What's more, the current city of seven waters can be described as a mixed bag. Due to the poor trade of the great sea route, the islands are not connected with each other, and the major shipbuilding companies are constantly merging in order to compete for customers.

Even the shipyards responsible for the supply and maintenance of naval warships have changed one after another.

The Navy urgently needs a stable shipbuilder to be responsible for the management of its shipyard.

Robin cast her gaze on the garbage dump of the abandoned ship, and she inexplicably felt worthless for the murloc.

At this time, Master Tom, the world's number one shipbuilder, was actually driven to a garbage dump because he built a ship for Gore D. Roger.

Sakazuki brought the topic back first: "...how confident are you?"

"Before I arrived on this island, I was 80% sure of the intelligence gathered through the navy. But after I got the information on the ground, I was not even 20% sure."

"How could the error be so serious?" Sakazuki frowned, the original intelligence and the latest intelligence were in two-to-eight, and the navy's own intelligence department could be confined collectively.

Only this time, he was wrong.

"No, the error is not serious, and most of it matches the information we got before. But, do you remember what was made here before?" Robin looked a little complicated when he said this.

Deep down in her heart, she actually didn't believe that with the memory of Sakazuki, she would forget that this place was the place where ancient weapons were made.

Although her adoptive father had always made new-style warships for the purpose, no one could say that in the face of such a huge temptation of ancient weapons, the navy general would give up trying to obtain it.

Sakazuki got it, there was something in the little girl's words.

What she asked was not to give Tom more treatment.

It's a temptation.

Trying his Sakazuki to find the true purpose of Master Tom.

He answered without hesitation and said it from Akakin's mouth.

It is a promise and a reply: "Naturally, it is important to build a great deal! How many times do you want me to say it! I will take whatever method you use to get me the murloc!"

"Understood, I will try my best."

The girl's eyes flashed with inexplicable color, she nodded and left a sentence on the other end of the phone: "The pseudonym you drafted is really terrible."

Putting down the phone worm, the girl stood on the locomotive of the Rocketman, the prototype of the sea train. She stared at this huge steam-driven machine and said to herself: "This is what Sakazuki wants to get Something?"

She finally knew why the two giants, the Judicial Island and the Navy Headquarters, would focus their attention on this island.

To be precise, it was concentrated on one person.

It is hard to imagine that in this era where wind and ocean currents are the main propulsion, trains powered by steam can sail on the sea.

Once steam power can operate on warships, the navy's control over the sea will definitely increase exponentially.

Thinking of the joints, the female navy dressed in casual clothes walked out of the carriage and clicked the door of the wooden house casually.

"Mr. Tom, take the liberty to interrupt." A crisp female voice sounded from outside the door.

In an instant, the knock on the door aroused everyone's vigilance. How could anyone visit him when the whole island saw him as a sinner?

The murloc put down the pencil and walked to the door with his chubby belly "Who are you?"

Robin rolled his eyes, but still did not violate the order of Sakazuki, and said the rather masculine pseudonym: "My name is Jerry! I am a mechanical enthusiast. I heard that Mr. Tom developed the sea The rudimentary form of the train, I made a special trip from other islands to ask for advice."

Although the murloc was full of suspicion, he opened the door and murmured softly, "Maybe you will be disappointed. This work is a failure. There is no brake and it is full of power."

"Really? I appreciate the extraordinary speed." Ms. Jerry smiled and shrugged.

Bingberg, who heard the conversation between the two behind, frowned.

Except for a few of them, the Rocketman’s experiment shouldn’t be known.

If it does, only those government personnel who secretly monitor the process will know this kind of information.

"You are not a fan, are you? Ms. Jerry!" Esbaku stood up and looked at the young beautiful girl nervously.

Frahm, who was drinking Coke beside him, also noticed something wrong: "How can this kind of news spread so quickly! Who are you?"

Mr. Tom looked at the girl who had hidden her true identity warily: "If it is a world government official, why bother to test us like this! I can guarantee that it will be open to traffic in 4 years, but I hope that there will be less interference in the development of the studio. ."

The navy, who deliberately revealed its identity, moved to the wooden table piled with drawings, and then expressed its position: "There are people in the navy who want you to [make a crime]"

"The navy has its own research institute? I can hear that the Templar Watcher unit, one of the three legions, has the top scientific research team." Tom looked confused. "Why did you come to me as a criminal to help design a warship? "

"Because the navy headquarters is only looking for the best, the best shipbuilder in the City of Seven Waters is right in front of me. That's why I don't look for other shipyards."

Robin said, took out a design concept map from his pocket and handed it to the shipbuilders.

The few people who leaned forward to watch, breathed a little heavy suddenly, that was a completely different design concept.

Shipyards have always used wood as the carrier, but this drawing plans to use steel to make the hull in a different way.

"It will sink!!?" Carter Flam asked the most uncomfortable question.

But then his sight was attracted by the three battery turrets on the ship.

"No, it's possible... as long as" Tom and Bingberg glanced at each other, and this novel and explosive idea successfully whipped their appetites.

"This is the Navy's latest warship concept. I hope you can serve as the chief ship researcher designated by our army and participate in research and development." Robin smiled and threw out the bargaining chip.



"Thanks for the love, but I have my own difficulties." Tom the murloc was silent for a moment, and with a wry smile, rejected the other party's invitation: "You should know that the Shipbuilding Island Water Capital will welcome the God of Water once a year. The big tsunami. Although people on the island will run to high places to avoid the sea, the water level will increase a lot after the tsunami passes every year.

And the tracks and sea trains floating on the sea that are not destroyed by the gods of water-Rocketman can save the capital of water as long as it can connect with the surrounding islands!"

"Really? Since you said that, I won't be entangled any more." Robin stood up, smiled politely, and went straight to the room without stopping.

So refreshing to make people suspicious, no retention, no pleading. It seems that I came here to ask questions.

Tom watched the girl walk away, and finally disappeared deep in the wreckage of the ship.

He closed the wooden door with his backhand and buckled it back.

It's just that if the expression seems to be lost, this is a rare opportunity.

He was really delighted by the condition that the other party put forward.

Back then, he was willing to take risks and also help Roger build a ship. Isn’t it the guy that Roger confidently asked to build a peerless ship that could reach the end of the world?

"Master, what a great opportunity." Frahm thumped his chest, that was the temptation of the steel giant ship! !

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