I said I would turn back time

Chapter 577: Enlightenment

Qiao Zixuan looked at the photo of War Paradise, frowned slightly and said, "Are you sure it's here?"

A middle-aged man with a lazy face stood beside him, yawned and said: "According to the information provided by the local police, it is certain that someone is spreading ancient laws here."

"As for whether it's your country teacher, go and see what this ancient method that has been passed down is. Maybe you will know."

Looking at the middle-aged man's casual look, Qiao Zixuan reminded: "Sir, please don't underestimate them. I don't know how strong that person is, but Wang Le once defeated a team of us with his own strength."

"Even if the ancient method is not as good as the old method, their strength will not be weak after such a long period of time."

He Jun shrugged: "No matter how strong you are, can you be more powerful than the peerless master of the Four Legends?"

"The fact that they are hiding shows that their strength is limited."

"But don't worry, my advantage is that I am meticulous in doing things. No matter they are strong or weak, I treat them with the same caution."

After that, he yawned again and continued: "As for why I look like I haven't woken up, it's because I haven't slept in ten years."

Qiao Zixuan was slightly startled when he heard this, and looked at the other party in surprise: "Do you believe in the theory of not sleeping?"

Since the beginning of reincarnation, human beings in this world have had various changes, ideas and thoughts due to this daily cycle.

And Qiao Zixuan knew that some of them believed that after each reincarnation, the human body would return to the same state as the previous day, so sleeping would be meaningless.

Because even after 24 hours of being awake, the body will still recover.

Many people who believe in this theory choose not to sleep anymore, or stay awake for more than 18 hours a day.

Qiao Zixuan asked: "But you still feel sleepy?"

He Jun shrugged: "I can't help it. Physically, I may have regained my energetic state, but if I haven't slept for a long time, I still feel mentally tired."

Qiao Zixuan thought of Wang Le, and the power of the other party that crushed him... was it the power gained from the uninterrupted 24-hour practice as the world accelerated and he used all his rest time?

While they were talking, the two of them were speeding along and arrived at the agreed upon location, an office in War Paradise.

And a girl with blond ponytail was already waiting here with the park staff.

Looking at the girl in front of him, He Jun introduced himself and then asked the other party about the specific situation.

This girl is the first visitor in War Paradise who is confirmed to have been taught the ancient method.

According to what the other party said, it was because a skill called the "Reincarnation Sutra" suddenly appeared in his head.

He Jun asked curiously: "What does this technique do?"

The girl pulled out the dagger and scratched a scar on her palm. Then she silently practiced mystical skills. The scar that was still bleeding just now began to gradually recover, and finally healed completely at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Are there any exercises with therapeutic effects?" He Jun asked again: "I heard that you are not the only one who has learned this exercise?"

The girl nodded and said: "Visitors in War Paradise will inevitably encounter some injuries. Most of the time, they will directly commit suicide to start the next day."

“But if minor injuries can be treated on their own, you can save a ticket.”

He Jun looked at Qiao Zixuan and asked, "How is it? Is it him?"

"I have never seen this ancient method under that man's sect." Qiao Zixuan frowned. Looking at the girl's healed wounds, he felt that there seemed to be more than just wound healing.

Just when the "Reincarnation Sutra" gradually spread, it was even recorded by the government.

Lin Xing, however, took Bai Yiyi and Wang Le to continue traveling through the White Eagle Kingdom.

Along the way, they got to know the customs and people of the White Eagle Kingdom, and gained a deeper understanding of the current society that has been reincarnated for decades.

On this day, they happened to pass by a place called Moonlight Rabbit Amusement Park.

Looking at the name of this amusement park and the crowds coming and going, Bai Yiyi suddenly became excited: "There are so many people coming to play in this era? This amusement park must be very interesting, right?"

She arrived at the entrance of the amusement park with light steps, and saw the tourists queuing up to enter the park, each holding a mobile phone, as if they were operating something on it.

Bai Yiyi glanced slightly and saw that these tourists were taking questionnaires.

"Do you accept the opposite sex..."

"Do you exclude people of the same sex..."

"Please check the following behaviors as acceptable..."

a. Mouth**

b. ditch**

c. Boxing**



Bai Yiyi looked at the options that could not be arranged until twenty-six letters, and she just wanted to take out her eyes after reading them and crush them.

Her confused thoughts rushed towards Lin Xing: "Damn it...Lin Xing! I want to blow up this place of obscenity!"

In front of the queue, advertisements on the screen were being played continuously: "Moonlight Bunny Amusement Park! Thousands of orientations available! Free medicine and alcohol available around the clock! The latest family annual pass allows you and your family to share family happiness... …”

The staff at the bottom of the advertising screen are testing and distributing bracelets based on tourists' questionnaires.

A female staff dressed as a bunny girl was handing out bracelets while reminding: "Depending on the results of your questionnaires, we provide a total of 1003 different orientation signs."

"Although in theory you can have any sexual behavior with anyone in the park, except for staff, it is best to scan the tourists' bracelets before starting to confirm the other party's orientation sign..."

The tourist in front of her couldn't wait to ask: "Staff too?"

"Then do you provide services too?"

Seeing the white bunny girl and the tourist rolling to the ground without saying a few words, Bai Yiyi rubbed her head frantically.

"Damn... I knew it, I knew how could an amusement park with these crazy people playing here be normal..."

Wang Le, who was standing by, also turned his head with a blush, thinking to himself: "White Eagle Country is indeed advanced in the entertainment industry."

Lin Xing was browsing his phone while saying: "According to the analysis of White Eagle Country experts, after the threat of death and disease is gone, the acceleration of time has blurred people's perception of age and seniority, and social ethics have undergone major changes in the past few decades."

"More and more people think they can do something they love with anyone."

Lin Xing looked at the content of the article and continued: "...When ordinary ** behavior can no longer satisfy In order to satisfy the desires with higher and higher thresholds and to pursue excitement, more orientations have been created..."

"Many ** parks appeared under such circumstances and are welcomed by more and more people..."

Bai Yiyi said helplessly: "This is not as good as the war park."

Lin Xing raised his head, thought for a while and said: "The difference is not big. After mortals are away from all the pressure of survival, they will inevitably have these stages and indulge in various desires."

"Look at the nuclear food restaurant we passed by yesterday. It is the same. They are all pursuing this kind of sensory stimulation."

Just after the three of them entered the park, a special smell came to their faces.

Bai Yiyi sniffed and frowned, "Why do I feel like there are aphrodisiac and hallucinogenic drugs everywhere?"

Wang Le didn't know when he had a user manual in his hand. He looked at the contents and said in surprise, "It seems that even the fountains here have Viagra ingredients. All the tap water has been added with leaves, medicine, and wine... All of them can be drunk directly!"

Bai Yiyi looked at the tourists lying dead in the wine pool, and the white and constantly moving human bodies everywhere. She closed her eyes helplessly and jumped onto Lin Xing's back.

"I'm going to vomit. Lin Xing, carry me on your back!"

While feeling Bai Yiyi's thoughts, Lin Xing continued to walk forward with her on his back.

Wang Le, who was standing by, looked at the map in the manual and asked curiously, "Grandpa, teacher, to the left is the Bear Park and the Baishou Park, to the right is the Ten Thousand Beasts Palace and the Bunny Girl Bar, which one should we go first?"

Bai Yiyi slapped Wang Le's head hard and cursed, "You really want to play here."

Just then, there were screams coming from the front, and a tourist holding a gun, yelling and firing wildly at other tourists and staff around.

Although the gunman was quickly subdued, it still caused some casualties.

"Hahahaha, another one is playing crazy?"

"You think the body is still warm?"

"Damn, this old guy must have smoked too much..."

The tourists who were beaten to death have not been transported out yet, and the other tourists present have continued to play one by one on the bloodstains on the ground, as if the killing and shooting just now had never happened.

Lin Xing looked at the faces of those drunken people and suddenly felt that everything was familiar.

He found that as the world accelerated, everything in front of him became somewhat similar to the rule of the Immortal Court.

In his perception, thousands of people gathered in this paradise, wantonly venting their animal desires, indulging in drugs, alcohol and physical stimulation, and looking for the meaning of existence in nothingness.

And countless naked bodies entangled together, as if they had turned into a forest of meat.

"It is too difficult for mortals to grow up..."

Lin Xing stood in this forest of meat, looking at the faces full of laughter and madness with a trace of compassion.

"But I will lead you to a new world..."

Lin Xing pointed out and injected a thought into the souls of tourists one by one.

And with the injection of this thought, the face of the young man who was still laughing just now froze, and he felt that his consciousness seemed to jump out of his body and look at the distant future.

After a long time, when the young man came to his senses, he found that he had left the wine pool and meat forest and was sitting on a recliner beside him.

But the park, which was originally full of joy and excitement, now seemed to be boring in his eyes.

Not long after, a technique called "Future Map" gradually spread in the park, attracting more and more tourists to practice in this park full of temptations.

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