Constantly forcing her to use six poses to challenge her personally.

Even Robin's most proficient moon walk and shave, that young man always scored a point faster than her.

If the six types of young girls can be called familiar, then Rob Luchi can definitely be regarded as very familiar.

Although he is not as good as his ability to raise his hands and act as he pleases ten years later, Robin still has no temper at all at the moment.

And when this speedy suppression became more frequent, the girl immediately changed her tactics.

She no longer dodges in the bar, but calmly put her palms on her waist.

[Since you want me to fist, then I'm not welcome!]

Although she is accustomed to using the convenience of the Devil Fruit to defeat the enemy at a long distance, the girl also has to admit that in close combat, it is really cheap to have dozens of arms more than the enemy.

Especially when hitting continuously, at the same speed, the other party can punch ten punches per second, but she can punch a hundred punches per second. Especially this advantage continues to increase over time.

"Lu Qi... was actually suppressed?" Gabra gradually frowned. Although he had been clamoring that he could tie Lu Qi, but his heart was as clear as a mirror-he and Lu Qi does have a certain gap in strength.

At present, the eldest sister who had been away for a long time not only skillfully used the three styles of shave, moon step, and paper painting to avoid the attack, but even went head-to-head with a backlash to suppress Lu Qi.

But Gabra didn't feel the slightest worry about the strongest of them, because Lu Qi's true strength had not yet been shown.

At present, only the werewolves who have eaten the devil fruit of the animal type can experience firsthand how powerful the animal type is for their group of art specialists.

The continuous palms pressed against the ponytailed youth, and even completely covered the opponent's fist shadow.

But Robin, who seemed to be gaining the upper hand, was not happy at all. The force transmitted by Lu Qi's fist became heavier and faster.

At the same time she was surprised to find that the other party seemed to grow taller.

The burly arm suddenly used force at close range, breaking Robin's continuous offensive in one fell swoop.

At this moment, Lu Qi's figure no longer looked thin, and his whole body was growing rapidly in an inverted triangle.

The originally tailored suit was squeezed by strong and exaggerated muscles, exposing a large part of the golden spotted fur that had become leopard-like.

The most obvious is the legs, which are completely out of human form. Instead, it has grown into a more rapid and smooth anti-joint. The thick pads on the soles of cats make the weight-doubled Lu Qi act even more silently than before.

Behind him, a thick and flexible leopard tail swept maliciously.

"This time you can still use my true skills. You have indeed grown a lot." Lu Qi was not eager to attack, and leisurely commented on the girl he hadn't seen in several years.

But before he could finish his words, the leopard tail behind him swept to the inside of his thigh, smashing the criminal little hand that was attempting to attack again.

Lu Zhenxiang, who had suffered a big loss once, couldn't help but embarrassed and launched an offensive again: "Are you still here?"

Both power and speed have increased geometrically. In terms of speed, Lu Qi is already extremely fast before he transforms, so he can't experience it much. Then in the field of power, Robin thoroughly learned the power of the animal devil fruit.

Even with the use of iron defense, it can only be able to withstand Lu Qi's expressionless punch.

Although it seems fierce and doesn't talk about the slightest affection, Robin knows that the other party still keeps his hand.

Because although the power transmitted by each punch is great, it gives the girl a chance to breathe and adjust.

Even Yin Wu Owl can use her fist to make a killing punch at the speed of a finger gun. She doesn't believe that Lu Qi, who is more sophisticated in Six Forms, can't do this.

Since the opponent didn't completely kill him, Robin didn't plan to respond with the ultimate move that the Hundred Cracking Fist hadn't fully controlled at the moment.

[But then, won't I lose? !】

As her eyes rolled, she suddenly let go of the central defense, and the empty door opened wide.

Lu Qi twitched at the corner of his eyes, and forcibly stopped the offensive before he hit the girl's already chiseled chest with his next heavy fist.

If it is a pirate and a mission target, he will jab it down without hesitation.

But Lu Qi didn't intend to go too far in the face of the girls who had experienced the special training for survival in the wilderness together in the small garden.

What's more, this is just a discussion between the two, even if it is to vent their humiliation, they can't hit this guy in the chest.

But the rest of the girl’s arms that were **** by the girl did not intend to let him go so easily. Lu Qi was trying to stop this little rascal, but he did not expect Robin to pull a green plant from the inside of his clothes like lightning. , Quickly stuffed into the boy's mouth.

Lu Qi barely caught a glimpse of the jagged leaves of the plant. Before he could think about it, he was forced to swallow by the girl's throat.

"What is this? What is this?!"

The wrist was still tightly restrained, and the strongest newcomer of CP9 stared in astonishment at the girl who almost had a psychological shadow in front of him.

He turned his head abruptly and sneezed twice.

Realizing that his state is not right, Lu Qi shook his head vigorously. But the sharp eyes have begun to have some dazedness and trance.

In the next moment, Lu Qi kept his leopard man form stiff in place.

Robin seemed to have discovered a new world, slowly loosening his grip on this rival. She said to herself with a seven-point surprise and three-point funny: "It's really effective!"

The boring act of teasing a cat outside Tom's work room half a day ago was not expected to be so effective for Lu Qi.

This dramatic scene stunned the CP9 newcomers. They had a hunch that Lu Qi seemed to be planted again this time.

"Sister...what did you feed him in?" Kaku looked at Lu Qi, who was motionless, worried. He had never seen the other party speak in such a flustered voice, not only with such a look. Also completely lost the previous calmness.

The girl stood with her hands on her head, slightly on her toes, and pressed her to the big cat.

She carefully looked at the pair of beautiful cat pupils, bursting into him with the power of the medicine. The little leopard's pupils slowly enlarged from the narrow vertical slit until it formed a circle.

The black-bellied girl stretched out a hand with a smirk, and gently scratched the soft hair that grew around the jaw and neck in Luki's orc form.

Immediately, the big cat sank and put his head softly on the girl's shoulders.

Under the sight of Kaku and Gabra almost staring out, the cat fruit who was forced to take drugs, the leopard-shaped ability person, groaned dazedly:


Robin turned his head and spread his hands helplessly at everyone: "Catnip."

Everyone will get up tomorrow morning, we will finish it very late today

In self-closing, the code word speed is reduced by 50%

First, the three of them opened the black beating watch, and an iron fist cooperated with Xiao Mei to press everyone on our side to rub against the door.

Then I rubbed the hearthstone with my friend, and I, who had been walking around the standard ladder all the year round, was fought with 10 wild gods.

The mentality burst.

Now start the code.... Don’t stay up late and wait. Just watch it tomorrow morning.

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