Therefore, nothing wrong.

"Well, that's the case." Ohm sat cross-legged on the canopy of the tree and carefully analyzed the other party's words. Seeing that the girl showed her identity so generously and generously, she lowered the suspicion in Wu Ke's heart with sunglasses: "Naturalist... Is this why you can tell the biological habits of Cloud Rats in one go?"

He suddenly scratched his bald head in embarrassment: "Sorry, sorry, I regard you as those ignorant islanders. But please stop there. Going forward is the area where the gods live. As the Guardian, I cannot allow it. The strange visitor disturbed the adult's rest."

Robin nodded in understanding and turned around to leave. She suddenly turned her head and interrupted and asked: "If you take the liberty to ask, since the gods are going to walk in the world, after all, you still have to let the believers know their honorifics?"

She wanted to find out the name of the other person so that she could confirm if it was the person she had been looking for these days. As everyone knows, this sentence directly hit the center of goodwill of the priest.

Her speech is elegant and polite, she is full of curiosity and proper respect for the unknown. The most important thing is to listen to what she just said [Since the gods are going to walk in the world, after all, we still have to let the believers know their honorifics].

This girl has Huigen!

Lord Ohm's eyes on the girl became sharper, and Robin could perceive the electrical intent in the other's eyes even through the sunglasses.

Robin stared alertly at the birdman who stood up from the canopy, the bald head shining brightly in the sun. "Is there anything else? Priest?" Could it be that there was a mistake in her words just now that exposed her true purpose?

"Indeed, there is one more thing I want to confirm." The priest's face was solemn, he jumped high from the tree canopy, and blew a whistle in the air.

A big white dog jumped out of the woods behind Robin and stopped the girl's retreat.

Priest Ohm stared solemnly at the girl who was wary in front of him: "Girl, do you want to send a telegram with us?"


231. The Marshal's Wrath

Teleport? What is that, I have only heard of conductive eh? "Robin was asked directly in a daze.

"Well, because we are serving a real body of Thor, how, are you interested in joining us? I think you can at least rank as a priest with your level of Xinwang." God team, Ohm couldn't help lobbying again and again.

After all, there are fewer than a hundred believers on the huge [Pearl of the White Sea]-Bikka Island, which is really too stupid.

After thinking for a moment, she found that after chatting across servers, the girl quickly changed her way of thinking.

She raised her head to stare at the bald priest who was still waiting for her reply, and continued to confuse the other party's information: "But I am a Qinghai native, and I don't even know the name and deeds of that god, can I really join it?"

Om priest's words revealed indignation and disdain: "Of course, as long as you serve my **** Anilu with sincerity. But the ignorant and foolish people of Bika consider such a miracle as a heresy, and the true **** as a vulgar alien."

"Ainil, the **** of thunder, nothing can hurt his divine body. He walks in the mundane world, punishes his words and follows the law. He lies down and rests, and the thunder dragon is entrenched in shelter around him."

Robin's mouth turned upwards imperceptibly, and this serious bald-headed uncle sings and praises seriously, which is really interesting.

She had initially learned about the opponent's strength from Om's mouth, what she said was the law, and she was sheltered by the dragon. At first glance, it was indeed tall and tall, and the appearance of that stalwart **** was formed in an instant.

In fact, it was a man who was born on an empty island and was deified by a commoner who had never seen a natural devil fruit.

What kind of divine body is not injured, but it is relying on elemental immunity to physical attack. You let him go to the headquarters to try? There, not to mention the muscular brothers who can be armed and domineering, even one or two low-ranking lieutenants dared to take the sea tower stone weapon and jump out to give Comrade Thor a fight.

But Robin didn't take this lightly. The bedtime stories that Sakazuki used to tell her often turned over and over again and again, only those characters that were not found in the Naval Library at first glance were made up indiscriminately.

But President Sa’s always inseparable from his sect can be summarized as: strategically despise the enemy, tactically value the enemy, these fourteen-character mantra.

The girl who has heard of Cocoon since she was a child, although she doesn't know who Victory Li is, but at least she knows that her adoptive father admires him very much.

If one of the military gods of the navy headquarters can admire his theory, Robin still pays attention to these mantras that are said to be passed on by word of mouth.

Right now is an excellent example. Although she despises these buns strategically, she has to admit that in the tactical confrontation with the enemy, this Ainilu who has eaten the fruits of thunder can control thunder and lightning to the level of exquisite imitation. , Its fine natural control power can even occupy the upper ranks in the sea where monsters proliferate below.

"Well, let me first take you to observe the true face of Thunder God. When you see the miracle of the clock, I believe you will become our companion." After a blow, I saw the naturalist from Qinghai. In a daze, Ohm understood quite well. After all, he didn't believe it at all when he listened to that stinky Shura a few years ago.

"But, didn't you say that God is resting? I'm afraid it's not good to disturb him like this?" Robin replied tentatively, and she really didn't plan to go deep alone after determining the target location of the opponent. Sitting on the boat was an old guy who claimed to be the number one player in the navy headquarters, who had no reason to put himself in deep danger from the beginning.

Ohm smiled mysteriously and unpredictably: "It's okay, God already knows you are here, it's not beautiful if you don't go to see you."

"..." Robin suddenly found out that he had missed a very serious question, that is, what other abilities besides being a capable person of Anilu in their mouths?

After Ohm led the naturalists of the Navy Headquarters to walk several hundred meters in the woods, this sense of worry deepened in the girl's heart. Counting from the position just now, there is still at least a hundred meters away from the tree house in the opponent's mouth. [In other words, does he have the ability to perceive the intruder's ability from a kilometer away? If you see and hear the domineering, this can already be comparable to the way of Sakazuki and others]

The worry of going deep behind enemy lines is intertwined with the sense of expectation to see each other. In fact, Robin really wants to meet this "god" who has a similar experience in his childhood.

But before the two of them entered the tree house, a rather young voice came out: "Your fight with Ohm is a good dance. I like beautiful things."

Without saying a word, the big bald head knelt directly on the wooden floor of the tree house: "Fear and fear, you are satisfied."

"...This is a little different from what I thought." Robin stood outside the tree house and looked at the figure lying in the middle of the house.

The young man who was regarded as a freak by the islanders of Bika, and who was fascinated by the self-proclaimed priest Ohm, just lay down in the simple tree house with such a care.

He was wearing a white turban on his head and his upper body was naked. With one hand on his cheek, he flipped through a book unhurriedly.

Ignoring the bald priest's "kneel down" whisper, Robin looked at the casual young man in front of him with interest: "I thought the palace where the gods lived would look a little bit more like this."

"Presumptuous! Don't be disrespectful to God" Ohm roared in a low voice. He didn't expect that the good girl before him would be so rude.

"Haha, it's okay. She is right, and the current residence is indeed a bit rudimentary." Lord God looked very generous when he was in a good mood, and finally turned his attention from the book in his hand to the stranger.

"People from Qinghai, why do you know the heart net?" From the beginning of the conflict, Ainilu, who used the heart net to observe the fruit ability, looked at this woman with pretty facial features seriously.

Robin smiled. While Anilu is observing herself, why is she not observing each other?

The naturalist bowed slightly to the opponent: "Then why is the Lord God still reading a book with a mechanical structure in his hand?"

To this Qinghai native's so innocent rhetorical question, Ainilu laughed loudly: "Ahahaha, it's funny, I like smart people."

Then his expression was gloomy like a changeable mountain rain: "However, I don't like people who are too smart, especially women."

Robin didn't even blink his eyes when faced with a natural demon fruit capable person with a changeable temperament.

It is ridiculous to call himself Thor.

Among other things, if Anilu can be a god, wouldn't the navy headquarters be the top three phantom gods?


However, the top three phantom gods in this part are being scolded collectively at this moment.

In the office of the Warring States Period, sixteen lieutenants of the headquarters and the strongest combat power of the three military headquarters gathered.

This is the first internal meeting with all members of the new navy headquarters in three weeks since its establishment.

The last admiral took the post of Goose City... Bah... When the army commander, he did not take office alone. In order not to be taken over by the world government as soon as he came to power, the old marshal also transferred several veteran lieutenants who made it easy to place them in important positions to help him control the overall situation.

Therefore, in addition to some veterans, more fresh faces are newly promoted lieutenants who are promoted with the change of term. These have worked in the position of major general for more than ten years, and if they talk about their military exploits and strength, they are all powerful factions who are proficient in domineering and naval warfare.

The iron-blooded warriors headed by ghost spiders and Doberman, these years of southern and northern wars have made them more mature. These soldiers

They have already met the lieutenant general's review and evaluation standards. The reason why they deliberately suppressed their military ranks is to have enough officers available after the change of term.

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