I said I would turn back time

Chapter 600: Passed down from generation to generation

The blooming flowers quickly closed, shrank, and turned into a seed again.

The vehicles on the street retreated step by step, as if they turned into streams of light, retreating to where they came from.

The wrinkles on the old man's face gradually disappeared, the white hair gradually turned black, and the originally aging and dull body became young and lively again.

The customers in the restaurant kept spitting out food from their mouths, watching the originally prepared meals ooze blood and stains again, and finally return to various animals and plants...

The whole world is constantly flowing backwards at an unimaginable speed.

And watching the surrounding world flowing backwards rapidly, everything is changing towards the past, the Supreme Immortal smiled slightly: "5 million years ago?"

"If you can do it, you can try it."

"It will be a good show."

Obviously, the Supreme Immortal Ancestor did not believe that Lin Xing could turn back time to five million years ago, and even did not believe that Lin Xing could surpass himself in the mastery of super-time and space power.

He had absolute confidence that no matter how far Lin Xing could turn back time, he would only be better.

But Lin Xing didn't seem to care about the Supreme Immortal Ancestor's disbelief.

He looked at the building not far away that was changing rapidly and disappearing layer by layer as time went backwards, and slowly said: "You are worthy of being the strongest master in the world."

"Your control of the power of super-time and space and your understanding of the evil spirit are beyond my original expectations."

"If we continue to accelerate and go backwards, it is not impossible for us to go back tens of millions of years ago."

The Supreme Immortal listened to what Lin Xing said and didn't care. He said: "Tens of millions of years ago? It seems that your understanding of the power of super-time and space is still very shallow..."

Just when he wanted to comment on Lin Xing's words, the Supreme Immortal Ancestor kept catching a trace of strangeness.

He felt that in this world where time was constantly going backwards, something very bad seemed to have happened.


The Supreme Immortal Ancestor looked at the world around him that was constantly going backwards. He felt that in addition to him and Lin Xing, there seemed to be something wandering in this backward world, silently spying on them.

The Supreme Immortal Ancestor turned his head and looked at a baby lying in the arms of a woman.

As time went backwards, the baby's body became more and more tender and fragile, and it returned to its mother's belly step by step, and then continued to degenerate step by step...

With just a glance, the Supreme Immortal Ancestor seemed to have seen the process of this baby from birth to death, and finally becoming a part of its parents again.

And similar things happened all over the world.

Whether it was a baby of five or six years old, a young man in his teens or twenties, or an older middle-aged or elderly person, or even the dead who had survived from graves, fires, and hospitals...

All living beings were heading towards death, and after returning to their parents, all traces of their existence in this world were wiped out.

But it was during this process that the Supreme Immortal Ancestor felt a strong sense of something wrong.

And as he sensed it again, he seemed to see something different in his eyes this time.

Just as a baby's life was returning to both of its parents, the Supreme Immortal Ancestor saw that the other party's soul had also completed its return.


Feeling this scene, even the Supreme Immortal Ancestor was slightly stunned, and then looked at other individuals who were returning, and found that generations of people were passing their souls to the previous generation.

This kind of soul transmission is not a complete return, but a return with soul information.

"He has integrated his understanding of the soul tradition into the super-time and space power."

"This kid's research on the soul is more in-depth than I thought."

"But by doing this, wouldn't it allow the souls of these mortals to contain information that transcends time and space?"

"He is controlling the power of super-time and space... No, he is sharing his own tradition with them?"

After completing these thoughts in his mind like lightning, the Supreme Immortal Ancestor only felt a kind of madness.

Originally, all kinds of resources, knowledge, and power in the normal world are passed down from generation to generation, from the previous generation to the next generation.

But at this moment, what the Supreme Immortal Ancestor saw was the soul information that was constantly passed from the next generation to the previous generation as time went back.

Children pass it to parents, and parents pass it to grandparents.

As time flows backwards at an accelerated speed, generation after generation continuously passes on the power of super-time and space, and the authority of the Taoism to the past.

If the power is passed from one generation to the next, there may be some unexpected interruptions.

Then at this moment, as time flows backwards, there are children who constantly return to the previous generation and pass on the information of the Yuanshen to their parents, which is impossible to be interrupted in any way.

"Mad man, really a complete mad man."

"Not only did he distribute the Taoism, he even passed it to the past in the flow of time..."

"No wonder the more time flows backwards, the stronger the power of super-time and space in this world becomes, and the more terrifying the Taoism becomes, it is actually because of this crazy reason."

The Supreme Immortal Ancestor seems to have seen it at this moment... Seeing that as time keeps flowing backwards, countless lives seem to have turned into torrents and converged towards the past, and finally gathered at the same source after millions and thousands of years.

All this gave the Supreme Immortal Ancestor the feeling that the world and all living things... everything crossed the long river of time and returned to the original starting point with the terrifying super-time and space power.

Even the Supreme Immortal Ancestor, at this moment, could not predict what the world would become after all this happened, and what kind of future it would give birth to.

As if sensing the Supreme Immortal Ancestor's thoughts, Lin Xing smiled and said, "A new fairyland passed down from generation to generation, isn't it good?"

At the same time, the Supreme Immortal Ancestor also realized another point.

"Lin Xing, do you want to borrow my power to reverse the world for you?"

With the Supreme Immortal Ancestor's active stop, the world that was just accelerating backwards gradually stopped.

Lin Xing and the Supreme Immortal Ancestor, who seemed to be independent of the backward world, seemed to have returned to this world again, standing together on the street facing each other.

Seeing that he had returned to the world decades ago in the blink of an eye, Lin Xing said indifferently: "Not going on?"

The Supreme Immortal Ancestor snorted and said: "Your idea is very bold and crazy, but without my cooperation, or even if I stop you in return, your plan will be difficult to achieve."

"Do you think I will fulfill your crazy idea after I see through it?"

Just as the two sides were confronting each other.

The sky suddenly darkened slightly, and the next moment a crack seemed to appear between heaven and earth.

I saw another person appear beside Lin Xing and the Supreme Immortal Ancestor at some point.

I only heard the Immortal Master Wanhua Piaomiao laughed and said: "What if I am included?"

"Sorry, you two, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"Such an important battle that determines the future of the heavens and the worlds, how can I be absent?"

The three of them stood on the street, like three good friends gathered together, letting the people coming and going around pass by.

The passers-by around them did not know that at this moment, the three most powerful people in the universe stood together, and their next actions would determine the future fate of the entire world.

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