I said I would turn back time

Chapter 419 Old Friends Reunion

Looking at the woman known as the Western Emperor in front of him, Lin Xing's doubts and sense of familiarity continued to rise.

Just because the other party's appearance is very similar to the prototype of the puppet Bai Yiyi once used, the female swordsman from the evil sect.

And the thought coming from the other party, the feeling that made Lin Xing feel extremely disgusted, was even more familiar.

The woman known as the Western Emperor gave a sweet smile, her smooth feet gently landed on the ground, and the surrounding camps and camps disappeared in an instant.

They seemed to be brought directly into another space, into a brilliant starry sky, completely leaving the shackles of the earth.

Looking at the stars in the sky in front of her, the woman smiled and said, "Lin Xing, your senses are sharper than I expected."

"I thought you wouldn't be able to detect it."

"But I didn't expect that six years later, I would still be so unforgettable in your heart..."

Zheng Yong on the side listened to the conversation between the two parties with sweat on his head: "Do these two people know each other?"

"But this atmosphere...it feels like these two people must have a grudge."

"And a fight can happen anytime, anywhere."

Zheng Yong could guess the power of the Western Emperor, one of the most powerful people in the world, by just thinking about it.

Two top warriors were about to fight, but he stood in the middle of the two.

He could only try to move his body and try to reduce his presence as much as possible.

But in this strange starry sky, without the support of the earth under his feet, the whole person was in a floating state, making it quite difficult for him to move.

Neither Lin Xing nor Emperor Xi could not notice Zheng Yong's actions, but they naturally wouldn't care about it.

At this moment, the two people only had each other in their eyes, and a wave of cold fighting spirit burst out from both sides, as if a shocking fight was about to start in the next moment.

"Star! Xiao!"

Lin Xing stared at the woman in front of him, who had skin as good as snow and was graceful. He said word by word: "Don't talk to me with this ungrateful face, and go back to your original self."

"The original appearance?" Xingxiao laughed, and his body started to tremble: "Is appearance so important to you?"

"At our present state, regardless of gender or appearance, what does this body look like? Does it still mean so much to you?"

Lin Xing's answer to Xingxiao was a cold snort.


"Don't mean anything to me... Xingxiao."

“The meaning of what we do only depends on our own will’s judgment of the world.”

"I don't like how you look like this. If you don't want to change back, then I'll beat you until you change."

The next moment, thousands of sword lights emerged one after another.

Each of these sword lights is very subtle, almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, and seems to be invisible and formless.

But as the number of sword lights continued to skyrocket, from 1,000 to 5,000, and then to more than 10,000...

The entire space was filled with dense sword light, just like layers of endless sword nets completely surrounding Xingxiao and Lin Xing.

And Zheng Yong, who was watching this scene, felt that wherever he looked, the whole world was filled with dazzling sword light, and the sharp aura was close to his body, making him feel that if he just made a little more movement, he would... was cut into pieces.

Feeling all this, Zheng Yong was shocked to the extreme.

"Any sword light here is enough to establish a sect and become the overlord of the whole world."

"But how many are there now?"

"When did such a peerless sword god appear in the world?"

"Damn it, being able to see such a peerless warrior fighting before death is worth the price of one's life."

Just when Zheng Yong thought that he was involved in the battle between two peerless experts and was certain to die.

But they felt another pressure coming into the fight between the two.

"Lin Xing, don't rush to do it yet."

A white-haired old man wearing a purple robe escaped into the starry sky, stood between Xingxiao and Lin Xing, and slowly said: "Now that the enemy is facing us, you and Xingxiao will only be able to fight each other. Destroy the overall situation.”

Lin Xing looked at the old Taoist priest who suddenly appeared, and his eyes narrowed again.

The other party was Tian Jizi who once belonged to the Xingxiao Sect, but later betrayed the Xingxiao Sect in order to survive in this world, and also used missiles to destroy the Taiqing Sect.

It's just that Tian Jizi looks much older than before. Not only is his hair gray, his face is covered with age spots, and his wrinkles are like ravines, just like a dying old man.

Looking at this long-lost old friend, Lin Xing said lightly: "Tianjizi, are you old and confused?"

"Don't think that because we have cooperated in the past, you can stand here and try to persuade us to make peace."

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll beat you up too."

As he spoke, the sword light that covered the sky and the sun was already strangled towards Xingxiao, almost completely wrapping the opponent's figure.

But the next moment, a giant beast composed of starlight roared out from Xingxiao's body, tearing apart the incoming sword light.

The woman's wild laughter also rang out, and a crazy idea swept the entire audience instantly: "Come on! Kill me! Lin Xing!"

"You kill me and I kill you, so what if I kill you to the end?"

"Let all the people in the world become fertilizer for Xianting!"

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Tian Jizi's face darkened, and then he sighed and advised: "Xingxiao, please change your appearance first."

"Lin Xing, when Xingxiao changes back to his original appearance, can you stop and listen to me?"

"Now the Immortal Court is so powerful that it is definitely not something you can handle alone."

But after hearing what Tian Jizi said, the face of the woman who was still smiling suddenly changed, and her eyes were full of ferocity.


"What qualifications does Lin Xing have to tell me to change?"

"Is this what I want?"

"Lin Xing! Have you forgotten that it was you who turned me into a dog?!"

The violent thoughts swept out in all directions, and the woman's back was undulating. One after another, giant beasts shining with stars emerged from it, each one bursting out with the pressure of the fourth inheritance level.

"In order to become a human again, in order to regain the power of this strong man, I became what I am now."

"Six years! Do you know how I have lived these six years?"

"do you know?!"

Dozens of starlight beasts roared together, and the starlight in their bodies showed different constellations one after another. The surging power exuded an ultimate evil, as if the evil thoughts of thousands of people were gathered in it.

Watching this scene, Tian Jizi felt a slight chill as he felt the evil thoughts in the star beast's body.

Human beings have worshiped the stars since ancient times.

It can be said that since the beginning of faith and worship, some people have been praying to the stars in the sky.

And Tianjizi knows that the evil thoughts in these star beasts at this moment are the evil thoughts that generations of humans on the earth have been praying to, making wishes to, and praying to the stars as gods for hundreds of years, and finally continue to project them into the starry sky. Desire.

It's just that in this land, all such desires are the evil wishes of killing people, looting goods, raping and plundering.

And this star beast is a divine entity formed by the gathering of evil wishes from generations to generations. It can be called the most evil evil god in this world.

Based on generations of human beings' imagination of the star gods, and using the endless evil desires as fuel, they finally refined the extremely evil star beast in front of them.

To subdue such a ferocious beast, one must bear the impact of endless evil thoughts all the time.

Normal people would absolutely lose their minds and completely collapse in this situation.

Therefore, even if the Star Dou Sect in the past created such magical powers and secret methods, no one could ever succeed.

"But let someone like Xingxiao, who has been crazy eight hundred times, subdue these star beasts..."

"What a mess."

Thinking of this, a burst of purple thunder suddenly erupted from his body, and he shouted: "Xingxiao, stop first."

"Lin Xing, you saw it too."

"Xingxiao and I are already strong men of the fourth inheritance, and we are definitely not something you can easily deal with."

"If you insist on continuing the fight, you will only suffer the loss in the end. Sit down and have a good talk..."

But Lin Xing on the other side glanced at him lightly.

"Go away, clown."

A heavy pressure swept over him, forcing Tian Jizi backward.

Tianjizi gritted his teeth and felt that Lin Xing in front of him was too arrogant and domineering. He couldn't help but think in his heart: "Maybe let him suffer some losses at Xingxiao's hands and understand our strength again, so that the two sides can have a good talk." talk."

Lin Xing on the other side looked at the star beast with teeth and claws, and bursts of blazing light suddenly burst out from his body, illuminating the entire place like the sun in the sky.

As he stepped through the void toward the stars step by step, the star beasts that were so vicious just now were like stars whose brilliance was obscured by the sun, and each one became dim.

They looked at Lin Xing with murderous intent and let out roars that shook the starry sky in front of them.

When a shocking fight was about to begin, a sigh sounded in the starry sky.

I saw the figure of another old man slowly emerging: "Lin Xing, stop it."

When he saw this old man, the fighting spirit in Lin Xing's eyes suddenly increased.

He couldn't help laughing: "Bai Hailiu! Is your old dog really here too?!"

The person who appeared in front of Lin Xing was the former evil sect leader, the mastermind behind the lifelong feud between Xing Xiao and Lin Xing.

Bai Hailiu looked at Lin Xing and said calmly: "If you do it again, I will help them beat you together."

"If three of us beat you one by one, if your future plans fail, we will definitely beat you to death on the spot today."

"Are you coming again?"

Seeing Lin Xing who didn't take any more action, Xing Xiao, who was surrounded by star beasts, laughed softly: "Aren't you going to fight now?"

"Lin Xing, you were not so naive before."

"Why did you lose the courage to lose to the immortals on the moon..."

Tian Jizi opened his mouth and vomited, and a purple thunder exploded in front of Xingxiao: "Shut up."

He turned around and said: "Lin Xing..."

But before he could speak, streams of red galaxies burst out from Lin Xing's heart.

In an instant, rivers of blood continued to split and meander, dyeing half of the sky with a layer of blood-red starlight.

There were stars twinkling in the blood river, and countless lights and shadows flashed away.

"This time...this body can finally no longer restrain me."

"Let's continue."

At this moment, in the reaction of everyone, Lin Xing seemed to have lost his previous figure, but he was everywhere, as if filling the starry sky.

Xingxiao chuckled and said, "I told you a long time ago that we don't have to talk about it, but you two don't believe it..."

"you shut up!"

Feeling this scene and the killing intent on both sides, Tian Jizi lamented: "Lin Xing, don't be impulsive. That old ghost is not joking with you. Do you really want to fight us to the death now?"

Lin Xing's overbearing thoughts filled the entire battlefield along with the red galaxy, squeezing the space until it vibrated slightly.

"Am I... joking with you?"

"Three against one do you think you can defeat me?"

"Can you do it?"

"You three losers couldn't do it back then."

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