From the perspective of energetics, these cakes can recover the sugar and calories that the human body urgently needs at the fastest speed, but, however,

The picky President Sa still wanted to criticize one sentence: [Wanguo's cake is too sweet!!]

No wonder the aunt will be fat like that ghost.

Seeing Sakazuki turned his head and looked at a table of desserts thoughtfully, Kelijia couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Why? The commander of the legionnaire is not really thinking about the production level of our world cakes, right?"

"No, I'm just waiting for your brothers and sisters to come over." Even if I was really running a short run to rate the cakes, Sakazuki could find a reasonable argument.


The **** hiding in the biscuit knight's armor was obviously taken aback. Since the **** who tasted the coffee had guessed his intention, why could he still put on the appearance of an old god???

President Sa gently twisted the small spoon in the teacup and stirred the coffee with milk added: "The whole island is full of people. It is too much trouble to select the pirate cadres who are worth killing, so I am waiting."

"Oh? So are you planning to wait for us to encircle the stars and then annihilate them in one fell swoop?" A beautiful figure slowly appeared behind Kelijia.

When receiving the news, Charlotte Smoky was also taken aback.

A lot of previous intelligence and evidence proved that Admiral Akadog was sitting on Coco Island, but Kelijia urgently notified that the leader of the legion was found at the outdoor tea party table in the center of the island.

After eating the squeezed fruit, Smoky's body became huge in an instant, and then he smashed it out with a sword.

The giant slash with a rapid increase in speed and power penetrated the admiral's body in one breath, smashing the round table full of empty tea breaks behind him.

In the scaffold closest to Sakazuki, you can even see the magma gradually closing in the opponent's body.

"...Is it arrogant?" Smoky was not discouraged when a blow was unsuccessful. The man standing in front of them was one of the highest combat powers of the world government and navy headquarters.

If you want to hack him to death with a single knife, at least Hawkeye and his like will have to do it personally.

But this movement made the powerful people who came to help rush faster, even if they didn’t believe in the claim that the red dog appeared alone on the Jam Island, but the huge sword spirit that had let go of Smoky’s But it can't be faked.

"There are three general stars here, yes, except that the kid Kata Kuri floats on the sea for a while and can't come back. The main powers of the nations with names and surnames are basically here." Sakazuki looked around. The pirates around nodded in satisfaction: "I will send you on the road."

A full-body golden cabinet-shaped candy pounced from the top of the castle. A large number of nails and two door covers formed a cage. Once a person was locked in, he would definitely be tied into a blood gourd.

But Sakazuki does not evade, raising his hand is a giant lava fist.

The explosive magma softened the golden sugar chest, and in the blink of an eye it blasted towards Perros Pello, who was standing on a high place.


The Candy Minister turned down the castle lightly and swiftly, and with the help of the domineering prediction of seeing and hearing, he easily avoided this lava wash.

Seeing that the eldest brother's offensive was frustrated, the biscuit knight was wrapped in arms and looked domineering and directed at the admiral who dared to come alone is a spinning stab.

"Roll · Pretzel"

But from Sakazuki, the magma flowing violently on the left arm swelled its shape, a fierce lava dog suddenly protruded, and opened its mouth to hold the long sword that was still turning at extreme speed.

Thanks to the strong and domineering force of the force, he was destroyed by the dog-biting Honglian and took advantage of the weapon without even seeing him.

However, the extremely high temperature of the magma was transmitted along the blade. If ordinary people were scalded by this temperature, they would definitely end up in an end where it was hard to hold a weapon.

There is a **** that hides inside the biscuit knight without even the slightest burn, but the indestructible biscuit armor on the outer layer can already smell a strong burnt smell.

The lava dog held the long sword held by the biscuit soldier, and Sakazuki took a lunge forward.

He made a fist with his left hand and returned to his ribs. The next moment, the volcanic ash gushing from his shoulders and elbows increased greatly.

With the help of this explosive thrust, the entire body glowing with incandescent lava punched the Cookie Knight's chest.

"Single bone."

Rockberry has the reputation of being the strongest killer in the natural system, and it is vividly reflected in this fiercely armed hardened punch.

Even with domineering fists and swords attached, it is not easy to penetrate the biscuit armor in one fell swoop.

But the high temperature and erosive force of magma can be easily achieved, especially in the pursuit of the strongest destructive power in Sakazuki, from the shoulder and elbow, it simulates the volcanic eruption and shoots out the terrorist force.

The move named 【Single Bones】 smashed into the **** soldier.

Keli leaped out from behind the armor he had made when he saw that the situation was bad.

But the magma poured into the inside of the armor still splashed a lot on his body.


Even if the general is armed with a domineering protective body, the small part of magma splashing on him still burns him to the ground.

While Sakazuki slammed a punch, more dark red lava burst out of his body.

These ooze-like lavas with almost gray-black surfaces are spectacles that can only be seen in nature during the process of magma cooling condensate.

But in the hands of a rockberry capable person, this kind of lava with a temperature of only a few hundred degrees is within his complete control.

Grey-black lava covers the skin of Sakazuki like a full-body armor. And with the help of the hardening of the armed color domineering, a hard-textured multi-layer protective armor was formed.

The armor square was formed, and the sword that Charlotte Smoky had chopped over from the oblique side was added.


As a lava fluid, magma has complex textures and structures, and is doped with heavy metal elements and minerals. Its density far exceeds that of flowing water in nature.

The outer armor hardened by the armed color first blocks the damage of the sword blade to the human body, and the dense and slimy middle layer of the armor offsets and disperses the impact of the chopping.

"You don't have the strength to hack people, are you really big pirates?" Sakazuki glanced at the hard-to-cut blade on his chest, and couldn't help but ridicule.

These devil fruits of the generals and ministers were restrained to death by Sakazuki,

But what really makes them, the great pirates of the new world, is that the red dog would rather take the blow with his body, and insist on the fierce and madness of punching through the **** armor of the cracker.

"The Navy is really abundance of mad dogs." Perrospero's expression was extremely solemn, and the general's style of play in front of him almost made everyone lack the slightest temper.

The other party is just giving you recklessness, you slash me, and I punch you back.

The familiar trades injury for life, but he can't break the defense! !

And the opponent's deep armed color and domineering color made the outer layer of molten armor so hard that it almost cut off all their offensive thoughts.

Moreover, he has heard that the red dog is also good at training!

264. Cataclysm (Part 1)

Charlotte Snug walked on the edge of the battle circle, and did not choose to shoot at the first time.

In the new world, he is a four-star on the same level as Kata Kuri, Kelijia and Smoky. However, there is still a big gap between his own hard power and the top three stars.

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