Without waiting for a few people to develop rich associations and brain supplements, the Lieutenant General has quickly got up and walked outside the door.

"By the way, what the **** did you do?" Small couldn't help asking curiously. The two outsiders who didn't know the cause and the consequences only felt the conversation between Sakazuki and Robin.

Gently rubbing the red forehead that was knocked on by a finger, the girl showed a playful smile: "Confidentiality."

Hina, who was sitting next to her best friend, was a little suspicious. She thought what kind of severe punishment would be to make Robin so scared, and the result was a joke with a head bouncing?

Although I don't understand what the girl is afraid of, it is a good habit to ask: "So, what is the difference between punishment and slapstick?"

"No, it's just one aspect... I hope he might have forgotten this time." Robin, who thought he had escaped, stared at the figure walking away and let out a long sigh of relief.

The next moment, a strong voice came from a distance, interrupting the unrealistic fantasy of the little goddess in the army: "The training ground at 3:17 in the afternoon, the actual combat drill, the three of you, come."

"Woo!!!" As if all her energy had been drained in an instant, the girl screamed and plunged into Hina's arms.


Although a little distressed about his rare vacation time, Robin took the two of them and waited by the training ground early.

"Now, this is the disgusting thing in this part, and it may offend people at any time! Lao Tzu will simply transfer to the branch in the future, don't see and worry!" Smogg complained with a cigar in his gun, but he The usual hob meat style really doesn't care.

In Malin Vandor, where the factions are already congregated by elites, there may be conflicts among high-level generals, but after all, they will not act too much.

However, in the middle and grassroots military groups with multiple personnel, it is precisely the saying that the king is good to see, and the kid is hard to haunt. Not to mention offending people, even if they disagree, they are likely to stumble upon each other, directly or indirectly suppress them.

If it involves the collision between the headquarters and branch officers of the two large groups about treatment, weapons and equipment, etc., it will inevitably be another verbal battle.

Hearing that, the perfect girl walking in the forefront smiled and turned her head to relieved: "An Xin, Mr. Small, his attitude is not comparable to those third-rate mediocre people."

Through these years of getting along, she has gradually figured out the guardian's temperament.

The requirements of Sakazuki may be strict, but not strict. Even if an individual disagrees with his opinion, he will never use his power to suppress the crowding out.

"Then are we waiting for the lord general there?" Smogg seemed to feel that a cigar was not enough to feed his appetite, lowered his head and pulled out the second one from the special fixing belt of the coat.

"No, he has already arrived." The Huahuaguo capable person closed one eye and used his ability to pull the field of vision to the distant training ground, where an unusually burly figure stood quietly.

The newcomer of the Burning Legion who often conducts this kind of special training has his mouth slightly raised: "Let's attack."

Seeing that the two were still stunned, Robin thought that his voice was too low just now, so he couldn't help repeating it again: "Hina, Smogg, let's attack."

With extraordinary physical functions, Smogg and Hina will certainly not miss the words that are close at hand.

But what made them hesitate and hesitate was that they had never seen such a sneak attack on the instructor without even saying hello.

However, the newcomer of the Burning Legion has already begun tactical arrangements: "Listen, Sakazuki is a natural demon fruit ability. We can rarely hurt him without being domineering, but during training He doesn't use this kind of shameless ability."

Smogg thoughtfully looked at the black-bellied woman who was arranging tactics for Hina: "Then am I..."

"What is it? Of course we beat him how shameless we came." Robin quickly choked off the shame of a certain natural ability: "Hina, just follow what I said, and close the space for him to move. One step is locked."

"Smogg is responsible for covering me, I try to get around and misplace his neck..."

The two men stared at the girl who was still judging the next move of Sakazuki with an almost **** look.

"I said... he is your adoptive father after all... Communicate some things."

"Hina thinks...this is a bit wrong, even if it's teacher Zefa's training class, it won't be a dead end?"

Immediately, the two of them saw Robin's confused expression of "what are you talking about?"

"Not a killer?" Robin clapped his palms suddenly, and smiled brightly to comfort the two: "Of course, of course, Sakazuki will not hurt us as a killer, we just need to kill him."



[No, no, no, we just mean that you are treating your father to death...] The two naval officers who were famous in their divisions wanted to talk, but finally Hina, who was a best friend, was a little uneasy: "Hina feels A slightly gentler approach can be implemented"

Robin was stunned for a moment, and was very puzzled by the gentleness of his girlfriends: "Doesn't the Legion only consider **** and kill the enemy in the shortest possible time?"

[It's not saved] Smogg looked sideways at this girl who looked like a goddess in the eyes of other people. She was indeed a gentle and beautiful little girl, but how could she wear the water of life with those gangs of people's heads at every turn? A mode of thinking of the killing embryos!

After thinking for a moment, Smogg chose to stick to his own thoughts: "I use smoke and fruits to trap him, and I don't care about the rest."

Robin was stunned. She glanced up and down at each other with clever eyes, and for a moment she nodded: "I originally planned to be the main force... I didn't expect Lord Smoger to talk about loyalty like this, so let's just follow you. Go and take responsibility for being beaten!"

Because of Sakazuki's extensive experience and domineering, Robin and others did not choose to touch the distance under the eyes of others and then start their hands. At a distance of several hundred meters, three high-achieving students stepped straight down from the air with moon steps.

Author's message:

ps: Let alone the second chapter, from yesterday to tonight, a total of 20 minutes of sleep before their meeting. . . . . To die. . . To die. . .

212. Punch the Headquarters Nursing Home, kick the Navy Kindergarten (middle)

Although Sakazuki's domineering range is not as wide as the old blind man Fujitora, but as the next general candidate, his various levels are not much weaker.

He stood where he was, letting the three men who had been spotted attack him.

In fact, he is currently unable to move. I don’t know when the arms protruding from ankles firmly locked the joints of his body.

A large cloud of smoke filled the space where Lieutenant Admiral could not move, and obscured the sight of Sakazuki.

[Next is that Hina, who has eaten the fruit of the threshold, uses the demon ability to replace Robin's articulation skills and locks up my mobility in one step...] Sakazuki with rich experience against the enemy has already guessed it The plan of the three.

Unexpectedly, what followed was not the shackles that Hina could easily imprison others. The white smoke did not want to disturb the enemy and acted as an excellent blinding method, and directly wrapped the body of Sakazuki.


[Mom's mental retardation. ] Sakazuki flashed such a sentence in my mind.

While the thick white smoke was like a firm steel cable, it shackled the opponent fiercely, while the hardened iron fist wrapped in an armed color in Sakazuki also slammed Smogg's enlarged elemental body.

"Master Zefa never taught you not to expand the natural body range at will in front of high-ranking armed and domineering users?" The explosive force of Sakazuki suddenly bounced off the slender arms that tried to keep the joints locked. , Rammed Smogg to the ground with a punch.

The footsteps were slightly wrong, half a turn, the leader of the Legion with experienced combat experience did not need to move in a large area, and easily avoided the long legs of those with fruit ability who kicked to the original position.

Hina didn't expect that Smogg would be so unhelpful, and he didn't even control the opponent for a moment. When things came to an end, she had to grit her teeth and attack continuously in Sakazuki, intending to rely on the fruit ability to lock the object by passing through to fight for the interval of the next attack.

But Sakazuki's burly and sturdy body, with an extremely unscientific dexterity, seems to be crossing Hina's arm slowly and quickly.

With the help of the close distance between the two sides, Lao La's powerful lieutenant general Tim stepped forward, and without any fancy moves, directly knocked out his little junior sister.

"Let them help divert my attention and keep you accumulating energy for so long, little Robin, what are you playing?" Sakazuki casts its gaze on the adopted daughter who is only one step away from him.

This little girl's movements made him feel very confused. If it is said that the attack sequence of the three people who took the "trapped enemy" route is only slightly problematic, then Robin, who sees Smog and Hina being defeated, does not retreat and advances. The problem is prominent.

"Hundred cracks--" With a soft drink, the girl with her hands folded on her chest looked solemn and did not answer the question of Sakazuki.

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