Sure enough, as the crane said, Sengoku Hekong and Moria, accompanied by the two prison officers, had already boarded the elevator to and from the floor. Gion escorted Brook, who had chosen to be good, and had almost walked out of the prison gate.

The Lieutenant General of the Navy Headquarters gave a bit of self-deprecating wry smile, he hadn't been distracted at work like this for a long time.

In the blink of an eye before he knew it, he had already spent his fifth year in this world.

From Tu Moling, Little Garden, Fishman Island to Beihai, Sakazuki discovered that he had walked so long and so far.

With a beautiful woman who admires herself, there are the navy brothers such as Kuzan and Polusalino, as well as Robin and Ace, two children who have directly or indirectly affected the trajectory of their lives.

Gradually, he began to really like this colorful world, the muscles of the navy headquarters, and the feeling of helping others and maintaining justice.

There was so much random thinking before, but now, Sakazuki realized that I wanted to do more for this beautiful world.

Sakazuki turned around and wanted to speed up the pace to catch up with the escalator, in order to confirm which of the hapless 6th floor of the Warring States period they plan to give to Moria as a novice gift package.

But a hand grabbed his coat from behind, it was Crane, the chief staff officer of the navy headquarters.

He pursed her lips slightly. As a general of the older generation, she watched the children who joined the navy grow up and mature a little bit.

Although she didn't know what kind of bad water this little guy who likes tricks and tricks was turning over, it didn't prevent her from wanting to whole this stupid dog who dared to hold her own cabbage! !

"Let's go, Sakazuki," Crane learned the expression of the pirates in Sakazuki before, and smiled and pointed his finger in the direction of the door. "Let’s talk about your playing with fire. ."

In Sakazuki, the whole person is a bit froze. Although the Warring States period had compared his mouth to him before, he really did not expect that the Buddha would sell him clean after changing hands.

Crane glanced at the dull look of Sakazuki and sneered: "Don't pretend to be stupid. I used to have this expression when I asked what happened in the Warring States period, but he was tortured by me washing the fruit for half an hour. , And then I hired everything."

Ma Ye... Sakazuki's first reaction is that Tsurujin can play, and the effect of washing the fruit that washes the soul is abruptly turned into Veritaserum by her.

The second reaction is that he himself is probably, maybe, maybe, maybe already cold.


Neither of them spoke, and walked onto the warship in silence.

Taking advantage of this gap, Akinu seriously recalled the phone message a few days ago, and suddenly had a desire to survive.

He was the one hit by the ball, alright!

Before he could think about how to defend himself, Crane had pushed open the door of the infirmary and looked at Sakazuki blankly: "Please come in."

"I think there may be some misunderstanding between us, Lieutenant General Crane." Sakazuki still has the facial paralyzed face, and there is no emotional change in his expression.

Crane twitched the corners of her mouth, whether it was Kapu's Life Treasure or the old man in the Warring States Period, she had a way to make them obedient.

Through these years of observation and understanding, the dog with a tenacious desire to survive is actually a fellow of the Warring States category.

"Aren't you getting angry? Sakazuki, here I have tea for clearing away heat and detoxifying. Crane deliberately said that the word "playing with fire" was getting angry, and she bet that this straight steel man wouldn't be shameless. When the word "playing with fire" was uttered on a warship full of female soldiers.

Sakazuki really got the trick, he hesitated, and followed the crane into the medical room.

He sat quietly in the chair, only a little tangled. Why are the tea leaves on the female warship kept in the medical room? Sakazuki can't help but raise his vigilance secretly, he is afraid that the big staff guarding the calf will plot his own hand.

"Here, oolong tea, slimming and beauty, detoxification and anti-aging" Crane walked out of the medical cabinet with a transparent glass, in which a light tan liquid was filled.

Sakazuki picked up the glass, looked at it carefully, and shook the dough violently.

A long distance away, I could smell a pungent smell of alcohol in the glass.

"Sister Crane... what is your definition of tea?" Sakazuki asked the old lieutenant general who made it clear that he wanted to defuse his anger.

Crane smiled: "The color is like tea, so don't care too much."

"Oh? Why is it flammable?" Sakazuki stretched out a finger expressionlessly, and gently swiped the fingertip across the surface of the "tea soup", as soon as [Crane Oolong Tea] followed the heat of his finger directly Ignited. .

"You kid, isn't it common sense that oolong tea is combustible?" Crane frowned. "The Navy has a stipulation that you can't drink alcohol during its mission. Do you think I will use alcohol to harm you?"

176. The Water of Life (Medium)

Vodka, the first mention of "vodka" in ancient Russian documents was in the chronicles of Novgorod, meaning "medicine". It is used to scrub the wound, and it can relieve the pain when taken.

Sakazuki knows exactly what he is holding in his hands.

That is the Naval Hospital of Malin Vandor, which uses grains or potatoes as raw materials and is distilled to produce alcohol up to 95 degrees.

If the water is diluted to 40 to 60 degrees, and then filtered by activated carbon, it will be the special drink of the fighting nation-vodka.

Sakazuki is a rare hesitation. Although his alcohol volume is not bad, he is limited to ale and some distilled liquors with low alcohol content.

"An Xin, this is not wine. The Warring States Period will not blame you. That is my special oolong tea." Crane encouraged with a smile on his face.

Sakazuki twitched the corners of the mouth. Of course, this is not wine. It's a high-purity anhydrous alcohol that you don't know what is added!

"I don't understand why you are so angry." Sakazuki adopted a circuitous tactic, hoping that the guerrilla warfare would help him delay until the victory of the War of Resistance.

Crane nodded and admitted generously: "It was me and the Warring States period that brought the two of you together. It stands to reason that I should be very happy to see the progress of the two of you."

"Then why..." Sakazuki couldn't help asking.

"Why are you embarrassed everywhere today, right?" The old lieutenant general whose temples have been dyed with wisps of frost resting her palms on her cheeks, she did not conceal her unhappiness: "You are also 38 years old this year, and you should have a family. We. The navy is born and dying on the sea every day, even if it’s you, one day it will fight and die on the spot."

She slammed her face: "But you are also a clever ghost! You really can do it? Playing with fire? Huh? I plan to take my sister's body in such a broken place on a warship?!"

Are you sure she didn't want me? The corners of the mouth in Sakazuki murmured, but after all, he didn't say such embarrassing words.

But Crane put his expression in his eyes: "Are you still not convinced?"

nonsense! Obviously it was a foul by Gion, and his warning from such a gentleman would end up like this.

"I don't know what Mr. Sengoku said to you, but please listen to my explanation..."

But before he finished speaking, Crane pointed to his wine glass.

"An explanation or a question, a cup. Or, just wait for me to transfer Gion away from the expeditionary army!"

"...I ask for humane treatment." Sakazuki watched Crane take out a large bottle of special oolong tea from behind, his eyelids jumped wildly.

But people had to bow their heads under the eaves, Sakazuki picked up the glass and drank it.

It wasn't any scorching feeling anymore, it was as if a handful of blades were stuffed into it.

"At the time I was admonishing Gion to calm her down and not to do stupid things..." Sakazuki obviously felt the stomach start to burn, changing to the physique of an ordinary person, this cup of water of life entered her belly. May be in the hospital early.

"Oh? Then you think my sister's charm is not enough, so you don't want to be?" Crane raised his brows, and his tone became more and more gritted.

This is so deadly anyway! Sakazuki feels like this is no longer available. What is the difference between an angry woman and a terrorist?

At least the terrorists can negotiate.

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