I said I would turn back time

Chapter 564 Who will bear the burden of the underworld?

Not long after Jiuyou Reincarnation Immortal Lord was sealed into the Qiankun Gate.

In the underworld, countless undead people who were still queuing up for reincarnation seemed to suddenly regain their sanity one by one.

"This...this is the world after death?"

"What's wrong? How could I die? I want to go back! I want to go back!"

"How long will the queue last? What's in front of you?"

The sudden recovery of intelligence made each undead think differently about the situation in front of them.

Some want to return to the upper world, some want to explore the underworld, some want to go to the front of the team to see what it's like, some are afraid of punishment and plan to stay where they are, and some run away when they see everyone else He also ran away...

With various choices, the neat teams on the underworld disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Billions of undead roared and surged out of control in all directions, toward any direction they felt safe.

And with this rush around, the undead passed all kinds of speculations and rumors to each other, making the situation more and more out of control.

An immortal official looked at the undead who were fleeing in all directions and shouted angrily: "Stop all of them! If anyone runs around again, I will make him unable to be reincarnated forever!"

Although the immortal officials in the underworld tried their best to maintain order, facing the seemingly endless undead, it was impossible to completely control them.

"Where is the Immortal?"

"Where did the Immortal Lord go?"

"Why don't you hurry up and contact the Immortal Lord to take charge of the overall situation!"

The entire underworld is under the shroud of the Dharma Realm. Although the immortal officials are not high-level, they can easily contact their superiors.

As the immortal officials, immortals, superior immortals, true immortals, and heavenly immortals reported it layer by layer, many senior officials of the Immortal Court soon discovered the loss of contact with the Nine Nether Immortal Lord.

Unlike the information dissemination flow in the upper world, many mortals in the upper world also quickly discovered the anomaly of reincarnation.

Just because more and more mortals find that their dead relatives and friends have begun to contact them through the Dharma Realm.

The reason is naturally because the entire underworld is under the shroud of the Dharma Realm.

Especially when the undead reincarnate, they need to pay, borrow, and settle reincarnation expenses through the legal world. Under these special conditions... the undead in the underworld can even communicate with the legal world more conveniently than in the original world.

It's just that under the suppression of the underworld's orthodoxy, almost all the undead who came here would have chaotic consciousness and could only line up step by step to join the new reincarnation.

But now that they lost the suppression of the underworld orthodoxy, the undead quickly discovered that they could still communicate with the legal world, and immediately began to make trouble in the legal world one by one.

"Son! It's me, give me some money to help me reincarnate! I'll pay you back as your son in my next life."

"Sangdog! I fucked you! Did you kill me?"

"Netherworld Live Broadcast! Old guys! Let's start giving rewards. I will show you the difference between reincarnation worth 1 immortal energy and reincarnation worth 10 million immortal energy!"

As the influence of the undead spreads in the legal world, more and more people are aware of the out-of-control underworld and reincarnation.

Because they were worried that they would not be reincarnated after death, many areas where conflicts were breaking out chose to cease fighting, making this day the safest and most peaceful day in the history of the upper world.

In the illusory conference room of the Dharma Realm, many immortals appeared one by one and discussed the matter of the underworld getting out of control.

Minghui Tiansheng Xianzun chuckled lightly, looked at the message on the Dharma Realm and said: "It is a good idea to make money after death. In comparison...the original rule of not communicating between life and death is still too rigid."

"I think we should provide this benefit and allow the deceased to seek support from the earthly world before entering reincarnation."

This Immortal Lord from the Zixiao Palace among the seven sects of the Righteous Path had already joined the Immortal Court after the last battle at Yelitian and formed a relationship with the four Immortal Lords Wanfa, Jiuyou, Wanhua, and Wuliang. ally.

After learning about the disappearance of the Nine Nether Immortal Lord, he became one of the Immortal Lords he cared about the most.

On the other side of the illusory conference room, Qixia Immortal Lord sneered: "Then we can even provide those revenge services, so that people can pay to reincarnate their enemies into pigs in their next life."

After hearing Qixia Immortal's suggestion, the other Immortals all agreed.

"Good idea! But the person who was paid can also pay a higher price to redeem himself."

"If I were in charge of Hades, I would definitely launch this service."

"Some people slander Immortal Court all day long, this function should be tested on them."

at the same time.

On the battlefield between Lin Xing and the three great immortals.

Jiuxiaodang Demon Immortal Lord also sensed the sudden changes in the situation through the legal world, especially the loss of control of the underworld and the attention of the major immortals.

"The underworld is the foundation of the upper world and is related to the survival of billions of living beings."

"If the death of the Nine Nether Immortal Lord is confirmed, in order to stabilize the overall situation, the Immortal Lords will definitely take off the burden of Netherland as soon as possible."

"With their cultivation level...the time difference is very short."

While thinking, Jiuxiaodang Moxianzun kept looking at Lin Xing in front of him and calculating another thing: "Taohua matters are equally important."

"If you fail to master the method of resisting Taoism, then no matter how much Taoism you have and how much wealth you have, it will not last long."

"But can I deal with Lin Xing in front of me before the Underworld Daoist system is taken down?"

Jiuxiaodang Moxianzun calculated slightly in his mind and got a negative answer.

Lin Xing showed extremely strong actual combat ability during the fierce battle with Jiuyou Immortal Lord, and he was by no means an opponent that could be easily defeated.

So he found himself having to choose between the two.

Should he immediately go to the underworld to fight for orthodoxy? Or stay here to deal with Lin Xing?

Seemingly aware of the hesitation in Jiuxiao Dangmo Immortal Lord's heart, Immortal Lord All-powers-Tongtian on the side immediately said: "You two, you have completed your task of eradicating evil. Now is definitely not the time to give up halfway."

"Although the underworld is of great importance, the danger of Taoism is also related to the longevity of every immortal, and the stability of the entire fairy court..."

Just when the Immortal Lord of All Laws and Heavens was still trying to persuade him, he saw that the spirit of the Immortal Lord of Infinite Mysteries moved slightly, but it quickly retreated.

"I'm sorry you two, I won't accompany you in this operation."

"After all, the underworld is related to the safety of billions of living beings. I can't just sit idly by and ignore it."

Seeing the Immortal Lord Wuliang Xuanji leaving, the Immortal Lord Wanfa was about to persuade him to stay, but suddenly his heart was shocked: "Yes, this guy has established the lineage of heroic spirits."

"This great change in the underworld will have the greatest impact on him. If he can combine more underworld traditions and heroic spirit traditions, I am afraid that not only will his strength be greatly increased, but his right to speak in the fairy court will also be different..."

Thinking of this, Wanfa Immortal Lord already understood that it was impossible for him to keep Wuliang Immortal Lord.

The Nine Heavens Immortal Lord on the other side sighed and said with a look of compassion: "The changes in the underworld are all caused by this battle. I am fully responsible. I really can't watch the world's people be deprived of the blessing of the next life."

"After this catastrophe is resolved, I will definitely join forces with the two of you to hunt down this beast.

Looking at Jiuxiao Immortal Lord who followed him away, Tongtian Wanfa Immortal Lord knew that this time the hunt for Lin Xing had failed again.

"A group of profit-seeking, short-sighted people."

Thinking of the continuous failures of his actions against Lin Xing, Tongtian Xianzun felt more and more that he had been dragged down by the short-sightedness of many people on his side.

Through the Dharma Realm, he also saw that an Immortal Lord had arrived in the underworld.

"How can the underworld's orthodoxy be in the hands of these wastes?"

"It would be better to combine the Dharma Realm with the Underworld, and completely bring together the two great traditions..."

After thinking about it, Wanfa Immortal Lord also urged his incarnation to leave the battlefield.

In just such a moment, Lin Xing was the only one left in the battlefield that had been extremely fierce just now.

The immortals who left didn't even look at Lin Xing again.

Bai Yiyi, who observed the battlefield through the memory screen, sighed: "These guys are really..."

Lin Xing said: "The environment of Immortal Court has shaped today's Immortal Lords, turning almost all of them into pure profit animals."

"The interests of Netherland have temporarily turned their attention away from me, but once the ownership of Netherland is determined, it will be time for them to pursue me again."

Bai Yiyi seemed to have thought of that scene, and said in a deep voice: "We revealed the existence of the "Future Tribulation Sutra" this time, so next time they come after us... there may be more than just the three immortals."

Lin Xing nodded and agreed: "Yes, Wanfa, Jiuxiao, Wuliang... these three people will probably bring their trusted immortals to hunt me down next time."

"And if they gain more authority from the Underworld Orthodoxy, and match their own strength and orthodoxy, their strength will probably skyrocket."

Lin Xing turned around and slowly looked at the Emei secret cave: "But fortunately, this battle has bought us some time."

"If you want to fight against the next wave of pursuit by these Immortal Lords, your top priority is to establish your own Taoism and truly reach the realm of Immortal Lords."

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