279. Universal Card Pool is a great up (below)

"Please also let me collect some blood samples, Sakazuki." Kage walked quickly to a wall and pressed it towards a certain place.

Following the movements of his hands and the sound of subtle mechanical structure movements, a cold storage layer spewing white frozen mist slowly appeared in front of the two of them from the soundproof inner wall.

Sakazuki, who wants to make trouble at any time, raised his hand and held the integrated blood collection device that Kage had handed him. While he carefully examined this technologically-sense medical appliance, he joked: "This is the following smok. Can the family be completely tied to me? His Majesty Kage is really willing?"

"My dream, the dream of the successive kings of the Vinsmok family, is just to dominate the North Sea. And what you want to do, I vaguely guessed something." The North Sea hero who ruled the science and technology country grinned: "If I am willing to be ordinary, why bother to take the huge risk of being attacked by the world government and work with Begapunk to study biological genes? Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to eat together with the Tu Lao cap kings in the North Sea and wait for death?"

He solemnly took a tube full of blood samples with both hands and placed it back in the cold storage.

Seeing that the walls were gradually closing, Kagi curiously asked a question in Sakazuki: "Stay in a high position but willing to endure the risk of dying, what is your dream?"

The tall navy pressed the brim of his hat, turned and walked out of the door.

"For the peace of the world." The low voice echoed in the room, leaving a dashing back for Gachi.

"By the way, there are two guests waiting for you. When the time comes, please don't be surprised." The current patriarch Vinsmok patted his head, and finally remembered that he wanted to tell each other important things at the beginning of the meeting.


"What kind of weird combination is this?" Sakazuki stepped into the beautifully decorated palace of the Djerma Kingdom.

Rao Kaji had already reminded him in advance, but he still felt a little weird when he saw it with his own eyes.

He couldn't help but cast his gaze on the figure who was tasting the red wine with his eyes closed--

"[Hawkeye] Jorakl Mihawk, this is really strange, the world's largest swordsman would condescend to visit the territory of the Vinsmok family."

The next moment, the slightly closed eyes of the great swordsman suddenly opened.

As sharp and cold as a falcon, without any emotional fluctuations.

It is said that as long as the line of sight is on, even the strongest fighters will inevitably shudder.

"You interrupted my wine tasting, [Red Dog] Sakazuki. Compared to the admiral's three-meter tall figure, Mihawk looked a little thin. However, with his extremely violent aura, he easily competed against Sakazuki and was evenly matched.

He just closed his eyes and grabbed his mind, and everyone in the palace still didn't realize it, following the moment he opened his eyes.

It is like a sharp-edged swordsman, if it is not out of the sheath, it will overwhelm the world's tens of thousands of swords.

Upon seeing this, even the highest combat power of the naval headquarters with a very high vision can not help but secretly admire in my heart-the name of the eagle eye is definitely not only because of its similarity.

Under those keen senses and very different pupils, anyone on the ground is stared at by a goshawk soaring in the sky, and every move can't escape Mihawk's scrutiny.

A wide range of sights, coupled with extreme insight. Allow Mihawk to capture all the opponent's movement trajectory.

"Wine tasting?" Sakazuki slowly shifted his eyes to the opposite side of the long table, and the words were full of surprise: "Isn't it the little girl who attracted you here with fine wine?"

"On behalf of the Umit Maritime Chamber of Commerce, I sincerely congratulate you, Mr. Akinu. There is no doubt that this is a great victory. [The Battle of the Five Armies] is destined to go down in history." A young and pretty woman saw each other He turned his gaze and raised his glass in salute gracefully.

With white hair and fair skin, she was still as delicate as Sakazuki when she first saw it, as if a gust of sea wind could blow her away.

Koko Umit, the adopted daughter of the Ocean King. At this young age, Little White Mao, who knew the essence of arms dealers, was almost thrown into the sea by the hanging man of Moria due to his weak shadow and physical fitness when he encountered the three-masted ship for the first time.

"I have to take a high look at you, little girl." Sakazuki exclaimed: "Shadow bat and sand crocodile, the two Qiwuhai, have interests and business dealings with you. It is not surprising that you are willing to **** you. "

Sakazuki glanced at Mihawk, and then at Xiao Guliang, who smiled harmlessly in front of him: "But his heart is as high as an eagle eye, this kind of world's best kendo master is actually willing to accompany him. Are you doing business with Vinsmok?"

"Well, good wine, a treasure knife, and a little girly cuteness." Koko Umit has ten slender fingers, ordered a few wines from the cellar of the right vintage, and moved his index finger and thumb together, leaving only between the two fingers. A gap.

Mr. Sa's eyes twitched slightly, and he didn't bother to care about the cuteness coefficient between his two fingers.

He thought about it carefully, and found that there was something unclear in the other party's words: "There is good wine, where is the treasure?"

But after another thought, the Umit Chamber of Commerce, known as the King of Shipping, that can dominate a corner of the dark world is not incapable of collecting a few good knives and fifty jobs.

Unexpectedly, Kou Kou was so shocking that she blinked slyly: "Mr. Moriah's three-masted boat has a [Big Sharp Sword 21 Work]."

The guards who knew the truth on the long table couldn't help but laugh. They, the eldest lady, really know how to do business.

"You don't suffer at all." Sakazuki sighed softly, shaking his head. This girl who is about the same age as Robin has first-class talents, courage, and wisdom.

This empty glove white wolf can be said to be played just right, the swordsmanship of the eagle eye will naturally not make a move to seize the sword.

The parents' comparison psychology made Sakazuki suddenly a little worried about the little guy in his family.

Will raising in Marin Vando over the years become a foolish fool? Look at other people's children, they have all gone out to sea at a young age!

Not only did they lay a large arms business, but they also talked and laughed freely between Qiwuhai and the general.

A weird voice rang from the door of the palace, also full of helplessness: "Koko Umit, I haven't seen you for some time, but it's getting slicker and slippery, even if I dare to fight my ideas."

He is more than seven meters tall, has pale skin and sharp fangs. Both became the easiest way to identify Moria.

The white-haired female fox was not afraid at all, but spread her hands towards the big pirate at the door: "Can you lend me a use? It's a discount."

Moria rolled his eyes strangely: "How much discount can I get on the arms and weapons next time?"

He is not like an expeditionary army, with the navy headquarters and the Kingdom of Djerma supplying together. The growing zombie army has to start from the civilian population.

Derma's cutting-edge weapons are indeed excellent, but the price is by no means low.

For a large number of sophisticated weapons equipped with standard equipment, it is necessary to find a way from the huge arms channel of the daughter of the shipping king.

"Twenty percent off." The arms dealer smiled, but only then did the smirk pile up, and Moria flatly refused: "No! Do you want me to pay for it without half the price?"

Koko Umit seemed to be a shrewd businessman: "40% off, the limit is 40% off, otherwise I would only have to borrow the love swords of Deputy Commander Hiliu and General Gion."

As soon as the voice fell, Uncle Xiliu's relentless words were inserted: "Heh, I won't lend you my knife."

Although he was talking to this little white hair, Xiliu's eyes were fixed on the figure who was still tasting red wine.

"Hiliu of Rain, I don't want to do it today." Mihawk closed his eyes again without turning his head.

"It's a coincidence, Hawkeye Mihawk, I have no interest in doing it today." Knowing that he hadn't fully grasped the knife that he had understood on the battlefield, Xiliu rarely suppressed the bloodthirsty and warlike heart.

He stretched out his hand to make a follow-up action, and raised his foot to walk towards the direction where Sakazuki was standing: "The boss of Sakazuki, didn’t you say it was good to meet in the reception hall? If I hadn’t seen it and felt the domineering look You have entered the palace, and our party is still standing there eating honey foolishly."

Moria was still hesitating, and the companion accompanying him agreed to the deal.

The shadow of Earl Red, Jie Jie, who is sticking with the rod of civilization, laughed strangely: "Let her at this price, Jie Jie, is your business acumen still playing with this little girl?"

The legendary pirate with a very high generation lifted the staff of civilization and tapped it twice on the clean floor, and instructed the zombie general behind him: "Go, let Ryoma bring a knife, and let little Robin come over to meet his peers by the way. people."

"Hey, Earl Red." Sakazuki, who was still in the mode of the old **** watching the play before, warned with an unhappy expression: "The sailors of the expeditionary army, it is not your turn to greet you."

"Yes, yes, our commander of the army is playing a majesty again. Why? I'm afraid that Robin will be compared?"

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