From the admirals to the cadres of the Pirates of the Hydra group, they were a little stunned. They didn't understand at all why the Pirate Empress, who was given the title of Qi Wuhai under the King, turned her face on the commander of the expeditionary army.

But the crowd at the scene understood that the twists and turns in this past incident were only five fingers.

"Sister?" The remaining two of the Boya sisters exclaimed in horror, and the red dog was motionless. As the top attack power in the natural system-the terrifying short-term explosive power of the rock berry, they did not see the end. What happened, his sister turned into an afterimage and was knocked out.

"Hankook!?" Guro Liosa even secretly complained, thinking that the smooth signing of documents would have such a dramatic turn.

Raleigh once mentioned to her that three little girls were being double-teamed at the scene where he confronted Sakazuki, and perhaps she was shocked and stimulated.

The moment [Aka Dog] asked, Hancock was completely panicked.

Guroliosa expressed his understanding of the panic that an outsider was about to unearth the biggest secret at the bottom of his heart and immediately make it public.

When your head is hot in panic, everyone will subconsciously react with stress to protect themselves.

However, this stupid girl chose the most reckless and dull way to stop the words that Sakazuki was about to blurt out.

Seeing Sakazuki shot violently, she was really scared.

He was afraid that Hancock would be killed directly by the red dog who could catch and fight against the Four Emperors.

Fearing that the red dog catches Hancock's panic and strange behavior, it further confirms that the three of them were once escaped slaves from the dragons-making the Pirate Empress discredited all over the world.

"Stop it!" The old emperor shouted hoarsely, waving his hand to stop the bows aimed at the navy in the direction of the navy.

This old woman who has dedicated her life to the country even stood in the central area where the two sides were about to open the film with a personal risk.

But Sakazuki has already melted the soil and sneaked into the ground.

Even if relying on armed and domineering to resist the red dog's heavy punch, Boya Hancock is not comfortable.

The heavy magma punch is not fancy at all, fast, accurate, and ruthless, but it is stronger than most of Hancock's moves.

This old punch that came to her face caused her to be knocked out nearly ten meters away.

The congenital differences in the physiology and the secretion of hormones make women weaker in their ability to compete with men. Boya Hancock also ran into the Sakazuki, which focuses on body-building, which is an expensive brother.

The original brand-new red shoes were stained with a lot of mud due to the close contact with the dust, but the Pirate Empress was a little grateful that she did not choose to wear a pair of high heels today—even if the slender high heels are strengthened by the domineering armed color. Can not withstand the destruction of such a huge force.

Until her smooth insteps were deep in the mud, Hancock's whole talent was able to stop the retreat.

But without waiting for the empress to breathe, her domineering look and hearing automatically gave a warning——

A strong sense of crisis emerged spontaneously from the bottom of his heart, Hancock's slender and white legs were slightly bent, and he suddenly used force to lift from the ground into the air.

The magma pillars that broke out of the ground immediately followed her and brushed past the Pirate Empress almost against the soles of her shoes.

She gracefully turned 180° in the air, and steadily jumped to a sturdy tree trunk not far away. Hancock glanced very shortly with fear even at the arm that was somewhat scorched even under the protection of the armored domineering hardening. What's more troublesome is the high heat attached to the magma itself and the adhesion that is difficult to get rid of.

She was frightened by the destructive ability that Akadog inadvertently showed, and a casual blow made her almost impossible to fight.

[Is this the real strength of the general? 】

As everyone knows, Sakazuki, which has not launched a fierce offensive again, is also in entanglement.

He guessed that Hancock was acting to cover up his past impatience, but as the saying goes, people do not offend me, I do not offend people, Sakazuki was originally not a good-tempered bodhisattva.

Regarding the issue of assaulting the police, if Hancock can't tell you that he is ugly, Mr. Sa doesn't mind violently destroying the flowers in order to follow suit.

But the problem now was that he had to catch her first and then to torture her.

So. . . Who can tell this general what strength it is to beat people without killing them! ! !

Even Shiping in the original book, as the best in Qiwuhai, couldn't bear the continuous ordinary boxing of Akagi.

Since being hammered by the white beard once, the more and more refined Sakazuki estimates that his strength is far beyond the original Akadog.

Brother Ming was beaten by the three groups of people, and the aunt was also killed, but he really didn't know how he would fight against the gang of Qiwuhai level pirates.

Moria was well-behaved like a 300-jin child, Tiger stayed at home, Klockdalmingzhe kept his life, and acted as a national hero as his own gold medal for avoiding beating.

Sakazuki recalled carefully, and found that he hadn't played a few in Nanbu Kaili.

President Sa expressed his regret about this!

As for the first batch of heroic seamen who joined the navy, Mr. Sa only knew that Jin Ping often wore Jin Ping to drink in the headquarters.

Without fighting, all beings have been equal for a few times under the water of life.

His Sakazuki can kill people, but he can't beat people.

[Then take out 80% of the strength in the fight against Charlotte Lingling that shrew. Sakazuki thought about it, and put the solid-skinned [Molten Flame Source Armor] on the body surface under the blessing of armed color.

Then a scent of scent hits from top to bottom, and Hancock's foot wrapped in the armed domineering slams on the left shoulder of Sakazuki, making a gesture of intending to divide his whole person in two.

[Little old girl, what's the matter with you? 】

For the first time, there was a hint of interest in the eyes of Sakazuki. He covered his whole body with armed domineering, which naturally caused some local defenses to decline.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Hancock can break through the position of the shoulder armor with a high cheating.

What is strange is that the originally dark red lava leaf turned into a large grayish-white color at the impact of Nahancock's heel.

Mr. Sa whispered in his heart, this basically changes the original material of the object, right? Obsidian becomes more fragile limestone? Although it is unscientific, it is fully in line with the commonality of the superhuman devil fruit that can change itself and affect the surrounding environment.

"Petrochemical?" Seeing a hint of pride at the corner of Hancock's mouth, Sakazuki glanced at his left shoulder indifferently. In the next second, these gray cracked rocks turned into lava again.

Under Hancock’s surprised gaze, Sakazuki moved his stiff shoulders a bit, and said with a mockery: "What? Have you never studied the assimilation and contaminant effect of magma?"

Since magma is essentially a high-heat lava fluid, it can easily melt or dissolve the rocky mountains in contact with it, as well as the surrounding rock masses captured, so as to make it completely homogeneous with the magma.

Regardless of the petrochemical phenomenon, as long as it is rocks, soil layers or even sand, magma dare to swallow and fuse for you!

With a lightning strike, he grasped Hancock's ankle which was still in the future, and directly ignored her exposed skin that was as smooth as suet. He pulled the opponent from the ground with his round arms, and slammed into the dirt on the other end. middle.

The tall young woman was slammed into the ground severely, and her body was swung by a huge force, causing her body and Mother Earth to give a long-lost hug.

The reaction force from the ground returning to the upper body penetrated straight through the body of the Pirate Empress, gathering towards the limbs without dead ends.

Hancock felt that he was on the verge of falling apart, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth. The internal organs that were difficult to exercise were shocked by this hit!

Sakazuki does not wait for the opponent to get up, and can easily use the terrifying explosive force of magma pressurized in the body to catch up. The reddish elemental footplate directly slaps the Pirate Empress who is about to support herself with her arms. Keep your feet on.

"Give you thirty seconds to clarify why you attacked the general."

The magma's domineering burning instantly destroyed part of the clothes on Hancock's back trampled area, and his armed and domineering personal protection gradually began to be stretched.

Before crossing this world, the traveler had put his soles in the shoe size mark of Dayao for comparison. Compared with the feet of the little giant, he was a younger brother.

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