I said I would turn back time

Chapter 550 Dramatic changes in the fairy court

"Surrender, there is no point in fighting anymore."

The Jade Tower Immortal shook his white beard and sighed: "After thousands of years of cultivation, why waste your life in a place like this?"

Youqiong Tianxian looked at Yulou Tianxian who was kneeling on the ground, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes unknowingly.

"Why fear death?"

After saying that, his insect body shook slightly, and then rushed towards Lin Xing with a roar.

Facing the Youqiong Celestial Immortal's offensive that suddenly expanded like a mountain, with traces of flesh and blood bursting out with evil energy, Lin Xing, who was still looking up at the sky, didn't even look back. With just a slight movement of his fingertips, he brought up a group of Zhengyang spirits. The son completely swallowed up the Youqiong Tianxian.

"Under the influence of the Immortal Lord of Infinite Mysteries, you can be resurrected even if you die, right? Why are you afraid of death?"

Hearing Lin Xing's question, the Yulou Heavenly Immortal gave a bitter smile and said: "The Nine Nether Reincarnation Immortal of the Demon Sect has established the lineage of the underworld, and he can be reincarnated after death. But in which reincarnation will he not be stripped of his skin?"

"The Nine Nether Reincarnation Immortal Lord is like this, does the Infinite Mystery Immortal Lord will definitely be fine?"

"Which of the strong men in this world does not act for their own desires and for their own strength? Which of the Taoist traditions established by these immortals is not for the purpose of enslaving the world to strengthen themselves? How could it be possible for the weak? To consume yourself?”

Lin Xing lowered his head, glanced at the Yulou Celestial Immortal, and said, "You don't believe in the Immortal of the Infinite Mysteries?"

The Yulou Celestial Being was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head and said, "I went to the Wuliang Sect ten years ago...the Wuliang Sect may have disappeared."

At this moment, a series of extremely powerful and terrifying wills descended from the sky, as if they were going to cover the entire Ye Litian.

But then the second...the third...the fourth...the fifth thoughts emerged one by one.

Feeling this scene, Yulou Celestial Immortal could not help but have a look of horror in his eyes: "Five...five immortals?"

At this moment, Ye Litian was enveloped by the power of five immortals. Both mortals and immortals were subconsciously looking up at the sky at this moment, as if waiting for the arrival of some kind of future.

It was as if an instinctive reaction arose in their hearts.

The world is about to undergo some huge changes, a drastic change that affects their destiny and their future.

When the divine thunder of Zhengyang Lingzi engulfed Youqiong Tianxian and annihilated his body, mind, and spirit, he felt as if he had fallen into a bottomless darkness.

In this darkness, there seemed to be countless existences like him, turning into white points of light, falling towards the deepest part of the darkness.

He didn't know how long he had been falling in the darkness, but he suddenly felt like he was waking up again.

Opening his eyes and feeling his new body, Youqiong Tianxian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you reborn again?"

"This new body seems to be stronger this time."

When he saw his new body slowly standing up, with a satisfied expression on his face, Youqiong Tianxian instantly felt something was wrong.

"What's going on? Who is controlling my body?"

When he saw 'himself' leaving the palace gate step by step and watching the back getting further and further away, he even more frantically stirred up his own thoughts: "Who impersonated me!"

"Infinite Immortal Lord! Is Infinite Immortal Lord here? Someone has impersonated my body..."

But at the next moment, he felt as if he was being lifted up by the disciples on the side and led all the way to a huge jade wall.

I saw that the jade arm was tens of meters high, and it was filled with jade slips one after another.

Youqiong Tianxian soon discovered that he seemed to have become a jade slip at this moment, and was inserted into the jade wall by the disciple.

The next moment, the sky and the earth were spinning, and countless noisy voices rushed towards us.

He found that he came to an extremely vast but empty world, and countless thoughts similar to his were wandering in this world, making various shouts.

There were many existences that he felt were familiar to him, and they were all strong men from various sects of the righteous path.

Among them was an insect that looked exactly like him, waving at him and saying, "Whose hands did I die at this time?"

"You..." Youqiong Tianxian looked at the other party and said in disbelief: "Does it mean that every time I die, there will be another me here?"

The other party nodded and said: "Haha, the so-called soul is immortal and turns into a heroic spirit after death. I am afraid that this heroic spirit refers to us, not the real resurrected Netherworld Celestial Immortal."

You Qiong Celestial Immortal looked at the identical selves beside them, all with the same insect body, but found that their faces were full of indifference.

It seemed that neither the environment in front of them nor his arrival could cause them any emotional fluctuations at all.

Youqiong Tianxian couldn't help but ask: "What happened to them?"

The other party smiled helplessly and said: "When I arrived, they had been sitting here for tens of millions of years."

"When we sit still for so long, maybe we will be like them."

He looked at Youqiong Tianxian with some numbness: "There is no need to think about suicide, you can't die here even if you want to."

Just as they were talking, Youqiong Tianxian had already seen familiar figures rushing into the sky and exploding, but they came back to life after a moment.

Youqiong Celestial Immortal said bitterly: "Is this done by the Infinite Immortal? Why did he do this?"

At this moment, a female voice intervened: "The demon sect treats all living beings as firewood that is burned repeatedly, as the nutrients and qualifications for the old demons to advance."

"Haha, in order to compete with the Demon Sect, and to surpass the Demon Sect, Wuliang Immortal Master refined the entire Wuliang Sect and turned all the disciples and elders into immortal, heartless and desireless heroic spirits."

"Compared to these heroic spirits who work hard without asking for anything in return, those disciples of the Demon Sect still need to spend immortal energy and materials."

"The old ghost of the Infinite Immortal Lord believes that this is the only way to transcend the Demon Sect."

Youqiong Tianxian turned around and found that it was Yeli Tianxian who was speaking.

She said with a mocking look on her face: "Look, it's time to choose the Heroic Spirit again."

Above this empty sky and earth, beams of light suddenly descended from the sky, pulling those beings with the most numb expressions and the least emotional fluctuations one by one.

In the eyes of Youqiong Celestial Immortal, one person was like a stone, always expressionless and motionless, and ‘himself’ was among them, being caught like a real bug.

When the thoughts of the five immortals came.

The expression of Yuxu Immortal Lord in the sky moved slightly: "Are you coming?"

Feeling the collision of the five thoughts, he became slightly nervous at the moment.

Regarding Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal, a powerful man who stands at the apex of the upper world, Yuxu Immortal has never looked down upon or looked down upon.

If it weren't for the other party's existence, he wouldn't have been hiding in Ye Litian's slum for three years.

And it was precisely because he knew the other party's strength and the unfathomable strength of the other party that he never thought of confronting the other party head-on on his own.

"If the person who is most suitable to confront the Immortal Lord of All Transformations at this moment is the Immortal Lord of All Transformations, right?"

In the eyes of Immortal Lord Yuxu, the peak powerhouse who created the world of law, among the immortals in the upper realm, he is the one whose strength is closest to that of Immortal Lord All-Transformation Piaomiao.

"Back then, the Immortal Ancestor of Ten Thousand Daos oppressed the world with his skills and righteousness, and turned the practice of all the powerful people in the world into nutrients for his own advancement."

"This Ten Thousand Dharma Master Immortal Lord was able to gradually establish a legal realm under the eyes of the Ten Thousand Dao Immortal Ancestors, and finally allowed himself to bypass the oppression of technical traditions and create a new world in a unique way. Regardless of his intelligence and talent, he is by no means inferior to the Ten Thousand Transformation Piaomiao Immortal Lord. Down."

"If we can let him understand the Taoism of Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal Lord..."

Let the battle between the two Immortal Lords become more and more intense, and look for opportunities from the fierce fighting between the two sides. This has always been the course of action of Yuxu Immortal Lord.

But just as Immortal Yuxu was thinking this, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

Just because of one piece of breaking news exploded in the legal world.

The outer space of Ye Litian.

In that boundless sky.

The thoughts of the five immortals collided together.

And at the center of these five terrifying thoughts, surrounded by the vast and boundless thoughts of the five immortals.

A piece of jade is like a huge dining table lying in the air.

And one after another, the expressionless and numb heroic spirits were led out, and they lay neatly on the jade wall like a dining table.

On both sides of the dining table, on one side are the Immortal Lord All-powerful Heaven and Nine Nether Reincarnation Immortal Lord, and on the other side are the Immortal Lord All-Transformation Piaomiao, the Immortal Lord Infinite Mysteries and the Immortal Lord Minghui Heavenly Sage.

In the void, the chuckle of the Immortal Lord Wuliang Xuanji came: "This is the heroic spirit."

"No birth, no death, no desire, no pain, no fatigue."

As he spoke, the Nether Sky Immortal on the dining table slowly floated up. The insect-like body was folded and torn into pieces, but there was no trace of pain on his face.

"The Immortal Lord of All Dharmas, the Nine Netherworld Immortal Lord of Reincarnation, mortals suffer from the seven emotions and six desires, and are also poisoned by greed, anger and ignorance, mixed with countless lazy people and many villains."

"Even though these two people were compassionate and passed down new laws one after another, they were always greedy and never satisfied."

"It's better to replace mortals with this heroic spirit, and let everyone work hard day and night, working tirelessly."

The voice of Jiuyou Reincarnation Immortal Lord rang out on the dining table: "Is this your heroic spirit tradition? It turns people into spirit-like beings without any reward or rest. The effect is indeed a hundred times greater than that of mortals."

"With this heroic spirit, mortals are indeed worthless, but mortals are mortals of the fairy court after all, but heroic spirits are your own heroic spirits..."

Immortal Lord Wuliang Xuanji chuckled and said, "As I have been talking about these past few days, I am willing to share the lineage of heroic spirits with you."

"Not just the Heroic Spirit Tradition, I think all Traditions can be shared and managed by us together."

Jiuyou Reincarnation Immortal Lord snorted and said slowly: "With our cultivation level, it is already the limit for one person to be able to take on the next lineage. How can we control multiple lines?"

Immortal Lord Wuliang Xuanji said: "We will each take 10% of the Heroic Spirit Dao Lineage, and the rest will be divided equally among the immortals under our sect."

"The rest of the Taoist traditions have also been separated in this way, and we will be in charge of all the Taoist traditions in the world."

"From now on, with the yin and yang in our hands and the talents of the world at our feet, we will preside over the heavens and the world from generation to generation."

Feeling the silence of the other party, Immortal Master Wuliang Xuanji continued: "In these days of fierce fighting, the two of you must also know that if any of us can win this round, we will have to pay a heavy price. It is nothing more than cheap. Get rid of those ant-like things down there.”

"It even gave them a chance to get close to the Immortal Ancestor Seal."

"It's better to share the Taoism and stand on the top of all worlds forever and ever, swaying all worlds..."

The two sides were fighting and talking at the same time, and talking and fighting at the same time. Similar conversations have been held countless times in these days.

As the battle and conversation progressed, Ye Litian suffered heavy losses, and Jiuyou Reincarnation Immortal Lord also spent a lot of resources.

Even the immortals began to compete for the seal of the Immortal Ancestor.

All of this seems to be warning them that continuing to fight will only make it easier for the immortals who have been watching eagerly below.

And the Immortal Lord, All-powerful Master, saw a crisis from the existence of heroic spirits.

A major crisis that is enough to cause the mortals of the Immortal Court Sect to lose their jobs, cause the value of immortal energy to plummet, and completely collapse and reshape the current cycle of the legal world.

And after much thought, it seemed that only by mastering this heroic spirit tradition could he turn this crisis into new prosperity.

So as the battle among the immortals below came to an end, the Immortal Lord of All Laws finally gave an answer.

"Then let's start with the Heroic Spirit Tradition."

"Let me see... how do you plan to divide the immortals equally?"

"The Immortal Master Wuliang Xuanji and the Immortal Master Minghui Tiansheng led their disciples into the Immortal Court..."

"How can it be?"

When Immortal Yuxu learned this breaking news from the Dharma Realm, his first reaction was disbelief.

"Why did they suddenly join forces? The orthodoxy of the two sides conflicts with each other, and they are absolutely blocking the road."

"Dao Tong...has Wanhua activated his Dao Tong?"

Thinking of this, all kinds of memories about Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal Lord suddenly came to Yuxu Immortal Lord's mind.

A hundred years ago, when he ascended to the Immortal Court and entered the sect of his adoptive father, he did not know that the highest being in his branch was the Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal.

He just served under his adoptive father's door with all his heart.

After living like this for three years, he was assigned a job as a liaison with the lower world.

Even now, he still remembers that the lower world was full of wisdom, the immortality was prosperous, and the average strength of the strong men was far higher than other lower worlds.

But even so, those powerful third- and even fourth-passers in the lower realm were still trembling with fear when faced with the sound transmission of their own talisman edicts, and did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

His job is also very simple, he just guides the lower world to build the fairy gate.

As for the other work, it was done by other immortals from the Immortal Courtyard, and Immortal Yuxu was not clear about it at that time.

Under his guidance, the powerful men of this world set up fairy gates all over the world, opening connections with another lower realm.

As more and more immortal gates are opened in the two lower realms, the spiritual intelligence, immortal energy, and evil energy of the two realms are interconnected, and the environments begin to become more and more similar.

But this was just the beginning... Yuxu Immortal Lord soon witnessed the process of the two worlds becoming one, and witnessed the histories of the two worlds being entangled, colliding with each other, and being reborn in constant drastic changes.

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