In the grand and fascinating adventures, exploring strange things for interest, and chasing free souls for mind.

"Yes, in terms of level, I am still your grandfather's boss. I am in charge of giants, murlocs, and various high-end mechanical creations, but I am not as idle as Karp and I am arguing with you." Sakazuki) "Without expression, he raised the frame of [big man], looking like a general who has experienced many battles and knowledge.


[You **** taking advantage of the fire. . . 】The feng shui turns, Kapu's forehead gradually appears blue veins.

Unexpectedly, Luffy asked enthusiastically: "Wait, wait! You say giants? I have heard of giants, and murlocs? What are murlocs? Machinery!!!! Are there any super robots?? ?!!!"

At the end of the question, the straw hat boy is already a star-eyed expression.

Kuzan opened his blindfold, and it seemed that the troops under his jurisdiction had been misappropriated by someone casually.

And he only had one [Murloc], and even worse Polusalino was the main factor in the two major Templar Watcher forces, [Mechanical] and [Giant] who were verbally occupied.

Ignoring the silent gazes cast by the two, Sakazuki launched a seduction trick-to appetite: "Is there any, come to the Navy Headquarters to confirm by yourself in the future."

The wild Luffy is very vigilant, even if he is eager to see through, he can wake up instantly when talking about the identity of the navy and pirates.

"Don't try to seduce me! I'll be a good pirate, and I will tell you everything!" He yelled angrily at the other end of the phone.

Sakazuki changed the words and said flatly: "Whether he is a pirate or a navy, regardless of his position and identity, the red-haired Shanks did save your life, and the cost is not small."

Seeing that the development of the matter began to go beyond control, Karp couldn't help it anymore, and asked aloud: "Hey! Sakazuki, who are you helping?"

"I won't help anywhere! I just want your grandson to understand one thing!" The words of Sakazuki were unexpected again, and he continued to speak to Lu Fei: "Listen to Ben General, kid. Yeah. You have to learn to be a man before you do anything! There is no doubt about it-kindness. Shanks saved your life by breaking his arm. I hope you know how to repay your kindness."

Lu Fei nodded repeatedly, it seemed that the stranger on the other end of the phone was more sensible than Grandpa!

The small single-celled creature with a bright smile answered without hesitation: "Of course!"

"But you don't know how to repay." The tone on the microphone suddenly turned cold, and it seemed to be very contemptuous.

"Nonsense! I am very grateful to Shanks and I respect him!"

Sakazuki snorted again and again: "Then your way of repaying is to be a pirate?"

"That has nothing to do with repaying gratitude!" The straight-headed Luffy was not caught by the opponent's language trap. His expression was solemn: "Being a pirate is my dream!"

He thought that guy would start a debate with himself on this topic, but the man who claimed to be his grandfather’s boss verbally claimed—

"It's okay for you to make your own decisions about this kind of thing, it's my shit."

Uncle Karp rolled his eyes aside, and the dirty dog ​​of Sakazuki started to play scheming again.

Are you embarrassed? Just ask if you are embarrassed? Dignified admiral [Red Dog], the lord of the expeditionary army, stomped and stomped the big man who shook his feet in the first half of the great route, and actually treated a young child in a fair manner. Heart attack?

Rao is Karp who is so thick-skinned that he can be bulletproof, and he feels that the dog is playing shamelessly with this hand.

Contempt for contempt, but Karp did not interfere.

Sakazuki is helping myself to set off the image,

At this time, he demolished his own platform, Xiliu, the fox...the gang of vipers (tongues) in the expeditionary army still don’t know how they would complain about him privately!

"For the sake of affinity, let me mention one more thing. Whether it's the navy your grandpa wants you to be, or the pirate you want to be a pirate. You don't know enough about these two professions..." Sakazuki was interrupted by this rude little devil only halfway through the conversation.

"Who said I don't understand anymore! Pirates are the freest people."

[Tsk] Sakazuki twitched the corner of his eyes. Few soldiers and commanders of the navy headquarters dared to interrupt him face-to-face.

"Perhaps, you go on to say, the freest person, what else?"

He couldn't get angry with a young and ignorant breasty child, because this is indeed an iconic slogan of the pirates, and there are a lot of scumbags who are willing to abandon their freedom from prison in order to survive.

Sakazuki throws several questions in one breath: "Do you know the fighting rules between pirates? How many sequences are the members of the pirate ship divided into? After the battle, how does the captain get arms and supplies? "

"..." Little Lu Fei was speechless, Shanks did not explain it so clearly to him, or perhaps he said in detail but never wrote it down.

Although the male voice on the other end of the phone has a deep voice, it has a unique magnetism: "Look, I am a navy better than you."

Several people standing around Sakazuki squinted at the goods. The navy has dealt with pirates for so many years, generations of inheritance and information storage. It can be said that he has no better understanding of the mode of operation of the pirate group and the tactics of naval warfare.

And what is the comparison between the tactical master of the navy headquarters and the king of wild hunting who organized the hunt for pirate habits and children?

"What I mean is very simple. You don't have to make a blind decision. Whether you choose the navy or the pirates in the future, you should actually check it out first."

The corners of Sakazuki raised his mouth slightly, and talked so much to this kid in a whisper, and finally it was the turn of Tuqian to see.

Warring States’ eyelids jumped sharply, and whenever the Sakazuki this guy showed a hint of joy, he would make another big news.

"I will arrange for the fox and millet fruit to come to the East China Sea. Your first stop is to go to the town of Pirates, Mogu Town. Since you want to be a Pirate, you should go and meet." While talking to Lu Fei, Sakazuki At the same time, he motioned to Xiliu to help send a rally signal to Lindeman and Luo Nandi.

"The boss of Sakazuki, do you need Lindeman to convey something to that little kid?" The master of the demon knife left a heart-warming eye. Since this work is done by the fox who is known for his carefulness, the legionnaire must have an extra The words need to be conveyed.

"Every time I get to the station, just say a word." Sakazuki smoked his cigar confidently.

"Come here with your ears."

295. Hell is empty

"Eh? So, you are the problem child named by the legion commander who asked us to [Take care of one or two]?" Lindeman squatted halfway in front of the rubber boy with a smile, and raised his slender index finger to poke one after another. Holds the opponent's cheek.

Feeling the unique elasticity of the skin, this admiral who laughed like a fox screamed: "Superman, rubber fruit, you really have eaten a rare thing."

"I'm not a problem child!" Xiao Lu Fei was quite dissatisfied with the smiling silver-haired man. He puffed up his cheeks: "Hey! Fox face! Don't stretch out your hands to pinch me!"

As soon as the registered cancer and named ghost classmate Luffy came up, he dubbed Lindeman the nickname according to the guy's appearance.

What Lindeman didn't know was that he was just the first victim. In the future, Tela Nan, Pineapple Head, and Yan Nan will all be the names that Luffy uttered casually.

In the headquarters, the chief of staff of the expeditionary army, who had been accustomed to shouting by the left [fox] and the right [fox], did not notice anything wrong at all. He still smiled and took out a refreshing scent of sailing necessities from his pocket: "Hi, I'm not good, na, do you want to drink juice? The citrus produced by the orange tree introduced from the East China Sea by our Expeditionary Corps is unique to Malin Vando."

Staring at the orange that symbolizes the bright sunshine,

In an instant, Luffy fell in love with this good navy guy who knew his mistakes and could correct him and asked him to drink juice.

"Drink it well!" Lu Fei took a glass of citrus juice that had already been squeezed, and yelled to express his joy.

The members of the expeditionary force who hurried to the East China Sea on another small steam experimental ship from the navy headquarters smiled at each other.

This kid is interesting!

The person named by Sakazuki who is walking with Lindemann is also Luo Xindi. Compared with the smirk of the fox, the boy in the straw hat has a greater affection for this big brother with a sincere smile.

And Luo Nandi also loved this little guy very much: "Does Lu Fei still have a cup?"


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