"Thank you for your outstanding contribution to the medical system of the navy headquarters." A ninety-degree gift from the genius doctors of the headquarters was bent down.

"..." Sakazuki was a bit embarrassing, but before he finished his words, Dr. Strange shook his head: "No, no, this is to thank you for being here in Vinsmore. The help to the navy headquarters in the case of K.”

"???" Sakazuki was confused, he didn't do anything!

When the Warring States heard this, the lion shook his head abruptly, and scanned Sakazuki with a painful look like [How come you are everywhere].

He doesn't believe that this dog who can only fight and kill can contribute something to him in the medical system.

"The last time the Vinsmok family sent people to negotiate and plan to open up all their medical research to share with the navy headquarters and establish a database." The old military doctor Watson's expression could not be concealed with excitement. These years, the war house of Vinsmok In addition to being the leader in the military, it has also achieved many world-class results in the medical system and overcome numerous problems.

"So... what does this have to do with Sakazuki?" The expression of the Warring States became more and more painful. It is said that Vinsmok’s medical technology has advanced so much, and they can be artificially without psychological and human obstacles. Various clinical trials on humans are closely related.

Watson looked at Sakazuki longingly: "This time the eldest daughter and third son of the Vinsmok family came to negotiate. They specifically mentioned that it was when Mr. Akadog threatened Gachi to exchange arms. An unintentional remark allowed Djerma to embark on a new path."

As soon as this statement came out, not only the Warring States Period, but even Polusalino and Kuzan had a **** expression on their faces.

[This is really his style. . . Didn't run away]

However, Sakazuki figured out some other flavors from the words of the two military medical directors: "You said that at the moment, Kage sent all the eldest daughters to the headquarters?"

He grinned suddenly, and commented: "Is it a brand new road... Oh, that old fox can really stand in line."

The green pheasant and the yellow monkey who were absent from the first day of the meeting, look at me, and I look at you. I don't know what Sakazuki is forcing.

Only the Warring States Period, who personally organized and planned the Four Naval Fire Projects, has recalled.

The original purpose of the navy headquarters supporting the daughter of the maritime king to form an arms group was to contain the Vinsmoke family, which is currently the dominant one in the North Sea.

The opponent is already a very strong mercenary kingdom. If he controls the various channels of arms in the entire North Sea, it will inevitably make the navy a little sleepy and sleepy.

But God knows what Koko Umit said to Gage, or the reason why the Vinsmok family has so much control over the overall situation.

Yesterday, the other party suddenly proposed to disclose all the medical results to the navy headquarters. This is not Jiazhi's brain was caught by the door, but a wonderful signal.

As the designated arms dealer of the Expeditionary Department of the Navy Headquarters, the Kingdom of Djerma seems to be cooked with fire and flowers, but in reality it is perilous.

With the war-free gold medal of the military department, the real predicament of the Vinsmok family is not the entire North Sea with the hostile kingdoms, but the navy high-level who fears that their tails will not be lost.

This time, the Vinsmoke family seemed to have a brainless bloodletting, which took advantage of the navy headquarters.

In fact, it is to tell the suspicious Sakazuki one thing: you are worried that my arms control is too much, then I will generously give Koko Umit a great gift.

Not only that, these hard-to-buy technologies and materials from the medical world were also handed over to the navy for research, just to prove that Vinsmok was standing on the same boat with the headquarters from beginning to end!

"We have to give a satisfactory response to His Majesty Kage's sincerity, Aka Dog." The Warring States Period rubbed his beard and suggested, his mouth couldn't hide his smile.

"What are you going to do?" Sakazuki sighed lightly, and this guy Kagi is indeed very courageous. If you say so, let the cake of such a big interest just let it go, just to follow the pace of the military.

But in the long run, people have to admire his foresight. Following the military headquarters, even if the amount of soup is less than half of the past, the victory lies in the long flow of water, which is unbreakable.

"The old man has his own arrangements." The Warring States period smiled mysteriously.


Robin's smile became more and more brilliant at this time. Before entering the house, she was quite worried about how stubborn and ignorant this self-proclaimed second-year young man would be.

But at the moment he saw that he was flipping through the books one by one, the girl was sure in her heart.

Therefore, when faced with the gloomy face of this teenager who was fairer than his own complexion, Robin even had a leisurely mind to observe the inner hall of the tree house with fruit ability.

Because the omniscient and omnipotent **** cannot open the book,

The little detail exposed by the other party made the knowledgeable girl quite gratified.

At least, Ainilu didn't really regard himself as the omnipotent true **** deep in his heart.

At least, not yet.

"Are you afraid of me being a weak woman close under the crown of the **** of thunder, who doesn't hurt me?" Robin showed a fox smile. This is the unique skill she has imitated from Lindeman.

"A boring provocation, it depends on what you want to do!" Ainilu finally sat upright, he could turn into a thunder and lightning, not to mention the terrifying speed that seemed like an instant movement, the natural and mighty Huanghuang thunder was also It means that the moment a guy who dares to move his mind touches his divine body, he will be hit by a powerful electric current.

The navy girl Lianbu moved lightly and leaned over to Ainilu's ear and whispered:

"Your Excellency Anilu, the motor structure in that sketch is wrong,"

It seems that I have not said (bu) to (dao) in more detail, so Xueba just said: "

Also, the calculations for star-delta starting in the following columns are also wrong..."

Then, the female student tyrant received a terrifying expression on the other side's horror-all the self-study but hard-working students opened their mouths in surprise, the original "everything is under control" eyes almost didn't go out of their eyes at this moment.

"Impossible!" For the first time, Ainilu showed an angry expression in front of Robin's eyes, but the expression was fleeting.

He glanced at the bald head, which was still crawling outside the tree house, and returned to the unhurried tone of the past: "Ohm, you step back first."

The obedient priest didn't hesitate at all, and didn't ask what was going on in the strange scene before, turned his head and left the tree house.

The majestic Thor closed his eyes for a while, and finally opened his eyes: "Why do you know the sketch of my tree house interior?"

A mortal girl directly responded with action. A few arms suddenly appeared on the book Anilu read, and gently closed the book on mechanical theory.

The divine lord, who was so embarrassed and furious, stared at the distinctive Qinghai man in front of him, and there was a bit of gritted teeth between his words: "The calculations of the gods cannot be wrong! Tell me where I am wrong, if you dare to play with me, Ben God will give you a ruling on the spot."

Since being asked, Robin is not concealing the essence of his navy’s No. 1 schoolmaster: "It is indeed a good idea to use star-delta decompression starting. After all, when using star-delta starting, the starting current only needs to be directly connected according to the triangle 1/3 of the starting time. But why did your starting torque only drop by 1/2?"

"What's wrong?" Comrade Xuezha sneered: "I personally calculated that if the starting current when starting directly is 6~7ie, the starting current is only 2~2.3 times when starting in star-delta...Uhhhh. ,and many more..."

While talking about the mechanical house, which seemed to be really problematic, his tone began to fluctuate.

"When using star-delta starting, the starting torque is also reduced to 1/3 of the original direct starting according to the triangle connection." The girl looked tired and directly said the correct answer.

"Asshole! Power you! I'm going to figure it out by myself soon! Give me time to think independently?"

The big boy playing with the video flushed immediately, the palm electric current crackled, but he didn't dare to really throw it out...After all, there was a model of an electric motor, which she said was also wrong. . . . . . . Can't kill, at least after knowing where is wrong. . . . . . . .

[Look, it’s not called "God"] Robin interlaced his hands and activated his ability to directly take out the sketch on the table in the inner hall and place it between the two of them: "The stator core you chose is half-closed. It is necessary to know that the efficiency and power factor of such a motor are higher, but the winding winding is similarly difficult."

Seeing the opponent's little eyes that are difficult to understand, Xueba didn't break the key again.

Robin suddenly leaned in front of each other's eyes, and the distance between the two was close at hand, the girl's slightly floral scent softly spit in the ears of the big boy: "I have a prototype on the boat from Qinghai!"

Looking at Ainilu, who suddenly began to flash, Robin spit out a little pink tongue.

[Mechanic House is really cheating]

233. There was green skin mocking Loki in ancient times, but now there is Kaye laughing at Aini.

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