Shu just to ask about the ascension.

"Both realms are over. The only plan for now is to ascend to the Immortal Palace and find a position to avoid becoming a wild immortal and being eaten by mermaids..."

As the leader of the Taihe Sect, he knows a lot about the inside stories of Kunlun and Xianting.

Zhenwu Dangmo, the fourth inheritance passed down from generation to generation by the Taihe Sect, is the real inheritance of ascension and has the qualifications to ascend to the Immortal Court.

At this moment, the talisman on the altar suddenly shook slightly, and then the immortal energy surged.

The master of Taihe Sect immediately stared and saw a line of words floating on it.

Although he did not recognize these immortal texts, some information immediately appeared in the mind of the leader of the Taihe Sect, and he transformed these immortal texts into words that he could understand.

"The filth you are sending down now is to relieve the difficulties in all realms and to bring blessings to billions of people."

"You must remember not to ruin the overall situation of all realms for the sake of this realm."

"Helping the Ming Mountain lineage to move Kunlun..."

The Master of the Taihe Sect quickly read the contents. When he saw the last mention of his ascension and the two words "accurate" at the end, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, no matter what the future of this world is, it will not hinder his progress.

So soon the entire Great Zhou Palace began to stir because the leader of the Taihe Sect came out of seclusion.

Listening to the changes in the world during his period of seclusion, the master of the Taihe Sect was also slightly surprised.

"Wan Daoxian actually died in the hands of Lin Xing?"

Thinking of Lin Xing, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

Six years ago, in order to prepare for the great changes in the world, he deliberately avoided the then number one person in the world.

This made the master of Taihe Sect feel a little uncomfortable.

The Emperor of Zhou Dynasty on the side said quickly: "Master, this Lin Xing has been dormant for six years, and now it appears out of nowhere. I'm afraid the person who comes here is not good."

As the ruler of the northern part of the Central Plains, Da Zhou also had a large number of spiritual caves connected with the northern part of the Xia Kingdom.

However, the leader of the Taihe Sect shook his head disapprovingly: "Wan Daoxian is just a descendant of Kunlun's abandoned clan. The fourth lineage of the King of Heaven has only been famous a few years ago, but now it has long been unworthy of its name. If I want to lose He’s not hard either.”

"As for Lin Xing, if he is hiding in the Xia Kingdom, there is no need to worry about him."

Emperor Zhou asked: "What if he begs for the spiritual acupoint for Xia?"

However, the leader of the Taihe Sect didn't care about the other party's worries at all, and just said casually: "Just give it to them."

He was preoccupied with the matter of ascension at the moment, so naturally he had no interest in caring about Lin Xing, especially since the other party could not ascend to the Immortal Court like him, and it would only be a matter of time before he died and his country was destroyed.

Recalling the contents of the talisman just now, he thought to himself: "If Lin Xing really affects the major events of Immortal Court, I'm afraid it won't be my turn to take action."

The master of the Taihe Sect looked at the records in the past and said that every time Kunlun changes, the Mingshan Sect is responsible for its operation, and the Kunlun Sect members must fully help, and the inheritance within the Mingshan Sect will be severely promoted by the Immortal Court. Fan.

He was doubtful about this.

Now judging from the contents of the talisman, he knew that in order to ensure that the Mingshan Sect could successfully operate Kunlun, Xianting had revised the inheritance of the Mingshan Sect so that it would have the strongest combat power among the four generations and be able to operate the power of Kunlun. , the ability to change time and space and reverse yin and yang to ensure that no one in the lower realm is invincible.

He sighed in his heart: "Under the Immortal Court, the so-called most powerful people in the world are just ants, so why should we care?"

Donghai Fucheng.

In the Presidential Palace, Fan Mingxiu is packing his bags.

He rushed back as soon as he confirmed the news of the president's death.

As a senior official in the presidential office, he knew very well how quickly the new country would collapse without a president.

So he rushed back to the new country as soon as possible, hoping to gather as many people as possible and seize resources before the chaos started.

But the chaos came faster and more violently than he expected.

There are fights everywhere, and there are lunatics everywhere who want to step on others to get the upper hand.

It's not even just the city in front of you, because Xia Kingdom on the other side of the Immortal Gate has various fast news channels, and major cities in the New Kingdom have immortal gates connected to Xia Kingdom.

Just as they were in chaos, news of the death of the president had spread throughout the new country, and chaos was spreading throughout the new country.

Fan Mingxiu estimated that the South would soon be filled with warlords like in the past, and the country that had been forcibly unified by the president with absolute force would soon fall apart.

In his opinion, the Zhou Dynasty in the north and the Xia Kingdom on the other side of the Immortal Gate would not let go of this opportunity and would definitely get involved.

But Fan Mingxiu understands that this is a crisis, but it is also an opportunity.

Those who are extremely strong can eat him, and of course he can also target those who are weaker than him.

He decided that in every subsequent battle he would have to fight at a higher level and only fight against people at a level lower than him.

So he has made up his mind to leave the city in the next few days, find a place where the environment is not so intense, and start his own way of defeating the weak with the strong.

"This is a time of great strife, either you eat people or you are eaten."

"Then let's each rely on our abilities."

No longer needing to be loyal to the president, Fan Mingxiu felt a sense of freedom at this moment, as if he could leap like a fish in a vast ocean.

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind him: "Fan Mingxiu, where do you want to go?"

Fan Mingxiu turned around suddenly: "Wang Dong?"

The man in front of me was Wang Dong, the vice president of the new country. He grinned, and the murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "Fan Mingxiu, this time Wan Daoxian's death made me remember one truth again, that is. One should always fight against those weaker than oneself.”

"It's best to be weaker than a big realm."

"For example, I can attack you at will without any danger, don't you think so?"

Just when the two of them were at war with each other and the atmosphere was solemn,

A cold voice seemed to come from outside the sky, surging back and forth over Fucheng.

"Kneel down or die."

The next moment, Fan Mingxiu felt a sharp sword intent slashing slowly and slowly from the front, occupying almost all the space of more than one meter.

Seeing that the doors, walls, roofs, tables and chairs... everything was cut into pieces by the invisible swords, he found that he had only one choice left.


Fan Mingxiu threw himself to the ground, feeling the rows of sharp breaths sweeping over him.

In front of him, Vice President Wang Dong, who was talking to him just now, fell to his knees on the ground with a pale face, his head pressed hard against the ground, for fear that any part of his body would be higher than that line.

When Fan Mingxiu looked around, he saw people kneeling down or crawling under one meter among the debris in the sky.

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