I said I would turn back time

Chapter 528 Ye Litian

Information is flowing like a torrent in all Dharma realms, large and small.

The streets are full of magic weapons and advertisements, mixed in among the towering fairy palaces... shining with a cold and charming light in the darkness.

The next moment, there was a loud bang, and a large hole suddenly opened in a fairy palace in the distance, and a torrent of blood poured out from it.

Then, accompanied by bursts of shrill roars, a large area of ​​evil energy rose into the sky, causing evil energy to erode within a radius of several kilometers.

Lin Xing looked around and found that the passers-by around him were hurrying on their way. Those who were wandering around the Dharma Realm continued to wander around the Dharma Realm. They seemed to be indifferent to the explosions in the distance, the evil gods and the leakage of evil energy.

"Ha ha ha ha."

A palm patted Lin Xing's shoulder, and he said with a smile: "Don't look at it, brother, the evil god is just going berserk. It must be another lunatic who is secretly experimenting with evil spirits."

"This kind of nonsense happens at least seven or eight times a day in Ye Litian. It's a common thing. Since you guys are coming here to hang out, you have to learn to adapt early."

Lin Xing did not answer, but just looked up at the sky, and saw that the shuttles had already cut through the sky, rushing towards the fairy palace filled with evil spirits.

Immediately afterwards, sword light burst out from the shuttle, like dense meteors, dragging long strips of light and flying into the large hole of the Immortal Palace.

And through the connection with the Dharma Realm, he could see dazzling red light surrounding the Immortal Palace and the area several kilometers around the Immortal Palace. The outermost periphery was completely blocked by circles of fluttering yellow talismans.

Lin Xing could feel the thoughts coming from the talisman: evil supervision was coming, and those who had nothing to do with it would stay away.

He turned to look at the man beside him and asked, "What is evil supervision?"

Next to Lin Xing at this moment, apart from Wang Song from Xuanxuan Guan, was a man with a green face and fangs, two horns on his head, and a vertical eye between his eyebrows, with a red light flashing from time to time in his eyes.

If you focus your thoughts on the opponent's vertical eyes, you will soon feel a wave of Dharma Realm information.

"Hey! Do you want to be unknown and a pawn all your life? Or do you want to become famous and get rich suddenly? I am Shayan, the most damned weapon refiner in Ye Litian. If you want to give it to your body, If you want to decorate something really powerful, then come to me..."

Lin Xing turned his attention away from the advertisement and stared at the man who called himself Shayan, waiting for his answer.

"Evil way supervision?" Sha Yan said casually: "A group of hawks and dogs who investigate evil gods all day long to prevent evil spirits from leaking out. As long as they don't get involved in evil ways, you don't need to worry about them."

"Speaking of which, brothers, what are you doing here this time? How long do you plan to stay?"

Wang Song on the side smiled slightly and said, "You also know about the Demon Sect..."

Shayan reminded: "Brother, I didn't mean to find trouble with you, but you'd better not mention these two words in Ye Litian, as you will be easily targeted."

Wangsong nodded and changed his words: "I heard that Xianting plans to deal with the wild immortals of various factions. We are here to find out information. By the way, we also want to meet friends from the other faction."

Obviously, the matter of assassinating the Demon Lord was of great importance, and Wang Song had no intention of revealing it to the contact person in front of him.

Even Lin Xing's appearance at this moment has gone through a big change, which is completely different from the image he showed when he destroyed Xie Sui Garden.

After hearing the words, Shayan nodded and said: "I have also heard about Xianting's actions. They seem to be really angry this time. I have long planned to send a copy of the collected information to the audience so that brothers can Be careful."

"If you have any troubles with this operation, you can tell me. I will never be vague about what I can do. After all, I am also a person from the temple. I will never forget the kindness of the teacher."

While the two parties were talking, Wang Song also showed the agreed address in front of Sha Yan.

Shayan narrowed his eyes slightly and frowned: "Well, this place is on the territory of the Sihai Gang, and it's not peaceful there."

Lin Xing asked: "Will there be unrest under the rule of Xianting?"

"Hehe, how fresh it is." He said with a smile: "Since the end of the Civil War in Xianting, Ye Litian has been jointly managed by the three factions of Taihe, Taiqing, and Zhou Tian."

"No one among the large sects obeys the other. There will naturally be a lot of friction and contradictions, but we can't fight, so what should we do?"

"So various small sects and sects gradually formed in Ye Litian to help the big sects do things that were inconvenient for them to do."

"This Sihai Gang specializes in doing dirty work for others, but they are particularly unruly. They kill, steal, kidnap, and massacre... as long as they are given enough money, they will do anything..."

Listening to Shayan's introduction, Lin Xing looked at the Immortal Palace in the distance that had exploded for the second time, and became increasingly aware of the huge difference between Ye Litian and Lie Chitian where he had stayed in the past.

Compared to Lie Chitian, who has strict rules and an orderly legal world, Ye Litian's side is more chaotic and disorderly, but it is also full of more opportunities.

At this moment, he can roam freely in Ye Litian's legal world by relying on the false identity provided by Shayan.

Shayan asked: "Are you planning to go there now? Or go to the place I arranged for you to settle down first?"

Wansong said: "Let's go to the agreed place first. I'm afraid that friend won't be able to wait any longer."

"Then it's up to you." With a flash of red light in his vertical eyes, a shuttle had stopped in front of them.

As the three people entered the shuttle one after another, the shuttle brought up a series of afterimages in the next moment and joined the torrent formed by countless shuttles, heading towards the south of Ye Litian.

When the three of them arrived at the agreed place.

But they found that what appeared in front of them was a long-abandoned workshop.

A series of words flashed across his evil eyes, and he said with suspicion: "Brother, are you sure you are planning to meet here?"

"There was an accident in this Feijian workshop. More than one million immortal energy leaked, dragging the entire workshop into Taoism. The price of land within a one kilometer radius dropped by a fucking 99%."

Wangsong smiled and said: "The more dangerous a place is, the safer it is, right? If you are worried, you can stay outside and guard for us."

Shayan shrugged: "It's up to you. I'll wait for you outside."

"Sorry to trouble you." Wang Song said: "Before leaving, the headmaster told me that if you want to go back to the temple next year, you can go back at any time. The temple is willing to grant you the position of elder. Your parents and brothers are now Everything is fine..."

The two said goodbye to the evil eyes, crossed the flashing warning words in the Dharma Realm, and entered the dark workshop.

What Wang Song had just said came to mind in Shayan's mind, and he looked at the city not far away with the fairy light rising into the sky. He chuckled and thought to himself: "Go back?"

"The streets here are full of opportunities to make a fortune, and every glance shows new tricks that the wild fairies will never learn in their lifetime."

"Only a fool goes back."

As the red light flashed in his vertical eyes, a figure emerged from the Dharma Realm in front of him.

He said with a flattering smile on his face: "General, those two idiots have already entered."

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