Kata Kuli did not expect that his status as the head of the four-star star could usher in such a luxurious lineup.

The characteristics of seeing and hearing color domineering and glutinous fruit have been brought into full play, constantly moving in the shadow of the stick, the light of the sword, and the aura of the sword.

As for the Crane frame, who had just planned to help, at this moment, he was alone and bit his head against General Kuzan.

The high-level combat power is being crushed, and the generals headed by the Elbaff giants are also expanding their advantages.

Everything seemed as smooth as that, and it seemed to be moving in the most ideal direction.

Above the distant clouds, a dragon chant completely disrupted the attacking rhythm of the Burning Legion

268. The Battle of the Five Armies (Part 2)

Xiliu, who doesn't cultivate good fruits all his life, only loves to cut people and set them on fire.

He greeted in the direction of the flagship: "Hey, fox, you are here."

"Your uncle!!" Lindeman was so angry that he couldn't beat Xiliu's bastard.

However, as the navy general with the most thorough knowledge of Kaido's character and temper, the Chief of Staff of the Expeditionary Force grabbed the phone worm and issued scattered orders to the ships.

"Each ship! Open the distance immediately!!"

More than a dozen warships did not hesitate to follow orders. But that's the case, these huge sailing warships still looked extremely clumsy in the eyes of the behemoth in the sky.

[Not good. 】

Seeing the figure in the sky hitting the sea where the fleet was fighting, Kuzan couldn't help but frowned. Now is the best time to destroy the main force of the nations. However, the loss and impact that a Four Emperors spoiler can bring is immeasurable.

He held the ice saber in his right hand and cut repeatedly, pushing back the crackle that came up against the attack.

The left hand has already taken out his own phone worm: "Aini Road! Send the coordinate number 911 to the periphery of the sea area of ​​the world! The plan has changed! Let them come and help!"

Lord Thor, who was named, was sitting on the radar ship bored at the moment. He sensed the animal shadow that had flown over the battlefield, and asked Kuzan, "Coordinate number 911? You are not mistaken! There is only one ship there. Scout ship!"

The seven warships that are affixed to the Pirate Ship of All Nations for the battle on the side are obviously incapable of this.

Seeing the cloud-wrapped figure above the sky getting closer and closer,

The elite veterans, who were advancing in an orderly manner and seizing the initiative of the Pirate Ship, were in a battle with the soldiers of the nations as soon as they received the warning.

According to sea warfare experience, this is already the most reasonable and practical method.

Even if the enemy wants to kill on a large scale, he has to worry about his own people, right?

But this time, the veterans miscalculated.

This evil entrenched in the country of Wano took a deep breath.

【Heat Breath】

The breath of the dragon spitting down from a high altitude directly swept several warships, and the violent impact tore the navy and the ships of all nations rottenly.

The deadly flame ignited the sails, the deck, and the fighting soldiers.

Whether it is the troops of the nations or the fleet of the navy, in the eyes of this evil beast, there is no difference.

Ainilu, who was sitting on the radar ship, had completely broken eyes. Although he had a bad relationship with these veterans who often asked him to drink water, no one expected that the dragon's breath from the other party directly destroyed 3 naval warships. .

Strictly speaking, this was the first time he had personally experienced a cruel naval battle.

The expeditionary force gave Ainilu an easy illusion of war in the previous series of smooth offensives.

But the warships burning under perception, and the veterans of the navy who kept falling into the sea covered in flames, taught this big boy who didn't know what war was.

"Ah la la, "Kaido came so fast!"

The Admiral Green Pheasant gritted his teeth secretly, and accidents are happening one after another.

If according to the third revised combat plan, the expeditionary force will be quick to fight and wipe out the last viable force of the nations.

He cooperated with Hiliu, Gion, and Moria's troops to hold Kaido.

As long as Sakazuki defeats the aunt with the blessing of the volcanic belt, the mission of the expeditionary force will be successfully concluded.

But who knows that the flying speed of the suicide madman was so fast that it abruptly inserted into the endgame of the nations.

"Anilu, are you still alive?" Kuzan's voice came from the phone, but he didn't have the tiredness and leisure in the past.

At present, the top correspondent of the Legion kept cursing, and was furious at the scene [saw] before: "Damn it! Damn it! We have three ships sunk!!! And the dragon turned around in the air and came again. NS!"

"I know, so I won't let him go wrong again." Unlike the frustrated recruits, the admiral stared at the top of the clouds with a calm expression. The cradle that was still confronting him was temporarily frozen in the ice. middle.

The more urgent the critical moment, the more calm these generals who can be called generals.

"And you, Ainilu, your duty is to get the call over there!"

Kuzan clearly realized that he must block Kaido,

The Four Emperors can be the honorific name given to the great pirates in the New World, or it can be for one person.

Because every four emperors can be called a great army.

And the beast Kaido is one of the best.

Heads-up, of course Kaido is the strongest.

No one denies this sentence, because in a one-on-one contest, it is a true hexagonal insolvency.

The terrifying defensive power and resilience in human form, even if you don't need to cover the domineering, few people in the world can seriously hurt him. On the power side, he stood at the pinnacle of the world.

The queen incarnate as a dragon has strong mobility and long-range offensive capabilities.

The Fruit Awakening made his physical strength like an indefatigable perpetual motion machine.

"Two thorny spears, shoot together!"

The icy thorn shot from below made Kaido subconsciously swing to avoid him, and he shouted angrily: "Kata Kuli! Isn't Lingling here on the battlefield?"

The head of the four generals was now avoiding the navy's shameless attack, and the glutinous mass on his body twisted out countless gaps.

Hearing the sound, he raised his head and replied to the other party: "She and the red dog are on the Jam Island side!"

Unexpectedly, a wretched smile appeared on Ju Long's face: "Wow hahahaha, then I can't control it! Wait for this smelly old lady to deal with it by herself!"

In an instant, this wretched roar was overwhelmed by his neurotic roar: "Fox! Get out and get beaten!"

"..." Lindeman, who hid in the flagship and remained transparent throughout, was so frightened that he didn't even dare to put a fart.

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