This young man who likes to collect fine wines pushed the bottle of high-purity spirits diluted several times to Robin’s eyes along the ship’s rail, and motioned to him to pour himself: "Man is a very bad creature, and you, just When the traitors were executed, they scared them a little, and they were compiled into horrible nursery rhymes by those little ghosts. How did it feel?"

Robin didn't say anything, but silently poured a small glass of strong alcohol into his stomach.

Even in O'Hara, the temple of knowledge once known as the tree of omniscience, she is still disgusted by some of the unlearned islanders and most of the children there.

And the reason is simply because she is different from them.

I was disgusted because of the difference, and among the children who were besieging her, in addition to a small part of them who really disliked her, most of them blindly followed suit.

Don't ask for proof, don't ask for cause and effect.

Just to keep up with everyone's pace, I deliberately suppressed another person.

He also imposes verbal and physical violence on the victim, regardless of whether he will harm the other party by doing so.

"Monster", as the residents on that omniscience island called her back then.

Obviously knowledgeable scholars are in the library not far away, but these petty citizens are too lazy to learn about Devil Fruit.

Even when the shelling landed, a small group of people refused to board her on the refuge ship.

On that island called hometown, only scholars love her and care about her sincerely.

Why does she consider Marin Vando her home? Why hasn't she contacted and searched for the original inhabitants who were rescued by the refuge ship for ten years after O'Hara was destroyed?

Because there is no longer anything worthy of nostalgia, the memories left there are just full of bullying, mocking and endless tears.

The children who hit her before are all grown up, right?

Parents who used to take their children to avoid her and take a detour in the past have begun to gradually get blessed through middle age, right?

But all this has long been irresistible.

In Malin Vandor, she was dubbed the "little princess" by the philanthropist, and she did not feel proud and praiseworthy—because after experiencing a lot of obstacles and setbacks in her childhood, she has long been insulted.

Robin glanced at Lu Qi, shrugged jokingly and tried to drive him away: "Yes, people are very bad creatures, you can get the fish and go back to the forest."

But Lucky didn’t intend to let her go. He took the bottle from Robin and added to his glass: “Most of the islanders are stubborn and conservative empiricists, and they explain new things and scientifically. There is instinctive resistance, and incidentally, he firmly believes that children will never do bad things."

"Listening to their chats is always lacking in nutrition, and the content is full of ridicules about each other, regardless of whether the other party is willing or not." With that, Lu Qi seemed to mean something: "And when they started formal work, they showed impatience. And the lack of logic is surprising."

Without waiting for Robin to refute, he asked and replied again: "Do you know who is most eager to be a world government official? Noble? Sea soldier? No, according to the many years I have been in the world government, I want to squeeze my scalp. It was the petty citizens who went in.

Do you think that most people enter the system to make a difference to the world and society? Is it to contribute to the hometown? "

Lu Qi said a few more words, because he was in the world government these years, even as a cold-blooded assassin on the sidelines, he couldn't help feeling shocking:

"Wrong, they just want to go in and enjoy the benefits of the master official. From then on, they have changed into eating and waiting to die, and let others raise them like a shrine.

These officials and civilians believe that the two main elements of social survival are bribery and the relationship.

The distrust of subordinates and the flattery of superiors are in sharp contrast, making people suspect that there are two people in front of you.

They are a gang of moths entrenched in the middle and grassroots, making it impossible for a small number of officials who really want to do practical things and ambitious and aspiring to do it-because this small group of people will become the object of their contempt and exclusion in the new group. "

Robin was silent. She knew that what Lu Qi said was the truth, and that this kind of personal experience, if necessary, could provide a lot of evidence to prove that what he said was true.

The decay of the world government is not only the world's nobles and high-level officials. There are also a large number of middle-level and basic-level officials who have damaged this huge tree and are difficult to detect and report.

Corruption is exploited layer by layer, and various departments will buckle each other in case of trouble, and administrative efficiency is extremely low.

But after talking so much, until now, she still didn't understand what Lu Qi kept going around trying to say to her.

Seeing the girl's confused eyes, Lu Qi sneered bloodthirstly: "You are so good to these civilians, so good that some people think that this is what the navy owes them, and wait for a few hostages to die in the hands of the pirates. They will shut up again."

seem. . . Angry?

The girl glanced at each other suspiciously. Did she provoke this guy today?

"What you just said, I admit that they are all right. But I don't want the hostages to die. It's a situation that I can't do it. But if it is just because of complaints and misunderstandings, I deliberately let the hostages die?"

Robin shook his head slightly. She would never agree with this: "This is not what a soldier should do. The biggest difference between us and the pirate lies in this."

She stretched out her finger and poked the big cat who seemed to be comforting herself in disguise, and wanted to use this slapstick to inform this awkward cat who speaks upright—I'm fine.

The girl is not a fool, she knows that Lu Qi wants to tell herself through a series of lists of civilians that it is not worth anger.

She also asked Sakazuki, the toughest and most ruthless general in the navy headquarters, what would he most want to be if he is not a soldier?

Thousands of answers flashed in Robin's mind at that time. Chef? Official? Teacher? Kindergarten principal?

But the answer to Sakazuki is-people, a good person.

Because according to what he said, in this world where the whole world is so muddled and difficult to be separated, it is easy to be a wicked person in various places, but there are too many setbacks and perseverances in wanting to be a good person.

It is the most difficult thing to keep in mind, so he wants to be a good person.

This girl, who was called by the little ghosts as "Son of the Devil", said with a chuckle, "I want the world to know that when the world government officials are mentioned, they are corrupt officials and naval traitors like Gaspardi. There are also some good officials and good soldiers who have silently stood by their positions of justice and conscience."

[Even if it is confused by most people and misunderstood for life?] Lu Qi frowned but did not retort.

He may not agree with the ambitions of his companions, but he will not deliberately slander.

Gabriel Nahuo is the first to pick up girls, and he has never intervened because he was not pleasing to the eye.

Robin lowered his head, swaying the transparent color of the wine in the glass. The colorless is most likely to be contaminated by other colors, and finally loses its original essence.

However, she didn't want to!

She stared in the direction of the island, and hummed softly the inappropriate rumors that the little kids had written for her. Robin turned her head, and the alcohol stirred her cheeks, making her charming and delicate face even more rosy.

"Hey, Lu Qi. I don't want to be the same kind of **** in your mouth... You think I'm stupid or stupid, but I don't want to be the majority of such people." She stared at the sea in a low voice. Whispered.

"Stupid? You haven't learned one of the six types of "shave" in the small garden for so long. Of course you are stupid." Lu Qi seemed to recall something, and opened his mouth to taunt.

The young man in a suit and leather shoes drank the wine in the glass in one sip, and put the empty glass beside the girl: "But because of this, who would dare to say that you are stupid..."

He got up and left with the empty wine bottle, leaving only a few words in the breezing sea breeze that was not a gentle word.

"Kill who."

317. Don't come over! (superior)

Sakazuki, which returned to the navy headquarters, naturally didn't know that his adopted daughter, the Success Son Chengfu, carried forward the name of the expeditionary demon.

Not to mention that a certain big cat had already jumped around on the edge of being beaten.

Arranged for ghost spiders to send Hancock to the inpatient department of the hospital to recover the last batch of petrochemical patients, Sakazuki walked to the training camp contentedly.

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