According to Sakazuki, the navy of this era is actually a monster of mixed systems. Because it not only has the characteristics of a modern army consisting of a small number of elite officers and a large number of trained cannon fodder soldiers, but also has the typical characteristics of an ancient mercenary army: soldiers are privately controlled by generals, soldiers are generals, and combat effectiveness mainly depends on the generals themselves and His soldiers emphasized personal bravery and lacked cooperation.

Therefore, Sakazuki has the intention of including the individual's subjective initiative emphasized in the modern military into the naval system. Soldiers must not only be proficient in combat, but also know why to fight.

Although military regulations and disciplines are considered complete in the navy, the leading generals have different styles and habits, coupled with the military management model that is biased towards the rule of man. This makes the navy, which has many branches in the four seas and various waterways-there are many factions.

Even in a place where the elites gather in the headquarters, there is no way to escape the stereotypes. Every general has the lieutenant generals and major generals who are comfortable and confidant. The lieutenant generals are also divided into military and moderate factions. Headquarters factions, branch factions, and brother camps under the guidance of the same instructor... It can even be said that the elite training system selected by the Navy Headquarters also contributed to this to a certain extent.

Sakazuki further inferred that Robin was basically divided into the protection of the head faction headed by Karp and the Warring States after this incident. In addition, Sakazuki, Kuzan and others are all Zefa students. Without knowing it, Robin won the goodwill of many navy commanders.

Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, but Karp's unreliable education method still makes Sakazuki feel nauseous of eating flies. The Lieutenant General shook his head and tried to erase the "slightly" laughter of Capuna's ghost on the phone from his mind, but found that the impression seemed to be even more impressive.

The rescue failed, Sakazuki decided to give up the treatment, he got up and walked out of the cabin to divert his attention. All the seamen who had just fought on the pirate ship had returned to the warship, and the ship doctors were busy bandaging and stitching the wounds of the wounded soldiers. Fortunately, no personnel were killed this time, and the most injured soldier was only stabbed through the abdomen. The injury was quickly stabilized under the rescue of the military doctors.

The Lieutenant General took out a bottle of alcohol from the ship doctor's medical box, dipped it in with a clean cotton ball, bent down and disinfected the non-commissioned officer who had been cut with a large incision on the nearest arm. The military doctor on the side began to inject local anesthetics to prepare for sutures. "Lieutenant General, thank you very much!" The sergeant enjoyed this treatment for the first time, and Sakazuki did not pretend to say anything like "You are all my lovely soldiers" and other sensational words.

He just used his own practical actions to follow through in silence. Seeing the soldier still gritted his teeth while stitching the needle, Sakazuki softly distracted his attention, because Sakazuki knew that this kind of local anesthesia was just a little less painful, and the needle should be inserted into the skin. Some pain will not decrease much.

"Do you know why you got the knife?"

The non-commissioned officer nodded quickly: "It's because I panicked when the pirate rushed toward me desperately."

"Yes, if you can stay sane while the opponent is fighting, you can use a saber to block the back and turn your hand to cut, you can remove the pirate's finger against the machete, instead of being attacked by the opponent with two consecutive swords. Parry." Sakazuki wandered the battlefield and noticed many seamen's mistakes.

The sergeant listened carefully, but didn't want the military doctor to pierce him with three consecutive needles very quickly, "Oh!" and shrink him back painfully.

Your Excellency Lieutenant slapped this guy with an angry slap: "Howl, howl, it's all done!"

The military doctor nodded in thanks to his lieutenant general, and then quickly asked other soldiers who watched the excitement to replace him, and wrapped the wounds stitched by the non-commissioned officer with a bandage. And he quickly turned to another soldier who needed stitches.


The "bang" deafening heavy artillery sounded again, returning the pirate ship full of dead bodies to the embrace of the sea.

Sakazuki turned his head and looked at the ghost spider and Lindemann who were directing the soldiers to move supplies to the warehouse. The major general glanced at the colonel, and Lindemann consciously picked up the list of materials still in his hand and ran all the way.

"Lieutenant General, 20 barrels of gunpowder, 50 barrels of alcohol, and dozens of boxes of ammunition were seized this time. Other miscellaneous materials are still being counted." Colonel Lindeman reached out his finger and checked the list one by one to Sakazuki). reported.

"Well, let the soldiers speed up, we are ready to return home!" Sakazuki said exciting news. The three-month sea voyage was not particularly difficult, and the food on the warships was also considered reasonable, but compared to the daily food supply in the headquarters, it was still a lot worse. What's more, the joy of being reunited with relatives and friends is incomparable no matter what military exploits are.

"Okay!!" "Long live!!"

"Believe in justice!!"

Sakazuki turned his head to the general direction of Malin Vandor, looking far away, as if he could see the navy headquarters behind the Gate of Justice. He couldn't help wondering, what kind of happiness is in the headquarters at this moment? Of course, he didn't forget to go back to comfort Jonathan, who was actually hammered, and give a freshly baked magma bath to Junior Brother Kuzan who was owed by the mouth.

I'm ready to go to court

I'm sorry to bother you so late. It’s just that I ran into a problem,

Yesterday I discovered that the content of my novel "Sakazuki" (Sakazuki) was stolen by the starting point doujin area "Sakazuki Smoke General", and it was directly used without my consent. Plagiarized the contents of chapters 30 and 33 in my novel. In the case of conclusive evidence, I asked him not to continue plagiarism, but the other party refused to listen to the advice and distorted the concept of plagiarism and imitation. The editor in charge who also moved out of the starting point supports his chat history.

In desperation, I would like to ask, can I go to court with the author of the starting point in my own capacity?

38. Own Way (Part 1)

Stepping on the long-lost solid ground, this makes the marines who have been sailing with the waves and currents at sea for nearly three months feel very relieved. Marine soldiers swarmed into the canteen of the headquarters, and many soldiers with families chose to go straight home to share with their families. This was a warm reunion.

As an ordinary marine at the grassroots level, every voyage means a test. Whether it is a battle with pirates or severe weather and disease during the voyage, they may never return. Therefore, the marines always enjoy the rare rest time after the mission, and as the leader of the generals, Sakazuki does not have this treatment.

He was serious and reported to the general of the Warring States Period, summarizing the intelligence and information collected during the voyage. Sitting on the sofa with him is the head of the staff crane. This veteran lieutenant general of the same period as Karp, Warring States, and Zefa is quite strong, and even eats the superhuman washing fruit, which is said to be the soul of a pirate. A powerful fruit that can be washed.

But she is best known for her shrewd mind and the wonderful schemes planned by her. Before the era of the great pirates, countless pirates were afraid of this naval beauty like a snake and scorpion. A large number of pirates were stared at by her outstanding and far-reaching vision even before they really became famous, and they were strangled by the crane before they grew up. In embryonic form. More pirates were thrown around by her all sorts of tricks, and then plunged into the navy's layout.

At this moment, the expressions of the three of them are a little gloomy. Combined with the previous summary of Sakazuki, the feedback from the various branches located in the seven air routes and the short-term data returned by the naval headquarters that went to crusade are really shocking. The pirates were hunted down and killed one by one. However, more and more reward orders were issued, and even some pirates continued to exercise and break through their strength under the pressure of this pursuit.

Qingsi has already added some frosted cranes, although there are some unconcealable wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, but with an undoubted intellectual and mature beauty.

But the two people in front of her didn't have time to appreciate them. Sengoku and Sakazuki sat on both ends of the sofa and read them carefully, each holding a branch report.

The Warring States first broke the weird silence and asked Crane, who is also a wise general: "Ahe, what do you think?"

Lieutenant General Crane, wearing a light purple suit, leaned his back against the sofa, put his hands on his chest, crossed his palms and fingers inside, cushioning his head drooping. Her tone was flat: "There is no doubt that from the information gathered by the various branches and captains, the number of pirates is increasing. We can even assume that this data will continue to increase in the future." She paused deliberately. After a while, so as to attract the attention of the two opposing people, "Even if there is a sudden increase, it is not impossible."

This is naturally a blockbuster, and the eyelids of the Warring States Period can't help but jump. Nowadays, the power of the navy has been spent too much on hunting down pirates and maintaining law and order. If it were not for the pirates of the New World to counterattack, the Warring States period would really want to go out to maintain maritime order by himself, and capture these numerous pirates.

He suddenly envied Karp, and the rank of lieutenant general was already the general rank with the greatest freedom. Karp's repeated refusal to be promoted to general is definitely not because of his lack of strength, but that compared to generals, the lieutenant general can move up the sea at any time.

The Warring States feels deeply powerless, and the navy has made every effort to cast a net to hunt down these giant rats, but the pirates seem to have the ability to reproduce as rats, and they can't stop killing them.

This general himself seemed to be a great general, but he didn't get the approval of the five old stars of the world government and Marshal "Steel Bone" Kong, and he couldn't even get out of Malin Vando. Only stay obediently at the military base, guarding the gates of the new world, and at the same time ensuring the safety of the people of Tianlong not far away.

But the Warring States Period is not Karp who only relies on brute force to fight. He nodded in response to Lieutenant General Crane who made the data judgment: "I saw it. I will arrange and suggest that the Marshal increase the batch and number of naval cruises."

Sengoku stopped talking, and glanced at the silent Sakazuki. The words of the lieutenant in front of him after the O'Hara slaughter order finally reached the generals and marshals' ears.

The Warring States did not deliberately ask about the Marshal's comment on this. But from his personal point of view, it seems that the figure in Sakazuki faintly overlaps with an old friend who has left the post of general.

Even though the concepts of the two are quite different, the Warring States period saw the shadow of Zefa in Sakazuki. Although the black fist, who is not known for killing, and the iron-blooded Sakazuki have different opinions on handling pirates, they even run counter to each other at all. But the two people's hearts that have always been firm in their conviction are extremely similar.

He looked at Sakazuki quietly with a hint of school examination on his side, and asked: "Sakazuki, as a general who has been fighting on the front line for a long time, I want to hear your opinion on this. ?"

The expressionless lieutenant finally moved his eyes away from the report. The unpleasant indifferent face appeared to be more gloomy: "Although the number of pirates in various regions continues to rise, this does not mean that our work in the past few months has been done in vain, and a large number of pirates have died. The sea. The maintenance of tranquility in the towns is inseparable from the Navy’s ongoing efforts."

The Warring States nodded, expressing his acknowledgment of this point of view

Sakazuki watched Lieutenant General Crane continue to add: "The number of pirates has continued to increase in recent years. On the one hand, the bewitching of Gore D. Roger has led to the proliferation of pirates. But on the other hand, it also shows that our Navy In some respects, the policy has been unable to adapt to the current environment. It needs to be fine-tuned according to the actual situation."

"?" Lieutenant General Crane finally showed a hint of interest

"Be more specific."

Sakazuki considered the words and was quite cautious. "We generals who perform tasks dare not arbitrarily discuss the policies and guidelines set by the marshals and generals..."

Sengoku nodded gently: "There are no outsiders here, Sakazuki. Let’s talk about the point!"

The lieutenant-admiral who was not an outsider in the Warring States period was not happy at all. If he is now a general, he can speak freely.

But as a lieutenant admiral, this behavior is indeed a bit arrogant. He slows down to ensure that every sentence he says is thought and organized: "Our navy focuses on the great route, which can indeed be very big. To a certain extent, the number of pirates going to the new world is reduced, and the branches and fortresses set up along the way can also have a good deterrent effect. But in my opinion, this method is still somewhat suspected of making up for it."

He pointed to the statistics in his hand. "Except for a small number of pirates born on the islands of the Great Sea Route, the vast majority of pirates come from all over the world... The large fleet moved from the great sea route to the four seas, and finally settled in the four seas and began to "disinfect"."

Sakazuki only dared to talk halfway, what he really wanted to express was more than just organizing the fleet.

Sengoku seemed to have heard the unfinished sound of Sakazuki, and he stared deeply at it without saying a word.

Lieutenant General Crane naturally had a tacit understanding with the Warring States Period. Seeing the topic, he stopped and began to talk to Sakazuki about his adopted daughter.

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