I said I would turn back time

Chapter 579: Excitement and Depravity

He made a big fuss in Lie Chi Tian, ​​fought against the Five Transmissions Immortals, and was eventually recruited as a member of the Immortal Court.

Later, he started broadcasting in Taixu Huanjing, and in three years, he attracted hundreds of millions of fans and became the top streamer in the industry.

After his popularity declined, he broke through himself and went to Yeli Tian alone, starting a live broadcast on the most dangerous battlefield in the world, bringing first-hand video materials of the civil war in the Immortal Court.

In the performance with Hao Liu Tianxian, he attracted more than 100 billion viewers, set a record for the number of rewards in Taixu Huanjing per unit time, successfully became popular again, and became the top streamer of Taixu Huanjing again.

When Yun Yao looked at this information about Lin Xing, her heart was full of shock.

Although Lin Xing is a legendary strong man in the present world and the mirror world, he is the only existence that has successfully ascended for many years, and he is also a god worshipped by countless people, and a great person who ended the troubled times in the eyes of countless people.

But Yun Yao is very clear about the gap between the upper and lower worlds, and she does not think that Lin Xing can achieve great success in a short period of time after ascending.

Even becoming mediocre, becoming indistinguishable from the crowd, or even falling... are all possible results that she expected.

But I never expected...

"The strongest person in our world... rose in the upper world by becoming an Internet celebrity?"

At first glance, it seemed very unexpected, but after thinking about it carefully, Yun Yao felt that there was a certain rationality in it.

After digesting it silently in her heart, Yun Yao raised her head and looked at the figure in the Dharma Realm, and said: "Thank you for your help this time, otherwise, with the vastness of the Dharma Realm, we don't know how long it will take to find his news."

At this moment, the figure of Qianhuan Tianxian appeared in front of Yun Yao.

After losing contact with them for a while, this celestial being suddenly appeared again.

However, the celestial being in the upper world is very busy, and it is normal for him to disappear and appear suddenly, and it did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

I only heard Qian Huan Tianxian in front of me say: "I saw that you have been searching for information about Lin Xing through the Dharma Realm, so I helped you find it. It's just a piece of cake." "But I didn't expect that Lin Xing, who is now famous in Taixu Huanjing, actually ascended from your lower world." "How do you feel after watching it? Are you disappointed?" Yun Yao shook her head and said, "Why would I be disappointed?" "We are not so arrogant as to think that the ascenders in our world can continue to be unique and superior to others after ascending, and even use their strength to defeat countless peerless geniuses in the heavens and all realms." "Now I can become a A famous internet celebrity, this is already a very remarkable achievement. ”

Qianhuan Tianxian nodded and said: "You are very sober."

"Do you need me to help you contact Lin Xing? Although he is just a celebrity, he is still a great help to people like you in the lower world."

Yun Yao was surprised and said: "Is it possible?"

"I will contact him now." Qianhuan Tianxian smiled slightly, and the expression on her face paused for a moment, and then said: "Well, he is very busy recently and has no time to contact you for the time being."

"He asked me to bring you a message..."

I saw a flash of light and shadow in front of Qianhuan Tianxian, and a small screen had been generated in the Dharma Realm.

And the figure of Lin Xing was on this small screen.

He said, "Before ascending, I had many misunderstandings about the Immortal Court. After I came here, I realized how great and tolerant the Immortal Court is now. There are shocking things happening here every day."

"You should assist the Immortal Court in expanding the Dharma Realm and strive to become a part of the Immortal Court as soon as possible."

"I have a lot of performances recently. I will come to support you after they are over."

Looking at the appearance of Lin Xing and listening to his words, not only Yun Yao, but also other staff around him showed excitement and expectation.

After all, the gap between the upper world and the lower world is so big that the income and status of an Internet celebrity in the upper world are a huge help to the lower world.

After everyone's emotions stabilized again, Qianhuan Tianxian continued, "Let's stop here for the gossip."

"I remember... you seem to have found a few special ancient methods here?"

Everyone looked at each other, and finally looked at Yun Yao.

And Yun Yao heard Jing Shiyu's voice: "The plan remains unchanged, everything remains the same."

After a moment, Yun Yao left the Dharma Realm with a helpless look on her face and found Jing Shiyu in the present world.

"Master..." Yun Yao looked at Jing Shiyu in confusion and asked, "Do we still have to keep the ancient method secret?"

"Why don't you tell the Immortal Court directly? Even if you don't trust Qianhuan Tianxian, can't you trust Lin Xing?"

"Even if he doesn't trust him, the expansion of the Dharma Realm is the general trend. What's the point of delaying like this?"

Jing Shiyu looked at the moon in the sky and said slowly, "You don't need to know the reason."

"Continue to strictly block the information about the ancient method."

"Keep an eye on the people in the Dharma Realm test area and prevent them from revealing things that shouldn't be revealed to the Immortal Court..."

Yun Yao objected, "There is no impenetrable wall in the world, let alone such a big thing? After the high-level officials of all parties know that the Dharma Realm can contact Lin Xing, they will definitely want to speed up the construction of the Dharma Realm."

"In addition, the Dharma Realm itself is expanding in many places. Even if we can suppress it for a while, we can't suppress it for a lifetime."

Jing Shiyu said lightly, "Just do as I say, you don't need to know the reason."

At the same time, a faint murderous intent lingered in her heart.

"Can't suppress it?"

"At worst, we can just kill all the people left in the mirror world."


Buddhist country

Hui Ling, who had just woken up from the can, still felt a little confused in her head, and the thinking in her soul seemed to have become quite slow.

She recalled and thought a little bit, and finally remembered what was going on.

The present world became more and more chaotic with reincarnation.

All kinds of deviant things happened every day.

She saw people frantically pursuing the excitement brought by killing, intimidation, lust... and other behaviors.

Children killed each other in front of her.

Crazy men and women detonated buildings and set cities on fire.

The veil of morality was completely torn off, and the morality, ethics, and morality of the past world... everything was abandoned like a worn-out shoe.

Even parents, children, brothers and sisters... all these elements that humans have built since ancient times were gradually shattered.

Especially... when she saw her senior brother lying on the bed with a large family and pets, pursuing the primitive pleasure in a way that broke the bottom line of human ethics.

"Junior sister? Aren't you coming with me?"

In response to the other party's invitation, Hui Ling used the spiritual thoughts that burst out of her body to completely tear the limp bodies into pieces.

But the blood and flesh on the ground seemed to be mocking her.

She had already unknowingly gotten used to this wanton killing and destruction.

"Our world has become a completely corrupted world."

With despair of the world, Hui Ling participated in the Buddha's time travel plan.

She hoped to quickly pass through this corrupt era and witness the birth of a new world in the future.

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