"[Mr. Vergo]! I'm sorry to insult you for no reason, I lost." Gaspardi yelled out without a bone.

The contented [Ghost Bamboo] gently embraced the shoulders of the soft candy capable person: "Look, what did you learn today?"

With this noble act of helping people up after the fight, Vergo boasts that he has obtained the essence of President Sa.

290. The peace of mind is my hometown (Part 1)

Wilgo smiled and took a clean and tidy towel from Luo's hand, and carefully wiped the blood stains on the face of his fist: "Thank you, Luo."

"You're welcome, Mr. Vergo. I thought I could see you using [Ghost Bamboo] today, but I just used my fists to fix that pesky ghost." The children have heroic feelings, especially the big guy in front of them. Fighting heroes who have performed meritorious service on the battlefield of all nations.

Even Luo has a sophisticated character, he can't help but ask these Titans who are fighting on the front line about the epic battle.

The newspapers are indeed wonderful, but how can they compare with the exclusive internal stories told by these battle heroes?

This gentleman who is very popular in the legion, he simply sat down cross-legged and patted the shoulders of the training camp kids with his fingers: "Everyone is a soldier in the division, not a pirate. Just a lesson or two. The use of bamboo sticks is too lethal."

"Luo is right! That armor color is really too hard, Brigadier General Vergo!" Ace cub's eyes are burning with envy, and Vergo's well-defined water chestnut muscles are hardened in the armor color. Shuai has reached a new height under the coverage of the company.

He was already very greedy, and asked again and again: "How do you cultivate? Can you accept me as an apprentice?"

Aspiring to be the King of the Burning Legion, Ace Cub is determined to train in accordance with the battle template of the idol Sakazuki, but he has heard many people praise Sakazuki for his domineering armed look.

However, the general Akadog ruled the army harshly, and he didn't laugh at all on weekdays. Let these children and those who admire him dare not fight in front of his eyes.

But Virgo, who has always been a gentleman, is much more approachable.

The generals are too far away for ordinary soldiers. On the contrary, these college officers and brigadier generals who are active on the edge of the battle line and dance a dance of killing are closer to the lives of the sergeants.

[Accept you as an apprentice?]

Vergo laughed blankly, but he knew who Ace was. His own arrogance was indeed good, but compared with his grandfather Karp, it was only a shame.

"Esijun, there is a treasure mountain by your side, ordinary people have always been looking around you with unforgettable opportunities." Vergo said a big truth, even if he can learn a little real ability under Karp's hands. All have to wake up with laughter.

Luo heard Vergo's refusal, and he nodded in agreement: "Ace wants to learn domineering theory, just ask your grandpa. But I doubt that based on your current physical fitness, you can be domineering. One-tenth of its power."

Will use domineering, there are many people. From ordinary citizens of the Amazon Kingdom to the [Three Emperors] of the New World Megatron can be said to be domineering users.

But domineering is also divided into strengths and weaknesses, especially after entering the new world, you will find that most people are good, and even some miscellaneous soldiers can play a hand.

"The key is to what extent you can practice domineering and to what extent your physical function can exert dominance. If I were you, it would be better to thoroughly practice the six forms and strive to understand the mystery of the return of life." Luo said to this. The greedy and impatient guy is quite helpless. According to Sister Robin, at Ace's age, her strength is better than most of the CP trainees who were trying to survive with her in the small garden.

But the newcomers in this training camp are monsters. There is no strongest but stronger. This kind of environment makes Ace obviously feel a sense of urgency.

I have to say that Luo is going to catch up with Ace in this regard. The miserable childhood experience made him mature far beyond his peers, and he was able to understand when and what to do better.

He was arranged to study under two well-known doctors in the headquarters, but he was extremely hardworking.

The initial use of surgical fruits in surgery has not been able to satisfy Luo's needs.

Under the guidance of the veteran military doctor Watson and the expert in precision surgery, Strange, young people with surgical fruit ability began to gradually come into contact with more detailed research in the field of blood vessels and organs.

Ace wiped away the non-existent cold sweat, and spent a long time with Luo, always making him feel that he was still a little kid who didn't understand anything.

He listened to the analysis and complaints of the other party's extremely fast speech. He couldn't help but feel a bit painful: "Luo, do you feel that your speech speed is more than twice as fast as when you first came to this part?"

"It's possible. After all, I have to take 18 courses in different medical fields a day to conduct various anatomy experiments. When there are wounded from the medical department, I have to use the fruit power to help deal with the injury.

When helping people get up, the speed of speaking will come up naturally. "

Luo gave a plausible answer.

[I think it is obviously a problem with Doctor Strange. . . ] Ace hesitated to speak but stopped.

As he listened to the conversation between these children, Vergo smiled for no reason.

Luo, this little devil, let him see the shadow of a person, deja vu.

Back then, a few of them worshipped that person as the master in the garbage dump, and they firmly believed that the boy who had been scolding and disgusting at a young age would become the [king] leading the next era.

Wang, it's been a long time.

It was so long that Vergo even began to lose track of his looks, and the latent task that he had never returned for a long time gradually formed an indescribable adaptation.

But today, he seemed to see the figure standing at the top of the garbage dump again.

Vergo stared at Luo blankly, and commented like a ghost: "You look like a person."

Luo was taken aback first, he heard this sentence more than once.

The old master who liked to laugh wildly, told him more than once: "You are very similar to me."

In the past few years, Luo also asked Mr. Corazon why Dover was determined to take him in, and gradually understood a lot of things that he had not understood before——

What made Doflamingo decide to take him in was not because he lacked a tool that was not afraid of death, but because he saw himself as a child.

"I know, I was taken in by him." Luo frowned and looked at the battle hero, and began to speculate in his heart [Could it be that he had a deep hatred with Doflamingo? Only one glance can see that from me The shadow of the guy. 】

Doflamingo saw his own shadow in Luo, destroying the indifferent and cannibal world, hoping to destroy everything in endless despair.

Vergo, who had met Doflamingo in his childhood, saw more similarities from Luo, the same talent, the same quick thinking, and the same calmness.

After learning of Dover's death that year, the first generation of Hearts intended to lift the dormancy and seek revenge.

But these years have passed, it's not that he hasn't met Luo Nandi, but the second generation of Red Heart has not chosen to expose him, passing by like a stranger.

As for why, Wilgo never figured it out. After thinking hard, he finally came up with a slightly reasonable explanation: the pain of betraying his brother made Luo Nandi determined to put this guilt on the only remaining cadre.

The sense of adaptation made Vergo unbelievable, and the strange sense of belonging made him terrified.

He is afraid, afraid that he has forgotten his previous mission, afraid that he has forgotten his original identity.

I'm afraid to forget that I was one of the highest cadres of the Don Quixote family.

He told himself that every time these expeditionary veterans died, he should feel the thrill of revenge.

But when the Battle of the Five Armies broke out, the old guys who had been with him all these years fell forward one after another, and Vergo was surprised to find that he didn't taste a bit of pleasure in his heart.

These guys who usually fought together, drank together, and were punished together, singing to death on the battlefield, only left Vergo with a back image that he could never return.

Only the full of rage and killing intent poured out on the biscuit soldiers of the nations.

No one can imagine the inner pressure of the undercover, and no one knows the suffering of the undercover.

No one talks, no sustenance.

Trembling the boundary between truth and hypocrisy, Vergo didn't know if he was still acting. The years in the legion made him experience the joy and sorrow of different groups of pirates.

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