When it comes to the use of electricity, one has to talk about magnetism and electromagnetism has no distinction between families.

Aini Road, which has never been considered for development in this area before, is almost like opening the door to a new world.

Thanks to the inspiration and template provided by Homitz, Leiyun Zeus, Begapunk quickly conceived a similar multifunctional power storage device.


A light electric arc exploded in the ears of all the students, and the group of electric lights condensed in the air, gradually showing Ainilu's figure. There is still electricity flowing on his body surface, the thunder-thunder fruit ability has arrived, and the sound is slowly and completely transmitted.

"...Just give it a try!"

He skillfully turned the golden stick in his hand and gently tapped the head of the stick on the surface of a metal taiko drum that was still slowly rotating behind him.

The azure blue birds made up of thunder and lightning rushed to the road and flew straight to the road, wrapped in the interweaving sound of harsh electric currents.

In an instant, an electro-optical masterpiece printed and dyed this area into a vast expanse of white space.

Who knows, the little guy wearing a straw hat doesn't evade, the huge thunderbird disappears into Luffy's body in a flash.


"What did this guy just do? There was no defense, so he blocked Ainilu's [Thunderbird] empty-handed?!!"

【How is this going? ] Ainilu's thoughts have changed sharply.

There are not a few people who can block his thunder attack.

But no one can defuse his offensive like this lightly and without doing anything.

Sakazuki can't, even Polusalino can't.

"Why do you suddenly do something?" Luffy's expression looked confused and at a loss.

As for why the massive attack just now didn't fall on him, he was actually a little dazed.

This weird and mysterious response method gradually raised the eyebrows of those with the Thunder Fruit ability. He didn't plan to use his own risk to test the opponent's ability.

The big losses I have suffered under Karp are still vivid, and there are many armed and domineering users in the navy headquarters. Who knows what this little guy is?

"It looks like another little monster is here."

Several people exchanged glances.

They can't assume that they haven't seen the scene where Anilu's attack was ineffective. It's definitely impossible to resolve it so simply when it's someone else.

[Why don't everyone try it out at the same time?] After seeing the message in Ace's eyes, Luo Xin understood.

next moment,

Luffy, who was in a panic, was caught in the air by Drake's tail abruptly behind him.

"Iron block fist!"

"Lei Metallurgical Heavy Hammer!"

"Pointing to the gun!"


Considered by everyone as a hidden master, Luffy successfully enjoyed the most enthusiastic "care" from his companions on the first day he entered the training camp.

Luffy, who was beaten into a pig's head by a series of blows, had a big bag on his head, and finally explained his relationship with Shanks.

Only after uttering his ambitions, Lu Fei was beaten up again by the trainees in the training camp.

304. All parties start a show

"So why would you rather choose to be a [good] pirate who is disgusted and misunderstood, rather than a navy that protects everyone and upholds justice?"

Ace expressed that he could not fully understand the grand dream of this rubber boy.

That can really be a clear-cut stand and a high-level judgement.

In just a few minutes, this freckled, black-haired boy with a distinct love and hatred, made Luffy, who was determined to be a good One Piece, from his former like-minded recruit into the hostile class.

It is not customary to join the team to beat Mengxin, but this Mengxin is really too bad.

Surrounded by the members of this training camp team, Luffy squatted on the spot with his head in his arms, not daring to move at all.

He only moved his lips quickly: "But when a pirate is free to take risks!"

Luffy’s thoughts were not remembered for the two just now. The super-interesting electric man, the felt boy who can exchange himself and objects in a translucent space, the living dinosaur... these interesting guys, if they are all How interesting is the partner going to sea in the future!

If the straw hat kid dared to say something like being a pirate is free, Ass had planned to use the group of freest prisoners in the world at Impelton in the deep sea prison as an example, as an excellent counter argument.

But Luffy's words reminded Ace of his grandfather Karp.

In the lieutenant group, a legendary figure who has never been counted as a regular combat force, only he knows that Karp has refused to be promoted to a general as many as three times.

In the first few years when pirates were most rampant and active, they were not restricted by their positions and positions, and they could catch those pirates floating in the sea at any time. This is the true insistence of Master Karp.

The straw hat kid who remembers whether to eat or not laughed in front of everyone: "I said, do you want to be my companion and go out to sea on adventures?"

"Then you are a senior adventurer!" Aisi was obviously more angry, and slapped on Luffy's head again: "Or learn from my grandpa to be a lieutenant admiral who can run anywhere in the navy headquarters. Not bad!"

Sakazuki nodded with satisfaction after hearing the words, this is the thinking that a normal person should have.

If you like to take risks, then you can be a veritable adventurer. It's not that there is no such special occupation!

You know, most of the travel notes and adventure notes published in this world are written and recorded by these real adventurers and explorers.

These explorers have footprints in every corner of the world. Apart from being respected and admired, they can also sell useful information on geology, sea conditions, and natural environment to major organizations and kingdoms headed by the navy in exchange for a generous reward.

Sakazuki, who has experienced the impact of the information explosion era, especially does not understand: if you want to take risks, you have no problem being a professional climber, explorer, and naturalist, but just for freedom and adventure, you choose to be a Somalia that eats by the sea. pirate?

Captain Jack doesn't have your show, alright!

The [Alpha Team] of the Boy Scouts unanimously agreed with Ace's feasible proposal to Luffy.

"That is to say! Can a pirate bring peace to the world?!"

"What? Can't, can't you still say a big head ghost!"

President Sa secretly nodded his head in satisfaction. Ruzi can teach and Ruzi can teach. Even if one of the future elites of the navy headquarters is abducted, he will be able to draw heartily.

The so-called-people as a mirror, can be three views.


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