Once panting, symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness directly compromise the combat power.

The most troublesome thing is that this kind of chronic airway inflammation recurs and is difficult to cure.

This kind of chronic disease that has not been resolved and can only be controlled in the 21st century is really just a piece of cake in the eyes of those with the ability to perform surgery.

Through the medical technology shared by the Vinsmoke family and the navy headquarters, a new trachea was directly extracted from Zefa's DNA sample and cultivated through cells.

Put it on and get it done.

The jet black arms became more dignified under the light, and Zefa laughed haha: "The introduction of this technology by the military is not a new strategy for deliberately delaying our retirement, right? Let us old guys continue to work on their posts. One or two hundred years without retirement allowance!"

His words seem to be quite complaining, but everyone who is familiar with Zefa's character knows-this old man is very happy!

The organs are aging? Change!

Damaged limbs? Change!

Even Karp can predict that as long as Luo's control abilities become more proficient and sophisticated, he can perform more refined operations.

In the future, the injured soldiers of the Navy can be lifted back by the medical team of their headquarters as long as they have half a breath.


"Tsk, what's up." Xiliu curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

As long as you continue to work with the shadow of the Red Earl, this kid Kata Kuli will undoubtedly die!

But the horrible mummy who stood still on the spot made Kata Kuri jealous, had already left as Kaido flew away.

The twenty zombie generals who left with him.

Kaido's sudden intervention put the Expeditionary Army into an awkward situation, but fortunately, the advantage that the Burning Legion had accumulated in the early stage lies here.

In addition to the generals who can be regarded as strategic weapons, the mainstay of the army is the core of this naval battle.

There were a lot of lieutenant generals. On the other hand, the world was bombed by Sakazuki. Except for a few lucky leaders who lingered, the other ministers of all colors were all planted in the magma eruption.

The extremely deterrent zombies left the battle, but it didn't make Kata Kuri feel much easier, and even more headaches.

Because the group of zombies dressed up in the army had just walked away, the two red-eyed giants made up their place with their back feet.

Those two desperate berserkers, together with the uncle Xiliu who went all out, almost beat Kata Kuri into autism.

Whether it is a big goal or a small goal.

Whether it is long-term or short-term.

It allows people to see the direction they want to work hard in, so that they won't spend their whole life in a muddle-headed manner.

With a goal, talents will struggle in that direction.

And after learning about the aunt’s evil deeds in Elbaff from the mouth of Sakazuki, the two leaders of the giant soldier pirate group who had eaten, slept, slept and ate in the small garden finally found The mission that truly allows them to spend their entire lives to achieve.


Seek justice for Elder Takihu, and pay tribute to the heroes of Albuff!

The glory belongs to the God of War!

Revenge, sweet revenge that brings unlimited life power!

After seeing people outside of people, there are people outside of the world, Dongli and Broki, who wanted to take the knife to avenge as soon as their brains were hot, finally calmed down.

These two giants, who were already quite top-notch in strength, began their eight-year special training for the devil in the navy headquarters.

Faith is the cornerstone of the success of countless people with lofty ideals.

And the pure men of the giants also carried out training according to the standard of tossing themselves to death as long as they were not disabled.

After eight years of beating like a day, the blood and sweat paid in the process finally paid off at this moment.

The blue ghost Dongli swung a domineering sword that wrapped his arms and slashed it at Kata Kuri.

These two Viking-style men did not even think about going back alive.

Maybe the two of them are not as strong as the short zombie just now, but this kind of play that is not afraid of death has caused the already disadvantaged front of the world to collapse.

Ainilu's self-contained power is considered a battle strength, seeing that the big battle has started, he finally couldn't help rushing out of the radar boat.

Those who are capable of thundering fruits of nature, working with Zeus are just as powerful as a tiger.

Following Lord Thor, Lu Qi cooperated with Robin to constantly solve the miscellaneous soldiers attracted by the iron-riding power pickup of Anilu.

The two swords interacted, and Gion fought against the Keli, who is also a master of swordsmanship.

The murderous sword aura slashed one after another, and it was too heavy to lift its head.

"Sakazuki promised my old lady that after fighting this battle, I will go back and marry me." Gion remembered that Sakazuki hadn't officially married with her yet, it was just a stomach fire. .

Therefore, the sword power of the great swordsman became more and more violent: "My old lady tells you, who stopped and died!"


And the top combat power that really determines the victory or defeat of the battle is still fighting fiercely.

In that sea area, the tsunami and the volcano screamed together.

Charlotte Lingling drove a huge wave tens of meters high, madly smashing into the giant palm of the lava covered from above.

Is it a child's play for more than 10,000 tons of lava to fall under the push of a volcano?

Even she didn't want to suffer more.

The tsunami swept up by the big waves hit the giant statue, and the mighty force of the sea offset most of the lava eruption.

But Sakazuki linked to the volcano belt brought Charlotte Lingling into her own rhythm.

[Damn it! If only Bree is still alive. 】Being smashed by the mountain-like giant claws on the rock foundation formed by the ring volcano again, even if it is as strong as Charlotte Lingling, it is not good.

Although her daughter is not strong enough, Bree's unique mirror fruit can help her escape from this isolated island.

But Bree died, in an unexpected volcanic eruption.

Like her brothers and sisters, she was caught off guard and swallowed by the lava from the surging ground fire.

As the dragon chanted closer, Charlotte Lingling's tight nerves finally relaxed.

With Kaido's support, she can pull her hand to destroy this active volcano that has just formed!

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