I said I would turn back time

Chapter 556 For World Peace

When the Candle God came to the body of the Immortal Lord, he experienced a series of shocking fights and was suppressed by the Immortal Lord.

The Ten Thousand Techniques Tongtian Immortal Lord has been trying to crack this Emperor God.

Not only for the Zhuyin Yetian inheritance mastered by Lin Xing, but also for the other party's power to create powerful incarnations and the ability to accelerate the mastery of the inheritance... Each of these powers is extremely coveted by the Immortal Lord of All Laws.

He had a feeling that as long as he cracked Lin Xing's secret and mastered Lin Xing's powers, his strength and realm would be greatly improved.

Zhu Yin Ye Tian's power will further enhance his destructive power and combat effectiveness.

Lin Xing's incarnation-making technology will also better complement Wanfa Tongtian Immortal's own incarnation technology, further improving the power and material delivery capabilities of the Dharma Realm.

Accelerating the mastery of inheritance and the time-space power of skills will complement part of the Immortal Master of All Laws' understanding of the time-space mysteries of the evil system, broaden the scope of interference in the Dharma Realm, complete the Dharma Realm's orthodoxy, and pave the way for his entry into the Immortal Ancestor Realm. the way.

As long as he gets these, let alone the many other Immortals, even those at the Immortal Ancestor level... he will have the confidence to truly surpass and defeat them.

"The power and secrets of Lin Xing will be an unprecedented opportunity for me to promote the legal world. It will also be an important opportunity for me to change the fairy court again, and even change the entire world."

Seeing this clearly, the Ten Thousand Methods Heavenly Immortal Lord naturally continued to increase his investment, focusing almost most of his energy on the darkness in his palm, and constantly used various resources in the legal world to decipher the mystery of the Candle God for himself.

Of course, to crack the mystery of the Candle God, the most important thing is to completely suppress and control it.


Along with a violent roar in the darkness, the darkness in the heart of Wanfa Immortal Master shrank and expanded like a whirlpool.

"Are you reborn again?"

"But with every rebirth, the will within it weakens."

"How long can you last?"

The Wanfa Immortal feels the darkness that is constantly moving in his palm. He is sure that in one or two months at most, the will to resist will be completely wiped out. By then, all the secrets inside and outside this clone will be revealed. In front of his eyes.

During this period, he also felt that there seemed to be some kind of unusual fluctuations in the Dharma Realm, but after a little understanding of it, the Immortal Lord Wanfa Tongtian didn't care, just because the Candle God in his hand seemed to him to be a top priority.

Until a few days later, this strange fluctuation continued to spread, so that the Immortal Lord of All Laws Tongtian had to start paying attention.

"The two great Immortal Ancestors have long been transformed into Taoists, and the Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal Lord has also fallen into Taoism not long ago. Lingbao Sect is facing a major crisis, and a civil war in the Immortal Court is about to break out."

Similar news only circulated in a small area at first, but as the forces behind the scenes added fuel to the fire, it soon spread more and more widely.

The two great immortal ancestors have not appeared in the world for a long time, and similar rumors have been mentioned for a long time.

And the Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal Lord suddenly announced that he would go into seclusion for a hundred years and never appeared again, which only aggravated the spread of rumors.

And because of the spread of such rumors, some mortals and even immortals have increased the number of people in the Dharma Realm purchasing supplies and cashing out immortal energy because they are worried about the recurrence of civil war in the Immortal Court.

"Although it is a rumor, it has to be said that it is some kind of truth."

Knowing this, the Immortal Lord of the Ten Thousand Techniques Tongtian also secretly thought in his heart: "Today's Immortal Court is indeed full of dangers, and there is the possibility of war. Although this rumor is false... but it hits the point."

He lamented: "Rumors like this that are both true and false are the easiest to shake people's hearts."

Not long after Ye Litian's fierce battle ended, rumors aggravated some people's panic.

And behind this series of actions, Immortal Lord All-powerful Master noticed the clues of Lin Xing.

"Panic, is this your purpose? Lin Xing... Do you want to take advantage of Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal's situation to create panic in the legal world?"

As the original creator and supreme controller of the Dharma Realm, the Immortal Lord of All Laws Tongtian knows very well what kind of existence the Dharma Realm he established is, and how he mobilizes materials and power from all over the upper realm.

That is because he uses the Dharma Realm and his own power as anchors, and uses immortal energy as a trading tool to complete the deployment of resources in the upper realm.

It can be said that with every increase in strength, he can mobilize a thousand or ten thousand times the power of his own body from the Dharma Realm.

And once more and more people give up storing immortal energy, materials and power in the Dharma Realm, and start to cash out in order to cope with the war, converting Dharma Realm assets into ready-made combat power, then the Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Lord can withdraw from the Dharma Realm. The force mobilized will be reduced.

If this trend reaches a limit, then the Ten Thousand Dharma Immortal Lord will even need to rely on his own power to support it with his own great power in order to maintain the operation of the Dharma Realm.

Of course, slight fluctuations like this are far from shaking the foundation of the Dharma Realm.

"Interesting little guy, but if you think this can weaken me, it only means that you are nothing more than that."

After casually notifying all the major sects to refute the rumors, and mobilizing his disciples to ban the rumors in the Dharma Realm, Immortal Venerable All-Dharma Master once again began to retreat to decipher the mystery of the Candle God.

Regardless of rumors or small-scale fluctuations in the legal world, it is no longer critical to the Immortal Lord of All Laws and Heavens at this moment.

"As long as I can decipher the mysteries of the Candle God, I will completely change the world."

But just half a month later, a piece of news shocked the Dharma world again, and the Wanfa Immortal Lord, who had been in seclusion, had to raise his head again.

With a slight movement of his thoughts, he had arrived in a city belonging to the Lingbao Sect.

Immortal Machine City, with Lingbao Sect's Immortal Weapon Manufacturing Workshop as the center, brings together millions of Immortal Weapon manufacturing personnel and tens of millions of supporting industry personnel to create an Immortal Weapon City.

But at this moment, this city, which was originally extremely prosperous and gathered the most cutting-edge fairy technology, has become chaotic.

Every factory has stopped operating, and the streets are filled with bewildered citizens.

"No one was injured, but the entire city's fairy weapon workshops were destroyed?"

The Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Lord's thoughts flashed slightly, and he had already landed in a workshop. Looking at the houses that seemed to have turned into marble, he frowned slightly: "The escaped clone is still there. Can you use the power of Zhu Yin Ye Tian?”

"Freezing all the workshops without harming anyone is the burden of turning the entire city into a fairyland..."

While the All-Dharma-Tongtian Immortal Lord was thinking, all kinds of information in the Dharma Realm were flashing in front of him.

As this important city of Lingbao Sect was attacked, messages in the legal world that Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal Lord had fallen into Taoism became rampant again.

No matter how the various parties in the Immortal Court refute the rumors, or let Lingbao Sect refute the rumors themselves, it is difficult to completely suppress the spread of this rumor.

The most important point is that after the Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal Master went into seclusion, he completely cut off contact with the outside world. No matter how the rumors spread, he never appeared in person to refute them.

This is also what the Immortal Lord of All Laws Tongtian cannot figure out the most.

"What happened to the old ghost?"

"You haven't shown up yet?"

A guess couldn't help but spread in his mind.

"Did he...really fall into Taoism?"

Although he felt that the situation was beginning to become confusing, Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Master still sat firmly on Diaoyutai.

He understood that compared to everything happening in the outside world, what he should do more was continue to decipher the mystery of Lin Xing's power.

"In up to a month, I can completely break through the final resistance of Lin Xing's incarnation."

Feeling the increasingly weak will in the darkness in the palm of his hand, Immortal Lord All-powers-reaching Heaven smiled slightly: "At such a critical moment, doing anything else would be to sacrifice the fundamentals and pursue the inferior."

No matter how many opponents you destroy, how can it be as important as your own breakthrough? The Immortal Lord of All Laws Tongtian knows this clearly enough.

So no matter how the rumors intensified, he ignored them and devoted himself wholeheartedly to suppressing the Candle God.

But in the following time, more and more Lingbao Sect's residences, workshops, and evil labs were attacked one after another.

However, the Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal Lord has not appeared for a long time, which makes more and more people believe the rumors, and even shakes the judgment of more and more immortals, superior immortals, true immortals... and even the Immortal Lords.

This triggered a greater market reaction.

Among the eight major sects, Shilin Temple, which had completed a transaction with Lin Xing, seemed to have received some kind of news, and first began to sell off the immortal energy, exchanging the immortal energy for a large amount of training materials and immortal weapons.

This action was like firing the starting gun, and soon other large sects followed suit and also began to purchase supplies in large quantities.

With the actions of the large sects, more and more immortals and mortals also joined the trend of purchasing materials, which resulted in the assets stored in the Dharma Realm being continuously cashed out.

As this realization intensified, it even began to affect the actions of the Immortal Lord of All Laws, hindering his ability to mobilize the power of the Dharma Realm.

After calculation, he found that as this trend continued to intensify, he would inevitably need to use his own assets to maintain the legal realm.

This will greatly slow down his cracking of the Candle God.

"A bunch of idiots."

Watching the changes in the situation, the Immortal Lord of All Laws and Heavens sighed in his heart.

He knew that even though many large sects and immortals did not believe the rumors, they started grabbing supplies. This was not to prepare for war, but to take advantage of this incident to hoard supplies, push up prices, and earn more wealth. .

"For such short-term gains, it affects the overall situation on my side."

Although he knew that his choice and judgment were extremely correct, Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Lord could not stop the short-term profit-seeking behavior of the large sects.

Because if you want to live forever, you have to have money, if you want to become stronger, you have to have money, if you want to be reincarnated after death, you still have to have money... money! money! money! money! money! In this world where you have fucking everything if you have money, you have to pursue interests, pursue growth in stock prices, and pursue higher profits.

This is the nature of the eight major sects, and it is also the convergence of the will of everyone in the sect, from the head to the elders to the disciples and servants.

Even though all of this was originally shaped by the All-powerful Immortal Lord, even he could not reverse this will or stop this endless pursuit of wealth by all living beings.

"This kid, he's determined that I will definitely go find him."

"Not because I 'wanted' to hunt him down."

"But the legal world needs me to do this."

At this moment, the Immortal Lord of All Laws has completely understood Lin Xing's true purpose.

The body as huge as a star rotates slowly, and traces of immortal energy swim and condense, forming an incarnation made of the original immortal body.

As the incarnation's eyes slowly opened, Immortal Lord All-powerful Master murmured: "In that case, it is as you wish."

"But this time, I'm not the only one chasing you."

Lin Xing can use the profit-seeking instinct of the beings in the upper world to force him into the game, and the Ten Thousand Techniques Master can naturally use this to increase his bargaining chips.

Seduced by the promise of huge profits, soon the three immortals, Jiuyou Reincarnation Immortal, Jiuxiao Dangmo Immortal, and Wuliang Xuanji Immortal, have sent responses one after another, and they will hunt down and kill the Ten Thousand Dharma Heaven Immortal. Lin Xing's last clone.

However, the Yunse Qixia Immortal Lord who finally sent the message to the Immortal Lord of Ten Thousand Laws never responded.

Just when Wanfa Xianzun thought that the other party had rejected this cooperation, a piece of news that surprised him came.

Yunse Qixia Immortal Lord has fallen.

The Immortal Lord who stood at the highest level of the Immortal Court was beaten to death in front of his alchemy furnace.

The upper realm, Lan Liutian.

Emei camp.

The entire mountain has been sealed off.

Both the sky and the earth were covered with many disciples and immortal weapons of the Emei Sect, sealing the entire place so that water could not enter.

At this moment, many disciples felt the pressure falling from the sky and knew that the Immortal Lord had arrived.

In front of the body of Yunse Qixia Immortal Lord, Jiuyou Samsara Immortal Lord was surprised: "Let alone the entire alchemy peak, there are not many traces of fighting in this small alchemy room."

"This can only mean one thing, that is, when the person who killed Qixia Immortal Lord burst out with power that Qixia Immortal Lord was completely unable to resist at that time. What happened at that time? Qixia could not do what he did. Are you being plotted for resisting?"

The image shown by Jiuxiaodang Moxianzun is that of a majestic and majestic man. He sensed the faint smell in the air and said: "There are traces of evil spirits."

His palms gently brushed the surrounding space, and he frowned: "The structure of time and space has changed, and the person who did it exerted some kind of super-time and space power."

Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Lord was the first to arrive at the scene. When he looked at the dark, cold body of Yunse Qixia Immortal Lord, he knew that the person who did it was Lin Xing.

Although there seemed to be some subtle differences, he could still confirm that this was definitely the power from Zhu Yin Ye Tian.

"It was the power of Zhu Yin Ye Tian. The person who killed Yun Se Qixia Immortal Lord was Lin Xing."

Feeling the surprised emotions of the three Immortal Lords, a trace of hesitation flashed in the heart of the All-powerful Immortal Lord at this moment.

Realizing that Lin Xing was also growing rapidly, he wanted more and more to go back and seize the time to decipher the secret of the Candle God.

But the turmoil in the Dharma Realm, the sect's pursuit of profit... all of this forced him to do this, unless he was willing to temporarily abandon the Dharma Realm and let the Dharma Realm be severely damaged by the squeeze.

"Abandon the Dharma Realm and try your best to crack the clone. The worst case scenario is that it will stay dormant for a while and then come back to repair the Dharma Realm..."

But when he thought of giving up the Dharma Realm that he had spent a lot of energy and time to build with great difficulty, and giving up the massive benefits in it, the All-Dharma-Tongtian Immortal Lord found that he couldn't do it no matter what.

Because this is not just a strong man’s arm being cut off, but a strong man’s head being cut off. Not only will it cause huge losses, but it will also offend countless relevant stakeholders and become the enemy of all major sects and immortals.

"Then...are we going to borrow the power of these immortals to suppress Lin Xing's incarnation together?"

The Immortal Lord All-powerful Heaven shook his head in his heart. He was not willing to decipher the mystery of the Candle God and share its power with other Immortal Lords.

"The secrets in it are related to my promotion to Immortal Ancestor and the opportunity to change the world. How can I share it so easily?"

At this moment, Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Lord found that he had too many things that he could not give up, and there seemed to be only one choice left among what seemed to be many options.

"Then it seems there's only one choice left."

"Use their power to capture Lin Xing and calm down the incident."

"Then while discussing with the immortals how to deal with Lin Xing... we will try our best to crack the incarnation."

Although there is no choice, no matter how Lin Xing grows, chasing and suppressing him with the four immortals is still a choice with a high success rate.

The thought was completed in an instant. In the alchemy room, the incarnation of the All-powerful Immortal Lord said coldly: "Everyone, this person has the power to kill the Immortal Lord. You must find him as soon as possible and suppress him directly."

The three immortals who heard these words also looked solemn.

As the Immortal Lords standing at the top of the Immortal Court, they have experienced countless battles and have rich fighting experience.

No matter how much he had underestimated Lin Xing's strength before, after realizing that the other party had the means to threaten the Immortal Lord, there was no longer any thought of contempt in his heart at this moment, and everything in his mind became solemn.

The Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Lord continued: "This person harassed everywhere, spread rumors wildly, destroyed the property of the Immortal Court, endangered the safety of the Immortal Lord, and caused huge losses to the upper world, causing many stock prices to plummet, and making countless people owe money. It’s completely crazy and evil to be in debt.”

"For the sake of peace in the upper world and the stability of Immortal Court, we must not let him go this time."

"As long as I capture him, I am willing to double the agreed reward again."

A pursuit team composed of four immortals was formally established at this moment. They will fight for a better fairyland and a more stable world.

It was also for the safety of the wealth of countless people to capture the extremely vicious criminal who was causing havoc everywhere.

At this moment, they were leaving the Emei sect's camp against the setting sun, but they didn't know that what awaited them would be an epic adventure story.

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