I said I would turn back time

Chapter 561 Obstruction

At the moment when the battle began, with the arrival of Lin Xing, the immortals present all felt a drastic change in space.

And Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable also sensed the source of this spatial change at the first time.

"It was Zhu Yin Yetian who merged Shenxiao Lei Yu and accelerated the divine thunder with the disorder of yin and yang, which then caused the expansion of space..."

With a slight movement of his mind, Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable had sensed and analyzed what was happening in front of him. The distance of the entire battlefield was stretched tens of thousands of times by Lin Xing.

This made the distance between the three of them and Jiuyou Immortal Venerable reach ten thousand miles.

However, although the change was ten thousand miles away, for strong men of their level, it was only an increase from one moment to two moments.

But this extra moment also meant that Jiuyou Lunhui Immortal Venerable had to face Lin Xing alone for one more moment.

"As we cross this expanding space, in this tiny moment, we will take down Jiuyou..." Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable thought to himself, "Is this the plan you chose? Lin Xing."

Facing Lin Xing's move, Wanfa, Jiuxiao, and Wuliang, the three Immortal Venerables, naturally chose to support Jiuyou at full speed.

After exchanging shares, buying insurance, and sharing the Taoism, the Immortal Venerables have already become an extremely solid community of interests.

In this battle, they are in unprecedented unity.

"In this battle, we will all prosper together and suffer together."

Jiuxiao Dangmo Immortal Venerable burst out with vigorous fighting spirit, and brought lightning to Lin Xing: "Jiuyou! I'll help you!"

"Lin Xing! With me here, you can't do anything violent today!"

Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable also did not hold back, and immediately turned into hundreds of thousands of immortal energy, projecting all kinds of acceleration, escape, and displacement skills, making sure to support Jiuyou at the fastest speed.

Immortal Wuliang Xuanji was not strong in displacement ability. At this moment, his soul left his body and rushed towards Immortal Jiuyou.

"Lin Xing, we are fighting together today. Don't blame us for bullying the minority with our numbers. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for doing evil."

And at the first moment when the three immortals attacked at full speed.

After a series of fierce battles with Lin Xing, Immortal Jiuyou had found the location of his soul change and detonated the strong immortal energy twice in a row.

Realizing that Lin Xing was going to use Taoism to attack Immortal Jiuyou, Wanfa and other three immortals were all filled with anger at this moment.

The underworld is not only the underworld of Immortal Jiuyou, but also theirs after exchanging shares and sharing Taoism.

It can be said that every loss of the underworld is their loss.

And if Immortal Jiuyou really falls into Taoism, their assets will probably evaporate by more than several times.

Not to mention that the underworld, as the foundation of reincarnation, is also the last insurance for the immortals.

Lin Xing's actions at this moment, in the eyes of the three immortals, have already severely offended their reverse scales.

Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable: "The underworld is an important asset of the Immortal Court, and it is also the hope of the afterlife of hundreds of millions of lives. Lin Xing! Do you know how many people you will wipe out?"

Jiuxiao Dangmo Immortal Venerable: "Beast! Stop it!"

Xuanji Wuliang Immortal Venerable: "Jiuyou! Hold on!"

Tens of terrifying divine thoughts suddenly burst out from the three immortals. At this moment, they tried their best to accelerate again, and they wanted to protect Jiuyou Lunhui Immortal Venerable at all costs.

At the same time, their murderous intentions towards Lin Xing in their hearts have soared to an unprecedented level, vowing to completely blast this wild immortal who climbed up from an unknown lower world to pieces!

And at the last moment when the three immortals came to support, Jiuyou Lunhui Immortal Venerable felt the immortal energy that Lin Xing detonated again. Although a trace of ferocity flashed in his eyes, there was no panic.


"Dare to destroy the underworld and try to ruin the future of billions of lives."

"You have truly offended the public, and no high-ranking being in the Immortal Court can tolerate what you have done."

The Immortal Lord Jiuyou Lunhui looked at Lin Xing at this moment, as if he was looking at a scum who was unforgivable and deserved to be punished by heaven and earth.

But he was not panicked at all, just because he wanted to pull him into the Taoism, and the strong immortal energy in front of him was far from enough.

And the support of the other three immortals was about to arrive in the next moment.

"Do you feel it? Lin Xing."

"Wanfa, Jiuxiao, Wuliang... They will never tolerate your delusion of destroying the underworld, just because my underworld Taoism is the real foundation of the Immortal Court now."

"What's more..."

As the thoughts of the Immortal Lord Jiuyou Lunhui surged, dense and vague human figures instantly surged out of his soul.

"Even if they weren't there, do you really think you can defeat me with Taoism?"

I saw these blurry human figures rushing out like a tsunami, and they began to devour the immortal energy that burst out in his body.

These human figures are the dead souls that Jiuyou Lunhui Xianzun usually collects in the underworld.

And the collection standard is also very simple, that is, enough waste, enough poor, enough worthless.

These dead souls almost all left no property after death, and the working hours after more than three consecutive reincarnations were far less than the average.

In the calculation of Jiuyou Lunhui Xianzun, these dead souls belong to the value created in the upper realm after reincarnation is not as much as the cost of reincarnation.

According to his own evaluation, that is: I will lose money for every reincarnation I arrange for these people.

And with the birth of newborns in the upper world, the underworld collects a large number of such dead souls every year.

"It's like an endless supply of garbage. How can we deal with it to get the most benefit?"

As Jiuyou Xianzun thought about it, he used these worthless dead souls in places other than reincarnation.

For example, at this moment, he used these dead souls to cleanse his immortal spirit.

Sensing the phantoms that quickly transformed into Dao after swallowing the immortal energy, Lin Xing's eyes seemed to have a cold light flashing: "Sure enough, among these immortals, you are the one I want to kill the most."

The Immortal Jiuyou felt Lin Xing's thoughts, but his eyes were full of disdain: "Fools, if it weren't for my Taoism, their lives that have no value would have ended long ago."

"And at this moment, what they did to protect me and the underworld is even more valuable than everything they have done in the past."

As the thoughts of both sides collided, the Immortal Jiuyou Lunhui felt his body being destroyed again and again, and large amounts of strong immortal energy kept exploding in his sea of ​​consciousness with Lin Xing's operation.

But his Yuanshen was like a small world containing endless undead souls. The endless undead souls rushed out like swimming fish. After madly swallowing some immortal energy, they transformed into Dao and sank into the endless Tianhe.

But it was also at this moment that the Immortal Jiuyou Lunhui discovered something, that is, the support from Tongtian, Jiuxiao, and Wuliang had not arrived yet.

He tried to sense the direction of the three people, and found that after the three immortals collided with Lin Xing's thoughts, they became slower and slower, and it seemed that they were blocked by Lin Xing's thoughts.

"How is it possible?"

Looking at this scene, Jiuyou Lunhui Immortal felt incredible. With Lin Xing's cultivation and realm, how could he easily block the progress of the three immortals?

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