I said I would turn back time

Chapter 524 Three hours of exploration

In a dark trench.

Shuangyue Zhenxian's consciousness slowly awakened.

As soon as he let go of his senses, he could feel mad and evil auras pouring out of the bottomless darkness one after another.


Sensing the number of powerful auras one after another, Shuangyue True Immortal became increasingly shocked and even nervous.

"There are so many powerful evil gods in this world? The nine strongest ones are probably at the level of true immortals."

At the same time, a thought came from the darkness: "We are very interested in your world."

"It's rare for an immortal from the Demon Sect to have someone as high-ranking as you as a guest here."

"Tell us about it."

"Intelligence about your world."

When Shuangyue Zhenxian was thinking about what to do, he felt a strange itching all over his body. It seemed that many indescribable things had penetrated into his body, trying to control his immortal body and devour him. consciousness.

After a while, the sound of laughter came from the darkness.

"Across the way is a world called Jixuan Cave Lingtian?"

"It is a weak world and should be turned into our pasture."

"Hanhai Sect... this name sounds familiar. It seems to be a certain sect that has been eaten up by us?"

Feeling the breath of these monsters in front of him, Shuangyue Zhenxian's eyes moved, and a sense of familiarity surged in his heart.

"Wait, this place seems..."

the other side.

When Lin Xing crossed the Immortal Gate, a whole new world appeared in front of him.

Black air shot up into the sky like flames, blocking most of the sunlight in the sky, making the whole world always look gray.

The earth was cracked, the rivers were drying up, and there were no traces of vegetation. What appeared before Lin Xing's eyes was a desolate scene that looked like the end of the world.

Feeling the billowing evil energy, Lin Xing was slightly shocked.

"The evil spirit is so strong that it is visible to the naked eye, and has even blocked the sunlight..."

While Lin Xing was observing the environment of the world in front of him, there was a girl-like figure watching him as he walked out of the fairy gate.

This girl had waist-length hair and was wearing an ancient dress that was incompatible with the surrounding wilderness. She looked at Lin Xing with eyes full of curiosity and curiosity.

At this moment, Lin Xing was standing in front of a cliff. On the cliff was a strangely carved stone door, but at this moment, the stone door was completely closed and looked like a sculpture.

"Are you from the opposite world?"

The girl opened her mouth slightly, revealing her fangs. Although Lin Xing could not understand the sound she made, he could feel the message contained in her thoughts.

At the same time, Lin Xing could also feel the astonishing evil energy contained in the other person's body, as well as the barely concealed strong negative emotions in his thoughts.

How can I put this feeling... It makes Lin Xing feel like he has returned to his hometown.

However, the environment in this world is obviously far worse than the evil-infested world and the mirror world.

Lin Xing even judged that in a world with such strong evil spirits, there might be no mortals left.

He looked at the girl who was speaking and tried to release his thoughts: "Where did the people who passed through this door before me go?"

But the girl let out a strange laugh, and her long hair swept out, and it was like a dragnet being rolled up, and it was entangled towards Lin Xing.

“Boy, now it’s my question and your answer…

00:01 has passed since Lin Xing came to this world, about a little more than a minute.


The dazzling divine light shot out from Lin Xing's eyes, first turning the long hair in the sky into ashes, and then completely pierced the mountain in front of him and then evaporated.

Then the divine light penetrated all the way through the atmosphere, and finally detonated a mushroom cloud in the Gobi dozens of miles away, triggering a series of earthquakes.

Lin Xing's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the girl who was stunned in place again.

The girl immediately knelt down on the ground and said honestly: "The God of Hell took people away! He... they went to Huangfeng Mountain!"

Lin Xing held the girl in one hand and flew towards Huangfeng Mountain at high speed with a continuous sound of atmospheric explosions.

Along the way, Lin Xing became more and more aware of the desolation of this world.

In an extremely high-concentration evil environment, there are almost no normal creatures in the earth or rivers, and what you see are all kinds of strange evil spirits.

There were rare ones that looked normal, but they were all evil gods with wisdom just like the girl Lin Xing was holding.

The girl calls herself King Tianluo. According to her, this world has long lost the normal creatures that Lin Xing said. The whole world is filled with all kinds of evil spirits. They kill and devour each other, and there is no wisdom at all.

The nine most powerful evil gods are the rulers of this world and are called gods.

But it is said to be domination, but in fact there is no governance at all. It is nothing more than arbitrarily exerting one's own power to torment the world, and no one dares to resist.

Huangfeng Mountain.

00:05 minutes have passed since Lin Xing came to this world.

The huge flesh-and-blood monster merged with the entire mountain, and from a distance you could see the corpses of various creatures being discarded indiscriminately.

Rays of divine light suddenly fell from the sky, evaporating large areas of flesh, blood, and mountains.

Amidst the tragic roar, a dragon-shaped monster composed of countless broken arms and limbs roared out, but most of its body was broken into pieces by Lin Xing's punch.

Lin Xing's thoughts swept across the entire mountain range and eventually turned into one voice.

"Where is the demon god?"

An eyeball the size of a truck rose from the flesh and burst out with a burst of frantic thoughts: "Kill...kill...kill!"

Lin Xing frowned slightly, and the endless flaming sun suddenly burst out from his body, vaporizing the entire mountain of flesh and blood.


The dazzling light broke through the layers of evil spirits and illuminated the entire continent.

Countless evil spirits stared at the sun falling from the sky with wide eyes, and the next moment they turned into ashes in the endless blazing light, and the whole world seemed to be burning violently.

More and more monsters roared towards the sky, as if they wanted to stop the destruction of the great sun, but they dissipated in the atmosphere under the rays of divine light.

A thought penetrated heaven and earth, sending a warning to the entire world.

"Shuangyue, come out, our battle should continue."


Under the irradiation of the scorching sun and divine light, more than 90% of the evil spirits and evil spirits on the surface were directly evaporated.

The remaining monsters shivered and hid deep underground, with a fear of sunlight deeply ingrained in their minds.

But they soon discovered that even the underground was not safe.

At first, the mountain peaks broke, disintegrated, and then flew into the sky.

Then came large tracts of land, rock formations, earth's crust, sea water... everything disintegrated, shattered, and collapsed before flying into the sky, towards the sun shining with endless scorching sun.

All matter began to burn one by one as it approached the great sun, gradually turning into plasma-like divine light that surrounded the great sun, raising the temperature of the entire world again.

The earth seemed to be plowed layer by layer, and the monsters hiding in it either evaporated directly under the burning sun and divine light, or they flew into the sky together, and after disintegrating, they turned into flames, accompanied by the temperature intensified, and finally merged into the divine light.


As the ground continues to oscillate and evaporate, the remaining locations have been covered with flames and molten rock and metal.

The seawater gradually bottomed out, and the seabed was exposed one after another. The remaining water seemed to have turned into a pot of chemical soup, boiling with various gases rising into the sky.

Along with waves of earth-shattering roars, nine powerful thoughts seemed to be no longer able to hide. They rose from the ground one after another, locking together the big sun in the sky.

Feeling the aura of these powerful beings, Lin Xing's eyes moved slightly: "Finally, something can be fought."

I saw his body move, and he was already falling towards the earth like a meteor.

Amidst the loud rumbling sound, dazzling fire erupted from the impact point, carrying a surging shock wave, and crashed towards the entire world.

And two of the nine powerful thoughts disappeared instantly.

Lin Xing looked at the positions of the remaining seven evil gods, and his body turned into a ray of light with a single movement, piercing the sky of the entire world.

A giant fleshy monster with countless limbs and tens of thousands of meters in length trembled slightly.

The next moment, it was like being hit by something, and then penetrated the entire body. With the sound of booming explosions, the body exploded one by one, and finally turned into a sky full of fire and fell to the earth.


The atmosphere, the ground, the ocean... everything has disappeared.

Only the last of the nine powerful thoughts was left, shivering and huddled together.

Lin Xing looked at the other party, burst out his thoughts, and asked: "Where is the True Immortal Shuangyue?"

"Who is the True Immortal Shuangyue?"

Lin Xing asked again: "Where is the God of Hell?"

"He will be the first one you kill!"

Lin Xing asked: "Didn't he bring a person named Shuang Yue Zhenxian with him?"

The other party said in confusion: "Who is that?"

Lin Xing frowned and looked at the strange fish in front of him, which was about several kilometers long and covered with countless hands and eyes. Finally, the divine light from around him swept away, completely evaporating the strange fish.

Then he turned his head and looked towards a group of immortal energy, which was where the immortal gate he had been protecting was located.

"Three hours, we're almost there, right?"


Hanhai Sect's forbidden land.

The girl transformed by Bai Yiyi sat cross-legged in front of the stone wall, looking at the True Immortal Tianhai in front of her.

Just listen to Tianhai Zhenxian say: "According to my understanding in the past three years, there is another world on the other side of the stone wall."

"And that world is probably the world after Taoism."

Bai Yiyi said in surprise: "Ah? The world after Taoism?"

True Immortal Tianhai nodded and said, "I saw many Taoist seniors of my Hanhai Sect on the murals."

"Perhaps that world is the world after Taoism created by the ancient immortals."

"There are probably many Taoist seniors in this world, and their strength is unfathomable."

"Old Ancestor Lin will go there alone, will there be any danger?"

Bai Yiyi thought for a while and said: "In this post-Dao world, what will happen if you die? Go to another world? Or wake up in reality?"

Bai Yiyi couldn't think of an answer, but three hours had come, so she decided to open the fairy gate first and see what Lin Xing could gain.

As the Immortal Gate opened, Lin Xing's figure slowly emerged, crossing the Immortal Gate once again and appearing in the stone chamber under the watchful eyes of Bai Yiyi and True Immortal Tianhai.

Immortal Tianhai asked curiously: "Ancestor Lin, how is it over there?"

Lin Xing thought about it for a moment, threw out nine pieces of flesh and blood, and said, "This is all that's left."

"Master Bai, please help read their memories."

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