"Stop it, Ace, you will get hurt if you rashly use moves you are not proficient in." The girl who has joined the naval force for several years gave sincere advice.

Unexpectedly, this sentence touched the young boy’s stubborn eagerness to win. This kind of unyielding and unyielding spirit carved into his genes caused Ace in the original book to resolutely turn around and meet the red dog's punch. It also made him bend his legs slightly now, kicking up into the sky.

"Ace! Don't jump so high!" Nami exclaimed, and Robin stepped into the air as the boy took off with unskilled moon steps.

The ascent was exceptionally smooth, which gave Ace's confidence a sharp increase. Seeing Robin leaping into the air at the same time, he suffocated his breath and rushed towards the military port: "Let’s see who arrives at the port first! Sister Robin"

"Of course," the girl who came first responded with a smile, but grabbed the boy by the collar and clamped him to his side. Immediately afterwards, Robin, who had already mastered Shaving and Moonsteps, used his feet to make this half-hearted experience a real speed and passion.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) Showed once.

The black-bellied girl swooped once again, bringing her body close to the sea surface of the military port, and suddenly let go amidst the boy's horrified expression: "The bomb is coming from the bottom of the sea~"

Ace only had time to return to the first half of the sentence and plunged into the water: "Are you a devil!!! Guru Guru..."

"Okay, don't mess around, throw the cable down, and don't delay the departure of the warship." A calm voice suddenly interrupted, and Robin noticed that the owner of the previous topic just folded his arms and stared at the playful two people. .

Robin wasn't naughty in front of Sakazuki, and honestly landed on the deck and asked: "Good afternoon, you have another mission?"

"Yes." A short sentence that directly blocked the girl's next question. Robin has become accustomed to this typical Saskatchewan dialogue in these years. But when she saw the figure standing next to Sakazuki, she realized the seriousness of this task.

The Warring States Period of the Buddha, the only current general in power in the navy headquarters, was listening to the somewhat noisy report from the phone bug with a solemn expression.

Under what circumstances would it be necessary for the general of the navy headquarters guarding Malin Vando to be dispatched urgently? The girl who had been a soldier for several years had a sharp change in her mind, but no matter what the reason, this was undoubtedly an extremely serious situation.

"You take Ace back first." Sakazuki obviously didn't want the two of them to participate in this emergency dispatch, and pointed in the direction of the fortress.

Robin nodded and didn't ask any more, raising his hand to pick up Ace, who had just climbed onto the ship's side, and jumped to the pier.

The "depth bomb" that hadn't recovered yet was loaded again, and the unlucky boy let out a mournful cry, and his most humiliating side was taken upright by his idol. When the two men docked at the dock, Ace angrily pulled Robin's arm away and complained, "It's all to blame! QAQ I was embarrassed in front of Sakazuki! I also saw Grandpa Sengoku! This is a double shame! !!!"

The boy kept ORZ's kneeling position and beat the ground in annoyance, but Robin's mind was no longer playing around. The girl squinted her eyes and watched the warship leave: "What do you think is the big problem that caused the Warring States uncle to be dispatched? You must know that even the big incident of the Golden Lion escape back then was in Malin Fando."

"Why do you call him uncle but I must call him grandfather!?" The boy's focus was a little weird. He looked up at the warship that had gone away and finally pulled the problem back: "I don't know, but I know the general's most recent time. The dispatch was at the end of 1502, when Whitebeard was fighting with the master of Sakazuki on Fishman Island, the world government ordered him and my grandfather to stand by at the Holy Land."

The boy shrugged his shoulders and opened his hands, and made a little joke: "It can't be someone who has attacked the Holy Land Mariagioa!"

182. Shangfang Sword

The holy place, Mary Gioia, is the administrative center of the world government and the residence of the world nobleman Tianlong who is known as the creator.

Since the establishment of the world government, no one has dared to act presumptuously in this sacred place of the best, but today this iron law has been broken.

The unattainable world nobles encountered unprecedented humiliation. A low-level race with scarlet skin, for some unknown reason, passed through the outer layers of Mariagioa's protection and defense, and rushed directly into the cell where the slaves were held.

These people who had regained their freedom cheered and screamed, venting the years of inhuman pain in the magic cave where they were originally imprisoned.

The slaves of Zhuangruo madness rushed out of the dark and damp dungeon and lit the prison that had restrained them for a long time, symbolizing the first time that the flame of freedom soared above Mary Gioia.

With the help of the fire, Tiger held back for a while, and did not lead these freed slaves to attack the home of the Tianlongren. Rather, she ran towards the periphery of the Holy Land while the chaos of Mary Gioia was rising.

When the first ray of fire ignited in the Holy Land Mariagioa, the guards who were in charge of guarding outside hadn't reacted yet. They are stationed at the hub of this world government all the year round. Have they ever encountered such an emergency?

The ordinary guards were already slacking off, only CP0, the secret service that really protected the Tianlongren, keenly discovered the anomaly.

Facing an unknown number of enemies with unknown combat power, even if his own strength is extremely strong, the spy leader who dare not to be big still dialed the highest emergency number of the navy headquarters immediately. At the same time, he has begun to arrange for the protection of the ministry. The safety of Tianlong people.

No one thought that the children's jokes became true.

In the face of the terrible “terrorist incident” in which the Holy Land Mary Gioia was attacked, all the world government agencies on the Red Earth Continent have launched emergency plans, and the highest priority is given to the arrival of the warships carrying the highest combat capability of the navy headquarters in the Holy Land.

Sakazuki and the Warring States period are unimpeded all the way, the high-speed and light patrol ship cooperates with the navy's unreasonable manpower mad dogs rowing.

After almost scrapping a good boat, he arrived at the home of the Tianlongren-Mary Joa in just twenty minutes.

The flames that can be seen even from afar have printed most of the holy land. The majestic "Gyeonggi Land" has no trace of majesty at this moment, and the unique color close to the evening sunset renders the sky into an impressionist oil painting.

The Warring States took the lead, and Yueyue stepped to the center of Maria Joa: Sakazuki) is responsible for integrating the external forces and then following up. I will personally ensure the safety of the Dragon people!"

"Is the protection of the Tianlongren the top priority in everything? General!" The eyes of Sakazuki flickered, and raised his head and asked loudly about the back of the warring states.

"Yes," Once you have entered the serious state, the Warring States has never been a good gentleman. "The periphery will be handed over to you!"

Sakazuki lowered his head and watched the naval soldiers who had been lined up and gave orders: "Have you heard? The protection of the Tianlong people is the top priority! The security personnel on the periphery of the holy land are integrated, and we quickly move inward. Advance!"

"Yes!" The uniform answer made the slaves who were running away and the peripheral guards who were trying to capture them back to look at.

"It's the navy! Everyone, run!" A murloc with the hoof print of the Sky Dragon trembling all over, but still sighed to greet everyone to evacuate.

Before another slave could respond, he was overthrown by the guards responsible for guarding the periphery of the Holy Land. His eyes were filled with despair: "There is a navy before and there is Mariejoa's chase. Is that the end? "

"It's the navy! The navy is here to reinforce us! Where is the general?" Compared to the panic of the slaves, the morale of Mary Joa's guards increased greatly.

There were many slaves who escaped from the Holy Land. In addition to a large group of murlocs who fled in groups, most of the slaves fled in groups.

The escaped slaves were blocked by the navy. Three young girls were trapped in them, staring at the navy lined up in a daze, and they had to stop.

"Hahahaha! You guys are running!" The head guard who had just brought down the slaves laughed loudly and said, "Today, none of you pets of the Celestial Dragon can escape..."

The guard officer who stepped on the slaves was full of calculations. He didn't know why there was a large group of slaves in the Holy Land Mary Gioia, but there is no doubt that the responsibility afterwards will definitely fall on him, the guard chief who is responsible for guarding the periphery. .

But if he cooperated with the naval reinforcements of these headquarters to capture these slaves back, he might be able to make up for his mistakes and avoid punishment.

But before he could finish his words, the tall admiral headed by slapped him with a slap in the face.

The burly general, who is nearly three meters tall, lifted the captain of the guard like a chicken: "Go back and let all the guards assemble immediately. The general has already rushed to the inside of Mary Gioia, and let your people move towards that. Side reinforcements!"

The guard chief of the Holy Land, who was beaten completely confused, covered his cheek and hesitated: "But these slaves..."

"Idiot fool!" Sakazuki roared sharply: "We don't know how many enemies there are in Mary Joa. The safety of the dragon people is the most important!"

The murderous intent was in the eyes of the venerable admiral, and his cold voice was deep but powerfully transmitted to the ears of everyone present: "Compared with the effort to arrest fugitive slaves at this time, if it were the Tianlong people living in the Holy Land. You have suffered the slightest harm because you didn’t return the aid in time. Do you still want to see the sun tomorrow? And..."

He paused suddenly and turned his head to the rear of the naval array. Under the domineering perception of seeing and hearing, a silver-haired old man is looking at this side with a smile: "This chaotic scene is also peeped by a top expert."

The captain of the guard who was picked up by Sakazuki was confused by the last words of the lieutenant admiral, but fortunately in the next second he knew what the **** this so-called top master was.

"One Piece's right arm, Pluto Sirbaz Raleigh, are you also coming to this muddy water?" Sakazuki dropped the guard chief casually, speaking surprisingly.

"Hehehe, the old man just came out for a walk in the afternoon. Don't be so serious, Magma boy." This old man with a pair of round glasses easily crossed the navy array and walked to the nearest Sakazuki Beside the three female slaves.

There is a straight scar on his right eye, and his signature chin beard reveals his identity.

Sakazuki looked unhappy, and he slowly took a step and got close to the pirate legend with a clear voice: "Attention all the navy, rush to the interior of Mariagioa. There are blockers on the road. Regardless of their status, cut first and then play! Kill without mercy!"

"Eh!!!" The security chief outside the holy land was stunned, and he nodded his head in a hurry: "Quick! Everyone! Go back and defend the Tianlongren!!"

The guards of the navy and the Holy Land quickly passed through this chaotic zone, and did not stop the slaves who were running in the opposite direction beside them.

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