Karp knew that he was ignorant. He raised his hand and tightened his drenched clothes. He hehe smiled and said, "I'm afraid you might have a bad pool, but you sprinted with Zefa on the way!"

Seeing Sakazuki angrily a little bit, Karp made a kind of heroic appearance: "Don't worry, I won't talk to Gion!"

"I'm innocent! Old stuff!"

"Do you think the people's navy will believe your nonsense..." Karp remembered the work of supporting him, and turned his head to look aside.

He blinked his eyes a few times, staring at the staring head on the ground in disbelief.

"No, are you so fierce?" What Karp can't believe is that Sakazuki can defeat Charlotte Lingling, but that this magma man can actually take it away in less than a day. The life of a four emperor.

Even if he was replaced by him, he might not be able to kill a four emperor in one day.

His heart is uncertain: Is this kid so sturdy? Wouldn't it be better than his uncle Karp?!

"Mr. Karp, I guess you have confused a concept." Sakazuki saw Karp and Zefa's surprise, and after the irritation, he regained the title of naval hero.

"[Defeat] and [Kill] are different."

But what he saw was Karp and Zefa both making expressions that they didn't understand.

The old boy with a dog head hat fully promoted the excellent quality of asking if he didn't understand: "Can you explain it again? This concept is a bit convoluted!"

He asked Karp before, but now it's really Feng Shui, and it's Karp's turn to ask him.

The current admiral thought for a while and added: "Aside from opponents whose strengths are vastly different, if they are similar in strength, even if the admiral wants to defeat and capture a large pirate, it will take at least ten and a half days to determine the outcome. "

Zefa was the first to nod his head in agreement. As the former admiral who pursued "no killing", he knew the difficulty gap between the two: "Capture means to make the opponent unable to resist but not to die. Often the two sides will lengthen the battle. Constantly consuming each other's physical strength."

But Karp was still a little entangled: "In less than a day, there was a one-on-one battle, how did you beat her?"

"It's not a defeat." Sakazuki shook his head and corrected Karp's words: "It's a kill! [Defeat] is to defeat the opponent while ensuring [self] safety."

Karp heard the implication of Sakazuki, even if his mind was as firm as him, he couldn't help being a little staggered.

The admiral of the admiral kept using iron bars to restrain his injuries, returning his life to adjust his injuries.

After suffocating the appetites of the two Kaze, he whispered: "The concept of [Kill] is easier to understand. It only means literally.

There is only one goal, to kill the enemy in front of you, regardless of method or means, regardless of the consequences, and at any cost. "

Sakazuki raised her finger to the fat headless female corpse on the ground: "Even if I die with her, then I will kill the opponent."

Karp was silent for a moment, and never again gave this admiral who was in the wrong way with him daily.

Instead, he called his name solemnly: "Sakazuki."


"You taught us a good lesson today for these two old guys!" The navy hero who has always been unscrupulous sighed with emotion.

Defeating, and killing, is one word difference, but the consideration of xinxing is countless higher in Sakazuki.

Compared to a general, Sakazuki is more like a dead man.

Why is the dead man the most scary? That is because they will complete their mission at all costs. Don't hesitate even if you need to sacrifice yourself.

And the man in front of him, in the growth of [Heart], has unknowingly stood side by side with the navy hero.

"It's a pity that the fruit of the soul and soul, how good it would be to let Moriak move over and take her shadow." Zefa was gratified and was about to praise this lover, but suddenly realized this Sakazuki This has buried a hidden danger.

The devil fruit will be reborn after the death of the original owner, but the time, place, and who will get it are unknown.

If this powerful devil fruit is obtained by the pirates again, the Navy will have a headache for a while.

"Containing Charlotte Lingling?" The murderous opportunity in the eyes of Sakazuki is hard to conceal: "The risk is too great, and the battle situation is changing rapidly. It is the most inferior choice for a few Homitz because of small losses... and , Soul Soul Fruit can't run either."

This time, even the black fist who pursues capture is quite understanding the decision of Sakazuki: "A mad woman who is wanton and reckless, Kaido next to him is very likely to reinforce desperately. Killing is the best. s Choice."

But Karp focused on listening to the end of the first sentence of Sakazuki, he thought for a moment but he didn't have a clue. I had to ask again: "The soul fruit can't run away? Has Begapunk developed any other ghosts?"

Who knew that Sakazuki asked an irrelevant question with a smile: "After Doflamingo's death, do you know who is taking over the arms and various trades on the black market in the New World?"

"Uh...does this have anything to do with the Devil Fruit?" Karp was taken aback for a moment. Although he hid in the Warring States Office everyday, he was really a little confused about this matter.

On the contrary, Zefa had heard about it: "I heard the Warring States mention that she was the adopted daughter of the shipping king Umit. The two Qiwuhai escorted her, and even the high-tempered Hawkeye favored this little girl.

Therefore, in recent years, the Ocean King has mixed up in the Four Seas and the New World, controlling the portals and various channels of the dark world. "

Sakazuki Asazawa blinked: "Koko Umit was supported by the expeditionary army."

"Fuck! You are involved in the crime!" Karp immediately vomited, but before he finished speaking, Zefa punched him in his face.

The old man, known as the black wrist, couldn't hide his excitement, and rubbed his hands one after another: "That is to say, if the soul soul fruit is realized, most of it will pass through the auction house, and on the black market we can learn about the collection of these auction houses for the first time! "

The dark world, the navy, the cp department, and the three most extensive intelligence information networks in the world are laid down. In this way, no matter where the fruit of the soul and soul appears, it can be given back to the navy in the first time.

Sakazuki is very overbearing in words: "Knowing why the pirates are more afraid of me than

Are the other two generals? "

Zefa pointed to the shaky black spots on the ice on the side of the island: "Kuzan is tired and lazy, Polusalino is in the mood for paddling.

When the pirate meets the two of them, there may still be a way to survive, but when he meets you, there is only a dead end. "

Sakazuki wiped the blood stains on his body and said frankly to the two veterans: "I will kill those who are too lazy to kill or don't want to kill. I will do what they don't want or dare to care about.

This is [Aka Inu], Mr. Karp, teacher, this is my answer. "

The naval hero who has always been carefree suddenly felt a little distressed about this guy in front of him. Others wanted to weigh and cherish their wings, but Sakazuki was absolutely ignored.

Even if the body is hurt by the fall, and the heart of the world is beaten to the blood,

Still forward boldly.

He suddenly felt a little sad:

[The more senior officials of the world government are in the upper ranks, the more they cherish their lives, but how to change to the navy headquarters, the more senior generals they are, the more they have to die? 】

Tekken Karp laughed and helped straighten the Sakazuki general hat, these old guys are not dead! The future of the navy, at least he can use his strong and old arms to shelter them one or two: "Okay, we Your Excellency, the commander of the army, take your trophies to the fleet to declare the victory or defeat of the war! The little guy Kaido will give us two old guys to move their muscles and bones."

Zefa's heart is not a taste. The veteran knows that Sakazuki is tenacious, but he is afraid that it has just passed the break: "Sakazuki, I am afraid that you will one day... alas!"

This former admiral who pursued the concept of "not killing" was the incarnation of benevolence and righteousness among the three generals of the era [Benevolence, Zhiyong].

The one who has the deepest feelings with him is the first student who taught with all his heart after he lost his son and his wife. And this feeling surpasses the worries of teachers and students, and is more inclined to the kind of worry of the father's generation.

"Teacher Zefa, are you afraid that I will not die one day?" Sakazuki suddenly added the teacher's unfinished words. He doesn't understand the truth that Mu Xiuyu Linfeng will destroy it. .

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