This will undoubtedly cause a serious blow to his keen cause of eliminating pirates on the operational level.

Despite various restrictions and requirements, the benefits of a powerful general are even more attractive. From a strategic level, it is more conducive to the prophetic and foreseeable layout of the chess players in Sakazuki, and even the large-scale armament reform of the navy that his former lieutenant did not even dare to think about is no longer a problem.

A head lieutenant performing high-level tasks may not have the authority to toss the military regulations, weapons and equipment within the entire navy, but a general or military supervisor at the same level as the marshal comes to power to do trouble with these things is within the scope of his function.

"Sakazuki, you are also a veteran. We want to hear your analysis and views on the pirate forces in the new world." The long-haired old man said very lightly, as if talking with an old friend generally.

The pirate forces in the New World have not seen the daily intelligence summary sent by the navy headquarters?

Sakazuki scoffed at this, what kind of green onion is he? In this kind of military strategy analysis, can he cross the Warring States and the empty vote and directly override his authority?

The main reason why the five old stars are willing to listen to a general candidate's views on the layout of the new world is that he, Sakazuki, also serves as the commander of the expeditionary army.

Aka Inu realized that his next remarks, even if they were not the final verdict, would provide a reference for the five old stars to a large extent.

The lord of the legion was silent for a moment, and he added some content from the analysis he had previously thought about on the warship. ": The White Beard Pirate Group is the most powerful right now, even if it does not count as the main fleet of his Pirate Group, it depends on it. The pirate regiment under his command far exceeds the total fleet of the Burning Legion."

The blond old man nodded in understanding: "So?"

"Therefore, if the expeditionary army is going to conquer the new world, I will not choose this kind of opponent who can't be beaten anyway at the first time." Sakazuki admitted frankly, making no secret that I had lost to the hands of Whitebeard. "I used to have a one-on-one match with White Beard. Even if I am more advanced than before, I am definitely not an opponent of Edward, who is at his peak."

"You are a wise man, in every sense." Seeing that his true intentions were revealed, the five old stars did not care: "An Xin, we will not deliberately let talented and capable generals go to death, so get rid of the white beard. Where is this guy?"

"Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, the remnants of the [Locks Pirates], after losing their captain, their strength has not decreased but increased." Sakazuki deliberately said the name, want to see Wu Lao Xing's reaction.

Unexpectedly, these old fried dough noodles didn't change their colors, they just exchanged glances and continued to wait for Sakazuki to speak.

Sa Duxiu, who wanted to make some secret news, was a little disappointed, and only continued to report to himself: "Although their two pirate regiments have frictions in the New World, once the navy attacks on a large scale, they will definitely unite. Fight back."

"Yes, basically qualified new world strategic forward-looking. You did not let us old guys down." The bald old man's eyes jumped when I heard Sakazuki. The feeling is that these people, old and fine people deliberately consider themselves.

"Don't make a bad face, after all, letting you serve as the commander of the expeditionary army must have been approved by several of us. It is reasonable and reasonable for us to evaluate you again." I have never liked this ugly big dog. Old Hu scolded with a straight face.

The long-haired old man became a peacemaker and brought the topic back on track. He asked with interest: "Which New World Pirate Force do you plan to attack?"

207. The enemy is in the navy headquarters

"I think privately, the goal of our army's expedition to the new world is not to completely wipe out a certain powerful pirate force." Sakazuki held a coffee to express his own opinions, and he was a little disturbed deep in his heart. .

However, to his surprise, when these words were spoken, Wu Lao Xing frowned almost coincidentally.

The long-haired old man was playing with his own silver wire, and was a little dissatisfied with the [low standard] of Sakazuki: "Kaido and big mom joined forces in the navy invasion is just a hypothesis, and once they don’t unite decisively, the navy will You can cut off a peak of the Great Pirate in the New World."

The bald old man apparently agreed with his companions, comforting the silent Sakazuki: "No matter which side you choose to attack, Polusalino's Templar Watchers will contain the reinforcements of the other side."

Sakazuki's face changed slightly, and he adjusted back to his untouchable poker face in an instant. But he finally realized where that trace of uneasiness came from! !

It's so smooth, it's so smooth! Whether it is the world government or the navy headquarters, the major actions and key strategies in recent years can almost be regarded as unfavorable.

The expansion of the giant forces to win over Albuff, the introduction of the Seven Martial Sea system, the recruitment of the Murloc Navy and the Dragon Palace Kingdom to form a submarine defense line... It seems that the plan of the five old stars has not failed.

Even in the course of these emergencies such as the O'Hara leak crisis, the attack of the White Beard Pirates, and the uproar of Mary Joa, the final outcome is still the victory of the Navy and the world government.

The victories over and over again made those high-ranking bigwigs drifting a little, and even the high-ranking officers of the navy headquarters were filled with this atmosphere of pride.

The reform of the navy's grassroots battle group, the right to review the candidates of Qiwuhai, and even Impelton, who is holding many criminals, no longer have any worries.

Sa always wanted to slap his chest and tell these consuls in front of him: You are floating! !

I don’t know that those political achievements that can be counted as major events are closely related to my business all the time.

There would be no so-called expansion of giant forces without the recruitment of other ways of their own, and there would be no fisherman island navy without dragging the white beard on the bottom of the sea! Without their own arrangements, Moria, Doflamingo and others will still be the confidant of the world government...

He swallowed, and killed the moment of delusion and self-arrogance in his heart in the bud.

How about a hundred steps with fifty steps?

He has no right to condemn these politicians-that kind of arrogance not only comes from the attitude of the five old stars and the navy headquarters in recent years, but also from himself!

When the meticulous Sakazuki spontaneously confided in Luo's eyes, Luo Nandi noticed something wrong, and the soundproofing space he immediately created minimized the threat of those words of condemnation.

Fortunately, this sense of accomplishment of "I can carry" did not last long, and Sakazuki was awakened by the dissatisfaction of the five old stars.

The commander of the army with a heavy hand finally realized what the most serious problem is at the moment! Not the big pirates who are rampant in the New World! It's not like a group of big and small pirates like crucian carp across the river!

But from the world government to the navy headquarters are permeated with that kind of fascinating self-confidence! The enemy is in the world government! The enemy is in the navy headquarters!

His speech temptation just now proved one thing, that is, according to the idea of ​​the Five Old Stars-to completely cut off a new world big pirate force.

But now that the pirate forces of the New World exclude a super heavyweight White Beard Pirate Group, only Kaido and Auntie can be called a powerful party.

Daydreaming! !

Conspiracy and scheming can't go around a big circle-hard power!

Is the expeditionary army with the notorious Burning Legion hard? Hard, veterans gathered from all over the world, the best armaments, but neither an aunt nor a beast is by no means a small role that can be won by explosive soldiers.

It's like a dog head who is in the late stage of the game, but does not develop Q soldiers on the line in the early and mid-term, but is entangled with a big five and three thick Illaoi girl doing things!

After giving him ten years of training, the lord of the legion felt that he could lead the rookies in the navy to push it. And now... there is not enough high-level combat power, what will Sakazuki do to eat a future Four Emperor Group? Tou Tie is not played like this!

vanity! complacent! You really are my biggest original sin!

By now, Sakazuki is a little fearful, afraid that all this will fall short, afraid that the navy’s hard-earned family and young talents will be destroyed, and once they return to the pre-liberation period.

The traveler knows how hard-won all this is!

Even if he is planning every step as a prophet, every step is still walking on thin ice.

And the airflow of the butterfly wings brought not only the vigorous development of naval forces, but also the five old stars who were dazzled by a series of victories!

Sa Duxiu discovered that this time he played a big game, and Oda was not as good as him.

The arrogant soldier must be defeated is by no means a joke, but a **** experience and lessons from countless self-inflated guys.

"Although the ultimate goal of the Expeditionary Legion is to wipe out the great pirates entrenched in the new world, at this stage, even if a large fleet of 30,000 people cooperates with the two legions of Kuzan and Polusalino, it can't gnaw down and trouble the world. The two great pirate forces of the government for many years!" Sakazuki did not hesitate to persuade.

"Red Dog! Why do you raise other people's ambitions?" Archon Juan Hu was unhappy. He thought that Sakazuki would make some constructive suggestions, but he didn't want this **** to come up with a way of destroying his own prestige. play.

Sakazuki has misfortunes. It is not that he blows the big pirates, but that he has compelling numbers in his heart.

He cooperated with Xiliu to block Kaido, one-on-one, and would not be afraid of Charlotte Lingling in a deadly fight, but in the home court of the New World Pirates, no one can say what changes will happen.

Sakazuki clenched his teeth and insisted on his own point of view, and never gave in half a step: "If you weaken the pirate power of the new world, I am sure. But you want the Legion to completely annihilate Kaido and Auntie, it is difficult."

The atmosphere was a bit tense at once, but the cultivation of the five old stars was not so bad as to be angry with the other party.

Seeing this, the white-haired old man did not forcefully demand, and gave a certain stupid stupid dog a step down: "You go down and rest first. You still need to seek the opinions of Kong and Zhan Guo on this matter."

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