The clone soldiers, who had no mercy, only heard the order given by their master, Vinsmok Gage, to pour the bucket into Valbo.

A big rough and powerful hand squeezed Valbo's cheek tightly, forcing him to open his closed lips and teeth.

And the other soldier dumped a bucket full of filth into his mouth just like flushing the rest of the food into a bucket of water.

But the few Prince Vinsmok who witnessed all this showed no mercy.

Not only that, a few evil boys even took out a Yinbei from their pockets, and in front of the new king of the Drum Kingdom, jumped up TortureDance that they had learned when they were trading arms with the gang in Beihai.

The eldest Iji took the lead in the spacewalk. His legs slid continuously on the snow, but he kept his body in place from beginning to end.

It exactly matches the rhythm of the melody released in the sound shell


The bright flaming red combat uniform outlines his leg muscles with powerful lines that are not exaggerated to the point of disgusting.

Iji's legs were staggered, and his upper body slightly bent arms also naturally swayed with the movements of his limbs.


As his brother danced gracefully, Vinsmok Nitch, dressed in a blue combat uniform, joined the gang that danced when they didn't agree.

At the same time, Valbo's torture is also in progress. Even with nausea and retching caused by the stench, the machines in human skin still pour in "foodstuffs" to help those with the ability to swallow fruits.

The youngest bravery in the family also shook his green cloak and joined the dance team, seeming to want to show Valbo the dexterity and arrogance of the three of their brothers.


Originally thought that [Feed shit] was just a joke and ruthless remarks by Vinsmok Gage, but Walbo forgot that the Kingdom of Germa was an out-and-out evil force before it was repaired by Sakazuki.

Dirty tasks such as torturing prisoners and interrogating confessions are simply caught by hand.

"Are you willing to discuss business with me now? Your Majesty Valbo?" Gage stood aside and watched the appearance of his sons from afar, as if he had inadvertently remembered the existence of such a person as Valbo.

The villains of the Vinsmok family have used their actual actions today to teach those with the fruit-swallowing ability a deep and thorough truth-never challenge the dark clubs who like awkward dances!

The wicked still need to be grinded by the wicked. Valbo, who likes to make up laws and tear up treaties according to his own mind, is completely shattered by the thunderous means of the war house.

Waalbo's mouth was sprayed with dark brown indescribable things, proving to everyone that he was a timid and humble boy, and he had dared to eat Dalian **** since he was a child, and signing several agreements is nothing to say.

"I sign!!! I sign everything, don't let them feed! Please!"

Immediately, the Vinsmok family, who had been prepared for a long time, offered a large stack of treaties, letting Valpo put blood and handprints on them one by one.

Jiazhi glanced at Dalton, who looked languid, and was dragged to his side like a dead cow after being taken in by Hailou Shiyin.

The patriarch of the Vinsmok family reiterated hypocritically: "I didn't force you to say it out loud if you don't want to!"

", no," Waalbo, who was half-kneeling on the snow and constantly vomiting a foul-smelling paste, waved his hands and patted his chest with both hands, "I volunteered! I volunteered. of!"

Hearing that, Kage smiled deeper and turned his head to the kingdom's chief guard: "Dalton, I don't think you would mind your little master staying in my house for a while, right?"

The powerful person stared at Kashi with some anxiety. He really didn't want to see his homeland fall like this: "Are you planning to annex the Kingdom of Drums?!"

Gage scanned the burly man lying in the snow, and slowly calmed down the honourable minister with a reputation on Magnetic Drum Island: "The whole kingdom of Djerma wanders on the sea. Take the Drum Kingdom as an island country. What's the advantage? On the contrary, it adds constraints."

He walked around the puddle of dirt on the snow and walked behind Valpo, smiled and patted the white hippo on the head: "An Xin, the king will not kill the king. This is the king's promise. I just want to put him under house arrest. Changed his bad temper for a while."

"..." The matter was over, Dalton had no choice but to admit it.

For Valbo's end, he also has a hint of pleasure in his heart. If it weren't for this scam, the Kingdom of Djerma would have become the closest partner to the Kingdom of Drum!

The survival of the kingdom has absolutely no equivalent value compared to the personal safety of the selfish idiot, Walbo.

And Iji, who had just finished the gang sway, suddenly remembered something and ran to the coast.

"Wait! Brother what are you doing?" The other two young boys who were confused by their brother's convulsions looked at each other.

"Father King threw a head into the sea just now, I have to pick it up and give it to Uncle Navy!" Vinsmok Izhi took three steps and two steps, and he was about to leap into the sea.

Needless to say, Kage knew who the "uncle navy" he referred to as his eldest son was.

He could not laugh or cry and hurriedly stopped and said: "Come back! Do you really believe in his dark nursery rhyme [Buying a Ming brother's head in winter, and growing a bunch of flamingos in a flowerpot in spring]!!?"

Although the king of Derma spit and splashed, his eyes deepened with a smile: "Also, he is busy now!"


As Kaji said, Sakazuki is currently busy running out of tasks.

Since guarding the navy headquarters for a long time, he hasn't experienced the pleasure of receiving a mission for a long time!

In the windless zone where sailing warships could not be driven at all, a new type of steamship painted with black anti-corrosion materials broke the sky that was previously inaccessible to the navy.

In addition to the influencing factor of wind, the windless zone is regarded by all navigators as another reason why it is a forbidden place for navigation-here it is called the nest of sea kings.

The existence of many giant sea kings makes almost everyone stay away.

But this harsh environment has undoubtedly become the natural barrier and defense zone of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, which was established on this island as its capital.

"Master Snake Ji, we found a suspicious ship approaching the island." A sturdy woman wearing animal skin culottes hurried to a high **** in the Amazon.

Obviously, she rushed uphill from the coast of the island border without taking a violent breath, proving that she has a good physique that most ordinary men do not possess. And such powerful female warriors are everywhere on this island.

What replied to her was a cold face and a short cold snort.


The new captain of the Nine Snakes and Pirates is tall and tall

, A brocade robe with strong characteristics of the Nine Snake culture sets off his slender figure more and more concavities and convexities.

Hancock's plump chest seemed to try his best to break free from the shackles of his clothes, exposing a large swath of spring light.

Her exquisite face is like a **** sculpted with a scalpel himself, making people unable to spot any flaws.

It’s no wonder that as soon as her photos were on the wanted list, they were looted like celebrity posters.

The Navy was forced to print several editions, but even so, one of her wanted orders could be sold at a high price on the black market and major auction houses.

As for where these wanted warrants were used, the men who were asked often showed a knowing smile of "you know".

The Pirate Empress, Boya Hancock.

Only on the stage of Shanghai Pirates, she was recognized by the world as the best beauty in the world.

The men and women who want to sleep can circle the entire territory of the Great Airway three times if they are connected.

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