"Dang!" The round-shaped bullet seemed to hit some hard object, making a loud sound of golden and iron strikes.

In the next instant, the air rippled, and the form of a light warship gradually emerged inside a messy harbor.

"Navy warship?"

The pirates' eyes widened, and they had never heard of such a weird way of going on stage.

The iron-hulled ship with the seagull logo escaped and appeared in front of the pirates without warning.

And the hound mark on the banner that was blown by the wind tells the true identity of the mysterious group of guests.

The dense air-breaking sounds are intertwined, and the cold glow of the sheath shines with a terrifying luster, bringing up the **** sky.

"It's an expeditionary army!!?" The blond spy in the fringe area sank his heart to the bottom. Without hesitation, he turned and jumped toward the mountains and forests where it was convenient to hide.

These guys are professional killing machines!

The captain of the pirate stepped back and turned himself into the defensive formation among his trusted followers. The look on his face was mixed with consternation and viciousness, and the next moment he took out a phone bug from his pocket to communicate with the pirate's main ship.

"Shell the hostages on the beach! Don't ask why! Let the gunners who stayed on board fire! Let them taste the power of the 55-pound gun, and blast the civilians and the navy together!"

The marines, who had already joined hands to protect the civilians behind them, looked indifferent, and were deaf to the howling of the shells.

Luo Nandi took the coat taken off by a school officer and wrapped a naked woman tightly, and he said loudly: "Xiao En!"

"Cannonball?" A navy who covered most of his face with a white veil took a gentle step forward, staring closely at the artillery fire that was about to cover this area in the distance.

"Cannonball." Luo Xindi nodded, even though the battle plan had to be adjusted due to the development of things, so that they had no time for the general ship to approach the Pirate Ship.

But what does it matter? It's nothing more than order.

"Withering!" The arms of the rusty fruit ability turned in an arc in the air, and each solid iron ball in contact with his limbs resembled a ball of snow hitting a hot iron plate, and turned into Pieces of reddish brown powder.

The Captain Pirate was dumbfounded by this incredible scene. He was taken aback for a moment and encouraged himself:

"Bring the horse here! Lao Tzu is one-eyed..."

Before this old pirate leader, who was known for his ruthless behavior, uttered his words, his only remaining one eye suddenly protruded from the eye socket and hung alone in the air.

A large amount of blood shot from the depths of the eye sockets of the captain of the pirate, dripping down his rough and greasy cheeks.

It was like a sharp knife pierced in and out of his head.

The surrounding sceneries in the empty area behind Captain Pirate blinked, overlapped and blurred like a mirage, and returned to calm.

Only a cold snort left in the strong wind.

"Your mother alone, old blind man."

299. Pain (below)

"Boat... Captain?" The old pirate, who was guarded by his cronies in the core zone, staggered two steps, and fell to the dusty beach.

These pirates were the backbone of the pirate regiment until their captain fell, and there was a dreamlike sense of unreality.

The cunning and ruthless [One-eyed Owl] died so easily? Even a ruthless word could not be released in the future, but he was pierced with a sharp sword from the back of his head and killed on the spot?!

[Who is it?] This idea grew crazily in the hearts of the pirates, and they died so simply under heavy protection, wouldn't they be more likely to be killed by that invisible navy?

They panicked and scanned the surroundings at a loss, trying to find the assassin.

And the screams of screams all around made this group of bullying and fearful guys stretch their nerves to the apex.

The killing of the expeditionary army was efficient and concise, without any "jianghu" morality, no glory or reputation.

The elites of these school leaders don't care about the huge gap between the thief and their own combat power. They rely on the six-style mobility to interweave a wide range of three-dimensional live-killing formations in the sand and mid-air.

Like grinding iron with a grinding wheel, the outermost pirates were torn to pieces of flesh and blood in an instant.

The only thing the pirates can do at this time is to step back and stick to the same ship gang to avoid being crushed by the navy's strange killing array.

However, the backbone of the pirates who were standing in the central core area of ​​the sand saw a hint of unusual meaning.

These head expedition forces, who are notorious among the pirate groups, seem to be deliberately letting them get together.

And when this group of vicious bandits gathered in a group, the navy officers in justice windbreakers stopped.

There was no more sound of sword fighting, and the entire battlefield formed a strange silence at this moment.

Only the slap of the waves and the clamor of the common people excitedly shouted and screamed one after another on the island.

In the next instant, even these voices were forcibly deprived of them. If the previous silence was naturally formed by the confrontation between the two sides, then the silence of the waves still washing the beach but not hearing the slightest sound is completely startling.

Dead still.

In this solemn atmosphere, the heartbeat of every pirate began to beat frantically unconsciously.

In the silent environment, suddenly, a blood spring rising like a fountain attracted everyone's attention.

One after another, and in a blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen headless corpses on the outermost periphery of the ring of pirates.

At this time, the only remaining Bailai Pirate finally connected this terrifying invisible murderous intent with the high-ranking officer in the Expeditionary Army who was said to be famous even in the New World.

"It's [Fraudster]!! The number one assassin of the Legion who can hide and seek with Kaido!" A pirate who even had his pants down on his knees said in a bitter voice.

The air inhaled became more and more sweet, and the reddish smell of rust-like smell permeated the beach, lingering on the top of the blades of the mad dogs of the expeditionary army.

The air seems to become more viscous, and every breath brings indescribable psychological pressure.

The invisible enemies didn't know where to watch them, but every heartbeat and breath didn't seem to come from the pirates themselves.

But at the ear.

Occasionally, there is a heat flow on the skin and hair, which makes them look back frequently.

Not knowing where the enemy is, is the most terrifying thing on the battlefield.

When the stagnant atmosphere climbed to the highest peak, the famous naval spy of the New World appeared in front of the group of pirates, ten meters away from them.

Playing with a short knife in his hand, he stared at the pirates who were besieged in the center of the battlefield to keep warm.

Obviously he is the top spy, but Lindeman voluntarily exposed his figure. Before he stepped on his right foot, his left foot and his right foot were 90° apart, and his waist sank to form a standard fencing frame.

What is even more weird is that the man with the short knife slowly retracted the knife into its sheath, making a hidden edge-style starting movement.

"He...what is he doing?"

"I don't know! But I saw a short knife in his hand. Is he planning to throw the weapon as a thrown object?"

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