There was a soft thud.

Another immortal's immortal body was shattered into pieces, turning into a rain of blood and spreading to the earth.

After losing several people in a row, Haoliu Tianxian looked at the immortals who were eager to try and made up their minds to consume him, so he stopped holding back. In almost every battle, he used the fastest and most violent means to kill the opponent on the spot. .

As the shattered immortal bodies fell one after another in the valley, the immortals from the Immortal Courtyard who arrived together were unknowingly down to the last one.

Feeling the thoughts of Qianhuan Celestial Immortal wandering in the Dharma Realm, Haoliu Celestial Immortal said calmly: "It's your turn, why don't you come?"

In the eyes of Haoliu Celestial Immortal, the whole world suddenly changed, as if returning from the wilderness to a prosperous city.

Pedestrians are like weaving, immortals are like rain, and the breath of countless creatures appears in his perception of the legal world, disrupting his judgment.

At the same time, the voice of Qian Huan Tianxian came slowly from all directions: "In a head-on battle, I may not be your opponent."

"Let's have a fight in the legal world."

Immortal Haoliu snorted coldly: "Do you think you can confuse me with just an illusion of the Dharma Realm?"

Suddenly, the appearance of countless pedestrians and immortals in the city suddenly changed, and they all turned into the people who existed in the memory of Immortal Haoliu.

Watching this scene, Haoliu Tianxian understood that the other party had probably collected all kinds of information about him in detail before the war, and even recorded the information about various people related to him.

Seeing the acquaintances in his memory appear in the Dharma Realm with a vivid appearance, Haoliu Tianxian was naturally not confused.

He only felt a kind of anger, the anger of being underestimated and being played with in a clumsy way.

"Qian Huan, you disappoint me so much."

I saw Hao Liu Celestial Immortal closing her eyes and beginning to sense the thoughts of Qian Huan Celestial Immortal.

Following the induction, he punched forward, and the acquaintances in front of him screamed in agony, and were beaten to pieces in his attack.

But these illusions naturally could not shake his spirit. The movements of Hao Liu Tianxian did not slow down at all. Instead, they became faster and faster, constantly blasting towards Qian Huan's thoughts.

Qianhuan Tianxian: "Your will is not at its peak, and your judgment is constantly declining. How long can you continue this kind of battle?"

Immortal Haoliu said wantonly: "It's enough to defeat you."

But just after the two sides fought fiercely for a while, a powerful idea suddenly swept from the depths of the Dharma Realm.

Feeling the powerful and familiar pressure, Immortal Haoliu was startled: "Immortal Wanhua Piaomiao?"

As the thoughts of the Wanhua Misty Immortal Lord descended from the Dharma Realm, all the illusions of the Dharma Realm just now disappeared without a trace.

Only Qian Huan was left standing in the air, and he said respectfully toward the sky: "I have seen the Immortal Lord."

Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal Lord said calmly: "Qianhuan, now is the time of war. As the general manager of Yelitian Dharma Realm, how can you leave your post without authorization? Go ahead."

Qian Huan said with a look of reluctance: "Immortal Lord..."


With the word "Go", Qian Huan's figure gradually dissipated into the legal world and left the battlefield directly.

Immediately afterwards, Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal's thoughts were drawn to Haoliu Tianxian: "I will keep the Qiankun Gate, you can go too."

The immortal energy in the Qiankun Sect is wanton. In order to prevent the Qiankun Sect from being destroyed and to avoid being threatened by Taoism, Haoliu Tianxian has kept the Qiankun Sect behind since the beginning of the war.

At this moment, he felt the thoughts of the Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal Lord rushing towards the Qiankun Gate, and something was suddenly wrong in his heart.

Immortal Haoliu: "Immortal Master, you are late."

Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal: "Well, there were many things to do during the war, so I was delayed for a while. Thank you for your hard work this time..."

But before the Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal Master finished speaking, a sword light flashing with platinum light had already slashed away.

Immortal Haoliu clearly remembered that the time he had agreed with Immortal Wanhua Piaomiao was still a few days away.

And as the Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal's thoughts were swept away, Haoliu Tianxian finally confirmed his judgment.

"Qian Huan!"

With a loud shout, powerful spiritual thoughts swept out in all directions, shaking out the thousands of illusory thoughts that had sneaked in front of the Qiankun Gate.

"I didn't expect that you are now wandering in the Dharma Realm, and you can disguise the thoughts of the Immortal Lord to complete the Dharma Realm communication with me, and you can also avoid my perception."

Hao Liu Tianxian continued to take one step forward, already flashing towards the direction of Qiankun Gate.

"But no matter how you change, you can't even think of taking away the Qiankun Gate today."

Just after Hao Liu Tianxian shattered Qian Huan's thoughts with one punch, he heard another chuckle coming from afar.

Thousands of meters away, Qianhuan was already wrapped around the Qiankun Gate and fled into the distance.

At the same time, the surrounding world scenery changed. There was no Qiankun Gate in front of him, and it was not even the position where he had just placed the Qiankun Gate.

Haoliu Tianxian's heart sank suddenly, remembering the city scene that the other party had just set off.

"The illusion of cities and acquaintances in the legal world is not just to cover his next actions."

"As the illusion of the city appeared and disappeared, the real scene I saw again was actually an illusion. All the directions and terrain were adjusted by him to successfully lead me away..."

Realizing this, Immortal Haoliu Tian roared angrily and sprinted forward.

But the next moment, Qian Huan gently slapped the Qiankun Gate with his palm.

"Haoliu, you don't want me to break open this Qiankun door, do you?"

Hao Liu Tianxian looked at Qian Huan with a gloomy expression, but he did not expect that the other party would threaten him in turn.

Qian Huan continued: "I told you, you don't dare to break through this Qiankun Gate. Only that fool Bai Cang believes that you have that courage."

"But I dare to do things you don't dare to do."

Qian Huan laughed and said, "Because my true body is not here at all."

Immortal Haoliu Tian said: "Destroying the Qiankun Gate violates the contract you signed, and you will owe hundreds of millions of immortal energy. You are not a person who will engage in such a loss-making business."

With that said, he had already taken another step towards the Qiankun Gate.

Qian Huan shrugged nonchalantly, and a bolt of lightning descended from the Dharma Realm and slammed into the Qiankun Gate, forcing the movements of the Immortal Haoliu to a halt.

Qian Huan laughed and said: "Old antique, hundreds of millions of immortal energy is a lot for people like you, but it is not a loss that I, Qian Huan, can't afford."

"Besides...what do you think wealth is?"

"There are as many things as immortal energy in Tianhe, but they are just used to play tricks on those poor people."

He stroked the Qiankun Gate and said slowly: "But the things in the Qiankun Gate cannot be bought with fairy energy alone. This is real wealth..."

Feeling the other party's thoughts, Haoliu Tianxian's heart gradually sank, and a bad guess suddenly arose in his heart.

"This guy is the general manager of the legal world at Ye Litian. He monitors the entire legal world. Could he have eavesdropped on the conversation between me and Bai Cang?"

At this moment, a wave of fluctuation appeared in the Dharma Realm, and the thoughts from Taixu Sect Yeli Tianxian suddenly came.

Taixu Sect is one of the great righteous sects. Many strong men in the sect have chosen to abandon their physical bodies and escape into the Dharma Realm in order to fight against the new laws and the Immortal Court.

As the strongest person in Taixu Sect, Yeli Celestial Immortal is not inferior to Qianhuan Celestial Immortal in his ability to travel in the legal world.

As the two people collided in the Dharma Realm, two more figures rushed towards the Qiankun Gate and the Haoliu Celestial Immortal respectively.

Also from the Righteous Sect, the Youqiong Celestial Immortal of the Biluo Immortal Mansion erupted into the chirping of thousands of insects, and his flesh and blood bloomed into billions of eyes. He had already dispersed into a sky full of insects and stood in front of the Haoliu Celestial Immortal.

This Youqiong Celestial Immortal tried to understand the power of the evil god to fight against the new method of the Immortal Court. The evil spirit was strong in his actions, but he looked more like a demon than a demon.

On the other side, the Jade Tower Immortal of the Vientiane Heavenly Palace rolled up a burst of fairy light and soared into the sky with the Qiankun Gate.

This immortal looked like an ordinary old man, but the immortal energy flowing around him faintly revealed a large number of fluctuations in the immortal weapons, revealing his powerful new skills.

The Haoliu Celestial Being, who was temporarily entangled by the Youqiong Celestial Being, burst into a roar, but could only watch the Yulou Celestial Being go away, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye.

But the Youqiong Celestial Immortal and Yeli Celestial Immortal on the other side felt their hearts sink, and something bad flashed through them.

Because they found that the direction in which Yulou Tianxian evacuated seemed to be different from the direction they agreed on.

Only Qian Huan Tianxian secretly cheered in his heart: "Yulou, just go to the direction I gave you. No matter who wants to communicate with you on the way, even if it is me... you should ignore it."

It turns out that the Wanxiang Heavenly Palace of the Zhengdao Sect, which has fully introduced the new laws of Immortal Court and completed the reform of the new laws, has already secretly taken refuge in Immortal Court and joined the sect of Qianhuan Celestial Immortal.

Before, Qian Huan and Bai Cang were able to lead their troops to surround and kill the powerful powerful men who had gathered together because it was the Yulou Celestial Immortal who secretly reported the news.

And this time, he had already secretly informed Qian Huan Celestial Immortal of the righteous man's plan to seize the Qiankun Gate.

At this moment, Qianhuan Celestial Immortal created the opportunity and handed the Qiankun Gate into his hands. He would then secretly hand it over to Qianhuan Celestial Immortal in the future, so that Qianhuan Celestial Immortal could not only obtain the Qiankun Sect, but also throw the blame on the righteous sects.

The white-haired Yulou Celestial Immortal not only sensed the thoughts of Qian Huan Celestial Immortal, but also felt the repeated inquiries from Ye Li and You Qiong, two strong men of the right way.

But facing the inquiries from these two righteous companions, he could only sigh and speed away without looking back.

"I don't want to betray you, but it is through practicing the new method that I know how powerful the Immortal Court is."

"The more you practice the new method and the more you wander into the Dharma Realm, the more you will feel the invincibility of the Immortal Court."

When Yulou Tianxian noticed that both the elders and disciples in the sect were worshiping and yearning for the Immortal Court more and more in the process of practicing the new method, he knew that there was actually only one path left for them to choose in the future.

What's more, the new magic resources that Immortal Court can provide are far beyond what Wild Immortal can offer.

But just when Qianhuan Celestial Immortal consciously took control of the situation and had won a complete victory in this battle, a strange figure rose into the sky under everyone's unexpected gaze and blocked the way of Yulou Celestial Immortal.

At the same time, an invisible radiance followed the appearance of this strange figure, shrouding the Jade Tower Celestial Immortal.

At the moment when it was enveloped by this radiance, the Yulou Celestial Immortal was like a piece of frozen amber. Whether it was the soul, the immortal body, the thoughts, ideas, or the various immortal weapons in the body, they all fell into complete stillness at this moment. among.

Even in the induction of the immortals present, the location of the Yulou immortal seemed to be dragged into a black hole, and both thoughts and the legal world were completely isolated.

"Are there any masters?"

"who is he?"

Questions arose in everyone's mind immediately. The person in front of them was so unheard of and unseen in terms of appearance and methods.

But how could a strong man who could control the Jade Tower Celestial Immortal in an instant remain unknown in the upper world?

At the same time as the question of 'who is the other party', another question arises... Which faction does the other party belong to?

Wild fairy? Or Fairy Garden?

Who is the other party trying to rob this Qiankun Gate for?

But unlike everyone who was full of questions, Qianhuan Tianxian searched for the other party's information from the Dharma Realm as soon as he appeared.

"Tian Xuzi ascended to the Immortal Court a hundred years ago and was naturalized. At that time, he was only as powerful as a third-level scholar."

Qian Huan, who searched for this piece of information, judged it as false information almost immediately.

"This person is at least at the level of an immortal."

"How could someone grow from a third pass to such a level in just a hundred years?"

"I'm afraid this person has stolen Tian Xuzi's identity."

The moment the Yuxu Immortal Lord appeared, the Yulou Celestial Immortal was temporarily imprisoned, and various speculations surged in the minds of many Celestial Immortals present.

However, Yuxu Immortal Lord released his sense of existence wantonly, looking at everyone and said: "Qian Huan, Haoliu, do you still remember me?"

Immortal Haoliu said coldly: "Who are you?"

Immortal Lord Yuxu sighed softly: "It seems that my original identity and name have been completely cleaned up by that person, and even you don't remember them."

He gently took the Qiankun Gate that the Yulou Celestial Immortal had snatched away, and sighed: "But it doesn't matter."

"From today on, my name will be spread all over the world, and no one can erase me at will."

With the flick of the fingertips of Immortal Yuxu, the restrictions on the Qiankun Gate dissipated one by one, making Immortal Hao Liutian's brows jump: "Stop!"

I saw the Da Luo Jinxing rushing out of his body, forcing the Youqiong Celestial Immortal in front of him away, and shooting towards the direction of Yuxu Immortal Lord like a bolt of lightning.

Although Youqiong Celestial Immortal was still entangled with Hao Liu Celestial Immortal just now, in this unclear situation at this moment, he did not continue to fight with the other party. He just took the opportunity to retreat after a collision between his thoughts and the other party.

And Hao Liu Tianxian had just approached within a hundred meters of the Qiankun Gate. Amidst the banging and banging explosions, the light on the Qiankun Gate was shattered one after another. Under the eyes of everyone who were either surprised, curious, or nervous, they slowly The door opened.

Vast streams of immortal energy have been pouring out from it, seeming to dye the entire world into pure white.

Sensing the surging immortal energy, Immortal Haoliu had to retreat violently, and once again moved away from the Qiankun Gate. His eyes were splitting as he stared at the Immortal Yuxu standing in the surging immortal sea, and the person standing next to him. The door of heaven and earth opened slowly.

Immortal Lord Yuxu laughed loudly as he looked at the slowly opening door and said: "Come on, the stage has been set for you. Let me see the skills of the strongest in all the worlds, the ruler of the Immortal Court." How many breaths does the founder of Taoism have left?”

The next moment, under the gaze of everyone, a hand suddenly passed through the door and strangled the neck of Immortal Yuxu.

With a crackling sound, the neck of Yuxu Immortal Lord was torn off and turned into a fly with a fat human head, falling towards the vast immortal sea below.

In the vast sea of ​​clouds above the battlefield, the real Immortal Yuxu was observing the changes in the battlefield.

When he saw the Qiankun Gate being completely opened, a glint of light flashed in his eyes.

"The show has begun."

"Wanhua, you must be looking at this right now, right?"

"Today, your orthodoxy will be completely exposed by me."

"So now who is the pawn and who is the player?"

Just when an expectant smile appeared on his face, he suddenly felt a cold gaze sweeping across from the Qiankun Gate, and actually locked onto his position.

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