Porusalino patted Sakazuki on the shoulder, and said with a serious face: "I don't blame you for doing something wrong, maybe Gion won't mind you just using a can ring as a token of love, but a woman will only have it in her life. A beautiful wedding."

Kuzan also joined the "condemnation": "Gion has already paid a lot for the army. There is not a closet of beautiful fashion clothes, no expensive jewelry, it is always good to leave a little bit of the most beautiful thoughts. ."

The highest commander of the Templar Watcher Corps took the cup of oolong tea and drank it, and then put on a painful expression: "I know, if Teacher Zefa and Mr. Warring States would raise money for you, you are a dead brain. I won't agree."

The most mature and sophisticated brother, with the still somewhat wretched smile, rubbed the hat of Sakazuki: "Don’t blame me for brushing your face in front of Robin today, I deliberately do so much today. The unreliable thing is to make you understand-Kuzan and I can harm you together, cheat you together, fight together, and deal with everything together..."

The eldest brother of the three paused for a while, and gave the youngest Kuzan a high-five: "Brother."

190. Knife Sounds and Disperses China (Part 1)

The navy's cold meal on the warship will make people enthusiastic, and the reception banquet held on Mignon Island in the North Sea is not inferior to this.

Mignon Island, which is blown by the wind and snow all year round, always reveals a sense of desolation. Thick ice and snow covered the entire island, and when you stepped on it, the snow can reach the height of the knees of ordinary people.

The closer you get to the center of the island, the steeper the terrain becomes. The towering mountains and rocks conceal their own walls under the decoration of snowflakes, and instead they are covered with a layer of snow-white velvet yarn.

On this sparsely populated island, several exquisite and beautiful villas have been built. Relying on the hills and mountains that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, the admiral Lindemann under the pseudonym [Kil'jaeden] built a strong line of defense in the area on the top of the mountain.

For safety reasons, the Silver Fox deliberately set this secluded island as the base camp of the underground chamber of commerce. Doflamingo is not the murloc slave trader on Murloc Island whose news is closed, nor the Drought Jack who was deceived by his brute force.

This underground black market intermediary who extended his tentacles to the waters of the New World also collects many black and gray industries in arms, smuggling, and slave trade.

What Lindeman is worried about is that Tianyacha, who undoubtedly has a wide range of contacts and information channels, can see through his false identity. [The fraudster]’s reward list is still on the black market list in the New World. The Don Quixote family, who is well-known in the dark world, is very likely to gain insight into the strategic layout of Lieutenant General Sakazuki through his identity.

Lindemann, who pretends to be an arms dealer, relies on the ability of transparent fruits to appear and disappear among the fragmented neutral arms dealers and underworld forces on all sides. Even in occasions where negotiations and taking the lead in encouragement are needed, the foxes try to surround themselves as mummies.

Even though the name of the arms dealer [Kil'jaeden] is already unknown in the dark world of the North Sea, no one has seen his true face.

"Boss, let me get a few boxes of ingredients from the warehouse again?" A gangster wearing a suit and sunglasses came to Lindeman's ear and asked in a low voice.

The navy spy who had tied himself into a bandage weird turned his head and glanced at the dwindling food next to him, and nodded to the younger brother who had said this: "Of course, by the way, let me mention a few dozen more drinks. Don't neglect the distinguished guests. "

Watching the little brother walk away, he kept his trademark smile, and softly solicited the opinion of the guest from afar: "What dishes do you want? Your Excellency, Deputy Director Xiliu."

"General Lindeman, are your subordinates all of this kind of miscellaneous brand?" Upon receiving the order of the new boss, Hiliu, who rushed from Impelton to the North Sea to help out, was still more satisfied with the smiling head in front of him.

The guy in front of him is said to be the confidant of Sakazuki, but after a brief introduction of a few minutes, Hiliu frowned-Lindeman's forces are also too complicated.

In addition to the gang members who came to inquire just now and the small arms dealers who voluntarily surrendered to [Kil'jaeden], some pirate hunters who hunted pirates to make a living were also attracted by the Chamber of Commerce's generous mercenaries to become guards.

Lindemann had only a wry smile at this. Although Xiliu’s words were not very good, in just one year, he was able to forcibly build up a chamber of commerce that could occupy one third of the North Navy’s fire market. It's the limit.

Too much pursuit of speed will always leave behind many root causes. The proportion of resources allocated within the Chamber of Commerce, the members of the Chamber of Commerce are numerous... but what’s worse is the original navy of Beihai

Disposal plan for Diez Barreiros and the group.

This group of North Sea garrisoned navy, who was originally weak-willed, saw the rapid growth of the arms dealer [Kil'jaeden] and can grasp the lifeblood of the weapons of the North Sea countries. The navy branch colonel Diez Ba Relus approached the door.

I hope to cooperate with him, a "courageous" arms dealer. Not only that, the **** school officer in Beihai directly used the ultra-rare devil fruit that he didn’t know how to get—the fruit of surgery—as the entrance fee, so he just hung it. This intermediary platform started a transaction with the world government under the name.

Although the fox is dressed in the arms trade, in fact he is only performing a secret mission with recognition and filing.

However, the operation of Diez Barreiros, the twenty-fifth navy boy, almost flashed the fraudster's old waist.

I planned to contact the ghost spiders stationed at the base to lead the fleet to clean up the door, but the spies who were afraid of revealing their identity could only confront Diez Barreiros with the ghost snakes. For the face of the fruits of the operation, they were temporarily accepted in. Chamber of Commerce.

"Not only the miscellaneous army, but also the former navy..." The fox cried and laughed and told Xiliu about this huge misunderstanding.

How to characterize this group of North Sea rebels has become a problem that the fox is entangled with. You say that the other party betrayed the navy. In the past few months, they have also helped this chamber of commerce to draw more neutral members into it.

In this way, he actually followed him, the general officer, in performing confidential tasks.

But if he said he hadn't rebelled, the behavior of changing hands and becoming a second-to-five son made Lindeman hate it.

Just wanting to hear the opinion of the former deputy director of Pelton, before the other party could speak, a panicked voice was passed from far to near.

"Boss! Something is wrong!" The gangsters who had just gone to the warehouse to carry food and drinks rushed toward this side, "A big net has come down on the island where we are!"

"Big net?" Kil'jaeden, who was wrapped in bandages, said in a puzzled tone. "What big net?"

When he looked out the window, his eyes condensed suddenly. Through the glass window, he clearly saw a group of different figures slowly approaching his fortifications.

The person headed by him knows nothing better. Although he has never been masked, Lindemann and the other party have had a lot of bright and dark arrows this year. The leader of the Don Quixote family-Don Quixote Doflamingo !

As soon as possible, the miserable howl outside the window and the roar mixed with horror resounded through the center of the island.

"Enemy attack!!!"

Lindeman's expression was extremely ugly. He didn't expect that before their Burning Legion cooperated with the Vinsmok family to start the net, the other party caught him first.

Xiliu, who was beside him, looked as usual, but for some reason, the mature and stable deputy director's body trembled a little.

He waited so long in that ghastly prison, how did those little fish and shrimps fill his bloodthirsty appetite? And after less than a day in Beihai, he just stood there waiting for the rabbit to bump into one, and it seemed to be salivating. The "delicacy".

"Hahahaha, General Lindemann, thank you! This is really an incomparable feast!" He laughed wildly, and Xi left a moment and slammed into the wall.

191. Dao Ming Sanhua (middle)

Snow flakes slowly, or fall on the thick clothing used to keep out the cold, embellishing a different style.

Or it touches the exposed skin, which is melted by the body's heat in the blink of an eye.

"Should I say that Kil'jaeden is indeed a mouse who only steals food in the dark? He even placed his base camp on such a secluded island." Poletor raised his head and looked at the houses in front of him with a greasy smile. .

Standing with him on the surrounding open space are other members of the Don Quixote family. These top officials, who can basically compete with the major generals and even the lieutenant generals of the navy headquarters, rarely join forces.

The members of the Don Quixote family wearing thick coats quietly guarded a tall young man, waiting for the destruction instructions from the young master.

"Hey, he's dead today anyway." Doflamingo squeezed a Chamber of Commerce guard's neck with one hand and lifted it easily off the ground. "It's not a good habit to report a letter!"

The peripheral guard, who was restrained from vocalizing, turned red from the lack of oxygen, and he kicked his feet in vain in an attempt to find the bearing point.

But unfortunately, Tianyasha couldn't take any interest in something that was not even an appetizer, and when he twisted hard with one hand, the legs that the guard was still struggling to step on dropped weakly.

Wearing a loose pink feather coat, Doflamingo suddenly raised his hand, and bunches of crystal clear silk thread shot from his wrist to the sky at great speed.

Like spring water bursting from the ground, the thin filaments visible to the naked eye rushed into the air like a blowout.

The snowflakes falling from the clouds are cut into small pieces.

This is the widest range of moves that Doflamingo can use when the fruit is not awakened. It should be enough to make countless silk threads for [Shadow Rider Thread·Silky Doll], which fall like a volcanic eruption at high altitude with gravity in the center of the earth. Scattered on the periphery of the island.

These beautiful threads, like meteor showers, are sharp and deadly. The huge birdcage made of countless silk threads in an arc shape even has the terrifying function of blocking the transmission of electric waves.

In other words, once caught in this wire cage with extremely strong cutting ability, it is like a "bird in a cage". While isolating the external transmission of the news, the cage is also scattered with many parasitic lines that are invisible to the naked eye. The owner of the line, Doflamingo, can manipulate the victims to kill each other at will.

Doflamingo stared at the members of the Chamber of Commerce who were beginning to find something wrong, and laughed wildly: "Hey, hey, I really want to see which famous admiral who has the guts to fight us?"

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