He leaned forward abruptly and covered the guy's lips, "You yell so loudly, everyone can indeed hear it, but the pirate is the same. You go and tell the others!"

"That's right! That's the navy headquarters!" This straight and cute fat paper blinked his eyes, and didn't understand what the old mayor was worried about.

In his simple thinking, when he heard that the navy headquarters dispatched troops, the pirates still fled without expectation of the wind?

"Stupid! Stupid!" The old town mayor was so angry that he wanted to knock the **** on the forehead of the fool: "What if the gang of pirates doesn't return? And we can't stand the current attack frequency! Take the navy to stimulate, They will definitely increase their attack! Before the navy comes, everyone will die!"

But the mayor never expected that they had plans, and the pirates had their own ideas.

Although the location of the "safe house" is hidden, there are so many women and children.

After joining the team led by the second officer, the pirate spies followed the cries of the children and the nervous discussions of the women.

There were only two young people holding guns and staying at the periphery of the cave, but in front of these old spicy pirates, they were as weak as a child.

Looking at the women and children in a cave, the two coveted and rubbed their rough hands to grab someone.

"Fuck it, let Lao Tzu come and cool off first!"

"The captain's order, we have to take them to town." The spy who lurked into the town first frowned, and he was a little unhappy with the behavior of the second officer.

The third-hand of the pirate group with brown teeth glared fiercely at the guy who was so bad at him, how dare the little spy point finger at him?

"William, I order you to **** these women and children to the captain without delay."

He dragged out a young and pretty girl from the crowd, while the other pirate confidantes followed suit and grabbed the **** team they had picked by pulling their hair away.

When the cave was discovered, the large-scale resistance in the town basically came to an end.

"Everyone retreat to the second line of defense!"

The old mayor who had relied on this delaying tactic to resist the pirate invasion for the town immediately gave an order.

Where are these civilians who have been trained to shoot several times in a hurry to shoot at the target, where are the opponents of the pirates who use force on the sea all day?

The pirates, who licked their blood, crossed the civilians' temporary line of defense, but did not dare to chase them deeply.

And the first mate with some strength was the first to smash the entire carriage built of rivets and iron sheets, and stunned the two young men who were hiding inside and shooting out their guns.

"Huh, sly old thing." Seeing these militiamen regroup in several houses less than 20 meters away from the pile of miscellaneous fortifications, the first officer just sneered but didn't get up to chase.

Instead of plundering time is tight, he will risk the last trace of resistance against the enemy, and free up more precious time to search for property from house to house.

But this time, under the captain's shrewd planning, they had already estimated the estimated time of arrival of the navy branch. Tonight they can even spend most of the day in the town, indulging in joyous singing.

"Hey, aren't you angry? The fellow of the second mate has called you so many times." Escorting the shivering women and children, a pirate couldn't help complaining for the companion who was scolded by the second mate: "Captain I must order this **** to come over, he would be fine, and I will pick a woman to play first."

"That's fine, if the navy strikes, everyone can boat back to the boat in the shortest time." The man who had been scolded and despised before had a trace of disdain hidden in his eyes, but he still sent these hostages to the town and waited in the town. Beside the long-awaited captain of the pirate.

"Hahaha, you just think too much! You are unpopular on the boat!"

"How could the navy come so quickly? The captain greeted everyone to let go of their hands and feet!"

The blond man with a haggard face didn't care about the ridicule of his companions: "It's always good to be more cautious in the pirate business."

"Hey! You guys, see who I brought?" The one-eyed pirate laughed rampantly, and pulled a woman holding a child out of the **** team before him.

And the machete that hadn't dried the blood rested on the white and fragile neck of the woman.

"Get out of my house! Your parents, wives and children are in our hands! Don't want them to die, just drop your weapons and walk out of the house obediently."

The civilians and militiamen who looked at the situation on the periphery from the doors and windows of the house had their eyes wide open.

"Damn! The pirate found our safe point!"

"What should we do now?"

The fighting spirit has been disintegrated, and these desperate men stared at each other silently.

I hope I can get some effective methods from the mouth and eyes of the other party.

"Captain, why are they not moving?" A pirate crew member who followed the first officer couldn't help but

"Shoot and kill an old lady, do they really mean we are joking?!" The same grumpy first mate laughed coldly. He scanned the hostage group from the perspective of his vision, and picked out the pirates against them. For the group, a poor man of the most worthless.


A short gunshot was so clear on the battlefield where the ceasefire was temporarily stopped.

The old woman in plain clothes shook abruptly before realizing something.

She lowered her head with difficulty, the blood that gradually spread from a little bit in the abdomen and the accompanying pain blurred the old man's mind.

"No!! Mom!" A young man who was still in a wait-and-see posture in the second line of defense fell into a breakdown. He collapsed on the ground, crying.

And his move brought about an avalanche-like chain reaction. Those residents and militias who were already nervous, who have no relatives and family members? And if they don’t go out according to the other party’s request, they don’t know who will suffer again. The pirate's poisonous hand.

Seeing that the last spiritual pillar has completely collapsed,

Taking advantage of the chaos in the house, the cunning pirate leader waved his hand to indicate that the first mate and the group who had fumbled under the eaves forcibly broke into the house.

Close combat is the strong point of this sturdy pirate. He tossed around in the small space in the house and knocked down a dozen people in a blink of an eye.

The pirates who followed them used this sharp knife to break through the last line of defense of the residents.

"The captain has orders, all tied up!" Seeing that the purpose was achieved, the first officer grinned and told the pirate beside him.

There were only sporadic gunshots left on the street, and the sound of boxes and cabinets being turned over after the pirates broke into the door forcibly.

The closet was overturned, the coffee table was overturned, and the most common hiding places: the basement and the bottom of the bed were skillfully found and opened by the old pirates.

And the male residents who thought they would die on the spot were **** in a bunch of five flowers.

The mayor lowered his head and his hands were tied behind his back. He wanted to grasp something in vain, and finally his eyes fell on the cold figure who fell in a pool of blood.

The old tears.

But no one cares about his situation, because the pirates have already started their own "work".

Gold and jewelry are of course the first choice.

But because the pirates do not produce, food, drinks, weapons and other living and combat supplies are also important targets for their search, and even trivial items such as ropes and anchors will not be spared.

"Gold, jewelry, and Bailey are all good things." The one-eyed pirate captain's detective picked up a string of pearl necklaces at random from the spoils piled up on the beach.

Judging from his taste for the fineness of the goods over the years, the quality of these pearls worn into necklaces can only be of inferior goods.

The pearl particles did not form a large and full spherical shape, elliptical and small, and lacked luster on the whole.

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