Kage laughed meaningfully, this Dalton was indeed a wise man.

He had planned to greet the past with a cannonball. As long as Drum Island dared to make any attack posture, the fully armed Derma 66 unit could forcibly land.

But the other party actually suppressed the reckless actions of those militiamen with gestures, then he Jiazhi might as well sell this old acquaintance for a face.

The patriarch of Vinsmok couldn't help but love talents. He pointed to the smoky palace and said, "Dalton, it's not worth it to be loyal to those mediocre fools. Patience is limited, and I don't want to I was rejected again."

The threat in Gage’s words is overwhelming. It’s a good thing if Valbo is interested in acknowledging the account. But if you dare to speak out, don’t blame Gage for sending someone to feed the "white hippopotamus" in the future!

"Then... what is that!? Dalton guard captain!" A member of the Drum Kingdom guard raised his head and looked up at the smoke-filled artillery position above Vinsmok, the poor militia who had never seen the world. I was dumbfounded by the deafening shelling.

The guards of the Drum Kingdom watched in amazement at the huge barrel raised from the center of the castle of the Djerma Kingdom.

"This..." Dalton himself couldn't answer, but he was very clear about what his new king would show off when he was fine. [Royal Iron Crown Crown Seven Shots Iron Cannon] compared with the behemoth in front of him. , Not even a fart!

The previous shelling that destroyed the entire palace a few kilometers away came from the [Sa total roar I] train gun that shined on the battlefield of all nations, and its overall manufacturing and assembly were in the Kingdom of Djerma. Finish.

This kind of bulky and cumbersome, the train gun is not suitable for ordinary ships.

It is very likely that an artillery bombardment, the enemy hasn't rubbed the side, the own ship will be directly sunk by the huge reaction force.

Therefore, when the train gun was completed, the first carrier that came to mind in Sakazuki was Moria's terrifying three-masted ship that was comparable to the size of a town.

In contrast to the three-masted ships produced by Xihai, the Kingdom of Djerma is composed of dozens of territories carried on the carapace of giant sea snails.

If only the size of the island is concerned, the Kingdom of Djerma is better than the three-masted ship.

Of course, Jiazhi, who saw the heart of hunting, never let go of this heavy artillery.

Deliberately let him show his face on Magnetic Drum Island, just to frighten the idiot who doesn't know the height of Walbo!

Waalbo dare to play a big name with his own king status? The military power of the Drum Kingdom and the Deerma Kingdom are not in the same order of magnitude.

Seeing that no one has arrived, the commander-in-chief of Germa 66, who is holding a heavy detainee, just closed his eyes and waited. The purpose of Gachi's trip is also very clear. He can "convince" the Drum Kingdom no matter what means.

Not long after, the humiliated Valbo led his subordinates to Dalton's side.

Pulled out of the ruins by the two ministers, the new king of the Drum Kingdom can be described as extremely embarrassed at the moment.

Singing while eating the soup pot, I was suddenly bombarded.

Valbo maintained this kind of scolding mentality, and greeted the three generations of the Vinsmok family on the way there.

"Oh, you are still alive, Valbo kid?" Gaj said unceremoniously, relying on his separation from his father's brother and brother.

As for the shot used to demonstrate before, would it really cost this guy’s life? The Vinsmok family, who got the tacit approval of the five old stars, didn’t care at all. The big deal is that Drum Island will elect a king to negotiate with him. .

Waalbo, who was so angry that he was fat by this sentence, shook his fingers and yelled: "Do you dare to attack the Drum Kingdom? The world government prohibits private fights among the participating countries..."

Before he finished speaking, Gachi waved his hand and interrupted him, "So what? Do you dare to tear up the agreement I signed with your father first, so why can't the king make a taboo behind?"

Seeing that this idiot actually dared to slap him, Kage was too lazy to continue politely, and directly demanded in an orderly tone: "To count the cooperation agreement you tore up without authorization, add another 20 years of zero tariffs on port trade. Lease the highest priority use right."

It is clear that the original mutually beneficial and win-win agreement has risen to an unequal treaty.

This Xia Warbo was even more furious, and he had never seen the horror of the Djerma Kingdom's operations with his own eyes, making him suspect that the opponent was just a mere appearance.

Although the cannon standing in the middle of the castle was appalling, the difference between the two sides now made it useless.

"Dalton! Dalton! What are you doing there! Kill the **** for this king! I'm going to declare war on Derma 66 now."

As soon as the voice fell, two defensive walls several meters wide were lifted from the metal ground below the Djerma Castle step by step, guarding Gaj inside.

"Declare war? So what?" The 66 commander-in-chief of Germa, who has the title of "Strange Bird Garuda", showed his extremely domineering side.

With a big wave of his hand, he signaled that the cloned soldiers, who had already been ready for order, would immediately land on the territory of the Drum Kingdom.

"Bring Dalton and Valbo to see me, but if anyone else dares to resist, then kill them all!"

The clone soldiers, all over two meters tall, walked out from the iron wall below the castle one by one wearing sophisticated weapons and equipment.

"!" Rao was Dalton's good psychological quality, and his eyes widened by surprise.

[This...is this the army of clones of the Vinsmok family! 】

Although it has long been heard that the Djerma Kingdom swept the North Sea with an army composed of cloned soldiers, it is still creepy to see these burly soldiers carved out of a mold.

Especially when their enemies were these expressionless clone soldiers, panic instantly began to spread among the guards of Magnetic Drum Island responsible for defense and defense.

The flintlock rifles that have been loaded in their hands are the only source of security for these soldiers.

"Shoot! Stop them from landing!" The staff in front of the temple dressed like a clown smashed away Dalton, who was still hesitating, and commanded the troops over him.

Holding the musket that gave him a sense of security in his hand, a member of the Drum Kingdom’s **** force suppressed the suspicion and panic in his heart, and aimed his gun at the German soldier who was swimming in the armour.

After aiming for a while, he squeezed the trigger cruelly.


The recoil of the black gunpowder shook the shoulders of the members of the guards a little. With the spring mechanism, the flint collided with the flint to start a fire, igniting the gunpowder in the pot under the flint.

As soon as the sparks started, bursts of pungent and choking black smoke suddenly appeared from the barrel and the trigger.

This is the dense smoke produced by the rapid burning of gunpowder in the barrel, and the solid product potassium sulfide particles dispersed in the gas.

The clone soldier hit by a shot was staggered by the impact of the bullet, but the solid physique coupled with the outstanding body armor made the clone soldier step forward again.

Upon seeing this, the guard of Drum Island who fired the first shot hurriedly took out the charge rod and started the next round of filling.

But his hand that filled the ammunition froze in the air.

A projectile from the camp of cloned soldiers accurately hit his forehead.

The war has begun!

307. The Black Ship Comes to Sail (Part Three)

The battle between the two countries was divided at the very beginning.

Whether it is a low-level soldier or a high-level combat force, the Drum Kingdom has suffered a crushing blow.

It is not so much a war, it is better to describe it as an accurate and precise massacre to be vivid.

With the help of the barrier of the soldier's human wall, a green afterimage glided across the snow at extremely high speed, and the little ghost in a green combat suit just slammed into the garrison of Magnetic Drum Island.

Under the protection of the special shape memory armor made by Derma Technology, the swords and sticks that were smashed into the orange silk scarf and black cloak implied into the sea did not see any effect.

Instead, the cloak marked "4" flew up and down in the crowd.

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