Fairy Su Yao had no intention of hiding the matter.

After all, in her opinion, such a major matter related to the safety of the world cannot be done by just her and Fairy Gushe.

It's just that no one among the eight previous sects is willing to work with her to stop Xianting's plan.

On the contrary, along the way, watching the governance of Xia Kingdom and listening to the situation described by Fairy Gushe, she felt that these powerful countries in this world might be able to help.

Just listen to Fairy Su Yao continue to talk, clarifying the pictures in her mind and the things about future memories.

Fairy Gu She on the side crossed her arms and listened silently to Fairy Su Yao's words. Although she looked at Jing Shiyu coldly, she did not stop her.

Listening to Immortal Su Yao's words, Jing Shiyu frowned slightly from time to time, as if he was judging the truth or falsehood of the other party's words, or judging the countermeasures for such a doomsday disaster.

But in fact, she already believed half of what Immortal Su Yao said.

Just because in recent days, many similar phenomena of foresight have appeared throughout the Xia Kingdom, and a large number of people in the world have obtained memories similar to future scenes.

And in her mind at this moment, she had the same question as Fairy Gushe, that is...

"Why doesn't Lin Xing appear in her future memory?"

"With the morality in Lin Xing's heart, it is absolutely impossible to hide, let alone surrender to the Immortal Court."

"No matter what, he will not disappear silently in the future... Could it be that the precognition phenomenon sweeping the world this time was caused by Lin Xing in the future?"

Jing Shiyu thought of the various space-time phenomena that occurred before and after the Moon War.

She intuitively believed that what was happening around the world at this moment, including the space-time anomalies on Fairy Su Yao in front of her, were probably related to the future battle between Lin Xing and Xianting.

Jing Shiyu looked at Zhang Tiande in the room and thought in her mind: "If it is true as what the other party said, maybe the answer lies in the rest of the memory."

Thinking of this, Jing Shiyu had already made a decision in his heart.

"You can try to sense the memory in his body, but you must give me a copy."

Immortal Su Yao smiled slightly and said, "That's no problem. After reading the information, I will publish it all."

"No need to bother." Jing Shiyu said calmly: "We have our own way."

A moment later, several drones delivered a box of equipment under the command of Zhao Wanxi.

Following Zhao Wanxi's explanation, the equipment was rolled out one after another, and a patch was pressed on Fairy Gushe's head.

At this moment, Zhao Wanxi's power was slowly connected to Xiangu Su Yao's sea of ​​consciousness through these lines. As long as Xiangu Xuan Yao was willing, she felt that she could display the memories in her mind.

Immortal Su Yao felt Zhao Wanxi's power thoughtfully and said: "Interesting spell, it really saves a lot of effort."

After both parties confirmed that there was no problem, Fairy Su Yao pressed her palm on Zhang Tiande's head again and began to sense the memory from the future in the other person's mind.

At the same time, as Zhao Wanxi's thoughts poured into the screen on the side, first it gradually lit up with snowflakes, and then scenes of light and shadow emerged...

It was a huge conference room.

The conference room was buzzing with people.

Many high-ranking figures in the world, as well as strong men with extraordinary power, gathered together, and quarrels broke out.

"Xingxiao's ascension ceremony is about to begin, and we must consider our next options."

"The Mingshan Sect? Or Xingxiao? What do you say?"

"I support the Mingshan Sect. After all, the Mingshan Sect has the backing of the Immortal Court, and it can also protect one side after evil spirits come to the world."

"I also support the Mingshan Sect. The leader of the Mingshan Sect has said that they can give us a quota of 10,000 people."

"She said 10,000 people means 10,000 people?"

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Of course I choose Xingxiao. After all, Xingxiao is our compatriot, and he always considers the interests of this world when doing things. If he hadn't been checking and balancing many powerful people in the mirror world in the past ten years, I don't know how many more people would have died in this world. "

"It's not impossible to support Xingxiao, but I always feel that he is still close to ascending... isn't it? It's different with the Mingshan Sect. The power of the Kunlun Mountains is under their control. There have been many strong people in the past two months. They all took refuge in them.”

"The Mingshan Sect is now the strongest and most powerful. Why don't you choose them instead of you?"

"The Mingshan sect is not so easy to treat. That leader Zheng Jingshu is so crazy. Have you forgotten that she killed more than a million people in the Xia Kingdom in one breath last time? She didn't show any signs after that. She opened her mouth and asked the Xia Kingdom to Surrendering would be too overbearing.”

"Nonsense, who is the strong person in the world who is not overbearing? Isn't Jing Shiyu overbearing? Or is Xingxiao not overbearing? What kind of strong person can he be if he is not overbearing? If you ask me, it was the Great Bright Buddha and Lin Xing who made their own decisions that time. If it hadn't been for them After provoking the Mingshan Sect, how could so many people be killed in the southwest?"

"Xia Weiguo! More than a million human lives were just taken away by you so lightly? Have your sons and grandsons already moved to Mingshan Mountain a long time ago?"

The fierce quarrel continued, but no result was achieved.

Zhang Tiande was extremely helpless when he saw this scene. After Xingxiao announced the ascension ceremony and the Mingshan Sect was about to launch a war to attack the ceremony location, the quarrels and tears in front of him had become the norm.

Similar conferences have been held continuously, but they always ended unhappy.

Some people choose to seek refuge with the Mingshan Sect in an attempt to obtain the protection of the Immortal Court. Among them are mainly elites, wealthy families and individual strong men from many countries. Most of them hope that they and their families can be sheltered by the Mingshan Sect to save their lives, while a small number of strong men hope to have the opportunity to ascend in the future.

Some people choose to support Xingxiao, hoping that after he ascends, he can save the apocalyptic disaster in this world. Among them, the main forces are from various countries. Most of the strong people participating are from the local world, and there are very few strong people in the mirror world.

With this kind of alignment, many countries and forces in the world are divided, and the whole world is in chaos.

Zhang Tiande cannot trust the Mingshan Sect, a major sect born and raised in the Mirror World, because he knows too well how this sect rules.

"Common people will only become weeds in the Mingshan Sect. A more powerful person like me is just an animal..."

Moreover, he could not agree with the Mingshan Sect's plan to create the world again after its destruction.

"Although Xingxiao is also a bitch, he is still better than the Mingshan Sect."

"I hope he can ascend successfully and become an Immortal of Immortal Court, so that he can save the two worlds from this catastrophe."

And when he followed the supporting troops to the Western Region of the Mirror World, he found that this place had become a huge meat grinding ground.

The powerful warrior whipped up strong winds with a single sprint, tearing apart the defenses and blasting dozens of warriors into pieces.

At the same time, unmanned fighter jets broke through the atmosphere, accompanied by bursts of sonic booms across the battlefield, and countless laser weapons and missiles successively locked onto ground targets.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering explosion, the bombardment with a radius of nearly a kilometer instantly engulfed the warrior's figure.

And in the Gobi Desert, which is thousands of miles away, similar battlefields are intertwined and densely scattered like stars.

In just over ten days, Zhang Tiande had seen troops disappear on the battlefield one after another, and one young and fresh life after another was violently evaporated.

The supporting recruits collapsed and looked at the blood all over the ground. In the battle just now, the strong energy blasted by a strong man crushed hundreds of people around him to pieces.

Zhang Tiande patted the other party's shoulder. After a while, he listened to the order coming from the communicator and said angrily: "You are asking them to die!"

"Even if ordinary first-pass soldiers use the best equipment, they are just meat on the chopping block in front of the strong third-pass soldiers!"

"We can't continue fighting like this, the battle line will collapse..."

The other party said coldly: "Zhang Tiande, please clarify the current situation for me. We are fighting now, a life and death battle. Zheng Jingshu of the Mingshan Sect is the strongest fighting force in the world. If we can't start a war between her and Xingxiao If Xingxiao finally loses to her and fails to ascend, she will consume her power."

"Then we all die."

"You heard me clearly, it's everyone!"

"No matter how many people you save now, they will still die when the time comes."

"You said I let them die?"

"Yes, let them die, let them consume the power of the Mingshan Sect, consume the power of Zheng Jingshu, even if it only consumes one move."

"The only way is to strive for more possibilities for Xingxiao to ascend. Only in this way can more people survive in the future..."

At this moment, Zhang Tiande suddenly felt waves of violent vibrations coming from the depths of the earth, and the surrounding sand and stones jumped randomly, as if they were alive.


"Did Zheng Jingshu take action?"

Looking at the mountain peak that suddenly rose from the next door, and seeing the mountain peak swallowing up his position like a tsunami, Zhang Tiande's heart sank.

"It's crazy."

Looking around at the frightened soldiers who were running away in random directions, Zhang Tiande let out a long sigh and finally sat silently on the ground.

He knew that facing an attack from a strong man of this level, there was no use in escaping.

But at the last moment of his life, a strange thought came to his mind.

"Now, do we think we have consumed Zheng Jingshu's power?"

The next moment, as the earth rolled, countless soldiers and defense lines were directly swallowed up.

A mountain range hundreds of kilometers long, like a giant dragon, penetrates into the center of the battlefield.

The last memory in Zhang Tiande's mind was the overwhelming darkness filling the world.

With the end of memory reading, the picture on the screen completely fell into darkness.

Looking in the direction of the screen, Immortal Su Yao looked solemn and sighed in her heart: "It turned out to be an internal fight? In the apocalypse, the strong men from the two worlds fell into internal fighting?"

Although she found this memory incredible when she first saw it, she found it reasonable after thinking about it carefully.

"In the final analysis, it is impossible for the lower world to fight against the upper world."

"The so-called Mingshan Sect and Xingxiao are just pawns of the Immortal Court. They try to survive in the Immortal Court's plan through different methods."

Fairy Su Yao had to admit that this was the method with the highest survival rate.

Judging from the memories she obtained, if nothing changes in the future, the Mingshan Sect will win the final victory.

Zhang Tiande, who had been controlled all the time, knelt on the ground, put his hands on the ground, and said with an ugly face: "Is this my future memory? The whole human race is going to fight to the death for two mad dogs? Damn it..."

Immortal Aunt Su Yao sighed: "You should be happy that the winner of the two factions will eventually survive the Immortal Court's plan. This is already a blessing among misfortunes."

At the same time, Jing Shiyu on the other side asked aloud: "Are you sure this memory from the future is true?"

Immortal Su Yao said: "I can only say that these memories do come from the future, and these things must have happened in the future. But since the information in it has been known to us, it will inevitably change in the future."

Jing Shiyu frowned and said, "Then why is there no information about Lin Xing? This is unreasonable."

Although Fairy Gushe on the side did not speak, she had the same question in her heart.

Seeing the various changes in the war between the two factions, it was as if Lin Xing was completely absent, which only made them feel incredible.

"What happened to Lin Xing?"

Both Jing Shiyu and Fairy Gushe understood that something must have happened to Lin Xing that caused him to not appear in the future battle.

Fairy Su Yao shook her head: "I don't know."

"Maybe there will be news about him in the next memory."

She turned her head and looked to the east: "I can feel that memory is also in this world."

Jing Shiyu said: "Okay, I will ask Zhao Wanxi to accompany you."

After disconnecting the communication, Jing Shiyu walked out of the room and headed towards the spiritual acupoint in Donghai City.

She planned to meet Lin Xing immediately.

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