"It's done!" An officer in a wet navy coat rushed out of the cabin of the Pirate Ship.

"!?" Seeing the navy rushing out of the cabin, even if the pirate's first officer reacted slowly, he would understand that this cargo must have gone to the ship to make trouble!

As the second in command on the ship, he naturally knows how important things are in the cabin! They have been recording the logbook since the beginning of the voyage, the control room of the rudder, and the armory where ammunition and supplies are stored.

Now he panicked, trying to get rid of the entanglement of the squinted **** Navy in front of him.

Lindemann simply let the pirates go with one blow, and he didn't entangle too much. Taking advantage of the messed up pirate rushed into the cabin to check the damage, his feet turned into afterimages "Shave!"

Lindeman, remembering the requirements of the major general, jumped up high and pulled his knife to the sail.

"Slid away, and if you win, you will run." Seeing that the goal was achieved, the colonel smiled and greeted the subordinates to retreat. Even if [Lei Qing] led the people back, the ship would not be able to move.

The navy quickly put down several life-saving boats equipped on the ship, and rowed to the water inlet where the communication tools and weapons had been stored.

Not halfway there, I only heard a bleak howl from the Pirate Ship. Lindeman couldn't help turning his head and looked at the lieutenant colonel who had entered the cabin and made trouble earlier: "By the way, what did you guys do inside? That scream is like we killed his wife..."

"According to your request, we destroyed the rudder control lever. We also ran to the pirates' armory to spill all their powder kegs, because we were still on the ship, so we didn't ignite them." The lieutenant colonel replied fairly well. , He thought about it again and added, "Oh, I also tore up a photo album."

"..." The expressions of the navy of a ship are a bit stiff, how much hatred is this?

Osa grinned reluctantly, "I suggest we paddle faster, I always think that pirate will explode on the spot..."

"By the way, what are you doing to tear up the photo album?" Lindeman asked dumbfoundedly.

"Huh, justice won't tolerate that kind of evil way, it's all poor breasts!" The lieutenant colonel's expression was sacred and salty and wet.

"..." Lindemann almost staggered off the boat, no longer talked about it, just kept moving with the marines, paddling the oars frantically.


"..." Sakazuki was a little confused, he called, but Lindemann didn't answer the phone.

He didn't believe that the ghost spider would be completely wiped out by the pirates, but not answering the phone obviously meant that the battle was in a state of anxiety. The Lieutenant General rose from the ground and sprinted on the top of the house and on the eaves. He was a little annoyed that he had walked too hastily before, only remembering that the main force of the pirates was stationed in the No.19 mangrove.

Although temporarily suppressing the eight-armed general in front of him, [Lei Qing] knew that the situation was not optimistic and couldn't take any action, and his subordinates were being held in by these weird and unprecedented battle formations.

"Buru!" The phone worm's call rang from the pocket of Captain Pirate's coat. While expanding the range of the electric shock, Marku Guy used his left hand to take out the phone worm from his pocket. The first officer will not call him for no reason, there must be an emergency.

"Captain!! The navy raided our ship! The little ones are all dead! Ask for reinforcements!"


"Oh, it seems that Lindemann did a good job there!" The ghost spider smiled, speeding up and slashing at [Lei Qing] "Now... Distracted?"

"Damn!" The captain of the pirate backhand forced the ghost spider back for a few steps, blood pouring from his chest, and he looked around at the few pirate cadres who were still struggling to support, "Let's go!!"

He first approached to the left to try to rescue the second officer who was scarred by the navy siege, but the major general who had been suppressed had reached the purpose of delaying here. The ghost spider ignored the power grid swayed by the opponent in front of him, used an iron block to make a cut, grasped Lei Qing's knife-holding wrist, and flew with a knife.

"!" Unexpectedly, the opponent would prefer to take a hard blow to his own life, and the pirate captain lifted a foot on the navy body to avoid the fatal blow with the help of reaction force.

Uncharacteristically, the ghost spider did not pursue it. He stared at the rear of [Lei Qing] with a guilty and low expression.

Before Marku Guy turned his head, an astonishing heat wave surged from behind. From the second officer's perspective, he could clearly see that his captain was swallowed by the head of a huge hound whose dark red lava was surging on the surface.

"Captain!" The distracted second mate was pierced into the body by several stabs at the same time, forming a blood gourd.

The hurried Sakazuki first saw dozens of marine soldiers lying in a pool of blood, and of course more of them were the corpses of pirates.

"Let the medical soldiers come here, there are still many soldiers still alive!" Sakazuki turned his head and gave instructions to the distressed major general with a gray and black face.

There is no pirate who can still stand in the battle circle. Sakazuki watched the soldiers who slowly eased the battle formation and added: "Those fallen pirates were stabbed at important organs a few times. "

The soldiers left a few unharmed sergeants to make up the knife. The wounded comrades supported each other and walked to the medical team to receive bandaging and treatment according to the serious situation.

"? Lindeman isn't with you?" Sakazuki only noticed that he didn't see the ghost spider's henchmen.

"The subordinates arranged for him to attack the pirates who are coating the thief ship. It has succeeded." General Ghost Spider put the knife in the sheath and explained to the superior.

The Lieutenant General knew how many catties his subordinates had, and he couldn't help but said with concern: "Why are you so embarrassed? That pirate should not be able to beat you?"

"... His moves were accompanied by electric shocks, which gave me some restraint, plus I was delaying time on Lindeman's side." The ghost spider reached out to take a bottle of alcohol, and squatted down to wipe the injured garrison colonel. Wound.

The wounded colonel, who was squatting on the ground, had a ghostly expression on his face. He stammered and pleaded: "Major General, this time it is indeed my organization that caused heavy casualties, but I shed blood for the army. I have served the navy... please don't kill me!"

"...This is alcohol!" The ghost spider's voice was squeezed out between his teeth, and now he really wanted to kill someone.

Using good eyesight to carefully identify the name on the bottle, the colonel was relieved to see that alcohol was written on it. Mom Dan thought he was going to be poisoned to death by Major General Ghost Spider. . .

The lieutenant's face trembled, and he suppressed a smile and asked the ghost spider, "I saw the use of battle formation, what is the actual effect?"

The major general dipped the cotton swab into the alcohol and waited for the cotton ball to absorb enough alcohol: "Lieutenant General Sakazuki, I placed a videophone bug on the top of the bell tower."

"This is a good way." Sakazuki nodded approvingly, but the ghost spider, who disdains to take credit for his subordinates, corrected it and said: "This is what Lindemann came up with."

Thinking of his careful abdomen, Ghost Spider's complexion eased a lot. But it is obvious that everyone is the same big Zuo, how can this guy feel such a big gap under his nose!

The major general's expression went gloomy again, and he took the cotton swab and wiped it at the wound. . .


Author's message:

ps: In the past few days, some book friends said that the last few chapters are a bit boring, saying that they are not interested in these little-known little people. Thank you very much for your comments and suggestions. I must admit that these chapters are a bit boring and lack a sense of substitution.

But I didn't create any superfluous character images. These chapters can be regarded as a transitional chapter and a necessary process for the development of the plot. On the one hand, I hope to reflect the influence and radiation of this new red dog's change on the surroundings through the changes of some small characters and the details of the characters in the plot.

On the other hand, in addition to the new exploration of the style of writing, the chapters of Geometry Mouse can be regarded as introducing three plot characters and locations. The importance of Begapunk to the navy is self-evident. From the image of others as the foundation, the appearance of these people will not appear abrupt in the future.

62. Language is an Art (Part 1)

After the ambush, the naval soldiers received the treatment of a victor, recuperating, vacationing, beer, and barbecue. For the generals, you need to know how to make the soldiers dress up properly and relax. But from lieutenants to generals, these uncles of military officers collectively nestled in the military intelligence room to watch the video of the audience. Don't have to take a vacation, many military officers were directly criticized by Sakazuki and scolded them so badly.

It was planned by Sakazuki to ask the officer class to conduct post-war discussions. Sakazuki adjusted the template of the previous life according to the military background of this world, and moved it to the army under his command.

It is the most important thing to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of the entire operation and the adjustment plan after a war. Among the generals in the navy headquarters, only a few people such as Jonathan and Stoloberg have developed this habit.

The experienced lieutenant general hopes that the military quality of the overall officer corps of the troops he leads can reach a certain level, and gradually from low-level officers to high-level generals can accurately understand orders, efficiently arrange battles, and absolutely execute orders.

From the perspective of Sakazuki, which has a good strategic view, this is like a chess replay, which is a process of slow accumulation.

Replaying is not just about placing the pieces, but carefully analyzing your own layout, focusing on thinking and calculation methods, finding regular problems, and not only constraining on the merits of each move or technical gains and losses.

This is especially true in war. Restoring the battlefield on the battlefield is by no means as simple as a single simulated battlefield situation. Was the deployment of various units reasonable before the war? The overall performance of one's own side during the battle, the teamwork during the continuous fierce battle, etc. are still the most basic points of reflection.

Sakazuki frowned and pressed the pause button on the remote control with his thumb. "What's the structure of this line of defense?" He turned his head and looked at the colonel who was named to stand up and maintain his military posture.

"Report! The subordinates plan to use pocket formation to kill the pirates!"

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