I said I would turn back time

Chapter 469 The future is coming

Under the horrified gazes of Bai Hailiu and Zhao Wanxi, a gradually clear human face slowly emerged from Fairy Su Yao's forehead.

"Tian Xuzi!"

Looking at the appearance of that human face, Bai Hailiu's eyes instantly became extremely solemn, and he swept out his sword with almost no hesitation.


Under the sweep of the sword light, Fairy Su Yao's body instantly disintegrated and turned into a ball of blood mist that dissipated in the strong wind.

But the human face belonging to Tian Xuzi did not disappear. Instead, as Fairy Su Yao's body broke, the body under the face was directly exposed.

It was a body that exuded a faint halo, like an illusory light and shadow.

But as Tian Xuzi's eyes gradually opened, this body became more and more real, more and more like real flesh and blood.

"After four future memories are combined, they can actually turn into Tian Xuzi's consciousness?"

"Could it be that those future memories...are Tian Xuzi's memories disguised?"

"Or did Tian Xuzi use the characteristics of the Sanqing Artifact to transmit his consciousness to the present?"

All kinds of complicated thoughts flashed through Bai Hailiu's mind one by one, but at this moment, he could not confirm what caused the phenomenon in front of him.

Although the reason cannot be confirmed, none of this affects Bai Hailiu's judgment.

"Although I don't know what caused it, the Tian Xuzi in front of me... definitely does not have the strength of the Five Legends, and his consciousness has not even truly awakened."

"Tian Xuzi is at his weakest at this moment!"

"Kill him immediately before his consciousness that transcends time and space fully awakens."

"This may be our only chance to kill him!"

And just before this thought penetrated Bai Hailiu's mind like lightning, his body had even instinctively launched a second wave of offensive.

The thousand-year-old sword from the Emei Sect burst out from his body with sword light that covered Tian Xuzi's soul like a heavenly net.

But the next moment, the speed of the sword net continued to slow down, and it continued to stagnate around Tian Xuzi's body, eventually forming a halo-like thing.

"It's Zhijie...can it be used passively even when the consciousness is not fully awake?"

"The life-saving abilities of these dog fairies are really outrageous..."

"Ordinary attacks have no effect."

"It's time for you... to take action, right?"

Various thoughts flashed through Bai Hailiu's head, and in the next moment, the starlight had passed through his body and appeared directly in front of Tianxuzi Yuanshen.

The visitor has a graceful figure, with a star hanging on her body like a long skirt. She has a face exactly like Bai Yiyi's, which is the feminine Xingxiao.

"Old dog, I never thought that when I come with you this time, I would encounter such a big fish."

At the same time, Tian Jizi, who was covered in lightning, also appeared on the battlefield.

"While he is sick and it kills him, we must never let him recover."

The thoughts of the three people communicated almost instantly, and they also launched a joint attack in an instant.

"Time almost stops in the Zhijie. Conventional attacks have no effect, but if everything is completely stopped, it will also affect Tian Xuzi's own sensing and movement of the outside world."

"So if it is not necessary, at least the 'light' can pass through the realm of cessation smoothly. Otherwise, he cannot observe the outside world."

"Today I will kill you with starlight."

While Xingxiao was thinking, the original sky had been replaced by the starry sky, and the starlight turned into a star sword and shrouded Tian Xuzi.

Tian Jizi on the other side opened his mouth and spat out, and the thunder light had engulfed Tian Xuzi's whole body.

As he sensed the size and scope of the barrier through attacks, he thought in his mind: "The barrier with full coverage is likely to have loopholes, which can be used as a channel for counterattack. If the loopholes can be found early, even if the opponent cannot be effectively hit, , and can also sense the opponent's counterattack in advance..."

But at this moment, Tian Xuzi's soul changed again.

There was a crisp sound, and when the apparently invisible Yuanshen put his hands together, he made a sound.

And the next moment, the limit that had just enveloped Tianxuzi's body showed a slight tendency to expand.

"You haven't fully woken up yet, but you can actually expand the limit. How can I really let you wake up?"

Looking at this scene, Bai Hailiu's eyes flashed, and silhouettes appeared one after another around him. They were puppets that looked similar to him one after another.

The puppets rushed into the limit like moths to the flame, and were instantly hung in the air like frozen fish.

But Bai Hailiu could clearly feel that with the intrusion of the puppets, the expansion of Zhijie had slowed down significantly.

"Sure enough, as we speculated, the effect of the stop boundary will be weakened according to the number of people in it and the strength of their strength."

"The more powerful the person is to be blocked, the harder it will be to maintain the continuity and effect of the barrier..."

At the same time that these thoughts came to his mind, Bai Hailiu laughed wildly and took a step towards the direction of the end.

And with the promotion of the martial arts power of the Taiqing Sect, memories of the past continued to appear in his mind at this moment.

"It's not for some bullshit saving the world, let alone unfilial things like Xingxiao and Lin Xing."

"I, Bai Hailiu, just don't want to be ridden by you idiots for the rest of my life, and have you casually erase my cultivation, my memory, my past..."

"Today we will see whether you trapped me to death first, or my good son and brother killed you first."

As Bai Hailiu's figure was enveloped by the Zhi Boundary, the Zhi Boundary that was still expanding rapidly also slowed down quickly.

Xingxiao and Tianjizi were shocked when they sensed this scene. Knowing that Bai Hailiu's actions had an effect, they each pushed forward the power in their bodies and vowed to completely kill Tianxuzi's soul in front of them.

But at the next moment, Tianxuzi Yuanshen, who had just put his hands together, changed his movements again, and pinched the Taoist formula with his hands. An invisible wave had enveloped his whole body.

Then, under the surprised gazes of Xingxiao and Tianjizi, Yuan Shen's eyes began to open rapidly.

As Tian Xuzi's eyes slowly opened, Zhijie, which had slowed down just now, accelerated again.

"It's time that accelerates!"

Xingxiao, who once had the power of time and space, immediately sensed the abnormality, and with a roar, he had cut out a series of lights and shadows.

It was the sword light that contained countless memories and beliefs of Xingxiao.

Apparently through the future memory obtained by Bai Hailiu, his inner sword has made another breakthrough, and he can already burn his own memory and soul to push his sword skills to the limit.

In the light and shadow, human figures, sword moves, and aura from the past emerged one after another, turning into bursts of sword light and slashing towards Tian Xuzi.

"Fucking memory! Cultivation! I forgot all about it!"

"Today, even if I become a complete useless person, I still want to kill this dog fairy like you!"

Constantly giving up memory, power, and even personality, at this moment Xingxiao burst out with a sword that sacrificed life and death.

Although he didn't know why Tian Xuzi appeared here in such a state, Xingxiao knew that only at this moment, only at this moment when the opponent was weakest, could he have a chance to defeat Tian Xuzi.

And for this opportunity, he was willing to risk everything.

Tian Jizi on the other side also understood that the most critical moment had arrived. Sensing that the boundary was still expanding rapidly and was about to be involved in Xingxiao, he also stepped out and stood in front of Xingxiao.

"I didn't expect that at the last moment, I would still have to help that bastard Xingxiao."

"But no matter how bastard Xingxiao is... he is still better than you immortals from the Immortal Court."

"Whether it's a strong person or a lunatic, we are destined not to tolerate these things that treat us like pigs and dogs..."

With a sigh, Tian Jizi fell into stillness as he recalled the life of himself and Xingxiao who were like enemies and friends.

But Xingxiao still kept pushing like crazy! promote! promote! All your own power!

Infused with power beyond the limit, his arms were shattered, leaving only a blood mist that seemed to maintain the appearance of his hands, trying to slash the star sword stained red by blood to Tian Xuzi's head.

The air in the Zhijie was like layers of armor that had turned into entities. At this moment, it was pierced by red starlight, and one sword after another struck Tian Xuzi's soul.


Seeing more and more starlight hitting Tian Xuzi's soul, a trace of madness flashed across Xingxiao's face. The endless malice from the starry sky had eroded his consciousness and even confused his memory.

However, at this moment, Tian Xuzi's eyes were half open, and the limit that had slowed down expanded again.

Feeling this scene, Xingxiao felt a strong reluctance flashing through his mind, but he also understood that at this moment, he could only retreat first and then look for opportunities to attack.

At the same time, three waves of terrifying coercion rose up in the spiritual cave not far away. The next moment, as the atmosphere tore apart, three figures burst out at dozens of times the speed of sound and arrived on the battlefield.

Just the arrival of three people was enveloped by a roaring storm, sweeping across the entire place like swords.

And when he sensed the identities of these three people, even Xing Xiao, who was getting more and more crazy at this moment, his expression darkened slightly.

The visitors were none other than Zheng Jingshu, Xuanyin and the master of the Taihe Sect.

"Were you called here by Tian Xuzi?"

"Damn it...but at this important moment..."

The arrival of the three people will definitely stop him, and Tian Xuzi's condition is recovering rapidly.

Tian Xuzi is already so difficult to deal with before his consciousness has fully awakened, let alone after he wakes up.

All of this... seemed to have caused him to miss the best opportunity to kill Tian Xuzi. Thinking of this, Xing Xiao felt a strong unwillingness in his heart.

"Then let's die together."

"Even if I can't kill you, you can't control me!"

Zheng Jingshu and the other two people on the other side looked at the scene in front of them with shocked expressions.

Seeing that Tian Xuzi was besieged like this, the master of the Taihe Sect was extremely frightened, just because Tian Xuzi was related to his chance of ascending to the Immortal Court.

Hearing his loud shout, the Demonic Immortal Lord emerged from behind and was about to pounce towards Xingxiao.

"Stop it!"

The arms of the Immortal Dangmo, as well as the giant arms at the center of the eyebrows, chest, and dantian, suddenly sprouted lotuses composed of fairy energy.

As the lotus flowers bloomed, the seven eyes on the face of the Immortal Lord bloomed with lightning, and the lightning-like lightnings locked onto Xingxiao's figure.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Before the leader of the Taihe Sect had time to react, he saw the other party tap lightly on his eyebrows.

The next moment, the leader of the Taihe Sect was like an insect sealed in amber, and together with the Dangmo Immortal Lord behind him, he froze in mid-air.

Looking at the person appearing in front of him, he asked blankly: "Have you ascended?"

Looking at the visitor and shaking his head slightly, the master of the Taihe Sect sighed: "It's amazing."

The next moment, the master of the Taihe Sect, together with the Immortal Demon Lord behind him, suddenly fell into pieces and turned into a piece of dust and dissipated in the air.

The person on the other side of Xuanyin screamed in shock and was about to retreat quickly, but saw the person who came slightly flicking his fingers towards him.

The next moment, Xuanyin felt as if her soul, body, and thoughts were crashing into mountains.

Kunxu, Baiyue, Chicheng... Under the impact of three consecutive fairy mountains, his entire existence was crushed to dust, leaving no trace anymore.

And Zheng Jingshu had already activated her third eye as soon as the opponent killed the leader of Taihe Sect with one move.


"Twist your body..."

She looked at the scenes of future light and shadow, knowing that as long as she acted according to the future she saw, she would definitely get the best results and move towards victory step by step.

"Knees hit the ground hard..."

But when she confidently repeated the action according to the picture of future light and shadow, and looked at the line of words that finally appeared above her kneeling on the ground, she couldn't help but be stunned.

"I...I give up."

But the other party spoke the first words in this battle.

"I don't see a future for you in the new world."

Before Zheng Jingshu could react, the other party had already slapped him with a palm.

Under the intense pressure of life and death, Zheng Jingshu instinctively unleashed all her power. Kunlun's divine power continued to explode in her body like a magnitude 10 earthquake, and numerous mountain shadows appeared in front of her, seeming to isolate everything.

But all her strength and everything seemed to be of no use in the opponent's palm.

Kunlun Mountain was blasted away, and Kunlun's divine power was swept back into her body by a palm.

With a crackling sound, Zheng Jingshu turned into a bloody mist that exploded on the seaside and dispersed into the strong wind.

"Lin Xing!"

Xingxiao looked at the figure of the visitor with extremely complicated emotions in his heart.

Lin Xing, however, watched the battle between Xing Xiao and Tian Xuzi with his arms folded, and said calmly: "The clown who disrupted the situation has left."

"I hate you so much that I have no interest in joining forces with any of you."

"But I also respect the strength and ideas you have as strong men."

"So... I will wait for you to show off and then kill the winner."

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