"Kata Kuri, what's the matter?" Charlotte Lingling couldn't hide her astonishment. She really didn't expect her son's squadron to lose in the encounter.

Hearing his mother's question, the commander finally recovered from the pain of losing a loved one: "I agreed to this tentative attack, but there are two great swordsmen hidden in the expeditionary force's squadron, and I could not stop them. ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by his biological mother waved: "This is not what I want to hear. Tell me about the information you got."

As for those unimportant children, they died, Lingling didn't care. Many children can be born, but few have unique talents.

Although aware of the cold blood of his mother, Kata Kuri, as the commander-in-chief of the army, understands that what should be done at this moment is not mourning, but revenge!

"We have basically found out the combat power of the main navy fleet." The four-general star explained what he saw and heard on the battlefield one by one:

"Much higher than our fleet's artillery fire rate and accuracy is also 20% higher."

"But the biscuit soldiers made by Crane made those hundred-man hunting teams a big loss. In the end, the soldiers of the expeditionary army could only delay the attack of our soldiers, but could not destroy them."

Originally planning to end this report, Kata Kuri was stunned. He discovered that the retreat of the navy was not accidental!

How did the other party learn about the mother's reinforcements half an hour ago?

"They seem to have very strong investigative methods. Before Zeus appeared, he led his army to retreat."

Charlotte Lingling's eyes flashed by, even if the Navy has a wide range of investigative methods?

The other party has exposed one of the deadliest messages

"In other words, they seem to lack an effective response to Hormitz's threat? This will be a good opportunity for us to win."

The aunt glanced at Homitz, who was hovering above her head and was fascinated.

Thundercloud Zeus was in confusion. There seemed to be a powerful power source in the direction of Cocoa Island, and it could not perceive it before staying on Jam Island.

As it continues to shorten the distance between the two, the electric current field has only clues from the very beginning, but it is vague but it does exist now.

[I like Thunderball the most. Zeus, who has his own careful thoughts, looked at the aunt and then at the distance.

As soon as she rolled her eyes, following Charlotte Lingling's previous speculation, she persuaded her back: "Pursue the navy! Prometheus and I are both here. Everyone attacked."

And its opinion is right in Charlotte Lingling's arms: "In one go, we will catch up. If they really don't have the means to fight Zeus, victory is already in front of us."

Propelled by the huge wave with the aunt's soul infused, the Charlotte Lingling ship galloped in the direction of the retreat of the navy fleet with a number of knots far exceeding that of the ordinary huge ship.

This movement did not escape Aini Lu's surveillance.

He immediately got in touch with Xiliu: "Bad news! Auntie did not return, but chased you."

The six captains of the squadron unanimously issued an order: "Contact the green pheasant, let him lead the fleet to come for reinforcements, wait for us to collect the corpses if it is too late!"

Fortunately, Ainilu's answer did not disappoint them: "An Xin, General Kuzan is by my side, and the fleet has already set off since the moment when the other side's reinforcements were discovered."

"My lord, let's calculate the chase problem." Robin's voice suddenly squeezed in. She served as Ainilu's deputy, as a technical know-how as the on-site guide.

"What?" The shirtless boy dug out his ears vigorously. He almost suspected that he had auditory hallucinations.

"The speed of the large fleet is known to be 18 knots, and the squadron led by the deputy commander is expected to have a speed of 15 knots due to post-war damage. A saving is equal to 1.852 kilometers per hour and a distance of 40 nautical miles. Calculate when the two fleets will meet."

"No! Are you looking for faults for me?" Ainilu's voice spread frustratedly throughout the communication channel.

The heads of the fleets on both sides were stunned. Isn't this poisonous?

But it's not bad to think about it again. Calculating the time of encounter in advance will help Hiliu decide whether to speed up the progress and adopt manual rowing to add "nitrogen" to the warship.

So the communication channel began to be filled with cheerful atmosphere.

"Aini Road, remember to convert between nautical miles and kilometers."

"Anilu, did you eat the decimal point?"

"Ah la la, I suggest you use binary calculations, it should be faster."

Thanks to the thoughtful "help" of the mathematics ghosts headed by Kuzan, until the two fleets converged-Anilu didn't figure it out.

"Who dares to call me [God] in the future, I will kill him with a thunder dragon!!!" By a certain Ainilu who was about to collapse, he ran out of the hatch and started Sober minded.

Kuzan and other bigwigs also curbed their bullying of Mengxin, and returned to the flagship waiting in full battle.

The aunt's combat power has been so strong, this monster that can destroy the giant village since childhood, how powerful it is now, no one can tell.

No one went to fight anymore, because riding on the soul-infused sea waves, the aunt's car had appeared far away.

The four emperors who sit firmly on their flagships have made the most secure judgment with their rich experience: "Let's test them first. If it is as we expected, I will arrange for Thundercloud Zeus to roll up the storm and completely destroy the Burning Legion!"

But Charlotte Lingling didn't notice that Zeus, who had been extremely excited, shrank like a frosted eggplant when he heard the standby command.

At this distance, Zeus can already locate the exact location of the powerful thunder energy.

From a high-altitude perspective, this top-notch Homitz captured the center of the strong electromagnetic field-the warship with a strange metal ball.

[If the big waves overturned that ship...I would still eat a fart! 】The foodie Zeus jumped up and down in a hurry.

Seeing that the aunt had already started raising her hand to inject soul into the waves below her, Leiyun could no longer sit still.

"Huh? Zeus? What are you doing?"

The aunt noticed the rebellious action of her soul fragment creation, but it was too late to stop it.

"What the **** is that baby?" Homitz Thundercloud, who was already hungry and thirsty, couldn't wait for his mother's instructions. It seemed like a handless, rushing towards the clear thunder and lightning energy source in the naval fleet formation. .

Hormiz Zeus, who hurriedly flew over the opposing army, struck the target with a tentative lightning bolt.

"Quickly let me Kangkang!!"

But after being disturbed by the calculation, Anilu walked out of the hatch to take a breath of fresh air, and a thick sky thunder instantly smashed on his head.



Ainilu slowly raised his eyes without emotional fluctuations, "Do you dare to hit me?"

262. Lightning Storm Warning (Part 2)

Zeus was walking in circles high in the sky, and just now under the glance of the human eye, he had a faint sense of surrender.

But this is not the key to the problem. The key is how he resisted the lightning? ?

Zeus blinked his eyes vigorously. If he read it correctly, the lightning that he had struck should actually landed on the human head below.

But the other party stood still on the spot, and there was no scorch mark on his body caused by the passing of a high-voltage current.

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