Gion looked at the interaction between the father and daughter, and laughed out loud. Obviously, the little girl is standing on her side, in a posture of inquiring about crimes.

She lay on the high back of the chair, resting her head on her arm: "Hey, say [I want to eat], I will forgive you."

.... Do you think I'm a giant baby like Jonathan who almost shouted to Jessica to eat grandma? ? ? Sakazuki couldn't help asking: "Do I have other options for apologizing?"

"Yes, I will wear a rabbit costume to help at home all day tomorrow." Gion clasped his hands together and smiled very sweetly.

Sakazuki brain repaired a bit, my body and face shape in a pink bunny suit...very good, mental pollution has not gone away.

He forcibly opened the topic and turned his attention to the rice bowl Robin brought out from the kitchen: "Tonight you left me gyudon..."

Robin sighed lightly, and it was the standard Sa-style topic-shifting method again, which was blunt.

The girl looked at the rice bowl mixed with chicken, eggs, onions, etc., a little uncomfortable: "You are the only one in the military department, and will treat the parent-child donuts as gyudon."

Sakazuki)," which had just taken this fragrant chicken rice bowl from Robin's hands, shook his hand and almost didn't buckle the whole bowl of rice on Gion's head.

"You said this rice is called parent-child don?" Sakazuki looked as usual, with an indifferent look that didn't understand anything, picking up the spoon and preparing to pick up the rice.

The girl couldn't help holding her forehead and said, "It's not hard to understand, right? Parents and children come from the eggs and chicken in the donuts. They are the ancestors of Japanese rice bowls. Today I specially made this for Sister Gion."

"..." Girl, your sentence contains such a large amount of information, do you Gion sister know?

The big rabbit who held the rice bowl in time grabbed the rice spoon with a smirk, and fed a spoonful of rice bowl from Sakazuki: "Then you eat this rice, or do you eat it, me?"

Robin frowned, smiled and looked at these two guys who had tasted the sweetness and began to regard her as non-existent: "Don't even think about it, Gion sister will sleep next to me tonight, and the man will sleep on the sofa."

"Eh! Why?!" Who knows that Sakazuki hasn't responded yet, and Gion almost jumped up in a hurry.

Looking at the unconscious girl, Robin suddenly felt a little tired. She clung to Gion's ear and reprimanded: "You are still red and swollen under you. What are you playing with? Go to bed obediently."

"Oh...orz" The big rabbit who was frustrated for a moment slumped on the back of the chair, his face was written all over.

President Sa, who is eating the paternity donuts, is still the face of the dead, it seems that Robin's arrangement did not affect him in any way.

Until Robin walked to the bedroom with Gion on his back, the Sakazuki with his back facing them seemed to have been vicissitudes of life for several years: "Robin."

"Huh?" The girl stopped, and looked at the man with her back facing them with some confusion: "Is there anything else?"

"Gion will be your foster mother from now on, so you must know it in your heart."

Robin turned towards each other suspiciously, perhaps she had heard it wrong, but the girl always felt that the voice of Sakazuki was a little trembling for no reason.

"Rest assured, I will take care of her. I have treated her like this since you two were dating. Otherwise, do you think it would be Lieutenant General Kuzan?" Robin raised his head affectionately and arched Gong Gion's cheek. Tell a Robin-style cold joke.

"Take care of..." Sakazuki chewed Robin's words repeatedly, lowered his voice and muttered to himself, but his voice seemed to tremble even more.

But the girl didn't know, Sakazuki, which was chatting across servers, stayed at the bedroom door all night in fear because of her words.


In the afternoon of the third day, Sakazuki arrived at the training ground No. 14 as scheduled.

With a salute to Sengoku who arrived on time, Sakazuki asked: "Mr. Sengoku, isn't Mr. Karp coming with you?"

"The old thing must have fallen asleep on the road holding donuts again." The Warring States period waved his hand, indicating that Sakazuki can ignore it.

But after all, the strength that should be raised must be raised, and people still have to wait.

Although the strength of the Warring States Period is strong, the shock wave in the form of the Great Buddha belongs to its own talent, and the improvement in explosive power mainly depends on the guy who purely walks the way of physical art.

Tomorrow, the general who was about to be promoted to the position of No. 1 in the Navy turned his head to look at the general he had always admired: "How? Are you nervous? Tomorrow, the three of you will officially belong to the top figures of the Navy Headquarters and the world government."

"I can't talk about it." Sakaki's serious face was rarely relaxed, "Responsibilities and obligations, things that are commonplace, how much ability to do and how big things are."

Sengoku smiled. The answer to Sakazuki was not what he expected, but the general got a headache: "If only Polusalino and Kuzan could be as dedicated as you, you would like to attend the tour in the future. It’s not that easy for Hai Ke, just don’t blame me, an old man who is a marshal."

Sakazuki shook his head, somewhat amused: "Why do you think this way, we are all soldiers brought out by you and Mr. Karp. Although the general rank is equal to the marshal, we are considered colleagues. If you have anything, just ask It’s fine to order as before."

"Thank you, Sakazuki" Warring States nodded. In fact, he just asked if his subordinates were nervous. In fact, he himself was the most nervous one.

It has nothing to do with promotion. Before, there was still room for big brother to stand up, but in the future, if something happened, he was the pillar of theirs.

The navy's huge family business must be transferred to him, and his every move, any decision may affect and determine the overall changes in the navy.

Now he may still have a chance to get Karp and Sakazuki to do something he wants to do.

Warring States realized that after today, he will no longer belong to him.

"Hahahaha, I saw you with a stinky face as soon as I came here!" The howling fist gang broke the contemplation of the Warring States period, and Kapu, who rushed in from a distance, threw his fist repeatedly: "There will be a time for you to be successful in the future! Now, Give the uncle a smile!"

"... Karp" The Warring States period was taken aback, and then burst into laughter. "Don't forget, among the three of us, I am the uncle in terms of age!"

His figure rose sharply, and in the blink of an eye, a golden Buddha appeared in front of Sakazuki.

The Buddha lifted his palm slightly, and the golden halo was vomiting in the palm of his palm, making Kapu a face when he gestured.

The shock wave disrupted the airflow around the fist, engulfing the Prandtl cloud that was generated instantly when breaking through the sound barrier, Karp was covered with a high-level domineering real punch, abruptly resisting the seemingly unstoppable golden shock wave.

The two colors of platinum and platinum are separated, spreading the converging force to the surroundings. Most of the floor tiles of the training ground fell down instantly, flying in the direction of the aftermath.

"Can't you take the shock wave back?" Karp couldn't help complaining, every time he finished repairing the training ground, the Warring States period deducted his allowance.

The Warring States period withdrew from the transformation, "Nonsense, I have beaten this shock wave, do you still expect the old man to take it back?"

Sakazuki is a little curious: "Mr. Sengoku, did the shock wave spread out like Mr. Karp's physical cooperation, similar to the sudden explosive power of Murloc Karate?

"No, Sa." Karp casually gave the curious baby a nickname, and he raised his finger to the palm of the Warring States Period: "This is a special ability given by the fruit in the form of the Great Buddha."

The Warring States took over Karp’s words, his left hand extended his finger and poked the palm of his right hand, explaining in detail: “My shock wave hardly needs to be stored. It can even be said that after transforming into a golden Buddha form, the shock wave has been in my palm. It is usually the most intuitive. My feeling is that there is a layer of invisible flat coating on the palm of my hand, and I will shoot it out when I exert force."

Sakazuki is not surprised by this statement. In fact, for any wave source, when the motion speed exceeds its wave propagation speed, this wave form can be called a shock wave.

But the way the shock wave spreads described by the Warring States period made him feel a little familiar.

He always felt that he had seen similar descriptions somewhere, bound by a special force field in an inactive state, it looked like a completely harmless two-dimensional film. But when the Warring States period exerts force, the restraining force field will disappear, and the shock wave will be launched irreversibly...

"Oh, I see, if the attack was launched from the air, it would be a simple two-way foil." Sakazuki punched his hand lightly.

"Two-way foil?"

"what is that?"

President Sa, as a scientist, simply explained this sci-fi concept to the two Zhanka: "It means to be able to infinitely curl up one dimension in the three-dimensional space that you touch, causing the three-dimensional space to collapse and turn into a two-dimensional plane space. And continue to expand."

"Two-dimensional? Three-dimensional? What the hell?" The Warring States was utterly confused. He never thought that his devil fruit's additional abilities had so many twists and turns.

Uncle Karp is much more straightforward. He showed off the Xiuhai Bowl's armed and domineering hardened iron fist toward Sakazuki: "Speaking of people."

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