"What are you worried about?" Gion filled Sakazuki with a glass of good wine: "Although you are fine, but you usually run into mischief with Mr. Karp, you will not be so irritable with your temperament and heart. "

Sakazuki, which was serving Gion’s rice, was taken aback, and the corners of his tightly pressed mouth softened unknowingly. He didn't expect that Gion's observations of him were so nuanced, and the changes in his mood were not hidden from those around him after all.

"I don't understand why they are so anxious. If they can give me ten years, waiting for the new navy rookie to grow up, waiting for our latest weapons and ships to serve, I can push the new world!" Sakazuki Particularly puzzled, the five old stars are politicians who like to maintain stability. In the original book, even if the more stable the more unstable they are, they always adhere to it as a ruling creed. Why are the five old stars of this world line so pitted?

Although his boyfriend is vague, Gion, who has guessed something, feels a little strange: "We deliberately did not seal the deep sea road of Murloc Island. Isn't it to paralyze the big pirates who are entrenched in the new world? Why do you want to attack them?"

"Paralysis...wait," Sakazuki caught the key words in the conversation. "Quickly, repeat what you just said."

Suddenly a little excited by Sakazuki, I was confused, but Gion still followed the other party's request and slowly repeated the unintentional words.

"That's it! That's it!" Sakazuki stood up, pacing around the table in shattered steps.

"That's it," the leader of the legion finally figured out what kind of information was hidden behind the seemingly aggressive actions of the five old stars: "The old gang does not intend to destroy the aunt and Kaido at all!"

He just secretly arranged the five old stars together, who knows that Feng Shui turns around, and in a blink of an eye he was scammed into a century scam.

The authorities are obsessed, the bystanders are clear, the ancients sincerely don't deceive me!

If the navy completely blocked the road to the new world, who would have the biggest reaction? Are the ordinary pirates eager to lead the second half of the great route?

Wrong, they will never be willing to lose sight of the new world big pirates who are fading away from the supply of fresh blood.

Kaido and the aunt will definitely choose to break through the Murloc Island defense line in one go.

Why did Sengoku and Karp choose Kuzan, who has a tired personality and catches fish every day, to guard Murloc Island, instead of Sakazuki, which works seriously and responsibly?

That's because although Kuzan is stationed on Murloc Island, he will not completely cut off this submarine channel. Knowing that there is a navy stationed on Murloc Island, there are still a large number of pirates who are willing to take risks every year.

And under the constraints of Kuzan's seeming laziness, the number of pirates flowing into the new world is just within the range of talent reduction that the white beard, aunt, Kaido and others can bear.

Although the Five Old Stars put on a stance to wipe out the new world, their true intention was to build a Pirate World version of the "Star Wars Project."

Finally I want to understand the Sakazuki by Zhongguanqiao and found that he is really a younger brother in terms of Yin people!

Before the other party was fully aware that the world government and the navy were implementing the warm-water boiled frog strategy for the new world, the navy devoted all efforts and funds to build three armies with their own characteristics.

With the great fanfare of the five old stars, the navy forces are determined to take advantage of the danger and wipe out a terrorist atmosphere.

The pirates who are persecuting the new world are constantly expanding their armaments and manpower while being vigilant.

But the new world is such a big place. Although many new star pirates are still able to enter every year, the competition for talents is enough to make the major forces break their blood!

Sakazuki picked up the drink in the glass and drank it all at once, and the comfortable Lieutenant-Admiral couldn't help adding another glass to himself.

As for the huge size of the world government, the ability to withstand pressure deficits at the armament and economic levels is by no means comparable to a few pirates who occupy the land!

"Hey, your house tonight hasn't been repaired yet~" Gion scraped a spoonful of curry from the bottom of the dinner plate, and gave a thoughtful suggestion: "Would you like to make do with my house for a night?"

The abacus in Big Rabbit’s heart was smashed. According to the practical experience provided by the married female soldiers in the legion, how can those big boys bear this kind of teasing? Not like a wolf, they are considered to be quite determined when they rush up. .

From Gion's point of view, such a killer move for a boyfriend means--

I picked my own attitude and swore my sovereignty!!

Sakazuki was stunned when he heard the words, but he had rested at Polusalino's house for one night, and it was the first time in the opposite **** house...especially if this beautiful lady is still your girlfriend and offered to live with her tonight At home, this means--

This must be her test of herself! Whether she can hold it, it will become a crucial assessment standard. A man who is truly responsible for his family will not be deceived by this!

Without any hesitation, Sakazuki gave Gion a thumbs up: "Don't worry about me at all. Polusalino and Kuzan have not returned yet. It is not a problem for me to go to their dormitory and sleep for one night. ."

WTF Gion said that this is a big problem. The old lady finally let go of the girl's heart, resisting the crazy little rabbit in her heart, and let out such strong suggestive words.

Then, his idiot male ticket intends to run away in minutes?

Jill interrupted you, believe it or not? Believe it or not?

The two people chatting across servers fell into a sudden strange silence.

After a long time, Gion suddenly grabbed the half bottle of Legionnaire wine left on the table and drank it.

Sakazuki looks dumbfounded by the heroic attitude of the other party. What excites this?

Looking at the other party's original white and long jade neck, under the influence of alcohol, the corners of the eyes that were smeared with wine, painted like a magical brush to outline the most moving eyes in the world.

"What are you doing after drinking the wine..." Sakazuki glanced at the wine bottle on the table with some dumbfounding. This is not something a girl should drink.

"No road race! No road race~"

The indifferent and tough female major general has a rare and charming posture, and she childishly puts her hands in her ears.

Some hazy eyes flowed inadvertently, adding a touch of enchantment to Gion that was never revealed to outsiders in ordinary days.

Jiuzhuang urged people to courage, and the big rabbit muttered: "I'm angry~" He was about to get up to [bully and bully] the big dog in front of him.

However, Rao is a strong female swordsman, and she can hardly escape the softness of her feet when drunk.

A strong arm protected her in time, Sakazuki had a hint of helplessness and amusement in her eyes, quietly observing the beautiful woman lying drunk in her arms.

The face is superficial and tidy, even under the simplest light makeup, it also looks so magnificent.

"Gion, you are drunk." Sakazuki took a deep breath and hugged the drunk pink-haired rabbit sideways. As the posture changed, the exposed skin made him feel a little bit more. Heart-to-heart.

Sakazuki)," which was determined not to take advantage of others, shook his head slightly, and put aside the faint thoughts in his heart.

With the princess hugging her, she gently lay back on the bed in the bedroom. Sakazuki raised her hand to slowly cover the idiot who had inexplicably filled a bottle of Sa-style oolong tea with her hand, and tucked her feet.

He turned out of the room and planned to pour a half glass of warm water in the kitchen. The girl secretly opened one eye and muttered, "Big stupid dog."

If the other party really offered her a glass of water and then did nothing, wouldn't she cut off the layout that Sister He had worked so **** her back? The disobedient beauty touched the tools of crime prepared in advance under the pillow, and was determined.

Sakazuki returned to the girls' bedroom with a peach and bunny doll with a water glass in a blink of an eye. The meticulous Lieutenant General gently held up his girlfriend's head with his right hand, and took the water glass with his left hand to feed it.

However, Gion seemed to gritted his teeth and closed his mouth. He was determined not to take a sip. Sakazuki thought about it and did not force it, so he just sat quietly in the corner of the room with a cup in his hand-striving to be one. Beautiful man with a quiet time.

"Hmm! Stupid! Is it so difficult to feed me mouth-to-mouth?" The big rabbit couldn't figure it out, angrily kicking away the bed. With the help of Jiu Jin, the major-general hugged the pillow and jumped up, "Hey" he slammed his dumbfounded boyfriend into the corner of the wall.

The girl seemed to be taking advantage of her momentum to release all her dissatisfaction, she pursed her lips in anger, "Because Sakazuki is a big idiot who is insensitive to feelings! So..."

I've long been accustomed to Gion-style straight ball bombing, but it's rare to see her playing tricks. Sakazuki shrugged and asked indifferencely: "So what?"

A soft "click" replaced Gion's answer. For this long-planned assault, the great swordsman used his speed of drawing his sword on the throwing pillow.

The anger between the hostess's eyebrows disappeared in no time, replaced by a tricky smirk.

Whether it's visiting Mr. Karp's blindfold to destroy the dormitory, or drinking booze in one breath, it is all to numb her dear big dog.

The sudden feeling of fatigue hits the whole body of Sakazuki, as if soaking in the sea that I hate most. The natural devil fruit ability that has always been proud of seems to have been imprisoned.

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