240. Weare the world (on)

The world government, the super international organization with more than 170 participating countries so far, ushered in the quadrennial world conference today.

Although there are many participating countries, considering the military strength, economics, political influence, and even contacts of each country, the most representative 50 kings of the kingdom will come to the conference.

"Nipton, I'm so happy, really." Princess Otohime wrapped a bubble around her waist on the land, and she couldn't help laughing softly as she watched the land that was approaching as the warship moved.

The current king of the Ryugu Kingdom certainly knew that Otohime was not happy because he saw the land.

This meeting is a new milestone in the history of Fishman Island.

Having joined the world government for so many years, this is the first time that Fish Man Island has reached a consensus with the ruling group headed by the five old stars and was invited to participate in the world conference.

Otohime carefully folded the wish list full of national signatures and hugged it to her chest. This is an important topic that she and Neptune hope to discuss at the conference this time.

"I don't know what it will be like?" The ideal princess was fascinated by the meeting, while the more realistic Neptune was worried.

Although the relationship between murlocs and humans has been eased in recent years, trade exchanges are still scarce.

Not to mention the exchange of visits between royal families.

Therefore, to those kings attending the World Conference, the Dragon Palace Kingdom is more like a familiar stranger.

Their views on the Murloc Island and the Dragon Palace Kingdom will influence and even directly determine the attitude of most countries towards the murlocs.

"Hahaha, don't be so nervous. Although the kings are weird, most of them can be regarded as good people." Uncle Karp, who was sitting on the fort and trying to refresh the donut record, looked at the restless sea. The knight comforted.

"...Is it..." Neptune hesitated, but after all, he stopped writing worry on his face.

But after all, there are not only those kings from all over the world in the Holy Land! The real masters of Marijoa are the proud nobles of the world!

A donut flew precisely to his mouth from below, interrupting the worry of the Lord of the Murloc Island.

"I feel at ease on it. Otohime can be regarded as a disciple of Sakazuki. There is the guy who protects the calf who is sitting in the town of Marijoa. Are you afraid that the Celestials will steal your wife?" Seeing at the landing port For the tall figure who was waiting, Karp shook his **** very simply.

"...You are still disgusting as always." Sakazuki also makes no secret of its contempt for this old man.

Karp smiled, didn't say anything, patted his **** and ran to the navy garrison. Now that the **** task has been completed, he didn't want to be caught by this workaholic for preaching.


"Huh? Is Mr. Karp's relationship with Sakazuki very bad?" Seeing the two of them, Nipton wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and leaned down and whispered to the one walking beside them. Major general.

The major general on the same boat has long been accustomed to the unique way of meeting and greeting the two big men. He stretched out his index finger against his chin and thought about Neptune's problem seriously.

Then he whispered and relieved: "Please rest assured, this is a normal operation. The fact that Mr. Akinu and Mr. Karp are wrong is well known in the headquarters..."

Neptune was wondering in his heart whether this would be Xin Mi from the Navy. It would not be good for him to inquire about it as an outsider.

But he forgot that his wife was a disciple accepted by Sakazuki.

"Now, you said that the navy headquarters knows that my master and Mr. Karp are on the wrong path?" Otohime, who completely regarded herself as a navy insider, couldn't help gossiping.

[Master.... The princess does not mean the general...] ​​Exclaiming "Your relationship on the bottom of the sea is really messy", the major general stopped the association in time, and replied with some uncertainty: "If I didn't remember If it's wrong, it seems that the fuse was caused by Mr. Karp's harassing phone calls. After all, the betting agreement of the strongest marine has been spread throughout the headquarters."

Seemingly realizing that it’s not good to black his boss like this, he quickly added: “In fact, Mr. Akainu and Mr. Karp mainly have conflicts in their work attitudes. In private, they are very good friends."

After working with Sakazuki for a period of time, Neptune also knew the other party's resolute and resolute style of behavior, even if I wanted to, Sakazuki, who is careful and cautious, can get along well with the careless naval heroes, that's a weird thing!

Seeing Sakazuki, which has been promoted to the navy and the highest combat power of the world government, turned around and looked over, Neptune stepped forward first.

He and Sakazuki can be said to be comrades-in-arms who have defended the fisherman island together, and they are also very close friends. The most important thing is the real counselor who made suggestions when the fisherman island faced a dilemma last time.

"Benefactor!! I still have time to congratulate you on being promoted to general." Neptune opened his arms sincerely and bent his waist to give Sakazuki a firm hug.

Sakazuki was a little dissatisfied with this honorific title: "You are too outspoken like this, I thought we were old friends!"

After being stunned by the words of Sakazuki, Neptune also found himself hypocritical. Whether it's the red dog in front of you or the blue pheasant who takes over the defense, they are old iron with him in private.

Now that he talked about this kind of scenes, he was alienated. He quickly adjusted back to the state and congratulated him softly: "General of Sakazuki, congratulations."

"Under the crown of Neptune, I'm glad you can attend." Sakazuki wanted to say something more, and a beautiful shadow turned before his eyes.

"Teacher! Long time no see! Are you okay?"

Otohime seemed to be leaping for joy. The general who rescued Murloc Island from crisis time and time again was not only the hero and benefactor of Murloc Island, but also the instructor who led her to the door to the domineering practice of seeing, hearing, and coloring.

Sakazuki immediately slammed his face, and solemnly warned: "Princess Otohime, during the World Conference, there are only royal families and generals, no teachers and students, you must not derogate yourself."

"Hahahaha, you are really as meticulous as rumored!" A hearty laugh came from the warship landing on the right.

Sakazuki turned his head slowly, and he "knowed" the man with long black hair in front of him, and he was even impressed.

But this should be the first time the two met. Sakazuki lips lightly opened: "The twelfth king of the Kingdom of Alabastan, Majesty Nafirutali Cobra, you are overly acclaimed. ."

Cobra had a pharaoh-like beard style, and he was even more complimented when he heard that, "Hahahaha, Mr. Red Dog, you really are a reliable man."

"Do you still use you to praise the general? Cobra!" A loud voice followed by the bright footsteps approaching the conversation circle.

This is a rather tough man with a Mexican-style wide hat decorated with cacti.

There was a rare smile on his stubborn long face: "One person guarded the fisherman island and blocked the man with the white beard from the front. Unexpectedly, you were responsible for the security and defense of this venue."

Compared to Cobra who met for the first time, Sakazuki is more familiar with this king who is obviously taking a hard line.

At the World Conference 4 years ago, his duty was to **** the King of Tacos from the Kingdom of Xisiano.

Unexpectedly, the hard-line King, who adheres to the creed "It is better to live on your knees than to die on your feet", gets along with the always iron-blooded Sakazuki.

"Sakazuki will ensure the security and defense work during this meeting." Although it was blown by several kings, Sakazuki did not float, and still responded calmly and calmly.

A man wearing a top hat similar to Uncle Sam moved forward slowly under the mutual **** of the **** and the navy.

"His Majesty Han Berg! Why do we wait for you every time we have a meeting! We are about to take the bubble pod to the Holy Land." Cobra apparently had a good friendship with the king, so he opened a little joke.

Although this friendship, I don't know which female bathhouse I got from cooperation.

The king of the Balewood Kingdom did not focus on this damaging friend, but instead turned his attention to Neptune, who was the tallest on the scene:

"The Great Knight of the Sea, I am very glad that you can attend this meeting. We have always wanted to hear the thoughts of Murloc Island."

Everyone gradually shifted the topic to Neptune and Princess Otohime. After all, these two rulers of the Dragon Palace Kingdom appeared on the sea for the first time.

The kings have more or less confusion and doubts in their hearts, and it is undoubtedly a good thing that everyone can sit down and speak a word.

It was not until their guards all boarded the pod that the kings stopped short diplomatic conversations and turned to other topics.

"What about the other kings?" Cobb stretched a lazy waist, even if he was upright and mature, the long turbulence on the sea would definitely be torture for a person who had lived inland for a long time.

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