I said I would turn back time

Chapter 542 Yuxu and Taoism

In a city in the south of Ye Litian.

Unlike most other cities that have been reduced to ruins.

The streets of this city are bustling with people and are filled with simple shacks, gathering refugees from all over the world... from all over the world.

In the legal vision, everyone has a bright red countdown on their head, which represents the time they can continue to stay in the city.

Once the time reaches zero and there is not enough money to pay for the extension, they will be driven out of the city and plunged into the crisis-ridden wilderness.

In this shack full of refugees, a fly with a big fat human head was flying slowly and came to the shadow deep in an alley.

The fly stupidly landed on the shoulder of a young man and murmured: "Good son! There is such a lively fight outside, let's go have a big fight sometime!"

The young man put part of his mind into the lower world. Tian Xuzi, who once fought to the death with Lin Xing, now calls himself Yuxu Immortal Lord.

"Father, be quiet."

Just as he stopped the buzzing of flies nearby, a line of words appeared in the vision of the Dharma Realm in front of him.

"Tianxu, long time no see."

Looking at the handwriting that suddenly appeared, Immortal Yuxu's eyes suddenly froze, and then he smiled bitterly and said: "Three years ago, I faked my death to escape. I thought I had avoided your chess game, but now it seems... It's just... It’s just my own opinion.”

The handwriting changed and he said: "Speaking of which, I would like to congratulate you Taoist friend for finally losing the trace of the devilish attachment to the world. From then on, your Taoist nature has flourished, and your future practice will be smooth."

Immortal Yuxu looked at the handwriting and said slowly: "Then I also want to congratulate Brother Dao for actually surrendering the Wild Immortal sects one by one. This Yelitian Dao orthodoxy battle must be a complete victory."

The handwriting changed again: "My dear brother, with your ability and my ability, it is never difficult to become an immortal and an ancestor, and to establish a Taoist lineage. What is difficult is what kind of Taoist lineage to establish and what impact it will have on the world. There are subtleties and mysteries in it." , once you make a mistake and make a mistake, you will be in trouble.”

"Three years ago, I originally wanted to let you, my dear brother, lead the righteous sects, but seeing you honing your cultivation in Yelitian and making rapid progress in your magical power, I have always been afraid of disturbing you."

"But now that great changes are coming, Brother Yu, I can only be shameless and bother you, Brother Xian, again."

Immortal Yuxu looked at the content in the handwriting, and his face sank slightly, knowing that his every move in the past three years might have been seen by the other party.

He thought to himself: "Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal... I haven't noticed his prying eyes for three years. This person's evil skills are becoming more and more unfathomable."

A long time ago, Yuxu Immortal Lord knew that Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal Lord had the accumulation of breaking the shackles, establishing a moral line, and attacking the Immortal Ancestor.

But all this time, the other party has never taken that step, but is constantly saving up and preparing.

As for the Taoism that the other party wanted to create, even if he only had a glimpse of part of it, Yuxu Immortal Lord felt a sense of nervousness.

If he was honest, he would never want to get involved in the other party's fight with other immortals or even the immortal ancestors, let alone help the other party establish his orthodoxy and become an immortal ancestor.

Having also mastered the powerful power of time and space, Yuxu Immortal Lord had a feeling, a feeling that was finally derived from the fusion of instinct and what he saw and heard.

"If Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal Lord really establishes his Taoist lineage and becomes a first-level Immortal Ancestor, I am afraid that from now on, no one in the world... will be able to stand out."

But at this moment, I couldn't say no.

Because he was suddenly surprised to find that the lines of writing did not appear in the Dharma Realm vision, but appeared directly in his eyes.

No, it's in his heart.

Still wrong, it's in his...memory.

In his memory, he had already agreed to the other party's request.

"Am I being tricked?"

"Just the moment I was talking to him?"

Inductions surged in all directions, but no abnormalities could be found within a hundred miles.

Immortal Lord Yuxu felt a hint of horror in his heart: "Is it the Taoist lineage of Xie Yi?"

"Are you warning me on purpose?"

He slowly exhaled, and his mind had already communicated with the Dharma Realm, calling out pieces of news and intelligence, and understanding the situation in Ye Litian at this moment.

And soon the news about Haoliu Tianxian came into his eyes.

As the news about the 100 million immortal energy and the Qiankun Gate continued to ferment in the Dharma Realm, more and more immortals gathered around the location of the Haoliu Celestial Immortal.

However, he only briefly browsed the above information, and already looked at other news again, especially all the news, information, and information related to Shilin Temple.

"Shilin Temple...why do you want me to deal with Shilin Temple?"

"The strong men from Shilin Temple who are currently staying in Yelitian..."

Soon, the face of the pharmacist monk appeared in front of Yuxu Immortal Lord’s Dharma Vision.

Endless fairy light filled the entire sky.

Under the bombardment of swords, swords, celestial beings and magical powers, the earth formed a canyon spanning hundreds of kilometers.

At this moment, the Haoliu Celestial Immortal was standing in the deepest part of the canyon, looking at the dense crowds of immortal figures in the sky, and said slowly: "The war is about to begin, but instead of killing those wild immortals, you are still fighting with me? Are you all crazy about money?”

In the sky, I saw an immortal who was covered in white bone armor and could not see his true appearance, exuding a trace of malice.

It was the Bai Cang Celestial Immortal from Zhou Tianhui, who was also the leader of the Yeli Celestial Army, who had sent millions of bones to defeat Lin Xing and a group of righteous Celestials.

At this moment, the Bai Cang Celestial Immortal exudes no concealment of malice, and there are countless white bones and shadows surrounding the battlefield in the void, laughing strangely.

"Haoliu, you broke the rules first."

Just as Bai Cang's hostility swept over, in Haoliu Tianxian's Dharma Realm vision, a figure that was constantly changing in size, color, and shape slowly walked towards him. It was Ye Litian Dharma Realm Manager, who came from Taiqing Sect. Thousands of fantasy gods.

Qianhuan Celestial Immortal: "We are fighting those wild immortals in the front, but your Taihe Sect is stabbing you in the back and looting the supplies of our second sect?"

"Haoliu, please hand over the cave. You will never be able to protect this thing today."

Naturally, Immortal Haoliu did not agree to their request, simply because the Qiankun Sect not only contained the 100 million immortal energy, but also contained the Ten Thousand Dao Immortal Ancestors who were suppressed by the 100 million immortal energy.

Carefully distinguishing the thoughts of the two immortals, what the Hao Liu Celestial Immortal cares about at this moment is...does the other party know the existence of the Ten Thousand Dao Immortal Ancestors in the Qiankun Sect?

Is it just making excuses, or is it really just about the robbery of the 100 million immortal energy and materials?

There was a soft bang, accompanied by the roar of the Holy Spirit filled with white bones in the sky, and the world in front of him also changed, as if he had suddenly gone from the canyon to the endless darkness in the deep sky.

Haoliu Celestial Immortal knew that in addition to Bai Cang Celestial Immortal, Qian Huan Celestial Immortal had also begun to take action, invading his Dharma Realm perception.

In addition, Haoliu Celestial Immortal can also feel that the hundreds of immortals behind him are also ready to move.

It is extremely difficult to defeat the two immortals, but it is even more difficult to fight against the two immortals while being entangled by hundreds of immortals who are not afraid of death and have the blessings of the law. .

And if we want to ensure the safety of Qiankun Gate under these two circumstances, then Haoliu Tianxian is even less sure.

With a helpless sigh, the Haoliu Celestial Immortal held the Qiankun Gate in his palm. With a slight exertion, strong tremors spread in all directions with the Qiankun Gate as the center.

"If you take one more step forward, I will crush this cave and pour out 100 million immortal energy."

After hearing these words, the thoughts of Bai Cang Celestial Immortal and Qian Huan Celestial Immortal froze slightly.

And the thousands of immortals behind them frantically retreated tens of miles away.

Watching this scene, Haoliu Tianxian suddenly felt emotional. He didn't expect that he had been forced back by Lin Xing with his immortal energy before, and now it was his turn to do so.

But what can I say...it's really useful.

At this moment, Qian Huan's voice sounded: "Haoliu, I don't believe you dare to do this. The first person to be threatened by Dao Hua will be you."

Immortal Haoliu Tian said calmly: "This is Ye Litian. If you really want to take back these 100 million from me, then use Ye Litian's method."

In everyone's legal vision, a contract floated in front of them from the front of Haoliu Celestial Immortal.

At the same time, a long string of zeros appeared above the head of Immortal Haoliu.

"I just mortgaged many of my assets and collected 100 million immortal energy to suppress it in the Dharma Realm."

"Now you have two choices, either go together, and then watch me crush the Qiankun Gate and release the hundreds of millions of immortal energy inside."

"Or... you sign a bet and come up to fight me one by one. As long as you can beat me, not only will the hundreds of millions of immortal energy in the Dharma Realm be directly transferred into your account, but the Qiankun Sect in my hand will also be given to you with both hands."

"You don't need to raise the stakes, and you don't have to pay if you lose."

"But there's only one thing. If anyone violates the rules, then... he will owe hundreds of millions of immortal energy."

"Everything is based on the legal world and is evidenced by the bank of Shenlong Sect."

At this moment, an immortal suddenly said: "Is it also possible to fight on wheels?"

Immortal Haoliu said casually: "There is no time limit, and I don't need to rest. But each of you only has one chance to challenge. If you lose, get out..."

"The rules are written in the contract."

"So...do you want to bet?"

The eyes of the immortals gradually gathered towards the two immortals Bai Cang and Qian Huan.

Bai Cang looked at the contents of the contract and did not sign his name. Instead, he looked at Haoliu Tianxian subtly.

At the same time, Hao Liu Tianxian felt the thoughts coming from Bai Cang.

"You shouldn't touch the Immortal Ancestor's seal."

"Haoliu, you have crossed the line."

Immortal Hao Liu Tian's heart sank, and he also responded with his thoughts: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Bai Cang's sneer was mixed with his thoughts: "If you cross the line, you have to pay more."

"One hundred million bets are not enough, I want two hundred million."

Inside the Qiankun Gate.

Wan Dao Immortal Ancestor suddenly chuckled: "It's getting more and more lively outside."

Lin Xing said: "It's time to talk about the Taoism of Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal Lord."

Wandao Immortal Ancestor said: "Tao Tong... what do you think is Tao Tong?"

"Kunlun, Tianhe, skills, inheritance, these are the most well-known traditions in the upper world."

"If you go deeper and live longer, you will know that the spiritual wisdom and immortal energy are also the orthodoxy established by the ancient immortals."

"But beyond that?"

"That boy Wanhua once told me... we are also Taoists."

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